A period thriller that tells the story of Emma Redman, a 30 year old architect who has a fascination with jigsaw puzzles. She is placing the last few pieces into the puzzle of an 1860's Gothic home called Highwic and as the last piece but ...See moreA period thriller that tells the story of Emma Redman, a 30 year old architect who has a fascination with jigsaw puzzles. She is placing the last few pieces into the puzzle of an 1860's Gothic home called Highwic and as the last piece but one is placed she is sucked into the puzzle. The windows and doors are locked. she is unable to escape. Emma finds herself wearing 1880's attire. She discovers Josh a 32 year old marketing manager, who was sucked into the house four days prior. A replica puzzle is in the house and they have to find the one missing piece to escape. However there is only one piece but two people! Written by
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