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Unix FIFOs

In Unix a FIFO is an interprocess communication device with a star-topology. (That’s right, a FIFO can have multiple readers and writers.) It has an entry in the file system, although most of the time the data in the FIFO is never written to the disk.

Unix FIFO operations:

  1. Creating the FIFO in the file system. mkfifo(2) system call.
  2. Opening the FIFO. open(2).
  3. Polling the FIFO. We use normal poll(2) as for everything else.
  4. Reading from the FIFO. read(2).
  5. Writing to the FIFO. write(2) and friends.
  6. Closing the FIFO. close(2).

Blocking vs Non-blocking mode

The processx functions support opening the FIFO in blocking and non-blocking mode. Blocking mode is not very useful because open() will block until the other side of the FIFO is open()-d by at least one process. This is cumbersome to ensure and can often lead to deadlocks. E.g. the other process fails to start and connect to the FIFO, and then we block fovever.

Blocking processx FIFOs are not tested very well, and unless noted otherwise this document is about non-blocking FIFOs.

processx’s FIFOs on Unix

conn_create_fifo() first creates the FIFO with mkfifo(2) (1 above) and then opens it with open(2) (2 above). If read = TRUE then this is the reader end (a reader end, really), if write = TRUE then it is the writer. For the writer end, we need to open non-blocking FIFOs for read-write, because otherwise the open() fails if the FIFO does not have a reader. Weird, but this is how it is on Unix. Even weirder, according to POSIX, opening a FIFO in read-write mode is undefined behavior. On Linux the documented behavior is that O_RDWR does succeeds even if there is no reader (well, there is now). Apparently, this is also the bevarios on macOS. Many people say on the internet, and this is the standard behavior on all Unix systems.

conn_connect_fifo() connects to an existing FIFO using open(2) (2 above). (Created by processx or not.) Just like conn_create_fifo() it opens the FIFO in read-write mode instead of write-only mode. This helps with the situations when the FIFO file exists but no reader is connected to it (yet). On Unix conn_connect_fifo() fails if the FIFO file does not exist, or we have no permissions to open it in the specified mode.

The rest of the operations (3-6 above) are the usual processx connection operations, there is nothing special about FIFO connections once they are opened.

Emulating FIFOs with named pipes on Windows

Windows does not quite have the equivalent of FIFOs, but we can reasonably emulate them with named pipes.

conn_create_fifo() creates a named pipe with CreateNamedPipeA() with the specified name. This corresponds to creating the FIFO and opening it (1-2 above).

conn_connect_fifo() opens a named pipe, like a regular file, with CreateFileA() (2 above).

Once opened, the FIFOs work like regular connections. Well, mostly. See the notes about known platform differences below!


How to check if the other write-end of the FIFO is connected?

If you have the read end, then use poll() to see if there is data in the FIFO. There is no way to know currently when the other end connects, but once it writes data, poll() will return ready .

How to check if the other read-end of the FIFO is connected?

If you have the write end, then unfortunately there is no easy way to make sure that the other end is connected. You can try to write to the FIFO, and on Unix it might succeed, and on Windows it might fail. If you need to make sure that there is a reader at the other end, then you’ll need another FIFO in the opposite direction, where the reader can send a message about being connected. (Or some other way to communicate this.) This is admittedly not great, and make it much more difficult to use FIFOs.

How to check for end-of-FIFO?

This is as usual. A non-blocking read returns zero bytes if there is no more data and there are no more writers connected to the FIFO. On Unix maybe there will be more writers later, but processx does not care about that. Once a connection is set to EOF, it is EOF. conn_is_incomplete() returns FALSE if EOF is set. (As usual, it only makes sense to check this after a read().

How to communicate with another process?

Create a FIFO with conn_create_fifo() then pass the name of the FIFO (you can use conn_file_name() to the other program. It is a piece of text, so you can pass it as an argument. (But watch out for special characters, especially on Windows. It is best to use processx and avoid system.) The other program can open the FIFO (for reading or writing) as a regular file with open(), fopen(), CreateFile(), etc. It can open it in blocking or non-blocking mode, as needed. If you need bidirectional communication, then use two FIFOs.

Platform differences and portable code

See also the “Known issues” below.

  • Do not connect more than one reader or more than one writer to a FIFO. While this is fine on Unix, and it is pretty cool, actually, it will fail on Windows.

  • Remember that once there are zero readers or writers on a FIFO, the other end will signal EOF at the next read (or poll!) operation.

  • conn_read_*() will fail on Windows if the other end or the FIFO is not connected. Always use poll() first and only read if it returns ready. poll() will not return ready if the other end of the FIFO is not connected.

  • conn_write() may fail (on Windows) if the other end of the FIFO is not connected yet and also if there are no more writers. (But this does not always happen, e.g. if we opened the FIFO in read-write mode in the first place!) Be prepared that every conn_write() call can fail.

  • As usual conn_write() might not be able to write all data if the pipe/FIFO buffer is full, and it will return the un-written raw() data. Make sure to check the return value of conn_write().

  • A poll() on a FIFO can return ready and then have no data on the next conn_read_*(), at least on Windows. This is because at the first poll() (on Windows) we need to start an asynchronous operation for waiting for the other end of the pipe to connect. Once this returns, poll() will signal ready, but there might be no data to read just yet.

Known issues

  • A poll() on a FIFO might not return if the writer on the other end (all the writers) close the FIFO. The poll() will only return ready after a read operation, once the writer have closed their end. This seems to be a macOS bug, and it is really bad. It happens at least on macOS 12.3.1, and it does not happen on Ubuntu 20.04.

  • Non-ASCII file names or pipe name are currently an issue. (Just like non-ASCII file name in conn_create_file() are!) We will fix this.

  • Encodings of the pipe traffic are very little tested. We will also fix this.

Unix Domain Sockets


processx has a few functions to perform IPC (inter process communication) between processes running on the same machine, using Unix domain sockets. On Windows it uses named pipes to emulate Unix domain sockets, as much as possible.

Unix domain sockets solve many issues that FIFOs (processx FIFOs and FIFOs in general) have, so we suggest that you use sockets instead of FIFOs if you can.


  • processx Unix sockets are always bi-directional.

  • conn_create_unix_socket() creates the server side of the socket.

  • conn_connect_unix_socket() creates the client side and connects to a server socket. This call does not block, so when it returns, the server side has not accepted the connection yet, probably. You can still use the client socket for reading and writing, see below.

  • You can use poll() to wait for a client to connect to the server. If a client is available, poll() returns "connect" .

  • Once a client is available, call conn_accept_unix_socket() to accept it.

  • After accepting the client, you can send messages to it with conn_write() and read messages from it with conn_read_chars() and conn_read_lines() and in general use the server socket as a read-write processx connection.

  • The server cannot call conn_read_*() or conn_write() before accepting a connection, these calls will error.

  • The client can call conn_read_*() and conn_write() as soon as it is connected. Reading functions will return no data, and conn_write() will succeed, until the internal buffer gets full. (Or the server accepts the connection and starts reading the data from the buffer). You can also use poll() to wait for incoming data.

  • poll() only uses the read-side of the connections, both for the server and the client. There is currently no way to poll the write-sides.

  • All processx Unix socket connections are non-blocking. conn_create_unix_socket(), conn_connect_unix_socket(), conn_accept_unix_socket() are non-blocking as well.

  • conn_unix_socket_state() will return the current state of the socket:

    • listen is a server socket before calling conn_accept_unix_socket()

    • connected_server is a server socket with an accepted client

    • connected_client is a connected client

  • close() closes the socket. (Both the read-end and the write-end.)

File names

On Unix, the socket has entry in the file system. By default it will be created in the R temporary directory.

On Windows, we use a named pipe to emulate the socket. The user can specify the name of the pipe, if they do not then a random name is used in the \\?\pipe\ namespace. If you specify a pipe name on Windows, that starts with this string then processx uses it as is.

You can use conn_file_name() to query the full path of the socket on Unix, or the full name of the pipe on Windows.


How to check if the other end of the socket is connected?

The server socket can poll() for a client connection. The client can assume that it is connected, but it needs to handle the case when conn_write() cannot write all the data. (As usual for every non-blocking processx connection.)

How to check for the end of the connection?

This is as usual. poll() will return with ready if the other end closes the connection. You can call conn_is_incomplete() right after a read() to see if the other end has closed the connection.

conn_write() will error if the other side has closed the connection.

How to communicate with another process?

Pass the socket (or pipe) name to it. E.g. you can pass it as a command line argument. Note, however that passing the special file name of the named pipe might not work on older Windows systems, and you might want to only pass the last component of that path, and then append it to \\?\pipe\ in the other process. See sock.c in src/tools for an example.

If the other process is an R process that can load processx, then you can use the processx socket functions to connect to the socket and communicate.

If the other process is not an R process, or it cannot load processx, then you can include the include/processx/unix-socket.{c,h} files in your project to connect to the socket and communicate. (Or write your own C/C++ code based on these.)

Include the .c file in exactly one compilation unit of your program, and include the .h file in others. These files have a portable, blocking Unix socket implementation, with a simple API:

int processx_socket_connect(const char *filename,
                            processx_socket_t *pxsocket);
ssize_t processx_socket_read(processx_socket_t *pxsocket,
                             void *buf,
                             size_t nbyte);
ssize_t processx_socket_write(processx_socket_t *pxsocket,
                              void *buf,
                              size_t nbyte);
int processx_socket_close(processx_socket_t *pxsocket);
const char* processx_socket_error_message();

All these functions are blocking, and except for the last one, they return -1 on error, and set errno on Unix, or you can use GetLastError() on Windows. You can also use processx_socket_error_message() to query the system error message in a portable way. This function returns a pointer to the error message in a static buffer, so copy that if you need to. Note that this is also not thread-safe.

In an R package you can use unix-socket.{c,h} via the LinkingTo entry in DESCRIPTION, you need to specify

LinkingTo: processx

and then write

#include <processx/unix-sockets.h>

similarly for the .c file:

#include <processx/unix-sockets.c>

Known issues

  • Non-ASCII socket file names or pipe name are currently an issue. (Just like non-ASCII file name in conn_create_file() are!)

  • Encodings of the traffic are very little tested.