Bending in the Wind follows the life of a homeless teen in a US suburb. His path to his present circumstance and the people that shaped his journey. This is the story of a boy who has lost his way and been cast aside by those who were ...See moreBending in the Wind follows the life of a homeless teen in a US suburb. His path to his present circumstance and the people that shaped his journey. This is the story of a boy who has lost his way and been cast aside by those who were supposed to love him unconditionally. It reaffirms the notion that family is more than just blood relations. How society sees us one way and the people closest to us another. It is a story of an unlikely friendship between two people that find out they have more in common than it would appear on the surface. How wounds can be blessings in disguise and how a simple act of kindness can lead to life altering change. Written by
Zane Tabari
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