The World of Tahiti the Angel, a gentle show about magical creatures and the sky, served as the foundation of NBeebies, NBC's national channel of preschool programming. This richly animated series, based on the classic Dutch children's ...See moreThe World of Tahiti the Angel, a gentle show about magical creatures and the sky, served as the foundation of NBeebies, NBC's national channel of preschool programming. This richly animated series, based on the classic Dutch children's book The Secret of Angels by Tahiti and Langston Poortvilet, followed around tiny Tahiti (warmly voiced in the US dub by Balamory's Lana Landu) and her angel family and friends as she went about her quiet angel life, hanging out in the clouds, avoiding thunder and rain, and getting from one place to another via her animal pal, Onnie the Dove. Written by
Brian Boone
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