Do you still believe that in a corporation, every one in the world, from Google through Amazon to the PKO bank and Jureczek-Woreczek, the management board, president or other CEO rules? Or that the real power is in marketing or HR? And ...See moreDo you still believe that in a corporation, every one in the world, from Google through Amazon to the PKO bank and Jureczek-Woreczek, the management board, president or other CEO rules? Or that the real power is in marketing or HR? And that you have to keep the line and give the boss from IT high fives? No, no, no and no more. He has the power who governs the three Ca's, that is coffee, couriers and communications. And the fourth Ka, that is, the keys. He has the power, who allocates paper to the printers, decides on the purchase of toners, little yellow cards and paper clips. And it has binders. And keeps an attendance list ... Get to know the chilling stories that are happening here and now. Know the price of power. Meet the RECEPTION DESK and its crew: three wonderful, how different, women. Let's see if they realize that for such a small wage they have so much, almost absolute power. Written by
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