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ARK: Survival Evolved

Ark Ascended Crashing

How To Prevent Ark Survival Evolved Crashing

Michael James

With Ark Survival Ascended released, players have quickly decided to jump into the game and enjoy the new experience, but ...

Clouds in Ark Survival AscendedClouds in Ark Survival Ascended

How To Turn Off Clouds in Ark Survival Ascended

Michael James

The Unreal Engine 5 has given players a whole new experience but not all of these are enjoyed by players ...

Wild creature babies in Ark ascendedWild creature babies in Ark ascended

How To Find & Tame Wild Babies in ARK Survival Ascended

Michael James

Ark Survival Ascended has introduced many changes and they have even added Wild Babies, so you will see tiny little ...

A creature in Ark Survival AscendedA creature in Ark Survival Ascended

Ark Survival Ascended System Requirements (Minimum & Recommended)

Michael James

Ark Survival Evolved has gotten an upgrade and now we have Ark Survival Ascended, which is pretty much an overhaul ...

Graphics difference between Ark Ascended & Ark Survival EveolvedGraphics difference between Ark Ascended & Ark Survival Eveolved

Best PC Graphics Settings for ARK Survival Ascended

Michael James

With the Unreal 5 Engine now in use, Ark Survival Ascended has gotten some huge graphics changes and these often ...

Ark: Ascended creatureArk: Ascended creature

How To Join Cross Platform Servers on Ark Survival Ascended

Michael James

With Ark Ascended released, people are beginning to get into the game when it comes to PC but those who ...

Taming a creature in ark ascendedTaming a creature in ark ascended

Ark: Survival Ascended on Xbox Releases on November 14, 2023

Michael James

Ark Ascended has been released for PC and players can get the game on Steam as well as from other ...

Ark Ascended Difficulty SettingsArk Ascended Difficulty Settings

Ark Survival Ascended Difficulty Settings Guide

Michael James

Ark Survival Ascended allows you to make your server and this goes for both Single Player and Multiplayer games. You ...

ARK RhyniognathaARK Rhyniognatha

ARK Rhyniognatha (Taming, Controls, Location, Abilities & Uses)

Michael James

Make way for one of the most terrifying sky predators that were introduced to the game, the Rhyniognatha. This large ...

ARK Love Evolved 2024ARK Love Evolved 2024

ARK Valentines Event 2024 (Start Time, Event Skins, Items, Creatures & Colors)

Michael James

While some players may have been expecting another Love Evolved Event to come in 2024, things will be different this ...

ARK Finding Lost DinoARK Finding Lost Dino

How To Find Lost Dinos in Ark

Michael James

The maps in Ark Survival Evolved can be quite big and sometimes it is easy to lose track of where ...

Shoulder Pet ARKShoulder Pet ARK

ARK How To Drop Shoulder Pet

Michael James

Ark Survival Evolved has a lot of features, some include ones that involve the smaller creatures that can be tamed ...

ARK RaptorClausARK RaptorClaus

ARK Raptor Claus (Uses & Spawn Command)

Michael James

Sometimes Studio Wildcard comes up with the funniest ways to celebrate different seasons and the Christmas event is no different. ...

ARK GachaclausARK Gachaclaus

ARK GachaClaus (Taming, Uses, Crystals & Spawn Location)

Michael James

Ark Survival Evolved has its way of celebrating Christmas and introduces a few things every year to celebrate it. One ...

ARK Winter Wonderland 2022ARK Winter Wonderland 2022

ARK Christmas Event 2022 (Winter Wonderland 7)

Michael James

In order to celebrate this year’s Christmas along with the users, ARK Survival Evolved has released a winter-themed holiday in-game ...

ARK Super TurkeyARK Super Turkey

How To Kill Super Turkey in ARK

Michael James

Studio Wildcard is at it again with a returning event known as Ark: Turkey Trial, which introduces Super Turkey into ...

ARK Turkey Trial 6ARK Turkey Trial 6

ARK Turkey Trial 6 (2022) Event Colors

Michael James

Studio Wildcard who is the developer of the most fascinating Dino survival game “ARK: Survival Evolved” has released yet another ...

ARK Turkey Trial 6ARK Turkey Trial 6

ARK Ascended Turkey Trial 2023 (Skins, Chibis, Emotes & Colors)

Michael James

In order to celebrate this year’s Thanksgiving day along with the users, ARK Survival Evolved has released a Thanksgiving in-game ...

Hatch Eggs ARKHatch Eggs ARK

How to Hatch Eggs in Ark

Michael James

Ark Survival Evolved has a breeding system in the game which allows you to get eggs, which can later be ...

ARK CarcharodontosaurusARK Carcharodontosaurus

Ark Carcharodontosaurus (Taming, Location, Controls, Abilities, Uses)

Michael James

If you thought the Giganotosaurus was the only larger threat to most creatures in Ark, make way for the Carcharodontosaurus. ...


ARK Dye (Making, Using It & All Colors)

Michael James

Ark Survival Evolved has a lot of things for players to do and for those who want to add a ...

ARK LeechARK Leech

How To Remove Leech in ARK

Michael James

Leeches can be some of the nastiest things in Ark Survival Evolved, which can cause a lot of problems later ...

How to Craft in ARK (Crafting Areas & Inventory)

Michael James

Crafting is a huge part of Ark Survival Evolved and if you want to survive and progress in the game, ...

Kibble Inventory in ARKKibble Inventory in ARK

How to Make Kibble in ARK

Michael James

Taming in Ark Survival Evolved is very important and it plays a key to better progression in the game as ...

Jerky Inventory in ARKJerky Inventory in ARK

How to Make Jerky in ARK

Michael James

There are quite a few different kinds of food you can make in Ark Survival Evolved and one of them ...

ARK CookingARK Cooking

How to Cook in ARK (Cooking Stations & Rockwell Recipes)

Michael James

Ark Survival Evolved has many of the survival elements that you could expect in a survival game and to keep ...

How To Make Basic Kibble in ARK

Michael James

Sometimes you may be trying to tame one of the weaker creatures in Ark Survival Evolved but may end up ...

How To Make Exceptional Kibble in ARK

Michael James

The larger creatures in Ark Survival Evolved can take up a lot of time when you decide to tame ones ...

How To Make Extraordinary Kibble in ARK

Michael James

Aside from the stronger creatures in the game, some stand out amongst them all, providing you with several benefits once ...

How to Make Regular Kibble in ARK

Michael James

Progression in Ark depends greatly on the tames that you have and to get the best, it would be wise ...

How To Make Simple Kibble in ARK

Michael James

As you progress in Ark Survival Evolved, you may find yourself needing to tame some of the more utility-based creatures. ...

How To Make Superior Kibble in ARK

Michael James

What sets the weaker and stronger creatures aside is their ability to perform very well in several situations and this ...

How To Make Battle Tartare in ARK

Michael James

Sometimes the fighting will get rough and when you decide to go full-on melee mode and rush into battle, the ...

How To Make Broth of Enlightenment

Michael James

Broth of Enlightenment is one of the consumables in Ark Survival Evolved that is a bit harder to make than ...

How To Make Cactus Broth in ARK

Michael James

Survival in the desert and other hot areas can be hard at the time, which is why it’s only good ...

How To Make Energy Brew in ARK

Michael James

Running out of stamina in certain moments can be one of the worst things that can happen to you in ...

How To Make Medical Brew in ARK

Michael James

Keeping your health up is one of the most important things in Ark as it would be best if you ...

How To Make Mushroom Brew in ARK

Michael James

Radiation can be deadly to both humans and tamed creatures but humans can make a Hazard Suit Armor, leaving tamed ...

How To Make Shadow Steak Saute in ARK

Michael James

When it comes to using ranged weapons and surviving in caves and other harsh environments, the Shadow Steak Saute can ...

How To Make Calien Soup in ARK

Michael James

The heat in Ark Survival Evolved can be very deadly at certain times and this can lead to your character ...

How To Make Enduro Stew in ARK

Michael James

Every bit of survivability can be a big help when you are out in the open adventuring or fighting tough ...

How To Make Focal Chili in ARK

Michael James

Sometimes you may find yourself running around your base, taking care of certain tasks, dashing through caves, or needing to ...

How to Make Fria Curry in ARK

Michael James

There are sometimes cold places while others are deadly freezing and this can be a big issue as it can ...

How To Make Lazarus Chowder in ARK

Michael James

If you have ever tried swimming in the water and noticed it can be quite hard to reach certain areas ...

How to Make Mindwipe Tonic in ARK

Michael James

Everyone has their preferences when it comes to the stats they pump into their characters as well as the Engrams ...

How to Make Sweet Vegetable Cake in ARK

Michael James

Ark may have some of the strangest dishes but this may be one of the rarer kinds of food that ...

How to Get Stolen Headstone in ARK

Michael James

Stolen Headstone is an item that you can obtain in the Ark Survival Evolved during the Fear Evolved Halloween event. ...

ARK Skeletal DinosARK Skeletal Dinos

ARK Skeletal Dinos List (Fear Evolved 6)

Michael James

Ark Fear Evolved 6 has finally arrived and with it, we can see some returning features as well as new ...

ARK Fear Evolved 6ARK Fear Evolved 6

ARK Fear Evolved 6 2022 (Bosses, Creatures, Skins, Emotes…)

Michael James

The much-awaited ARK Halloween event has been released on all platforms by Studio Wildcard to get everyone into the holiday ...

Ark Mjolnir SkinArk Mjolnir Skin

ARK Mjolnir Skin Guide (How to Get, Use & Controls)

Michael James

“A mighty hammer fit for a god, thrumming with the fury of thunder itself!” One of the main attractions of ...

Ark Fjordur Fenrisulfr BossArk Fjordur Fenrisulfr Boss

Ark Fjordur Final Boss Fenrisulfr (Location, Fight, Summon, Variants & Drops)

Michael James

The mighty hound of frost and death Fenrisulfr resides in the Fjordur Arena, released from its chains and eager to ...

Ark Fjordur Hati and Skoll Mini BossArk Fjordur Hati and Skoll Mini Boss

ARK Fjordur Hati and Skoll Boss (Location, Fight, Summon, Drops & Spawn Commands)

Michael James

Hati and Skoll are twin Fenrirs who reside in Asgard, they have a shrine that makes it seem as if ...

Steinbjorn BossSteinbjorn Boss

ARK Fjordur Steinbjorn Boss (Location, Fight, Summon, Drops & Spawn Commands)

Michael James

Steinbjorn is a giant bear that harnesses the power of the cold mountains, being merged with rubble and frost. Players ...

Beyla BossBeyla Boss

ARK Fjordur Bee Boss (Location, Fight, Summon, Drops & Spawn Commands)

Michael James

Dwelling in its hive-live cave, Beyla called as Bee Boss can be summoned and challenged to obtain a relic that ...

ARK FenrisulfrARK Fenrisulfr

Final Boss Location in ARK Fjordur (Fenrisulfr)

Michael James

The Ark Fjordur map has brought on several challenges which make it even more fun, especially with the new and ...

Island Boss Locations in ARK Fjordur (Broodmother, Megapithecus & Dragon)

Michael James

The Ark Fjordur map has brought on several challenges which make it even more fun, especially with the new and ...

ARK Fjorder Boss LocationsARK Fjorder Boss Locations

Mini Boss Locations in ARK Fjordur (Beyla, Steinbjorn, Hati and Skoll )

Michael James

The Ark Fjordur map has brought on several challenges which make it even more fun, especially with the new and ...

Ark Fjordur Teleport RealmsArk Fjordur Teleport Realms

How To Travel To Other Realms in ARK Fjordur

Michael James

When Ark Fjordur was released, a whole new world was introduced and this included not just one realm, but also ...

ARK RunestonesARK Runestones

How To Get Runestones in ARK Fjordur

Michael James

“Why was this stone thus enchanted? Perhaps yon obelisk can yield some answers…” Like in most newly introduced maps, we ...

ARK Fjordur RunesARK Fjordur Runes

Ark Fjordur Rune Locations & Commands

Michael James

In Ark Fjordur DLC, a special item has been introduced called Runes. It looks red in color like gems that ...

ARK Fjordur RunesARK Fjordur Runes

How to Get Runes in ARK Fjordur

Michael James

The addition of Fjordur to Ark Survival Evolved has brought many new things to the game, including a new collectible ...

ARK FenrirARK Fenrir

ARK Fenrir: Controls, Abilities, Food, Drops, Location

Michael James

The Fenrir is a dangerous wolf-like creature from long ago that now exists on Fjordur, capable of causing mayhem to ...

ARK FjordhawkARK Fjordhawk

Ark Fjordhawk: Taming, Drops, Food, Breeding, Location…

Michael James

The Fjordhawk appears to be one of the more intimidating creatures for its size at first but this is later ...

How to Get Sanguine Elixir in ARK

Michael James

“Tastes salty and metallic, yet still strangely alluring to hungry creatures…” Taming high-level creatures and breeding can sometimes be tedious ...

ARK DesmodusARK Desmodus

Ark Desmodus (Taming, Saddle, Location, Controls…)

Michael James

Awaiting its prey in the darkest parts of the caves, the Desmodus seeks to drain the blood of its victims ...

ARK AndrewsarchusARK Andrewsarchus

Ark Andrewsarchus (Controls, Taming, Abilities, Saddle, Location…)

Michael James

The Andrewsarchus is one of the more reserved creatures that seem to be quite territorial and have been found lately ...

Level Up CharactersLevel Up Characters

How To Level Up Characters in ARK

Michael James

Ark Survival Evolved has a level-up system that provides your character with the ability to become stronger and more advanced ...

Leveling Up Dinos in ARKLeveling Up Dinos in ARK

How To Level Up Dinos in ARK

Michael James

In Ark, you can have several tamed creatures which each have their level, gain experience, and can have points added ...

ARK Dinopithecus King BossARK Dinopithecus King Boss

ARK Lost Island Boss (Fight, Variants, Tributes, Rewards)

Michael James

The Lost Island Arena is a boss fight that pits you against the Dinopithecus King, an overgrown variant of the ...

Amargasaurus SpikeAmargasaurus Spike

ARK: How to Get Amargasaurus Spike

Michael James

Amargasaurus Spike is a resource that was introduced when the Lost Island DLC came out, being a resource that you ...

ARK DinopithecusARK Dinopithecus

Ark Dinopithecus (How to Tame, Saddle, Location, Controls…)

Michael James

The Dinopithecus is a prehistoric baboon species in Ark that is highly aggressive, especially when they are found in packs. ...

ARK AmargasaurusARK Amargasaurus

Ark Amargasaurus (How to Tame, Saddle, Location, Controls…)

Michael James

Surprisingly aggressive and with the strange behavior of wanting to assault those who give it a threat, the Amargasaurus began ...

ARK SinomacropsARK Sinomacrops

Ark Sinomacrops (How to Tame, Saddle, Location, Controls…)

Michael James

One of the later more adorable known to be introduced to Ark is the Sinomacrops, a flying critter introduced along ...

Ark Survival Evolved Valguero ArenaArk Survival Evolved Valguero Arena

ARK Valguero Arena (How to Enter, Boss Fight, Rewards & Unlocks)

Michael James

The Forsaken Oasis Arena or Valguero Arena is the boss fight arena in the Valguero DLC in Ark Survival Evolved. ...

Ark Survival Evolved The Center ArenaArk Survival Evolved The Center Arena

ARK The Center Arena (How to Enter, Boss Fight, Rewards & Unlocks)

Michael James

The Center Arena is a boss arena that pits you against two different bosses in The Center DLC in Ark ...

Ark Survival Evolved Ragnarok ArenaArk Survival Evolved Ragnarok Arena

ARK Ragnarok Arena (How to Enter, Boss Fight, Rewards & Unlocks)

Michael James

The Ragnarok Arena is the boss fight arena that is located on the Ragnarok DLC in Ark Survival Evolved, pitting ...

ARK Master Controller BossARK Master Controller Boss

ARK Master Controller Boss (How to Summon, Fighting, Variants, Rewards…)

Michael James

The Master Controller is a boss that you encounter in the Genesis: Part 1 DLC in Ark Survival Evolved, which ...

ARK Rockwell Prime BossARK Rockwell Prime Boss

ARK Rockwell Prime Boss (How to Summon, Fighting, Variants, Rewards…)

Michael James

The Rockwell Prime is the final boss which you face in Ark Survival Evolved, which is encountered in the Genesis: ...

ARK Crystal Wyvern Queen BossARK Crystal Wyvern Queen Boss

ARK Crystal Wyvern Queen Boss (How to Summon, Fighting, Variants, Rewards…)

Michael James

The Crystal Wyvern Queen is a boss that was later introduced with the Crystal Isles DLC, it appears in the ...

ARK Moeder BossARK Moeder Boss

ARK Moeder Boss (How to Summon, Fighting, Variants, Rewards…)

Michael James

Moeder, Master of the Ocean is one of the bosses that you will encounter in Ark Survival Evolved, specifically on ...

ARK Rockwell BossARK Rockwell Boss

ARK Rockwell Boss (Engrams, How to Summon, Variants, Rewards…)

Michael James

Rockwell is the only boss which you will encounter on Aberration and serves as the endgame enemy you face on ...

ARK King Titan BossARK King Titan Boss

ARK King Titan Boss (How to Summon, Tributes, Variants, Rewards…)

Michael James

The King Titan is the strongest boss in Extinction and it is the only one on the map that has ...

ARK Ice Titan BossARK Ice Titan Boss

ARK Ice Titan Boss (How to Summon, Fighting, Tributes, Rewards…)

Michael James

The Ice Titan is usually the third titan or boss that players tend to fight in Extinction, as it is ...

ARK Dragon BossARK Dragon Boss

ARK Dragon Boss (How to Summon, Fighting, Variants, Rewards…)

Michael James

One of the fiercest and strongest bosses you may face on The Island is the Dragon boss, who you encounter ...

ARK Manticore BossARK Manticore Boss

ARK Manticore Boss (How to Summon, Fighting, Variants, Rewards…)

Michael James

The Manticore is a mythical beast who takes the role of the boss in Scorched Earth, being the only boss ...

ARK Forest Titan BossARK Forest Titan Boss

ARK Forest Titan Boss (How to Summon, Taming, Rewards…)

Michael James

The Forest Titan is one of the bosses in the Extinction map which is fought in the Forest Cave being ...

ARK Desert Titan BossARK Desert Titan Boss

ARK Desert Titan Boss (How to Summon, Taming, Rewards…)

Michael James

The desert part of Extinction is home to the Desert Titan, which can be summoned after bringing all of the ...

ARK Megapithecus BossARK Megapithecus Boss

ARK Megapithecus Boss Guide (How to Summon, Tributes, Fighting, Variants…)

Michael James

The Megapithecus  is the second boss that you are most likely to fight in Ark Survival Evolved, which can happen ...

ARK Crystal WyvernARK Crystal Wyvern

Ark Crystal Wyvern (How to Get, Variants, Location, Controls…)

Michael James

Crystal Wyverns are new variants of Wyverns that were first introduced when the Crystal Isles map became available. These variants ...

ARK AstrodelphisARK Astrodelphis

Ark Astrodelphis (How to Tame, Saddle, Location, Controls…)

Michael James

An Astrodelphis is a strange space dolphin, or as nicknamed by some of the crew who were once present on ...

ARK VoidwyrmARK Voidwyrm

Ark Voidwyrm (How to Tame, Breeding, Location, Controls…)

Michael James

Found in the open space between the two parts of Genesis Part 2 is the Voidwyrm, a mechanical carnivorous variation ...

ARK NoglinARK Noglin

Ark Noglin (How to Tame, Saddle, Location, Controls…)

Michael James

One of the stranger alien-like creatures that you may find in the Genesis Part 2 map is a little critter ...

ARK Tek StryderARK Tek Stryder

Ark Tek Stryder (How to Tame, Saddle, Location, Uses…)

Michael James

The Tek Tek Stryder, simply known as a Tek Stryder is a mechanical creature that roams the normal regions of ...

ARK TropeognathusARK Tropeognathus

ARK Tropeognathus (How to Tame, Controls, Food, Saddle, Location…)

Michael James

The Tropeognathus is one of the middle-sized flying creatures which was first seen when Crystal Isles was introduced. It is ...

ARK SummonerARK Summoner

ARK Summoner (Behavior, Drops & Location)

Michael James

Summoners are some of the strangest-looking creatures which have even turned out to disgust HLN-A with their awful appearance. These ...

ARK ShadowmaneARK Shadowmane

Ark Shadowmane (How to Tame, Saddle, Location, Controls…)

Michael James

The Shadowmane was newly added when Genesis Part 2 came out, making its appearance in the more dangerous parts of ...

ARK MutagelARK Mutagel

ARK: How to Get Mutagel

Michael James

Along with the Genesis Part 2 DLC, a few new resources were added, one of them being Mutagel, an important ...

ARK MutagenARK Mutagen

ARK: How to Get Mutagen

Michael James

Mutagen is a rare and considerably expensive resource in Ark due to many creatures requiring a large number of it. ...

ARK Prime CrystalARK Prime Crystal

ARK: How to Get Prime Crystal

Michael James

Crystal Isles is one of the most popular maps in Ark and once it was introduced to the game, it ...

ARK Element DustARK Element Dust

ARK: How to Get Element Dust

Michael James

When Ark’s Extinction map was released, a bunch of new resources came with it, including Element Dust, which gives players ...

ARK Element OreARK Element Ore

ARK: How to Get Element Ore

Michael James

Element Ore was new back when Aberration first came out and existed only in that map until newer DLC maps ...

ARK Element ShardsARK Element Shards

ARK: How to Get Element Shards

Michael James

Element Shards are smaller fragments of Element, usually used as ammunition or to create other items that are of Tek ...

ARK ElementARK Element

ARK: How to Get Element

Michael James

Element is one of the most expensive resources that can be found in Ark, available to those who defeat bosses ...

ARK Scrap Metal (Unrefined)ARK Scrap Metal (Unrefined)

ARK: How to Get Scrap Metal (Unrefined)

Michael James

Scrap Metal is a variant of the normal Metal (ore) which first became available when the Extinction map was released. ...

ARK Scrap Metal IngotARK Scrap Metal Ingot

ARK: How to Make Scrap Metal Ingot

Michael James

Scrap Metal ingot is one of the resources which was first introduced when the Extinction map was released in Ark. ...

ARK Metal IngotARK Metal Ingot

ARK: How to Make Metal Ingot

Michael James

One of the most important resources in Ark is Metal Ingots, processed Metal that is used from crafting the majority ...

ARK MetalARK Metal

ARK: How to Get Metal

Michael James

Metal is one of the most important resources in Ark, as the majority of the items you will be crafting ...

ARK Red GemsARK Red Gems

ARK: How to Get Red Gem

Michael James

Red Gems are one of the three different gems that are found in Ark, the others being Blue Gems or ...

ARK Red Crystalized SapARK Red Crystalized Sap

ARK: How to Get Red Crystalized Sap

Michael James

When Extinction was introduced to Ark, some resources from Aberration, such as Red Gems were unavailable. As a substitute, Red ...

ARK Green GemsARK Green Gems

ARK: How to Get Green Gem

Michael James

With the addition of Aberration to the different maps in Ark, a lot of new items were introduced, some of ...

ARK Fragmented Green GemARK Fragmented Green Gem

ARK: How to Get Fragmented Green Gem

Michael James

The Fragmented Green Gem is a resource that came out when the Extinction map arrived and holds an extremely close ...

ARK Congealed Gas BallARK Congealed Gas Ball

ARK: How to Get Congealed Gas Ball

Michael James

Congealed Gas Ball is a resource that was first introduced when Aberration came out, and was originally obtainable in one ...

ARK Condensed GasARK Condensed Gas

ARK: How to Get Condensed Gas

Michael James

Condensed Gas is a resource that can only be found in Extinction, Genesis Part 1, and Genesis Part 2 and ...

ARK Blue GemsARK Blue Gems

ARK: How to Get Blue Gems

Michael James

Blue Gems were first introduced when Aberration came out and was available mainly in that map only, but as other ...

ARK Blue Crystalized SapARK Blue Crystalized Sap

ARK: How to Get Blue Crystalized Sap

Michael James

Blue Crystalized Sap is resource that is commonly found in Extinction and only exist in there, unavailable to be found ...

ARK Charge BatteryARK Charge Battery

ARK: How to Make Charge Battery

Michael James

Charge Batteries are one of the items (considered to be resources) which have multiple uses aside from being a source ...

ARK StoneARK Stone

ARK: How to Get Stone

Michael James

Stone is a common resource that you will always encounter when you first start in Ark, and you must start ...


ARK: How to Get Fiber

Michael James

Fiber is a resource in Ark that you can obtain in small amounts early on but as you progress, you ...

ARK Re-FertilizerARK Re-Fertilizer

ARK: How to Make Re-Fertilizer

Michael James

When you build in a certain location, your structures will cause resources to stop spawning again, which is sometimes useful ...

ARK WoodARK Wood

ARK: How to Get Wood

Michael James

Wood is one of the most common resources that you can find in Ark, and you can get it almost ...

ARK SilicateARK Silicate

ARK: How to Get Silicate

Michael James

Silicate is a resource that exists in the Extinction DLC, which is the alternative for Silica Pearls as there are ...

ARK Fungal WoodARK Fungal Wood

ARK: How to Get Fungal Wood

Michael James

Fungal Wood is an alternate version of Wood and is commonly found in the Aberration, Extinction, and Valguero maps. This ...

ARK SilkARK Silk

ARK: How to Get Silk

Michael James

One of the softer and less likely resources to be found in other maps, Silk was sort of an exclusive ...

ARK CrystalARK Crystal

ARK: How to Get Crystal

Michael James

One of the more valuable resources that players can find in Ark is Crystal, a clear and slightly rare find ...

ARK ClayARK Clay

ARK: How to Get Clay

Michael James

Clay is a resource in Ark which first was introduced along with the Scorched Earth map, and similar to other ...

ARK Deathworm HornARK Deathworm Horn

ARK: How to Get Deathworm Horns

Michael James

Deathworm Horns are a type of resource which first came to Ark when Scorch Earth became available, but this doesn’t ...

ARK Corrupted NoduleARK Corrupted Nodule

ARK: How to Get Corrupted Nodule

Michael James

When the Extinction map first came out, we were introduced to yet another substitute for Polymer, the Corrupted Nodule. This ...

ARK Spoiled MeatARK Spoiled Meat

ARK: How to Get Spoiled Meat

Michael James

Spoiled Meat may be nasty and even dangerous to your health if accidentally consumed but it does have its uses ...

Thatch ARKThatch ARK

ARK: How to Get Thatch

Michael James

That’s is a common resource that can easily be obtained early on when you first start Ark but eventually, there ...

ARK FlintARK Flint

ARK: How to Get Flint

Michael James

Mining stone can yield different kinds of resources, sometimes the type of stone affects what resources are obtained, but one ...

ARK TintoberryARK Tintoberry

ARK: How to Get Tintoberry

Michael James

Distinguishable by its red color, the Tintoberry is one of the different berries that can ba harvested in Ark by ...

ARK StimberryARK Stimberry

ARK: How to Get Stimberries

Michael James

Stimberries are one of the berries that can be found all over different maps and are obtained along with other ...

ARK MojoberryARK Mojoberry

ARK: How to Get Mejoberry

Michael James

One of the most favorite berries of a majority of the herbivores is the Mejoberry, a purple berry that can ...

ARK AzulberryARK Azulberry

ARK: How to Get Azulberry

Michael James

Azulberry is a type of berry in Ark that can be distinguished by its bumpy appearance along with its blue ...

ARK AmarberryARK Amarberry

ARK: How to Get Amarberry

Michael James

Amarberry is one of the different types of berries that you can find in Ark, known precisely for its yellow ...

ARK SandARK Sand

ARK: How to Get Sand

Michael James

Sand was a resource later introduced in Ark with the arrival of the Scorched Earth Map, following later to be ...


ARK: How to Get Oil

Michael James

Oil is a resource that can be collected in different ways across the different maps in Ark and has a ...

ARK ObsidianARK Obsidian

ARK: How to Get Obsidian

Michael James

Obsidian is a rarer type of resource which can mainly be found atop mountains and around volcanos, appearing as black ...

ARK Giant Bee HoneyARK Giant Bee Honey

ARK: How to Get Giant Bee Honey

Michael James

Giant Bee Honey is a consumable resource in Ark which was created by the Giant Bees that live in certain ...

ARK Cactus SapARK Cactus Sap

ARK: How to Get Cactus Sap

Michael James

Cactus Sap is a resource that was introduced when Scorched Earth arrived and can be found now on most of ...

ARK PropellantARK Propellant

ARK: How to Make Propellant

Michael James

When it comes to setting things on fire in Ark, you will need Propellant as this is one of the ...

ARK Silica PearlsARK Silica Pearls

ARK: How to Get Silica Pearls

Michael James

Silica Pearls are a resource that you will be needing a lot of when it comes to advancing to having ...

ARK Shell FragmentARK Shell Fragment

ARK: How to Get Shell Fragment

Michael James

In Genesis Part 1, a few new items were introduced, including the Shell Fragment resource, a resource that comes from ...

ARK Rare MushroomARK Rare Mushroom

ARK: How to Get Rare Mushroom

Michael James

Rare Mushrooms are a consumable resource, much like Rare Flowers but with different effects but similar item crafting. These are ...

ARK Rare FlowerARK Rare Flower

How to Get Rare Flowers in ARK

Michael James

Rare Flowers are one of the more unique kinds of consumables you can find in Ark, but only in certain ...

ARK Blood PackARK Blood Pack

ARK: How to Make Blood Pack

Michael James

Not all materials come from the creatures and natural resources in Ark maps, some come from the players themselves. Blood ...

ARK KeratinARK Keratin

ARK: How to Get Keratin

Michael James

You may notice some of the creatures in Ark have sturdy shells, horns, and other hard bone-like parts that may ...

ARK ChitinARK Chitin

ARK: How to Get Chitin

Michael James

Chitin is one of the more common resources that are quite easy to obtain in Ark, but later on, you ...

ARK Black PearlARK Black Pearl

ARK: How to Get Black Pearls

Michael James

Black Pearls are one of the later end-game resources that you need, mainly for crafting Tek items, structures, and more. ...

ARK AmbergrisARK Ambergris

ARK: How to Get Ambergris

Michael James

Ambergris is one of the resources that was introduced when Genesis Part 1 came out, having its biome and specific ...

ARK Human HairARK Human Hair

ARK: How To Get Human Hair

Michael James

As strange as it may seem, even Human Hair is a resource that can be used in Ark, which is ...

ARK Preserving SaltARK Preserving Salt

ARK: How To Make Preserving Salt

Michael James

It can be quite annoying when you have just harvested a certain resource such as berries, meat, and more just ...

ARK ElectronicsARK Electronics

ARK: How To Make Electronics

Michael James

When it comes to better technology, there is a need for Electronics, especially when you want a base that is ...

ARK Woolly Rhino HornARK Woolly Rhino Horn

ARK: How To Get Woolly Rhino Horn

Michael James

While one may feel bad about poaching the Woolly Rhinos in Ark, there is nothing to worry about because they ...

ARK WoolARK Wool

ARK: How To Get Wool

Michael James

When it comes to fluffiness and a side of cute and smelly, you can probably guess that is what Wool ...

ARK SulfurARK Sulfur

How To Get Sulfur in ARK

Michael James

One of the resources introduced when Scorched Earth came out is Sulfur, which is used mainly for crafting items that ...

ARk SapARk Sap

ARK: How To Get Sap

Michael James

Upon the inclusion of the Redwood biome in Ark, large Redwood Trees were added to the game, a source of ...

ARK Raw SaltARK Raw Salt

ARK: How To Get Raw Salt

Michael James

Often confused with different kinds of salts, Raw Salt is a resource in Ark that was first introduced when Scorched ...

ARK Raw MuttonARK Raw Mutton

ARK: How To Get Raw Mutton

Michael James

Raw Mutton is probably the most delicious piece of meat right now in Ark, which is probably why all the ...

ARk PeltARk Pelt

ARK: How To Get Pelt

Michael James

When it’s cold in certain biomes or you need fluffy items made for comfort, there is no better resource to ...

ARK Leech BloodARK Leech Blood

ARK: How To Get Leech Blood

Michael James

Leech Blood is a resource that is obtained from specific creatures in Ark and although it may not be the ...

ARK CharcoalARK Charcoal

ARK: How To Get Charcoal

Michael James

Charcoal is a resource in Ark which is mostly obtainable by collecting the remains of burnt wood, mostly that which ...

ARK Angler GelARK Angler Gel

ARK: How to Get Angler Gel

Michael James

Judging by its name, you can pretty much guess that AnglerGel is a resource that you can obtain from an ...

ARK Ammonite BileARK Ammonite Bile

ARK: How to Get Ammonite Bile

Michael James

Ammonite are creatures hidden deep at the bottom of the ocean and can be hunted for a special resource only ...

ARK Absorbent SubstrateARK Absorbent Substrate

ARK: How to Get Absorbent Substrate

Michael James

One of the stranger resources in Ark is Absorbent Substrate, a substance made of a mixture of harvestable resources in ...

ARK Cementing PasteARK Cementing Paste

ARK: How to Make Cementing Paste

Michael James

Cementing Paste is a resource in Ark that is high in demand almost all of the time due to it ...

Ark Achatina PasteArk Achatina Paste

ARK: How to Get Achatina Paste

Michael James

Achatina Paste is a resource that can be used as a substitute to Cementing Paste, its only difference being the ...

ARK Broodmother BossARK Broodmother Boss

ARK: Broodmother Boss Guide (How to Summon, Fight, Tributes & Rewards)

Michael James

The Broodmother Lysrix is one of the first bosses that you fight in Ark Survival Evolved, which can be encountered ...

Ark Organic PolymerArk Organic Polymer

ARK: How to Get Organic Polymer

Michael James

Organic Polymer is a resource that is required to create the Ghillie Set (which cannot be crafted with standard Polymer) ...

ARK FertilizerARK Fertilizer

ARK: How to Make Fertilizer

Michael James

It may not be the best smelling type of resource and you might not even want to know where it ...

ARK PolymerARK Polymer

ARK: How to Make Polymer

Michael James

Polymer is one of the later resources you get after progressing further with your base and is used for higher-tier ...

ARK GasolineARK Gasoline

ARK: How to Make Gasoline

Michael James

Gasoline is one of the most important resources in Ark, especially when you’re leaving the stone age and moving towards ...

Ark CraftingArk Crafting

ARK Crafting Skill (What Does it Do)

Michael James

In Ark Survival Evolved, you will most likely be crafting Primitive gear starting from the lowest sets going to the ...

Ark MaewingArk Maewing

Ark Maewing (How to Tame, Saddle, Location, Controls…)

Michael James

One of the newer and more docile creatures in Ark, the Maewing has made its first appearance in Genesis Part ...

Ark AstrocetusArk Astrocetus

Ark Astrocetus (How to Tame, Controls, Food, Location…)

Michael James

The Astrocetus is a docile and carnivorous whale-like creature that exists in the Lunar biome of the Genesis Simulation and ...

Ark BloodstalkerArk Bloodstalker

Ark Bloodstalker (How to Tame, Controls, Food, Location…)

Michael James

Bloodstalkers are carnivorous creatures that have a resemblance to spiders along with aggressive temperaments that reside within the Swamp Biome ...

Ark MagmasaurArk Magmasaur

Ark Magmasaur (How to Tame, Controls, Food, Location…)

Michael James

Magmasaur is a territorial carnivore that lives in the magma pits of the Volcano Biome in the Genesis Simulation. They ...

Ark FeroxArk Ferox

Ark Ferox (How to Tame, Controls, Food, Location…)

Michael James

The Ferox is an adorable herbivorous creature that is found in the Arctic biome within the Genesis Simulation. This creature ...

Ark MegachelonArk Megachelon

Ark Megachelon (How to Tame, Drops, Food, Location…)

Michael James

The Megachelon is an omnivorous large breed of turtle that exists within the Genesis Simulation and has a docile temperament ...

Ark MekArk Mek

Ark Mek (Modules, Controls, Weapons…)

Michael James

The RX-103 Mek is a robot that was created during Extinction for survivors to fight off the creatures driven by ...

Ark ScoutArk Scout

Ark Scout (How to Tame, Controls, Location…)

Michael James

The UAV RQ-7Y is a small Reconnaissance robot that was first introduced during the events of Extinction which is considered ...

Ark ManagarmrArk Managarmr

Ark Managarmr (How to Tame, Controls, Food, Location…)

Michael James

Draconis Auragelus is a carnivorous creature from the post-Holocene period that has an aggressive temperament. It has a long sleek ...

Ark GasbagsArk Gasbags

Ark Gasbags (How to Tame, Controls, Food, Location…)

PGT Team

Mopsechiniscus Fluitbesus is a passive omnivore that appeared in the Post-Holocene Epoch. The Gasbags is a strange creature that somewhat ...

Ark Snow OwlArk Snow Owl

Ark Snow Owl (How to Tame, Controls, Food, Location…)

PGT Team

Bubo Chinookus is a species of aggressive flying carnivores that existed during the post-Holocene epoch. A flying creature that resembles ...

Ark DeinonychusArk Deinonychus

Ark Deinonychus (How to Tame, Controls, Food, Location…)

PGT Team

The Deinonychus Magna Pede is a carnivorous creature with an aggressive temperament that was first seen during the Cretaceous epoch. ...

Ark GachaArk Gacha

Ark Gacha (How to Tame, Production, Drops, Food, Location…)

PGT Team

Macrodryadis Crystallinus is a docile omnivore that appeared during the Post-Holocene period. They are large creatures with matted fur and ...

Ark ArchaeopteryxArk Archaeopteryx

Ark Archaeopteryx (How to Tame, Drops, Food, Location…)

PGT Team

Archaeopteryx Magnamilvum are easily frightened carnivores that appeared in the late Jurassic epoch. Archaeopteryx are a sort of early evolution ...

Ark LampreyArk Lamprey

Ark Lamprey (How to Tame, Drops, Food, Location…)

PGT Team

Xenomyzon Luminosus is a leech-like carnivore with an aggressive temperament  in the holocene epoch. Lamprey have a snake-like body and ...

Ark PhoenixArk Phoenix

Ark Phoenix (How to Tame, Controls, Food, Location…)

PGT Team

The Phoenix is a mysterious creature from an unknown time that feeds on heat or fire and has an elusive ...

Ark LiopleurodonArk Liopleurodon

Ark Liopleurodon (How to Tame, Buff, Food, Location…)

PGT Team

Liopleurodon is an elusive sea creature with a sweet tooth that appeared in the mid-late Jurassic Epoch. It is a ...

Ark TitanosaurArk Titanosaur

Ark Titanosaur (How to Tame, Drops, Food, Location…)

PGT Team

Titanosaurus Vagacastrum is a massive herbivore that appeared in the late Cretaceous epoch that is usually passive but will turn ...

Ark EnforcerArk Enforcer

Ark Enforcer (How to Tame, Controls, Food, Location…)

Michael James

The AVG MQ-9Xis a mechanical creature whose primary function is meant for direct combat and is classified as a high ...

Ark RavagerArk Ravager

Ark Ravager (How to Tame, Controls, Food, Location…)

Michael James

Canis barghest is a strange creature from an unknown time that features an aggressive temperament and a carnivorous diet to ...

Ark Rock DrakeArk Rock Drake

Ark Rock Drake (How to Tame, Controls, Food, Location…)

Michael James

Draconis Obscurum is a carnivore of strange origin from an unknown time along with its aggressive temperament. This creature appears ...

Ark VelonasaurArk Velonasaur

Ark Velonasaur (How to Tame, Controls, Food, Location…)

Michael James

Velonasaurus is a carnivorous creature from the post-Holocene period that has an aggressive temperament despite being labeled “omnivore” in its ...

Ark TusoteuthisArk Tusoteuthis

Ark Tusoteuthis (How to Tame, Controls, Food, Location…)

Michael James

Tusoteuthis Vampyrus is a large underwater creature with a carnivorous diet and a very aggressive temperament that was first seen ...

Ark PachyrhinosaurusArk Pachyrhinosaurus

Ark Pachyrhinosaurus (How to Tame, Controls, Food, Location…)

Michael James

Pachyrhinosaurus Mitisaura are herbivorous creatures with evasive temperaments that were first seen during the late Cretaceous period. The Pachyrhinosaurus shares ...

Ark MegalosaurusArk Megalosaurus

Ark Megalosaurus (How to Tame, Controls, Food, Location…)

PGT Team

Megalosaurus Noctedominus is an aggressive nocturnal carnivore that was first seen in the mid Jurassic epoch. The Megalosaurus are theropods ...

Ark KarkinosArk Karkinos

Ark Karkinos (How to Tame, Controls, Food, Location…)

Michael James

The Karkinos Versatus is an omnivorous creature with an aggressive temperament from an unknown time. This creature appears to be ...

Ark IchthyornisArk Ichthyornis

Ark Ichthyornis (How to Tame, Drops, Food, Location…)

Michael James

The Ichthyornis Piscoquus is a small flying creature which is quite a nuisance regardless of its skittish behavior and Piscivorous ...

Ark GiganotosaurusArk Giganotosaurus

Ark Giganotosaurus (How to Tame, Drops, Food, Location…)

PGT Team

Giganotosaurus Furiosa is a massive carnivore that existed during the late Cretaceous period and has an angry temperament. The Giganotosaurus ...

Ark Giant BeeArk Giant Bee

Ark Giant Bee (How to Tame, Drops, Food, Location…)

Michael James

Apis Lithohermaea is a large territorial insect with a herbivorous diet that existed during the middle Miocene period. These creatures ...

Ark BasiliskArk Basilisk

Ark Basilisk (How to Tame, Controls, Food, Location…)

Michael James

The Serpens Regulusis a is a large carnivorous creature from an unknown time that has an aggressive temperament. This creature ...

Ark IchthyosaurusArk Ichthyosaurus

Ark Ichthyosaurus (How to Tame, Drops, Food, Location…)

Michael James

The Ichthyosaurus Curiosa is a water creature with a carnivorous diet with a curious temperament that was seen around the ...

Ark ElectrophorusArk Electrophorus

Ark Electrophorus (How to Tame, Uses, Food, Location…)

Michael James

The Electrophorus Beluadomitois an underwater carnivore with a reactive temperament from the Holocene period. Electrophorus are a large species of ...

Ark MosasaurusArk Mosasaurus

Ark Mosasaurus (How to Tame, Drops, Food, Location…)

Michael James

The Mosasaurus Suspirita is a massive aggressive underwater creature with a carnivorous diet which was first seen around the late ...

Ark CarnoArk Carno

Ark Carno (How to Tame, Controls, Food, Location…)

PGT Team

The Carno Pressor is one of the aggressive carnivores that were first seen during the late Cretaceous epoch. Carnos are ...

Ark PurloviaArk Purlovia

Ark Purlovia (How to Tame, Drops, Food, Location…)

PGT Team

Purlovia Maxima are a patient but vicious carnivores that were first seen in the Late Permian Epoch. About the size ...

Ark MegalodonArk Megalodon

Ark Megalodon (How to Tame, Breeding, Food, Location…)

Michael James

Carcharodon Ultramegalodon is a large water creature with a carnivorous diet and an aggressive temperament. These creatures resemble the modern ...

Ark MantaArk Manta

Ark Manta (How to Tame, Controls, Food, Location…)

Michael James

Manta Mobula are underwater carnivores from the early Oligocene to Holocene period that have an aggressive temperament. These creatures have ...

Ark PlesiosaurArk Plesiosaur

Ark Plesiosaur (How to Tame, Drops, Food, Location…)

Michael James

The Elasmosaurus Remuspissa is a carnivorous underwater creature that was first seen during the late Cretaceous period and has a ...

Ark MoschopsArk Moschops

Ark Moschops (How to Tame, Saddle, Food, Location…)

PGT Team

Moschops Cibumutante is an omnivore with a cowardly temperament that was first seen in the Mid Permian epoch. The Moschops ...

Ark MegalaniaArk Megalania

Ark Megalania (How to Tame, Drops, Food, Location…)

PGT Team

Megalania Muruspede are carnivores with an aggressive temperament that appeared during the Late Holocene Epoch. This creature has a resemblance ...

Ark IguanodonArk Iguanodon

Ark Iguanodon (How to Tame, Controls, Food, Location…)

PGT Team

Iguanodon Vicissitudinis is a herbivore with a reactive temperament that appeared in the late Jurassic Epoch. The Iguanodon is a ...

Ark GallimimusArk Gallimimus

Ark Gallimimus (How to Tame, Drops, Food, Location…)

PGT Team

Gallimimus Evolvelox is a skittish herbivore that lived during the Late Cretaceous Epoch. These creatures are shaped for speed, having ...

Ark DunkleosteusArk Dunkleosteus

Ark Dunkleosteus (How to Tame, Drops, Food, Location…)

Michael James

Dunkleosteus Loricaruptor is a carnivorous sea creature from the late Devonian period that has docile temperament. These creatures appear to ...

Ark DiplodocusArk Diplodocus

Ark Diplodocus (How to Tame, Drops, Food, Location…)

PGT Team

Diplodocus Insulaprincep is a naive herbivore that first appeared in the Late Jurassic epoch. These creatures have features that can ...

Ark DimetrodonArk Dimetrodon

Ark Dimetrodon (How to Tame, Drops, Food, Location…)

PGT Team

Dimetrodon Calorector are carnivorous creatures with a reactive temperament that existed during the early Permian period. This synaptid is usually ...

Ark AraneoArk Araneo

Ark Araneo (How to Tame, Controls, Uses, Food, Location…)

PGT Team

Araneomorphis Amalgotantubus is an aggressive carnivore that existed far earlier than most creatures dating back to the Mesozoic Era. This ...

Ark BasilosaurusArk Basilosaurus

Ark Basilosaurus (How to Tame, Abilities, Food, Location…)

Michael James

The Basilosaurus Solatiumfecit is a water creature that was first seen during the late Eocene period and has a piscivore ...

Ark AnglerfishArk Anglerfish

Ark Anglerfish (How to Tame, Drops, Food, Location…)

Michael James

The Melanocetus Anglerpescum is a carnivorous sea creature that was first seen during the early Cretaceous to Holocene period which ...

Ark TitanoboaArk Titanoboa

Ark Titanoboa (How to Tame, Saddle, Food, Location…)

PGT Team

Titanoboa Exornantur is an aggressive carnivore that was first seen during the Pliocene Epoch. It has a limbless but long ...

Ark Thorny DragonArk Thorny Dragon

Ark Thorny Dragon (How to Tame, Drops, Food, Location…)

PGT Team

Moloch Sagittarius an aggressive carnivorous reptile that was first seen during the Holocene epoch. The Thorny Dragon is a large ...

Ark Terror BirdArk Terror Bird

Ark Terror Bird (How to Tame, Drops, Food, Location…)

PGT Team

Phorusrhacidae Rapidesulotor is an aggressive bird-like carnivore that appeared in the late Paleocene. The Terror Bird is a large flightless ...

Ark SarcoArk Sarco

Ark Sarco (How to Tame, Breeding, Food, Location…)

PGT Team

Sarcosuchus Excubitor is a carnivore that first appeared in the early Cretaceous period that has a patient temperament. The Sarco’s ...

Ark ProcoptodonArk Procoptodon

Ark Procoptodon (How to Tame, Uses, Food, Location…)

PGT Team

Procoptodon Vivencurrsus is an intelligent herbivore that has a reactive nature which was first sighted in the Pleistocene Epoch. A ...

Ark MorellatopsArk Morellatops

Ark Morellatops (How to Tame, Drops, Food, Location…)

PGT Team

The Morellatops Dromedarius is a relatively passive herbivore that appeared in the early Cretacious period. These large creatures are easy ...

Ark MegalocerosArk Megaloceros

Ark Megaloceros (How to Tame, Breeding, Food, Location…)

PGT Team

Megaloceros Latuscronam can be called a skittish herbivore that existed in the late Pliocene Epoch. Simple looking mammals that are ...

Ark lymantriaArk lymantria

Ark Lymantria (How to Tame, Drops, Food, Location…)

PGT Team

The Lymantria Sporarmis is an insect-like herbivore that appeared in the Holocene Epoch that has an evasive temperament. Lymantria are ...

Ark KaprosuchusArk Kaprosuchus

Ark Kaprosuchus (How to Tame, Controls, Food, Location…)

PGT Team

Kaprosuchus Paludentium is a very aggressive carnivore that appeared in the late Cretaceous period. Kaprosuchus have long pointed snouts that ...

Ark VultureArk Vulture

Ark Vulture (How to Tame, Drops, Food, Location…)

Michael James

The Torgos Arcam is a strange creature with a carrion feeder diet that existed during the early Pleistocene period and ...

Ark TroodonArk Troodon

Ark Troodon (How to Tame, Drops, Food, Location…)

Michael James

The Troodon Magnanimus is a carnivore that was seen during the late Cretaceous period that has a very aggressive behavior ...

Ark TapejaraArk Tapejara

Ark Tapejara (How to Tame, Controls, Food, Location…)

Michael James

The Tapejara Imperator is a carnivorous yet skittish flying creature that was seen around the Cretaceous time period. Having an ...

Ark SpinoArk Spino

Ark Spino (How to Tame, Controls, Food, Location…)

Michael James

The Spinosaurus Aquareliga, also known as the Spino carnivore from the early to late Cretaceous time period that has a ...

Ark SabertoothArk Sabertooth

Ark Sabertooth (How to Tame, Drops, Food, Location…)

Michael James

The Smilodon Brutalis is an aggressive carnivore that existed during the Pleistocene and Holocene time period. These creatures resemble prehistoric ...

Ark LystrosaurusArk Lystrosaurus

Ark Lystrosaurus (How to Tame, Drops, Food, Location…)

Michael James

The Lystrosaurus Amicifidelis is a small creature from the late Permian time which was seen up to the early Triassic ...

Ark JerboaArk Jerboa

Ark Jerboa (How to Tame, Drops, Food, Location…)

Michael James

Renopila Amplexus is a small rodent like creature from an unknown time that has a herbivorous diet and cowardly temperament. ...

Ark CarbonemysArk Carbonemys

Ark Carbonemys (How to Tame, Drops, Food, Location…)

Michael James

The Carbonemys Obibimusis a herbivore from the Danian time period that has a rather defensive temperament. Resembling what appears to ...

Ark AllosaurusArk Allosaurus

Ark Allosaurus (How to Tame, Drops, Food, Location…)

Michael James

Allosaurus Therotribus is a carnivore that was seen in the late Jurassic period that has an aggressive temperament. These creatures ...

Ark Rock ElementalArk Rock Elemental

Ark Rock Elemental (How to Tame, Drops, Food, Location…)

Michael James

The Colossus Petram is a large stone creature from an unknown time period that feeds on minerals and has an ...

Ark MammothArk Mammoth

Ark Mammoth (How to Tame, Drops, Food, Location…)

PGT Team

The Mammuthus Steincaput is a docile herbivore that appeared in the early Pliocene Epoch. A very large woolly creature, the ...

Ark HyaenodonArk Hyaenodon

Ark Hyaenodon (How to Tame, Drops, Food, Location…)

PGT Team

Hyaenodon Dirus is an opportunistic carnivore the appeared in the late Eocene to early Miocene The Hyaenodon resembles an average ...

Ark Dire BearArk Dire Bear

Ark Dire Bear (How to Tame, Drops, Food, Location…)

PGT Team

Arctodus Dirus is a territorial omnivore that existed in the mid Pleistocene to early Holocene Epoch. A DIre Bear can ...

Ark DiplocaulusArk Diplocaulus

Ark Diplocaulus (How to Tame, Drops, Food, Location…)

PGT Team

The Diplocaulus Natatorinutix is a skittish piscivore that existed during the Permian period. This creature is a small amphibious dweller ...

Ark KairukuArk Kairuku

Ark Kairuku (How to Tame, Drops, Food, Location…)

PGT Team

Kairuku Waitaki is a friendly piscivore that appeared in the late Paleogene epoch. The Kairuku, a flightless bird that is ...

Ark PhiomiaArk Phiomia

Ark Phiomia (How to Tame, Drops, Food, Location…)

PGT Team

The Phiomia Ignavus is a very skittish herbivore that appeared in the late Eocene to the early Oligocene Epoch The ...

Ark Roll RatArk Roll Rat

Ark Roll Rat (How to Tame, Drops, Food, Location…)

PGT Team

Heterocephalus Magnus was first seen in the Holocene epoch observed to be somewhat a passive herbivore. Resembling a naked mole ...

Ark PachysaurusArk Pachysaurus

Ark Pachysaurus (How to Tame, Drops, Food, Location…)

PGT Team

Pachycephalosaurus Leniproelia is a passive herbivore that appeared in the late Cretaceous period. The Pachy is a small dino that ...

Ark MesopithecusArk Mesopithecus

Ark Mesopithecus (How to Tame, Drops, Food, Location…)

PGT Team

Mesopithecus Amicufur is a rather curious herbivore which was sighted in the late Miocene until the late Pliocene epoch. An ...

Ark GigantopithecusArk Gigantopithecus

Ark Gigantopithecus (How to Tame, Drops, Food, Location…)

PGT Team

The Gigantopithecus Fibrartor is a territorial herbivore that appeared in the Pleistocene epoch. It can be mistaken as another human ...