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by Psychic Twin

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Psychic Twin offers a cover of Lawrence Rothman's deeply empathetic song "Geek."

"In the throes of writing my second album, I was invited to go see Lawrence Rothman play at Lodge Room in Los Angeles," says Psychic Twin's Erin Fein. "I was immediately transfixed by the performance and, what I would later discover to be a song called 'Geek'. Lawrence's message about being bullied struck me immediately.

To me, 'Geek' is a song about trying to help someone recognize their own self worth in the midst of tremendous pain. And it is a genuine expression of empathy from the protagonist, having experienced something similar. This song hit me in a very personal way and I knew that I wanted to cover it, and I knew I would learn something about my own path as a person and songwriter by doing so.

This is the beginning of a second chapter in my musical life as Psychic Twin, and an ode to Lawrence Rothman, who has inspired me enormously."

Fein shared her version of "Geek" with Rothman, and the two will now be collaborating on the forthcoming second Psychic Twin record.

"Geek" is the first song Fein is releasing that she self-engineered and produced. It features beat production by Chaz Hall, better known as Elucid of the acclaimed hip-hop duo Armand Hammer, and was mixed by Alex Cowan of Blue Hawaii.

In the years since releasing Psychic Twin's debut album Strange Diary on Polyvinyl, Fein relocated from New York City to Los Angeles and now plays in Empress Of's live band.


released February 6, 2019


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Psychic Twin Los Angeles, California

Psychic Twin makes pop music that is romantic and mysterious; infused with an ineffable longing for escape, for the unattainable, like the impossible desire to make music with one’s own double.

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