Airing on TV Asahi in 2005 as part of the "Monday Drama" series, this Japanese drama consists of 10 episodes. The complex narrative incorporates aspects from the Ooka Eichizen tales series, with the addition of mystery-solving elements ...See moreAiring on TV Asahi in 2005 as part of the "Monday Drama" series, this Japanese drama consists of 10 episodes. The complex narrative incorporates aspects from the Ooka Eichizen tales series, with the addition of mystery-solving elements amplifying the overall intrigue. The remarkable set depicting Hakushu town plays a crucial role in building up to the story's climax. Living alone with his daughter Kaori, magistrate Ooka Tadasuke, with the help of his operatives and secret agents, works tirelessly to solves cases, and stop chaos from spreading in the city of Edo .
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