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Cast | + Add Cast |
50 cast members |
Name | Known for |
Brady Hales
Ares Animal Chaser (voice)
Andrew Russell
Invader Zim Cupid / Dark Apprentice Apollo / Radical Rex Chaac (voice)
Suehyla El-Attar Young
The Lore Lady (voice) (as Suehyla El-Attar)
Alan A.
Fallen Lord Chronos (voice)
Hetty Abbott
Artio (voice)
Orion Acaba
Chiron Centaurion / Stiched Creation Agni (voice)
Zach Aguilar
Actor (voice)
Carlos Alazraqui
Rocko (voice)
Chris Jai Alex
Actor (voice)
Jon Allen
Krang / Ymir - Cryonic Demon / Blazing Tormentor Sylvanus (voice)
Jennifer Alyx
Cosmic Sol (voice)
Lauren Amante
Star Sentry Eset (voice)
Daniel Amerman
Tsukuyomi - Bit Slayer (voice)
Rita Amparita
Hellfury Mulan
Ryan Andes
Barbarian Thor (voice)
Dino Andrade
Chichen Pizza Xbalanque (voice)
Felecia Angelle
Terra.byte Terra (voice)
Bryn Apprill
Awilix / Feline Fashion Awilix (voice)
Aaron Aryanpur
Hellrider Chiron (voice)
Victoria Atkin
First Mate Serqet (voice)
Major Attaway
Ragnarok Fenrir / Archon Thanatos (voice)
Alan Ayo
Laughing Skull Bakasura / Fallen Lord Chronos (voice)
Chris Ayres
Actor (voice)
Greg Ayres
Actor (voice)
Jack Ayres
Mercury Celestial Deliverer / Slasher Loki
Thom Badinger
F Announcer (voice)
Krizia Bajos
Powersurge Awilix (voice)
Dee Bradley Baker
Naga (voice) (archive sound)
Tia Lynn Ballard
Guttersniper Cupid / Lucky Baby Fuwa Cupid (voice)
Christian Banas
Beaky Bot Thoth (voice)
Timothy Banfield
Necro Fumes Agni / Baba Beans Baba Yaga (voice)
Richard Barcenas
Corroded Colossus Atlas (voice)
Katelyn Barr
Twisted Metal The Morrigan (voice)
Ryan Bartley
Bunny Bomber Aphrodite / Peace Out Artemis / Dino-Mighty Cerberus (voice)
Elise Baughman
Nu Horizons Nu Wa (voice)
Dawn M. Bennett
Celestial Isis / Brood Mother Medusa / Cove Queen Nu Wa / Death Lotus Da Ji / Blight Guardian Athena (voice) (as Dawn Michelle Bennett)
Steve Berens
Actor (voice)
Luis Bermudez
Forgotten Gods Chaac (Rage) / Headless Horror Chiron / Tacosura (voice)
Morgan Berry
SWC 2017 Heroine Amaterasu (voice)
Laila Berzins
Dropkick Terra / Baroness Izanami / Galaxy Shaper Nox (voice)
Christopher Bevins
La Roca Hercules (voice)
Tim Bick
Clint Bickham
Actor (voice)
Hayden Bishop
Nike American Superhero (voice)
Ulf Bjorlin
General Graardor
Brendan Blaber
Mothman Ah Muzen Cab / Toon Mania Cthulhu / Solar Navi-gator Sobek (voice)
Mike Bodie
Anhur Death Panther / Danzaburou Party Animal
Jessica Boone
Actress (voice)
Edward Bosco
Actor (voice)
Anthony Bowling
Final Boss Thanatos (voice)