In the aftermath of the Great Temporal Catastrophe, an apocalyptic event that brought an end to linear time, the company CTF (Collective Time Flow) developed a technology to extract crude time and process it into a quantifiable commodity, ...See moreIn the aftermath of the Great Temporal Catastrophe, an apocalyptic event that brought an end to linear time, the company CTF (Collective Time Flow) developed a technology to extract crude time and process it into a quantifiable commodity, reinstating a new era of human history and civilization. We follow Larry Church, an unruly worker for CTF, stationed in an outpost at the edge of the De-synchronized Zone, the uncharted territories prone to temporal disturbances. and the repository of raw time reserves. Transgressing his mission order, in a attempt to garner some raw time for himself, he takes his chances and ventures beyond the grid. As his gear malfunctions, he succumbs to the haunting effects of the Zone. Written by
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