In Budapest, David Merlini attempts the most scientifically challenging escape yet that includes being fastened in a straightjacket while enduring the pain of simultaneously being instantly frozen in a solid block of ice. Jan Rouven's fate...See moreIn Budapest, David Merlini attempts the most scientifically challenging escape yet that includes being fastened in a straightjacket while enduring the pain of simultaneously being instantly frozen in a solid block of ice. Jan Rouven's fate hangs in the balance as he attempts the infamous jaws of death escape. Spencer Horsman pushes himself to the ultimate limits of dexterity and sheer willpower in which there is no way out other than by his own means! This is a true do or die escape! Finally, Michael Turco takes the cup and spike street challenge to a larger than life-sized level by hurtling himself from two stories high onto four covered beds in separate jumps in which one is a bed of nails and would certainly result in death. The witnesses choose his fate. Let's hope they choose well! Written by
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