Stories consisting of people from all walks of life, torn apart by extraordinary circumstances and the twists of fate in their quest to find their absent loved one. Full Circle is a docu-drama which highlights the strength of love that can...See moreStories consisting of people from all walks of life, torn apart by extraordinary circumstances and the twists of fate in their quest to find their absent loved one. Full Circle is a docu-drama which highlights the strength of love that can be found between parents and children, siblings, lovers or mere friends that is powerful enough to bridge long periods of separation. Torn apart by war, poverty, accident, conflict, or a relationship gone wrong, within them is a compelling and longing urge to search tirelessly for their lost loved one. Risking disappointment and rejection, they knock on doors and made appeals through radio and newspapers. Some lucky ones find their missing link by a twist of fate, but not all reunions are happy. Yet, some continue in search of their happy ending and for these people, Full Circle hopes to be an avenue for them to obtain leads that will make them and their lost loves come full circle.
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