A young filmmaker, Oliver, and his girlfriend, Ruth, confront an aging actress, Maggie, and her loyal husband, Ben, at a park in Los Angeles claiming to want Maggie for their new short film. When Maggie rejects their offer, Ruth spills the...See moreA young filmmaker, Oliver, and his girlfriend, Ruth, confront an aging actress, Maggie, and her loyal husband, Ben, at a park in Los Angeles claiming to want Maggie for their new short film. When Maggie rejects their offer, Ruth spills the beans and tells her that Oliver is the son she thought she aborted 25 years earlier, a 'botched abortion'. All this is news to Ben who was with Maggie at the time. Maggie starts to think that there is a good possibility that Oliver could be hers as she did have a last fling with Ben's best friend before they got married, and yes, she thought she had an abortion but maybe...could it be? Did they just give her something to live for???? The audience is left to wonder if there is truth to this preposterous story or is Nothing As It Seems????? Written by
Lizzie Maxwell
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