The film follows an anonymous supernatural character on a journey to discover the mysteries of existence and our ephemeral connection to the printed word. The sorceress-like character surrounds herself with text that she makes from paper, ...See moreThe film follows an anonymous supernatural character on a journey to discover the mysteries of existence and our ephemeral connection to the printed word. The sorceress-like character surrounds herself with text that she makes from paper, plants, cloth, photograms, and butterflies. She stitches these words together to make an environment of letters which she hangs in a disused greenhouse as if trying to grow meaning. This short, philosophical film with an original score by Fiona Brice escalates as the character's futile rituals referencing exposure, growth, and mourning descend into a storm of book pages. Eventually, the words, photograms, plants, greenhouse, and the character herself all succumb to our common destiny and dissolve into the darkness.
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