"Demon", is a Neon thriller, ( Which follows the story of ANGEL, a tough and resourceful street rat with a quick mouth, who wanders the night seeking to take advantage of anybody she can, in order to survive. The film opens up with Angel ...See more"Demon", is a Neon thriller, ( Which follows the story of ANGEL, a tough and resourceful street rat with a quick mouth, who wanders the night seeking to take advantage of anybody she can, in order to survive. The film opens up with Angel making a quick escape from her latest conquest, while looting as much as she can from the apartment she has just woke up in. Shortly after she takes to the streets, her hunting ground and the only place she has to call home. After a misunderstood exchange with the intriguing CINCINNATI, who invites ANGEL to a party, she accepts with only one agenda, to take what she can, and get out of there as quick as she can. However she underestimates the cunning of CINCINNATI, who also has his own agenda, and finds herself trapped in a situation that she may not be able to get out of. "Demon" explores the depravity side of human nature. ANGEL's name directly conflicts with films title, signifying the eternal struggle of the Demons that reside within her and the life she leads in order to escape from them, however in the end our Demons always catch up to us, she learns this the hard way.
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