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(* -*- caml -*- *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_NAME *)
(* @@SKIP@@ Objective CAML @@SKIP@@ *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_WEB *)
(* @@SKIP@@ @@SKIP@@ *)

open Printf

let sort_ l = List.sort compare l

let rec uniq = function
  | [] -> []
  | e::l -> if List.mem e l then uniq l else e :: uniq l

let rec filter_some = function
  | [] -> []
  | Some e :: l -> e :: filter_some l
  | None :: l -> filter_some l

let rec all_assoc e = function
  | [] -> []
  | (e',v) :: l when e=e' -> v :: all_assoc e l
  | _ :: l -> all_assoc e l

(* fold_left alike. note that it is tail recursive *)
let rec fold_lines f init chan =
    try Some (input_line chan)
    with End_of_file -> None
  | Some line -> fold_lines f (f init line) chan
  | None -> init

let iter_lines f chan = fold_lines (fun _ line -> f line) () chan  
let readlines chan = List.rev (fold_lines (fun l e -> e::l) [] chan)
(* @@PLEAC@@_1.0 *)
let string = "\\n"                  (* two characters, \ and an n*)
let string = "Jon 'Maddog' Orwant"  (* literal single quotes*)
let string = "\n"                     (* a "newline" character *)
let string = "Jon \"Maddog\" Orwant"  (* literal double quotes *)

let a = "
    This is a multiline here document
    terminated by one  double quote
(* @@PLEAC@@_1.1 *)
let value = String.sub string offset count
let value = String.sub string offset (String.length string - offset)
(* or *)
let value = sub_end string offset
(* using *)
let sub_end string offset = String.sub string offset (String.length string - offset)

(* get a 5-byte string, skip 3, then grab 2 8-byte strings, then the rest*)

(* split at 'sz' byte boundaries *)
let rec split_every_n_chars sz = function
  | "" -> []
  | s -> 
        let (beg, rest) = String.sub s 0 sz, sub_end s sz in
        beg :: split_every_n_chars sz rest
      with _ -> [s]

let fivers = split_every_n_chars 5 string

(* chop string into individual characters *)
let chars = (fun x -> x.[0]) (split_every_n_chars 1 string)

let string = "This is what you have";;
(* Indexes are left to right. There is no possibility to index *)
(* directly from right to left *)
(* "T" *)
let first  = String.sub string 0 1   
(* "is" *)
let start  = String.sub string 5 2 
(* "you have" *)
let rest   = String.sub string 13 (String.length string - 13)   
(* "e" *)
let last   = String.sub string (String.length string - 1) 1
(* "have" *)
let theend = String.sub string (String.length string - 4) 4  
(* "you" *)
let piece  = String.sub string (String.length string - 8) 3
let string = "This is what you have";;
Printf.printf "%s" string ;
(*This is what you have*)

(* Change "is" to "wasn't"*)
let string = (String.sub string 0 5) ^ "wasn't" ^ sub_end string 7
(*This wasn't what you have *)   

(*This wasn't wonderous *)
let string = (String.sub string 0 (String.length string -12)) ^

(* delete first character *)
let string = String.sub string 1 (String.length string - 1)
(*his wasn't wondrous*)

(* delete last 10 characters *)
let string = String.sub string 0 (String.length string -10)
(*his wasn'*)

(* @@PLEAC@@_1.2 *)

(* Because OCaml doesn't have the same notion of truth or definedness as Perl,
 * most of these examples just can't be done as they are in Perl.  Some can be
 * approximated via the use of options, but remember, unbound variables are not
 * automatically assigned the value of None -- the variable has to have been
 * explicitly bound to None (or Some x) beforehand.

(* use b if b is not None, else use c *)
let a = match b with None -> c | _ -> b;;

(* set x to y if x is currently None *)
let x = match x with None -> y | _ -> x;;

(* Note that these are much closer to Perls notion of definedness than truth *)

(* We can set foo to either bar or "DEFAULT VALUE" in one of two ways *)
(* keep foo as a string option *)
let foo = match bar with Some x -> bar | _ -> Some "DEFAULT VALUE";;

(* Use foo as a string *)
let foo = match bar with Some x -> x | _ -> "DEFAULT VALUE";;

let dir = if Array.length Sys.argv > 1 then argv.(1) else "/tmp";;

(* None of the other examples really make sense in OCaml terms... *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_1.3 *)
let var1, var2 = var2, var1
let temp    = a
let a       = b
let b       = temp
let a       = "alpha"
let b       = "omega"
let a, b = b, a      (* the first shall be last -- and versa vice *)
let alpha, beta, production = "January", "March", "August"
(* move beta       to alpha,
 * move production to beta,
 * move alpha      to production *)
let alpha, beta, production = beta, production, alpha

(* @@PLEAC@@_1.4 *)
let num  = Char.code char
let char = Char.chr num
(* char and int are distinct datatypes in OCaml *)
printf "Number %d is character %c\n" num (Char.chr num)
(* Number 101 is character e *)
(* convert string to list of chars *)
let explode s =
  let rec f acc = function
    | -1 -> acc
    | k -> f (s.[k] :: acc) (k - 1)
  in f [] (String.length s - 1)

(* convert list of chars to string *)
let implode l =
  let s = String.create (List.length l) in
  let rec f n = function
    | x :: xs -> s.[n] <- x; f (n + 1) xs
    | [] -> s
  in f 0 l

(* ascii is list of ints. *)
let ascii = Char.code (explode string)
let string = implode ( Char.ord ascii)
let ascii_value = Char.code 'e'    (* now 101 *)
let character   = Char.chr 101     (* now 'e' *)
printf "Number %d is character %c\n" 101 (Char.chr 101)
let ascii_character_numbers = Char.code (explode "sample");;
List.iter (printf "%d ") ascii_character_numbers;
printf "\n"
115 97 109 112 108 101

let word = implode ( Char.chr ascii_character_numbers)
let word = implode ( Char.chr [115; 97; 109; 112; 108; 101]);; (* same *)
printf "%s\n" word
let hal = "HAL"
let ascii = Char.code (explode hal)
let ascii = (( + ) 1) ascii  (* add one to each ASCII value *)
let ibm = implode ( Char.chr ascii);;
printf "%s\n" ibm             (* prints "IBM" *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_1.5 *)

(* One can split a string into an array of character, or corresponding ASCII
 * codes as follows, but this is not necessary to process the strings a
 * character at a time: *)

let array_of_chars = Array.init (String.length s) (fun i -> s.[i]);;
let array_of_codes = Array.init (String.length s) (fun i -> Char.code s.[i]);;

(* or one can just use String.iter *)
  (fun i -> (*do something with s.[i], the ith char of the string*)) s;;

(* The following function can be used to return a list of all unique keys in a
 * hashtable *)

let keys h =
  let k = Hashtbl.fold (fun k v b -> k::b) h [] in
  (* filter out duplicates *)
  List.fold_left (fun b x -> if List.mem x b then b else x::b) [] k;;

(* and this function is a shorthand for adding a key,value pair to a hashtable

let ( <<+ ) h (k,v) = Hashtbl.add h k v;;

let seen = Hashtbl.create 13;;
let s = "an apple a day";;
let array_of_chars = Array.init (String.length s) (fun i -> s.[i]);;
Array.iter (fun x -> seen <<+ (x,1)) array_of_chars;
print_string "unique chars are:\t";
List.iter print_char (List.sort compare (keys seen));
print_newline ();;

(* or, without the unnecessary and innefficient step of converting the string
 * into an array of chars *)
let seen = Hashtbl.create 13;;
let s = "an apple a day";;
String.iter (fun x -> seen <<+ (x,1)) s;
print_string "unique chars are:\t";
List.iter print_char (List.sort compare (keys seen));
print_newline ();;

(* To compute the simple 31-bit checksum of a string *)
let cksum s =
  let sum = ref 0 in
  String.iter (fun x -> sum := !sum + (Char.code x)) s;
# cksum "an apple a day";;
- : int = 1248

(* to emulate the SysV 16-bit checksum, we will first write two routines sort of
 * similar to Perl's (<>), that will return the contents of a file either as a
 * list of strings or as a single string - not that the list of strings version
 * throws away the \n at the end of each line *)

let slurp_to_list filename =
  let ic = open_in filename and
  l = ref [] in
  let rec loop () =
    let line = input_line ic in
    l := line::!l;
    loop () in
  try loop () with End_of_file -> close_in ic; List.rev !l;;

let slurp_to_string filename =
  let ic = open_in filename and
  buf = Buffer.create 4096 in
  let rec loop () =
    let line = input_line ic in
    Buffer.add_string buf line;
    Buffer.add_string buf "\n";
    loop () in
  try loop () with End_of_file -> close_in ic; Buffer.contents buf;;

let cksum16 fn =
  let addString sum s =
    let sm = ref sum in
    String.iter (fun c -> sm := !sm + (Char.code c)) (s ^ "\n"); 
    !sm mod 65537 (* 2^16 - 1 *)in
  List.fold_left addString 0 (slurp_to_list fn);;

(* or *)
let cksum16 fn = 
  let sum = ref 0
  and s = slurp_to_string fn in
  String.iter (fun c -> sum := (!sum + (Char.code c)) mod 65537) s;

(* Note: slowcat as written is meant to be run from the command line, not in the
 * toplevel *)

(* slowcat - emulate a   s l o w  line printer *)
(* usage: slowcat [-DELAY] [files ...] *)
#load "unix.cma";;

(* make sure you have the code for the slurp_to_string function in this file as
 * well... *)

let _ =
  let delay,fs = try (float_of_string Sys.argv.(1)),2 with Failure _ -> 1.,1 in
  let files = Array.sub Sys.argv fs (Array.length Sys.argv - fs) in
  let print_file f =
    let s = slurp_to_string f in
      (fun c -> 
        print_char c;
        ignore( [] [] [] (0.005 *. delay))) s in
  Array.iter print_file files;;

(* @@PLEAC@@_1.6 *)

(* To flip the characters of a string, we can use a for loop.
 * Note that this version does not destructively update the string *)

let reverse s = 
  let len = String.length s - 1 in
  let s' = String.create (len + 1) in
  for i = 0 to len do
    s'.[i] <- s.[len - i]

(* to modify the string in place, we can use the following function *)
let reverse_in_place s =
  let len = String.length s - 1 in
  for i = 0 to (len + 1)/ 2 - 1 do
    let t = s.[i] in
    s.[i] <- s.[len - i];
    s.[len - i] <- t

(* To reverse the words in a string, we can use String.concat, Str.split and
 * List.rev.  Note that this requires us to load in the Str module -- 
 * use `#load "str.cma"' in* the toplevel, or be sure to include str.cma in the
 * list of object files when compiling your code.  E.g.:
 *      ocamlc other options str.cma other files   -or-
 *      ocamlopt other options str.cmxa other files 

let reverse_words s =
  String.concat " " (List.rev (Str.split (Str.regexp " ") s));;

let is_palindrome s = 
  s = reverse s;;

(* We do need to do a bit more work that Perl to find the big palindromes in
 * /usr/share/dict/words ... *)

let findBigPals () = 
  let words = open_in "/usr/share/dict/words" in
  let rec loop () =
    let w = input_line words in
    if String.length w > 5 && w = reverse w then
      print_endline w;
    loop () in
  try loop () with End_of_file -> close_in words;;

(* @@PLEAC@@_1.7 *)

let expand_tabs ?(spaces = 8) s =
  Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\t") (String.make spaces ' ') s;;

let compress_tabs ?(spaces = 8) s = 
  Str.global_replace (Str.regexp (String.make spaces ' ')) "\t" s;;

# let st = "\tyo baby!\n\t\tWhat the shizzle?\t(Mack)";;
val st : string = "\tyo baby!\n\t\tWhat the shizzle?\t(Mack)"
# let etst = expand_tabs st;;
val etst : string =
  "        yo baby!\n                What the shizzle?        (Mack)"
# let etst = expand_tabs ~spaces:4 st;;
val etst : string = "    yo baby!\n        What the shizzle?    (Mack)"
# let etst = expand_tabs ~spaces:8 st;;
val etst : string =
  "        yo baby!\n                What the shizzle?        (Mack)"
# let rest = compress_tabs etst;;
val rest : string = "\tyo baby!\n\t\tWhat the shizzle?\t(Mack)"
# let rest = compress_tabs ~spaces:4 etst;;
val rest : string = "\t\tyo baby!\n\t\t\t\tWhat the shizzle?\t\t(Mack)"
# let rest = compress_tabs ~spaces:3 etst;;
val rest : string =
  "\t\t  yo baby!\n\t\t\t\t\t What the shizzle?\t\t  (Mack)"

(* @@PLEAC@@_1.8 *)
(* As far as I know there is no way to do this in OCaml due to
   type-safety contraints built into the OCaml compiler -- it may be
   feasible with *much* juju, but don't expect to see this anytime

   If you don't mind supplying a data structure rather than capturing
   local variables, you can use Buffer.add_substitute to get a similar
   effect. *)

let buffer = Buffer.create 16
let vars = [("debt", "$700 billion")]
let () =
  Buffer.add_substitute buffer
    (fun name -> List.assoc name vars)
    "You owe $debt to me.";
  print_endline (Buffer.contents buffer)

(* @@PLEAC@@_1.9 *)

(* Just use the String module's uppercase, lowercase, capitalize and
 * uncapitalize *)

let big = String.uppercase little;;    (* "bo peep" -> "BO PEEP" *)
let little = String.lowercase big;;    (* "JOHN" -> "john" *)
let big = String.capitalize little;;   (* "bo" -> "Bo" *)
let little = String.uncapitalize big;; (* "BoPeep" -> "boPeep" *)

(* Capitalize each word's first character, downcase the rest *)
let text = "thIS is a loNG liNE";;
let text = String.capitalize (String.lowercase text);;
print_endline text;;

This is a long line

(* To do case insensitive comparisons *)
if String.uppercase a = String.uppercase b then
  print_endline "a and b are the same\n";;

let randcap fn =
  let s = slurp_to_string fn in
  for i = 0 to String.length s - 1 do
    if 100 < 20 then
      String.blit (String.capitalize (String.sub s i 1)) 0 s  i 1
  print_string s;;

# randcap "/etc/passwd";;

# User DatAbAse
# Note That this fIle is consuLTed wHen the sysTeM Is runninG In single-user
# modE.  At other times this iNformAtion is handlEd by one or moRe oF:
# lOokupD DIrectorYServicEs  
# By default, lOOkupd getS inFormaTion frOm NetInFo, so thiS fIle will 
# not be cOnsultEd unless you hAvE cHaNged LOokupd's COnfiguratiOn.
# This fiLe is usEd while in siNgle UseR Mode.
# TO Use this file for noRmal aUthEnticatIon, you may eNable it With
# /ApPlicatiOns/Utilities/DiRectory AccEss.

< ... snip ... >

(* @@PLEAC@@_1.10 *)

(* Again, because of OCaml's type-safe nature, actual interpolation cannot be
 * done inside of strings -- one must use either string concatenation or sprintf
 * to get the results we're looking for *)

let phrase = "I have " ^ (string_of_int (n+1)) ^ " guanacos.";;
let prhase = sprintf "I have %d guanacos." (n+1);;

(* @@PLEAC@@_1.11 *)
#load "str.cma";;
let var =  Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "^[\t ]+") "" "\
    your text
    goes here

(* @@PLEAC@@_1.12 *)

(* We can emulate the Perl wrap function with the following function *)
let wrap width s =
  let l = Str.split (Str.regexp " ") s in
  Format.pp_set_margin Format.str_formatter width;
  Format.pp_open_box Format.str_formatter 0;
    (fun x -> 
      Format.pp_print_string Format.str_formatter x;
      Format.pp_print_break Format.str_formatter 1 0;) l;
  Format.flush_str_formatter ();;

# let st = "May I say how lovely you are looking today... this wrapping has done wonders for your figure!\n";;
val st : string =
  "May I say how lovely you are looking today... this wrapping has done wonders for your figure!\n"

# print_string (wrap 50 st);;
May I say how lovely you are looking today...
this wrapping has done wonders for your figure!

# print_string (wrap 30 st);;
May I say how lovely you are
looking today... this
wrapping has done wonders for
your figure!

(* Note that this version doesn't allow you to specify an opening or standard
 * indentation (I am having trouble getting the Format module to behave as I
 * think it should...).  However, if one only wants to print spaces there
 * instead of arbitrary line leaders, we can use the following version *)

let wrap ?(lead=0) ?(indent=0) width s =
  let l = Str.split (Str.regexp " ") s in
  Format.pp_set_margin Format.str_formatter width;
  Format.pp_open_box Format.str_formatter 0;
  Format.pp_print_break Format.str_formatter lead indent;
    (fun x -> 
      Format.pp_print_string Format.str_formatter x;
      Format.pp_print_break Format.str_formatter 1 indent;) l;
  Format.flush_str_formatter ();;

# print_string (wrap 20 st);;
May I say how
lovely you are
looking today...
this wrapping has
done wonders for
your figure!
 - : unit = ()

# print_string (wrap ~lead:6 ~indent:2 20 st);;
      May I say how
  lovely you are
  looking today...
  this wrapping has
  done wonders for
  your figure!

# print_string (wrap ~lead:2 20 st);;
  May I say how
lovely you are
looking today...
this wrapping has
done wonders for
your figure!

(* @@PLEAC@@_1.13 *)
** The Str module is deistributed with the standard Ocaml compiler
** suit but it is not automatically pulled in by the command line
** interpreter or the compilers.
** The "#load" line is only needed if you are running this in the 
** command interpretter.
** If you are using either of the ocaml compilers, you will need 
** to remove the "#load" line and link in str.cmxa in the final 
** compile command.

#load "str.cma" ;;

open Str

let escape charlist str =
        let rx = Str.regexp ("\\([" ^ charlist ^ "]\\)") in
        Str.global_replace rx "\\\\\\1" str

let text = "Mom said, \"Don't do that.\"" ;;
print_endline text ;;

let text = escape "'\"" text ;;
print_endline text ;;

(* @@PLEAC@@_1.14 *)

let trim s =
  let s' = Str.replace_first (Str.regexp "^[ \t\n]+") "" s in
  Str.replace_first (Str.regexp "[ \t\n]+$") "" s';;

let chop s =
  if s = "" then s else String.sub s 0 (String.length s - 1);;

let chomp ?(c='\n') s =
  if s = "" then s else
    let len = String.length s - 1 in
    if s.[len] = c then String.sub s 0 len else s;;

(* @@PLEAC@@_1.15 *)

let parse_csv =
  let regexp = Str.regexp (String.concat "\\|" [
                           ]) in
  fun text ->
    let rec loop start result =
      if Str.string_match regexp text start then
        let result =
          (try Str.matched_group 1 text with Not_found ->
             try Str.matched_group 3 text with Not_found ->
               "") :: result in
        loop (Str.match_end ()) result
        result in
    List.rev ((if
                 try String.rindex text ',' = String.length text - 1
                 with Not_found -> false
               then [""] else [])
              @ loop 0 [])

let line = "XYZZY,\"\",\"O'Reilly, Inc\",\"Wall, Larry\",\"a \\\"glug\\\" bit,\",5,\"Error, Core Dumped\""
let () =
    (fun i x -> Printf.printf "%d : %s\n" i x)
    (Array.of_list (parse_csv line))

(* @@PLEAC@@_1.16 *)

let soundex =
  let code_1 = Char.code '1' in
  let code_A = Char.code 'A' in
  let code_Z = Char.code 'Z' in

  let trans = Array.make (code_Z - code_A + 1) 0 in
  let add_letters number letters =
    let add letter =
      trans.(Char.code letter - code_A) <- (number + code_1) in
    String.iter add letters in
  Array.iteri add_letters [| "BFPV"; "CGJKQSXZ"; "DT"; "L"; "MN"; "R" |];

  fun ?(length=4) s ->
    let slength = String.length s in
    let soundex = String.make length '0' in
    let rec loop i j last =
      if i < slength && j < length then begin
        let code = Char.code (Char.uppercase s.[i]) in
        if code >= code_A && code <= code_Z
        then (if j = 0
              then (soundex.[j] <- Char.chr code;
                    loop (i + 1) (j + 1) trans.(code - code_A))
              else (match trans.(code - code_A) with
                      | 0 -> loop (i + 1) j 0
                      | code when code <> last ->
                          soundex.[j] <- Char.chr code;
                          loop (i + 1) (j + 1) code
                      | _ -> loop (i + 1) j last))
        else loop (i + 1) j last
      end in
    loop 0 0 0;


let code = soundex string;;
let codes = soundex list;;


#load "str.cma"
#load "unix.cma"

let () =
  print_string "Lookup user: ";
  let user = read_line () in
  if user <> "" then begin
    let name_code = soundex user in
    let regexp = Str.regexp ("\\([a-zA-Z_0-9]+\\)[^,]*[^a-zA-Z_0-9]+"
                             ^ "\\([a-zA-Z_0-9]+\\)") in
    let passwd = open_in "/etc/passwd" in
      while true do
        let line = input_line passwd in
        let name = String.sub line 0 (String.index line ':') in
        let {Unix.pw_gecos=gecos} = Unix.getpwnam name in
        let (firstname, lastname) =
          if Str.string_match regexp gecos 0
          then (Str.matched_group 1 gecos, Str.matched_group 2 gecos)
          else ("", "") in
        if (name_code = soundex name
            || name_code = soundex lastname
            || name_code = soundex firstname)
        then Printf.printf "%s: %s %s\n" name firstname lastname
    with End_of_file ->
      close_in passwd

(* @@PLEAC@@_1.17 *)
(* fixstyle - switch first set of data strings to second set *)
#load "str.cma";;

let data = Hashtbl.create 0
let keys = ref []
let () =
  let ( => ) key value =
    keys := key :: !keys;
    Hashtbl.replace data key value in
    "analysed"       => "analyzed";
    "built-in"       => "builtin";
    "chastized"      => "chastised";
    "commandline"    => "command-line";
    "de-allocate"    => "deallocate";
    "dropin"         => "drop-in";
    "hardcode"       => "hard-code";
    "meta-data"      => "metadata";
    "multicharacter" => "multi-character";
    "multiway"       => "multi-way";
    "non-empty"      => "nonempty";
    "non-profit"     => "nonprofit";
    "non-trappable"  => "nontrappable";
    "pre-define"     => "predefine";
    "preextend"      => "pre-extend";
    "re-compiling"   => "recompiling";
    "reenter"        => "re-enter";
    "turnkey"        => "turn-key";

let pattern_text =
  "\\(" ^ (String.concat "\\|" ( Str.quote !keys)) ^ "\\)"
let pattern = Str.regexp pattern_text

let args = ref ( (Array.to_list Sys.argv))

let verbose =
  match !args with
    | "-v" :: rest -> args := rest; true
    | _ -> false

let () =
  if !args = []
  then (Printf.eprintf "%s: reading from stdin\n" Sys.argv.(0);
        args := ["-"])

let replace_all text line file =
  String.concat ""
          | Str.Text s -> s
          | Str.Delim s ->
              if verbose
              then Printf.eprintf "%s => %s at %s line %d.\n"
                s (Hashtbl.find data s) file line;
              Hashtbl.find data s)
       (Str.full_split pattern text))

let () =
    (fun file ->
       let in_channel =
         if file = "-"
         then stdin
         else open_in file in
       let line = ref 0 in
         while true do
           let text = input_line in_channel in
           incr line;
           print_endline (replace_all text !line file)
       with End_of_file ->
         close_in in_channel)

(* @@PLEAC@@_1.18 *)
(* psgrep - print selected lines of ps output by
            compiling user queries into code *)
#load "unix.cma";;

(* Warning: In order to closely approximate the original recipe, this
   example performs dynamic evaluation using the toplevel. This mechanism
   is undocumented and not type-safe. Use at your own risk.

   The "psgrep" utility, defined below, can be used to filter the results
   of the command-line "ps" program. Here are some examples:

   Processes whose command names start with "sh":

   % psgrep 'String.sub command 0 2 = "sh"'

   Processes running with a user ID below 10:

   % psgrep 'uid < 10'

   Login shells with active ttys:

   % psgrep "command.[0] = '-'" 'tty <> "?"'

   Processes running on pseudo-ttys:

   % psgrep 'String.contains "pqrst" tty.[0]'

   Non-superuser processes running detached:

   % psgrep 'uid > 0 && tty = "?"'

   Huge processes that aren't owned by the superuser:

   % psgrep 'vsz > 50000' 'uid <> 0'

(* Eval recipe thanks to Clément Capel. *)
let () = Toploop.initialize_toplevel_env ()
let eval text = let lexbuf = (Lexing.from_string text) in
  let phrase = !Toploop.parse_toplevel_phrase lexbuf in
  ignore (Toploop.execute_phrase false Format.std_formatter phrase)
let get name = Obj.obj (Toploop.getvalue name)
let set name value = Toploop.setvalue name (Obj.repr value)

(* Type for "ps" results. *)
type ps =
    {f : int; uid : int; pid : int; ppid : int; pri : int; ni : string;
     vsz : int; rss : int; wchan : string; stat : string; tty : string;
     time : string; command : string}

(* Based on the GNU ps from Debian Linux. Other OSs will most likely
   require changes to this format. *)
let parse_ps_line line =
  Scanf.sscanf line "%d %d %d %d %d %s %d %d %6s %4s %10s %4s %s@\000"
    (fun f uid pid ppid pri ni vsz rss wchan stat tty time command ->
       {f=f; uid=uid; pid=pid; ppid=ppid; pri=pri; ni=ni;
        vsz=vsz; rss=rss; wchan=wchan; stat=stat; tty=tty;
        time=time; command=command})

let eval_predicate ps pred =
  (* Use "eval" to initialize each variable's name and type,
     then use "set" to set a value. *)
  eval "let f = 0;;";          set "f" ps.f;
  eval "let uid = 0;;";        set "uid" ps.uid;
  eval "let pid = 0;;";        set "pid";
  eval "let ppid = 0;;";       set "ppid" ps.ppid;
  eval "let pri = 0;;";        set "pri" ps.pri;
  eval "let ni = \"\";;";      set "ni";
  eval "let vsz = 0;;";        set "vsz" ps.vsz;
  eval "let rss = 0;;";        set "rss" ps.rss;
  eval "let wchan = \"\";;";   set "wchan" ps.wchan;
  eval "let stat = \"\";;";    set "stat" ps.stat;
  eval "let tty = \"\";;";     set "tty" ps.tty;
  eval "let time = \"\";;";    set "time" ps.time;
  eval "let command = \"\";;"; set "command" ps.command;
  (* Evaluate expression and return result as boolean. *)
  eval ("let result = (" ^ pred ^ ");;");
  (get "result" : bool)

exception TypeError of string
exception SyntaxError of string

let preds = (Array.to_list Sys.argv)
let () =
  if preds = []
  then (Printf.eprintf "usage: %s criterion ...
    Each criterion is an OCaml expression involving:
     f uid pid ppid pri ni vsz rss wchan stat tty time command
    All criteria must be met for a line to be printed.
" Sys.argv.(0); exit 0)

let () =
  let proc = Unix.open_process_in "ps wwaxl" in
    print_endline (input_line proc);
    while true do
      let line = input_line proc in
      let ps = parse_ps_line line in
      if List.for_all
        (fun pred ->
           try eval_predicate ps pred
           with e ->
             (* Convert exceptions to strings to avoid depending on
                additional toplevel libraries. *)
             match Printexc.to_string e with
               | "Typecore.Error(_, _)" -> raise (TypeError pred)
               | "Syntaxerr.Error(_)"
               | "Lexer.Error(1, _)"
               | "Lexer.Error(_, _)" -> raise (SyntaxError pred)
               | "Misc.Fatal_error" -> failwith pred
               | _ -> raise e)
      then print_endline line
    | End_of_file ->
        ignore (Unix.close_process_in proc)
    | e ->
        ignore (Unix.close_process_in proc);
        raise e

(* @@PLEAC@@_2.1 *)

(* Something like this must be done differently in OCaml because of its
* type-safety.  Some of the tests will use regular expressions, but most won't *)
let has_NonDigits s = 
  try ignore (search_forward (regexp "[^0-9]") s); true
  with Not_found -> true;;
let is_NaturalNumber s =
  try let n = int_of_string s in n > 0 with Failure _ -> false;;
let is_Integer s =
  try ignore(int_of_string s); true with Failure _ -> false;;
let is_DecimalNumber s =
  try ignore(int_of_string s); true with Failure _ ->
    try let n = float_of_string s in (abs_float f) >= 1. 
    with Failure _ -> false;;
let is_CFloat s = 
  try ignore(float_of_string s); true 
  with Failure _ -> false;;

(* One of the above predicates can then be used as needed *)
if predicate s then
  (* is a number *)
  (* is not a number *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_2.2 *)
(* equalStr num1 num2 accuracy returns true if num1 and num2 
   are equal to accuracy decimal places *)

(* done by converting to strings, a la the Perl example *)   
let equalStr num1 num2 accuracy =
  let p x = sprintf "%.*f" accuracy x in
  (p num1) = (p num2)

(* Done in a more or less sane way, i.e. treating them as numbers *)
let equal num1 num2 accuracy =
  let chop x = floor (x *. (10. ** (float accuracy))) in
  (chop num1) = (chop num2);;

let wage = 536;;
let week = 40 * wage;;
Printf.printf "One week's wage is %.2f\n" ((float week) /. 100.);;

(* @@PLEAC@@_2.3 *)
let rounded digits fl = float_of_string (sprintf "%.*f" digits fl);;
let a = 0.255;;
let b = float_of_string (sprintf "%.2f" a);;
let c = rounded 2 a;;
printf "Unrounded %f\nRounded %f\nOther rounded %f\n" a b c;;
printf "Unrounded %f\nRounded %.2f\nOther rounded %f\n" a c (rounded 2 a);;

 * Unrounded 0.255000
 * Rounded 0.260000
 * Other rounded 0.260000
 * Unrounded 0.255000
 * Rounded 0.26
 * Other rounded 0.260000

(* To "round" to the nearest integer, use ceil, floor, or truncate.  Note that
truncate converts the float to an integer, so a conversion back to a float is
necessary *)
let fs = [3.3; 3.5; 3.7; -. 3.3];;
printf "number\tint\tfloor\tceil\n";
  (fun x -> printf "%.1f\t%.1f\t%.1f\t%.1f\n" x (float (truncate x)) (floor x) (ceil x)) 

 * number       int     floor   ceil
 * 3.3  3.0     3.0     4.0
 * 3.5  3.0     3.0     4.0
 * 3.7  3.0     3.0     4.0
 * -3.3 -3.0    -4.0    -3.0
(* Or if you really want an integer in column 2 *)
printf "number\tint\tfloor\tceil\n";
  (fun x -> printf "%.1f\t%d\t%.1f\t%.1f\n" x (truncate x) (floor x) (ceil x)) 

 * number       int     floor   ceil
 * 3.3  3       3.0     4.0
 * 3.5  3       3.0     4.0
 * 3.7  3       3.0     4.0
 * -3.3 -3      -4.0    -3.0

(* @@PLEAC@@_2.4 *)

 * Two versions in each direction -- one to deal with decimal strings,
 * and the other to deal with decimal integers.  Binary numbers will
 * always be strings 

let binStr_of_decInt i =
  let rec strip_bits i s =
    match i with
      0 -> s
    | _ -> strip_bits (i lsr 1) ((string_of_int (i land 0x01)) ^ s) in
  strip_bits i "";;

let binStr_of_decStr i =
  let rec strip_bits i s =
    match i with
      0 -> s
    | _ -> strip_bits (i lsr 1) ((string_of_int (i land 0x01)) ^ s) in
  strip_bits (int_of_string i) "";;
(* Of course if you have binStr_of_decInt already, it's easier to just call
   binStr_of_decInt (int_of_string i) *)

let decInt_of_binStr s =
  int_of_string ("0b" ^ s);;

let decStr_of_binStr s =
  string_of_int (int_of_string ("0b" ^ s));;
let numInt = decInt_of_binStr "0110110";; (* numInt = 54 *)
let numInt = decStr_of_binStr "0110110";; (* numInt = "54" *)
let bin1 = binStr_of_decInt 54;;   (* bin1 = "110110" *)
let bin2 = binStr_of_decStr "54";; (* bin2 = "110110" *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_2.5 *)
(* The boring way is to use a for loop... *)
for i = low to high do
  (* Do your stuff *)
  (* Note, if what you want to do in the loop does not have have type unit, you
     need to wrap it with ignore, e.g. ignore (2 * i) *)

(* Or you skip the syntactic sugar and write it recursively yourself *)
let rec loop low high f =
  if low > high then
      ignore (f low);
      loop (succ low) high f

(* and now with stepsize different from 1 *)
let rec loopStep low high step f =
  if low > high then
      ignore (f low);
      loopStep (low + step) high f

(* Or, if you don't mind wasting space, you can use the useful iter functions
(* Array based *)
let makeArraySequence lo hi =
  Array.init (hi - lo + 1) (fun i -> i + lo);;
Array.iter ( your function here ) (makeArraySequence lo hi);;
(* List based *)
let makeListSequence lo hi = 
  let rec msHelper lo hi l =
    match (a - b) with
    0 -> b::l
        | _ -> msHelper a (b-1) (b::l) in
  msHelper lo hi [];;
List.iter ( your function here ) (makeListSequence lo hi);;
printf "Infancy is: ";
for i = 0 to 2 do
  printf "%d " i


printf "Toddling is: ";
loop 3 4 (fun i -> printf "%d " i);;

print_newline ();;

printf "Childhood is: ";
Array.iter (fun i -> printf "%d " i) (makeArraySequence 5 12);;


 * Infancy is: 0 1 2
 * Toddling is: 3 4
 * Childhood is: 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

(* @@PLEAC@@_2.6 *)
(* Based on Groovy version by Paul King. *)

let roman_map =
  [1000, "M"; 900, "CM"; 500, "D"; 400, "CD"; 100, "C"; 90, "XC";
   50,   "L"; 40,  "XL"; 10,  "X"; 9,   "IX"; 5,   "V"; 4,  "IV"; 1, "I"]

let roman arabic =
  let rec loop remains text map =
    match map with
      | (key, value) :: rest ->
          if remains >= key
          then loop (remains - key) (text ^ value) map
          else loop remains text rest
      | [] -> text in
  loop arabic "" roman_map

let arabic roman =
  let rec loop text sum map =
    match map with
      | (key, value) :: rest ->
          if (String.length text >= String.length value
              && String.sub text 0 (String.length value) = value)
          then (loop
                     (String.length value)
                     (String.length text - String.length value))
                  (sum + key)
          else loop text sum rest
      | [] -> sum in
  loop (String.uppercase roman) 0 roman_map


(* Alternative version by Ken Wakita. *)
let roman arabic =
  let nstr s n = String.concat "" (Array.to_list (Array.make n s)) in
  snd (List.fold_left
         (fun (arabic, roman) (arab, rom) ->
           arabic mod arab, roman ^ (nstr rom (arabic / arab)))
         (arabic, "")


let () =
  let roman_fifteen = roman 15 in
  Printf.printf "Roman for fifteen is %s\n" roman_fifteen;
  let arabic_fifteen = arabic roman_fifteen in
  Printf.printf "Converted back, %s is %d\n" roman_fifteen arabic_fifteen

(* Roman for fifteen is XV
   Converted back, XV is 15 *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_2.7 *)
let random_int lo hi =
  ( (hi - lo + 1)) + lo;;

let random_float lo hi =
  (Random.float (hi -. lo +. 1.)) +. lo;;
let random_number = random_int 25 75 in
  printf "%d\n" random_number;;
let elem = arr.( (Arry.length arr))
let uc = Array.init 26 (fun i -> Char.chr (i+ (Char.code 'A')))
and lc = Array.init 26 (fun i -> Char.chr (i+ (Char.code 'a')))
and nums = Array.init 10 (fun i -> Char.chr (i + (Char.code '0')))
and puncs = [| '!'; '@'; '$'; '%'; '^'; '&'; '*' |];;
let chars = Array.concat [uc; lc; nums; puncs];;

(* to generate the random password as a char array *)
let password = Array.init 8 (fun i -> chars.( (Array.length chars)));;
(* to generate the random password as a string *)
let passString = 
  let s = String.make 8 ' ' in
  for i=0 to 7 do 
        s.[i] <- chars.( (Array.length chars))


(* @@PLEAC@@_2.8 *)
(* Seed the generator with an integer *)
Random.init 5;;

(* Seed the generator with an array of integers *)
Random.full_init [| 1; 2; 178653; -62 |];;

(* Automatically seed the generator in a system-dependant manner *)
Random.self_init ();;

(* @@PLEAC@@_2.9 *)
(* This requires installation of the third party the cryptokit library... *)
let prng = Cryptokit.Random.secure_rng;;
let buf = String.make 10 ' ';;
(* random_bytes buf pos len stores len random bytes in string buf, starting at position pos *)
prng#random_bytes buf 0 10;;  (* buf now contains 10 random bytes *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_2.10 *)
(* Note that this will return just one of the numbers, as returning either one
* or the other would requires always constructing an array or a list -- this
* just returns a float *)

let gaussianRand () =
  let rec getW () =
    let u1 = 2. *. (Random.float 1.) -. 1.
    and u2 = 2. *. (Random.float 1.) -. 1. in
    let w = u1 *. u1 +. u2 *. u2 in
    if w >= 0. then w,u1,u2 else getW () in
  let w,u1,u2 = getW () in
  let w = sqrt((-2. *. (log w)) /. w) in
  let g2 = u1 *. w
  and g1 = u2 *. w in

(* note that because of the way dist is used, it makes the most sense to return
* it as a sorted associative list rather than another hash table *)
let weightToDist whash =
  let total = Hashtbl.fold (fun k v b -> b +. v) whash 0. in
  let dist = Hashtbl.fold (fun k v b -> (v,k)::b) whash [] in
  List.sort compare dist;;

let rec weightedRand dhash =
  let r = ref (Random.float 1.) in
    let v,k = List.find (fun (v,k) -> r := !r -. v; !r < 0.) dhash in k
  with Not_found -> weightedRand dhash;;  

let mean,dev = 25.,2. in
let salary = gaussianRand () *. sdev +. mean;;
printf "You have been hired at $%.2f\n" salary;;

(* @@PLEAC@@_2.11 *)
let pi = acos(-. 1.);;
let degrees_of_radians r = 180. *. r /. pi;;
let radians_of_degrees d = d *. pi /. 180.;;

let sinDeg d = sin (radians_of_degrees d);;
let cosDeg d = cos (radians_of_degrees d);;

(* @@PLEAC@@_2.12 *)
(* cos, sin, tan, acos, asin, atan, sinh, cosh and tanh are all standard
functions, but missing functions, such as secant can be construced in the usual
way... *)

let sec x = 1. /. (sin x);;

(* @@PLEAC@@_2.13 *)

(* to take a natural log, use the log function *)
let log_e = log 100.;;

(* to take a log to base 10, use the log10 function *)
let log_10 = log10 100.;;

(* to take a log to an arbitrary base, use traditional identities *)
let logB base x = (log x) /. (log base);;

(* @@PLEAC@@_2.14 *)
let mmult m1 m2 =
  let dim m =
    Array.length m,Array.length m.(0) in
  let r1,c1 = dim m1
  and r2,c2 = dim m2 in
  if c1 <> r2 then raise (Invalid_argument "Matrix dimensions don't match")
      let dotP v1 v2 =
        let sum = ref 0. in
        for i = 0 to Array.length v1 - 1 do 
          sum := !sum +. (v1.(i) *. v2.(i))
        !sum in
      let row m i = m.(i)
      and col m i = Array.init (Array.length m) (fun r -> m.(r).(i)) in
      let res = Array.make_matrix r1 c2 0. in
      for r = 0 to pred r1 do
        for c = 0 to pred c2 do
          res.(r).(c) <- dotP (row m1 r) (col m2 c)

(* @@PLEAC@@_2.15 *)
(* c = a * b manually *)
type cplx = { real : float; imag : float; };;
let c = {real = a.real *. b.real -. a.imag *. b.imag;
         imag = a.imag *. b.real +. b.imag *. a.real};;

(* c = a * b using the Complex module *)
open Complex;;

let c = Complex.mul a b;;
(* Note that we could have simply said let c = mul a b, but a later binding of a value to the
   name mul would render the complex mul invisible after that, Complex.mul is
   less ambiguous. *)
let a = {real=3.; imag=5.};;
let b = {real=2.; imag=(-. 2.);}
let c = {real = a.real *. b.real -. a.imag *. b.imag;
         imag = a.imag *. b.real +. b.imag *. a.real};;
printf "c = %f+%fi\n" c.real c.imag;;
(* c = 16.000000+4.000000i *)

let a = {re=3.; im=5.};;
let b = {re=2.; im=(-. 2.);}
let c = mul a b;;
printf "c = %f+%fi\n";;

(* c = 16.000000+4.000000i *)

let d = {re=3.; im=4.};;
let s = sqrt d in
printf "sqrt(%.2f+%.2fi) = %.2f+%.2fi\n";;

(* sqrt(3.00+4.00i) = 2.00+1.00i *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_2.16 *)
(* Since integers and strings are very different things in OCaml, we will
   represent both octal and hexidecimal values as strings *)

let oct_of_hex h =
  Printf.sprintf "%0o" (int_of_string ("0x" ^ h));;
let hex_of_oct o =
  Printf.sprintf "%0x" (int_of_string ("0o" ^ o));;

(* One small problem is that OCaml integers are 31 (or 63) bit values, if you need
   something larger, you can use the following for a full 32 bits: *)
let oct_of_hex32 h =
  Printf.sprintf "%0lo" (Int32.of_string ("0x" ^ h));;
let hex_of_oct32 o =
  Printf.sprintf "%0lx" (Int32.of_string ("0o" ^ o));;

(* Or this for 64 bits: *)
let oct_of_hex64 h =
  Printf.sprintf "%0Lo" (Int64.of_string ("0x" ^ h));;
let hex_of_oct64 o =
  Printf.sprintf "%0Lx" (Int64.of_string ("0o" ^ o));;

(* For anything else you have to roll your own *)
let chopn n s =
  (* Chops strings into list of n byte substrings *)
  match s with 
    "" -> [""] (* avoids wierd edge case *)
    | _ ->
      let ex = (String.length s) mod n in
      let ss = if ex = 0 then s else ((String.make (n-ex) '0') ^ s) in
      let rec schopn x s l =
        match x with
          0 -> (String.sub s 0 n)::l
          | _ -> schopn (x-n) s ((String.sub s x n)::l) in
      schopn (String.length ss - n) ss [];;
let long_oct_of_hex h =
  let choppedH = chopn 6 h in
  let f x = int_of_string ("0x" ^ x) in
  String.concat "" ( (fun x -> Printf.sprintf "%08o" (f x)) choppedH);;

let long_hex_of_oct o =
  let choppedO = chopn 8 o in
  let f x = int_of_string ("0o" ^ x) in
  String.concat "" ( (fun x -> Printf.sprintf "%06x" (f x)) choppedO);;
(* Since octal, hex and decimal are all the same internally, we don't need to do
    any explicit conversion *)
printf "Gimme a number in decimal, octal, or hex: ";;
let num = read_int ();;
printf "%d %x %o\n" num num num;;
printf "Enter file permission in octal: ";;
let permissions = try read_int ()
with Failure message -> failwith "Exiting...\n";;
printf "The decimal value is %d\n" permissions;;

(* @@PLEAC@@_2.17 *)
(* This example requires the PCRE library, available at: *)
#directory "+pcre";;
#load "pcre.cma";;

let rev_string s =
  let s' = String.copy s in
  let i = ref (String.length s - 1) in
  String.iter (fun c -> s'.[!i] <- c; decr i) s;

let commify s =
    (Pcre.replace ~pat:"(\\d\\d\\d)(?=\\d)(?!\\d*\\.)" ~templ:"$1,"
       (rev_string s))


(* more reasonable web counter :-) *)
let () =
  Random.self_init ();
  let hits = Random.int32 2147483647l in
  Printf.printf "Your web page received %s accesses last month.\n"
    (commify (Int32.to_string hits))
(* Your web page received 1,670,658,439 accesses last month. *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_2.18 *)
(* Hardcoded examples can be done as follows: *)
Printf.printf "It took %d hour%s\n" n (if n <> 1 then "s" else "");;
Printf.printf "It took %d centur%s\n" n (if n <> 1 then "ies" else "y");;

(* For a more general solution *)
(* First define the rules *)
(* Note: the OS needs to support dynamic loading of C libraries for this *)
#load "str.cma";;

let rules = (fun x -> (Str.regexp (fst x)),(snd x))

let f w x =
  ignore(Str.search_forward (fst x) w 0); 
  Str.replace_first (fst x) (snd x) w;;

let rec exn_map ex fn1 fn2 l =
  match l with
    [] -> fn2
  | h::t -> try (fn1 h) with ex -> exn_map ex fn1 fn2 t;;

let pluralize x = (* "wish" in *)
  exn_map Not_found (f x) (x ^ "s") rules;;
(* Note: This next example doesn't work on the odd cases *)
let nouns = ["fish"; "fly"; "ox"; "species"; "genus"; "phylum"; "cherub";
             "radius"; "jockey"; "index"; "matrix"; "mythos"; "phenomenon";
List.iter (fun x -> printf "One %s, two %s\n" x (pluralize x)) nouns;;

(* @@PLEAC@@_2.19 *)
(* Note: the OS needs to support dynamic loading of C libraries for this
   otherwise you will need to link the nums library with the code at comple time *)
#load "nums.cma";;
open Big_int;;

let cmd = [|"bigfact"; "8"; "9"; "96"; "2178"; 
            "239322000000000000000000"; "25000000000000000000000000"; "17"|];;

(* This will raise an exception if a nonnumeric string is in the argument list
let argList = big_int_of_string (Array.sub cmd 1 ((Array.length cmd) - 1));;

let factorize num = 
  let two = big_int_of_int 2 and four = big_int_of_int 4 in
  let rec genFactors (i,sqi) n fList =
    if eq_big_int n unit_big_int then fList else
    if lt_big_int n sqi then ((n,1)::fList) else
      let newn = ref n and fcount = ref 0 in
      while  (eq_big_int (mod_big_int !newn i) zero_big_int) do
          newn := div_big_int !newn i;
          fcount := !fcount + 1;
      let nexti,nextsqi = 
          if eq_big_int i two then
              (add_big_int i unit_big_int),
                (add_big_int sqi (add_big_int (mult_big_int i two)
              (add_big_int i two),
                (add_big_int sqi (add_big_int (mult_big_int i four) two)) in
      genFactors (nexti,nextsqi) !newn (if !fcount = 0 then fList else
          ((i,!fcount)::fList)) in
   genFactors (two,four) num [];;

let _ = 
  (fun n ->
    let l = factorize n in
    match l with
      [(x,1)] -> printf "%s\tPrime!\n" (string_of_big_int x)
    | _ -> 
        printf "%s\t" (string_of_big_int n);
          (fun (x,count) -> let sx = string_of_big_int x in
            if count = 1 then printf "%s " sx
            else printf "%s**%d " sx count)
          (List.rev l);
    print_newline()) argList;;

(* @@PLEAC@@_3.0 *)

(* The unix module acts as a thin wrapper around the standard C
** Posix API. It comes standard with the Ocaml compiler but is
** not automatcially linked.
** If you are not using the command line interpreter, delete the
** the "#load" line

#load "unix.cma" ;;
open Unix ;;
let t = Unix.localtime (Unix.time ());;

Printf.printf "Today is day %d of the current year.\n" t.tm_yday ;;

(* @@PLEAC@@_3.1 *)
(* Finding todays date *)

let (day, month, year) = (t.tm_mday, t.tm_mon, t.tm_year) ;;
Printf.printf "The current date is %04d-%02d-%02d\n"
  (1900 + year) (month + 1) day ;;

(* @@PLEAC@@_3.2 *)
** Converting DMYHMS to Epoch Seconds
** Again, use the Unix module.

(* For the local timezone *)
let ttup = mktime (localtime (time ())) ;;
Printf.printf "Epoch Seconds (local): %.0f\n" (fst ttup) ;;

(* For UTC *)
let ttup = mktime (gmtime (time ())) ;;
Printf.printf "Epoch Seconds (UTC): %.0f\n" (fst ttup) ;;

(* @@PLEAC@@_3.3 *)
#load "unix.cma";;

let time = Unix.time ()

let {Unix.tm_sec=seconds; tm_min=minutes; tm_hour=hours;
     tm_mday=day_of_month; tm_mon=month; tm_year=year;
     tm_wday=wday; tm_yday=yday; tm_isdst=isdst} =
  Unix.localtime time

let () =
  Printf.printf "Dateline: %02d:%02d:%02d-%04d/%02d/%02d\n"
    hours minutes seconds (year + 1900) (month + 1) day_of_month

(* @@PLEAC@@_3.4 *)
let birthtime = 96176750.                     (* 18/Jan/1973, 3:45:50 am *)
let interval = 5. +.                          (* 5 seconds *)
               17. *. 60. +.                  (* 17 minutes *)
               2.  *. 60. *. 60. +.           (* 2 hours *)
               55. *. 60. *. 60. *. 24.       (* and 55 days *)
let then' = birthtime +. interval
let () =
  (* format_time is defined in section 3.8. *)
  Printf.printf "Then is %s\n" (format_time then');
  (* Then is Tue Mar 13 23:02:55 1973 *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_3.5 *)
let bree = 361535725.                   (* 16 Jun 1981, 4:35:25 *)
let nat  =  96201950.                   (* 18 Jan 1973, 3:45:50 *)

let difference = bree -. nat
let () =
  Printf.printf "There were %.f seconds between Nat and Bree\n"
  (* There were 265333775 seconds between Nat and Bree *)

let seconds    =  mod_float difference 60.
let difference = (difference -. seconds) /. 60.
let minutes    =  mod_float difference 60.
let difference = (difference -. minutes) /. 60.
let hours      =  mod_float difference 24.
let difference = (difference -. hours)   /. 24.
let days       =  mod_float difference 7.
let weeks      = (difference -. days)    /.  7.

let () =
  Printf.printf "(%.f weeks, %.f days, %.f:%.f:%.f)\n"
    weeks days hours minutes seconds
  (* (438 weeks, 4 days, 23:49:35) *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_3.6 *)
#load "unix.cma";;

let {Unix.tm_mday=monthday; tm_wday=weekday; tm_yday=yearday} =
  Unix.localtime date
let weeknum = yearday / 7 + 1

(* @@PLEAC@@_3.7 *)
#load "unix.cma";;

let epoch_seconds date =
  Scanf.sscanf date "%04d-%02d-%02d"
    (fun yyyy mm dd ->
       fst (Unix.mktime {Unix.tm_sec=0; tm_min=0; tm_hour=0;
                         tm_mday=dd; tm_mon=mm-1; tm_year=yyyy-1900;
                         tm_wday=0; tm_yday=0; tm_isdst=false}))

let () =
  while true do
    let line = read_line () in
      let date = epoch_seconds line in
      let {Unix.tm_mday=day; tm_mon=month; tm_year=year} =
        Unix.localtime date in
      let month = month + 1 in
      let year = year + 1900 in
      Printf.printf "Date was %d/%d/%d\n" month day year
      | Scanf.Scan_failure _
      | End_of_file 
      | Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ERANGE, "mktime", _) ->
          Printf.printf "Bad date string: %s\n" line

(* @@PLEAC@@_3.8 *)
#load "unix.cma";;

open Unix
open Printf

let days = [| "Sun"; "Mon"; "Tue"; "Wed"; "Thu"; "Fri"; "Sat" |]
let months = [| "Jan"; "Feb"; "Mar"; "Apr"; "May"; "Jun";
                "Jul"; "Aug"; "Sep"; "Oct"; "Nov"; "Dec" |]

let format_time time =
  let tm = localtime time in
  sprintf "%s %s %2d %02d:%02d:%02d %04d"
    (tm.tm_year + 1900)

let time = fst (Unix.mktime {tm_sec=50; tm_min=45; tm_hour=3;
                             tm_mday=18; tm_mon=0; tm_year=73;
                             tm_wday=0; tm_yday=0; tm_isdst=false})
let () = printf "format_time gives: %s\n" (format_time time)

(* @@PLEAC@@_3.9 *)
#load "unix.cma";;

let t0 = Unix.gettimeofday ()
let () = print_string "Press return when ready: "; ignore (read_line ())
let t1 = Unix.gettimeofday ()
let () = Printf.printf "You took %f seconds.\n" (t1 -. t0)


let size = 500 in
let number_of_times = 100 in
let total_time = ref 0. in

for i = 1 to number_of_times do
  let array = Array.init size (fun _ -> Random.bits()) in

  let before = Unix.gettimeofday() in
  Array.stable_sort compare array ;
  let time = Unix.gettimeofday() -. before in
  total_time := !total_time +. time
done ;

Printf.printf "On average, sorting %d random numbers takes %.5f seconds\n" size (!total_time /. float number_of_times)

(* @@PLEAC@@_3.10 *)
let usleep time =
  ignore ( [] [] [] time)

let () =
  while true do
    usleep 0.25;
    print_newline ();

(* @@PLEAC@@_3.11 *)
(* hopdelta - feed mail header, produce lines
              showing delay at each hop. *)
#load "str.cma";;
#load "unix.cma";;

(* Modify this function to tweak the format of results. *)
let print_result sender recipient time delta =
  Printf.printf "%-30s %-30s %-20s   %s\n"
    sender recipient time delta

(* Produce a stream of lines from an input channel. *)
let line_stream_of_channel channel =
    (fun _ -> try Some (input_line channel) with End_of_file -> None)

(* Turn a stream of lines into a stream of paragraphs, where each
   paragraph is a stream of lines. Paragraphs are delimited by one
   or more empty lines. *)
let paragraphs lines =
  let rec next para_lines i =
    match Stream.peek lines, para_lines with
      | None, [] -> None
      | Some "", [] -> Stream.junk lines; next para_lines i
      | Some "", _ | None, _ -> Some (Stream.of_list (List.rev para_lines))
      | Some line, _ -> Stream.junk lines; next (line :: para_lines) i in
  Stream.from (next [])

(* Find blocks of email headers in a stream of paragraphs. Headers
   are all assumed to have a first line starting with "From" and
   containing a '@' character. This is not very robust. *)
let header_blocks paras =
  let rec next i =
    match Stream.peek paras with
      | Some lines ->
          if (match Stream.peek lines with
                | Some line ->
                    (String.length line >= 5
                     && (String.sub line 0 5 = "From ")
                     && (String.contains line '@'))
                | None -> false)
          then Some ( paras)
          else (Stream.junk paras; next i)
      | None -> None in
  Stream.from next

(* Pattern to detect continuation lines. *)
let continuation_regexp = Str.regexp "^[\t ]+"

(* Transform a stream of lines such that continuation lines are joined
   with previous lines by a single space. *)
let join_continuations lines =
  let rec continuations () =
    match Stream.peek lines with
      | Some line ->
          let found = ref false in
          let trimmed =
              (fun _ -> found := true; "")
              line in
          if !found
          then (Stream.junk lines; " " ^ trimmed ^ continuations ())
          else ""
      | None -> "" in
  let rec next i =
    match Stream.peek lines with
      | Some line ->
          Stream.junk lines;
          Some (line ^ continuations ())
      | None -> None in
  Stream.from next

(* A type for headers, where "from" contains the text of the "From"
   line, and the rest of the headers are parsed into a (key, value)
   list called "params". *)
type header = { from : string;
                params : (string * string) list }

(* Given a stream of header blocks, produce a stream of values of the
   above "header" type. *)
let headers blocks =
  let parse_from line =
    String.sub line 5 (String.length line - 5) in
  let parse_param params line =
      let index = String.index line ':' in
      let key = String.sub line 0 index in
      let value =
        if String.length line > index + 2
            (index + 2)
            (String.length line - index - 2)
        else "" in
      params := (key, value) :: !params
      | Not_found
      | Invalid_argument "String.sub" ->
          Printf.eprintf "Unable to parse header: %s\n" line;
          () in
  let rec next i =
      let lines = blocks in
      let lines = join_continuations lines in
      let from = parse_from ( lines) in
      let params = ref [] in
      Stream.iter (parse_param params) lines;
      Some { from = from; params = List.rev !params }
    with Stream.Failure ->
      None in
  Stream.from next

(* Combine the above stream transformers to produce a function from
   input channels to streams of headers. *)
let header_stream_of_channel channel =
          (line_stream_of_channel channel)))

(* Association list mapping month abbreviations to 0-based month
   numbers as required by Unix.mktime. *)
let months =
  ["Jan", 0; "Feb", 1; "Mar", 2; "Apr", 3; "May", 4; "Jun", 5;
   "Jul", 6; "Aug", 7; "Sep", 8; "Oct", 9; "Nov", 10; "Dec", 11]

(* Turn a time zone into an offset in minutes. Not exhaustive. *)
let parse_tz = function
  | "" | "Z" | "GMT" | "UTC" | "UT" -> 0
  | "PST" -> -480
  | "MST" | "PDT" -> -420
  | "CST" | "MDT" -> -360
  | "EST" | "CDT" -> -300
  | "EDT" -> -240
  | string ->
      Scanf.sscanf string "%c%02d%_[:]%02d"
        (fun sign hour min ->
           min + hour * (if sign = '-' then -60 else 60))

(* List of date-parsing functions from strings to epoch seconds. *)
let date_parsers =
    (fun string ->
       Scanf.sscanf string "%d %s %d %d:%d:%d %s"
         (fun mday mon year hour min sec tz ->
            let mon = List.assoc mon months in
            fst (Unix.mktime
                   {Unix.tm_sec=sec; tm_min=min; tm_hour=hour;
                    tm_mday=mday; tm_mon=mon; tm_year=year-1900;
                    tm_wday=0; tm_yday=0; tm_isdst=false})
            -. (float (parse_tz tz) *. 60.0)));
    (fun string ->
       Scanf.sscanf string "%3s, %d %s %4d %d:%d:%d %s"
         (fun wday mday mon year hour min sec tz ->
            let mon = List.assoc mon months in
            fst (Unix.mktime
                   {Unix.tm_sec=sec; tm_min=min; tm_hour=hour;
                    tm_mday=mday; tm_mon=mon; tm_year=year-1900;
                    tm_wday=0; tm_yday=0; tm_isdst=false})
            -. (float (parse_tz tz) *. 60.0)));
    (fun string ->
       Scanf.sscanf string "%3s, %d %s %2d %d:%d:%d %s"
         (fun wday mday mon year hour min sec tz ->
            let mon = List.assoc mon months in
            fst (Unix.mktime
                   {Unix.tm_sec=sec; tm_min=min; tm_hour=hour;
                    tm_mday=mday; tm_mon=mon; tm_year=year;
                    tm_wday=0; tm_yday=0; tm_isdst=false})
            -. (float (parse_tz tz) *. 60.0)));

(* Tries each of the above date parsers, one at a time, until one
   of them doesn't throw an exception. If they all fail, returns
   a value of 0.0. *)
let getdate string =
  let result = ref 0.0 in
  let parsers = ref date_parsers in
  while !result = 0.0 && !parsers <> [] do
    let parse = List.hd !parsers in
    parsers := !parsers;
    try result := parse string with _ -> ()

(* Formats a date given in epoch seconds for display. *)
let fmtdate epoch =
  let tm = Unix.localtime epoch in
  Printf.sprintf "%02d:%02d:%02d %04d/%02d/%02d"
    tm.Unix.tm_hour tm.Unix.tm_min tm.Unix.tm_sec
    (tm.Unix.tm_year + 1900) (tm.Unix.tm_mon + 1) tm.Unix.tm_mday

(* Formats the difference between two epoch times for display. *)
let fmtdelta delta =
  let sign    = if delta < 0.0 then '-' else ' ' in
  let delta   = abs_float delta in
  let seconds = mod_float delta 60. in
  let delta   = (delta -. seconds) /. 60. in
  let minutes = mod_float delta 60. in
  let delta   = (delta -. minutes) /. 60. in
  let hours   = mod_float delta 24. in
  Printf.sprintf "%c%02.f:%02.f:%02.f" sign hours minutes seconds

(* Process the header for a single email. *)
let process_header header =
  let start_from =
    try List.assoc "From" header.params
    with Not_found -> header.from in
  let start_from =
      (Str.regexp ".*@\\([^ >]*\\).*") "\\1" start_from in
  let start_date =
    try List.assoc "Date" header.params
    with Not_found -> "" in
  let start_date =
      (Str.regexp " +(.*$") "" start_date in
  let then' = ref (getdate start_date) in
  print_result "Sender" "Recipient" "Time" " Delta";
  print_result "Start" start_from (fmtdate !then') "";
  let prevfrom = ref start_from in
    (fun (key, value) ->
       if key = "Received"
           let when' =
               (Str.regexp ".*; +\\(.*\\)$") "\\1" value in
           let when' =
               (Str.regexp " +(.*$") "" when' in
           let from' =
               ignore (Str.search_forward
                         (Str.regexp "from +\\([^ )]+\\)") value 0);
               Str.matched_group 1 value
             with Not_found ->
                 ignore (Str.search_forward
                           (Str.regexp "(\\([^)]*\\))") value 0);
                 Str.matched_group 1 value
               with Not_found -> "" in
           let from' = Str.replace_first (Str.regexp ")$") "" from' in
           let by' =
               ignore (Str.search_forward
                         (Str.regexp "by +\\([^ ]+\\.[^ ]+\\)") value 0);
               Str.matched_group 1 value
             with Not_found -> "" in
           let now = getdate when' in
           let delta = now -. !then' in
             (if !prevfrom <> "" then !prevfrom else from')
             (fmtdate now)
             (fmtdelta delta);
           then' := now;
           prevfrom := by';
    (List.rev header.params);
  print_newline ();
  flush stdout

(* Process all emails from standard input. *)
let () =
  Stream.iter process_header (header_stream_of_channel stdin)

(* @@PLEAC@@_4.0 *)
let nested = ["this"; "that"; "the"; "other"] (* string list *)

(* there is no such non-homogeneous list. You can do things with tuples: *)
let nested = ("this", "that", ["the"; "other"]) (* string * string * string list *)
let tune = ["The"; "Star-Spangled"; "Banner"]

(* @@PLEAC@@_4.1 *)
(* Note that Perl sort of munges OCaml lists and arrays into a single data
 * structure.  In OCaml, they are two distinct data structures, and one needs to
 * learn when it is best to use lists vs. arrays. *)

(* To initialize a list *)
let l = ["quick"; "brown"; "fox"];;

(* To initialize an array *)
let a = [|"quick"; "brown"; "fox"|];;

let words s = Str.split (Str.regexp "[ \t]+") s;;
let l = words "Why are you teasing me?";;
let str = "  The boy stood on the burning deck,
  It was as hot as glass.
" in
let f l =
  let sep = Str.regexp "[ \t\n]*\\(.+\\)" in (fun s ->
    if (Str.string_match sep s 0) then
      Str.matched_group 1 s
  ) l
f (Str.split (Str.regexp_string "\n") str);;
 * - : string list =
 * ["The boy stood on the burning deck,"; "It was as hot as glass."]

let data = open_in "mydatafile" in
let bigarray = readlines data in

(* @@PLEAC@@_4.2 *)

let commify_series l = 
  let rec sepChar l =
  match l with
    [] -> ", "
  | h::t -> 
       if String.contains h ',' then "; " else sepChar t in
  match l with
    [] -> ""
  | h::[] -> h
  | h1::h2::[] -> h1 ^ " and " ^ h2
  | _ ->
     let l' =
        let last::rest = List.rev l in
        (List.rev (("and " ^ last)::rest)) in
     String.concat (sepChar l) l';; 

let lists = 
    [ "just one thing" ];
    [ "Mutt"; "Jeff" ];
    [ "Peter"; "Paul"; "Mary" ];
    [ "To our parents"; "Mother Theresa"; "God" ];
    [ "pastrami"; "ham and cheese"; "peanut butter and jelly"; "tuna" ];
    [ "recycle tired, old phrases"; "ponder big, happy thoughts" ];
    [ "recycle tired, old phrases"; 
      "ponder big, happy thoughts"; 
      "sleep and dream peacefully" ]

List.iter (fun x -> printf "The list is: %s.\n" (commify_series x)) lists;;

The list is: just one thing.
The list is: Mutt and Jeff.
The list is: Peter, Paul, and Mary.
The list is: To our parents, Mother Theresa, and God.
The list is: pastrami, ham and cheese, peanut butter and jelly, and tuna.
The list is: recycle tired, old phrases and ponder big, happy thoughts.
The list is: recycle tired, old phrases; ponder big, happy thoughts; and sleep and dream peacefully.

(* Note that if you are actually using arrays instead of lists, you can either
 * reuse the above code by calling "commify_series (Array.to_list a)", or you
 * can use the following solution (which won't work with lists, but is probably
 * more efficient).

let commify_array a =
  let len = Array.length a in
  let rec sepChar a =
      for i=0 to len - 1 do
        if String.contains a.(i) ',' then raise Not_found
      ", "
    with Not_found -> "; " in
  match len with
    0 -> ""
  | 1 -> a.(0)
  | 2 -> a.(0) ^ " and " ^ a.(1)
  | _ -> 
      let buf = Buffer.create 10
      and sep = sepChar a in
      for i = 0 to len - 2 do
        Buffer.add_string buf a.(i);
        Buffer.add_string buf sep;
      Buffer.add_string buf "and ";
      Buffer.add_string buf a.(len - 1);
      Buffer.contents buf;;

let arrays = 
    [| "just one thing" |];
    [| "Mutt"; "Jeff" |];
    [| "Peter"; "Paul"; "Mary" |];
    [| "To our parents"; "Mother Theresa"; "God" |];
    [| "pastrami"; "ham and cheese"; "peanut butter and jelly"; "tuna" |];
    [| "recycle tired, old phrases"; "ponder big, happy thoughts" |];
    [| "recycle tired, old phrases"; 
      "ponder big, happy thoughts"; 
      "sleep and dream peacefully" |]

Array.iter (fun x -> printf "The list is: %s.\n" (commify_array x)) arrays;;

(* @@PLEAC@@_4.3 *)

   OK, OCaml just doesn't work with arrays the same way tha Perl does.  In
   Ocaml, Arrays are immutable in their shape, while containing mutable
   contents.  You can simulate this example as shown below (which only works for
   string arrays), or you can get resizeable arrays from a library such as
   extlib <>

let what_about_that_array a =
  let len = Array.length a in
  printf "The array now has %d elements.\n" len;
  printf "The index of the last element is %d.\n" (if len=0 then 0 else len-1);
  printf "Element 3 is \"%s\".\n" a.(3);; 

let resizeArray a s =
  (* begin stupid hack to work like the Perl example *)
  let s = s + 1 in
  (* end stupid hack to work like the Perl example *)
  assert (s >= 0);
  let len = Array.length a in
  if s = len then a else
    if s < len then
      Array.sub a 0 s
      Array.append a (Array.make (s - len) "");;

let people = [|"Crosby"; "Stills"; "Nash"; "Young"|];;
what_about_that_array people;;

The array now has 4 elements.
The index of the last element is 3.
Element 3 is "Young".

let people = resizeArray people 2;;
what_about_that_array people;;

The array now has 3 elements.
The index of the last element is 2.
Exception: Invalid_argument "index out of bounds".

let people = resizeArray people 10000;;
what_about_that_array people;;
The array now has 10001 elements.
The index of the last element is 10000.
Element 3 is "".

(* @@PLEAC@@_4.4 *)

Array.iter complain bad_users;;
(* Or for lists *)
List.iter complain bad_users;;

(* For the hashtable example, we'd iterate over the table itself *)

Hashtbl.iter (fun k v -> printf "%s=%s\n" k v) h;; 

(* Of course if you want to iterate over the keys in lexicographic order, then
 * you'll need to build a list of keys, sort it, then iterate over that *)

List.iter (fun x -> printf "%s=%s\n" x (Hashtbl.find env x))
  (List.sort compare (Hashtbl.fold (fun k v b -> k::b) env []));;

Array.iter (fun x -> if get_usage x > max_quota then complain x) all_users;;
(* or for lists of users *)
List.iter (fun x -> if get_usage x > max_quota then complain x) all_users;;

(* for this example, we're going to assume that the output of the who command is
 * contained in the list named who, with one line of output per list element.
 * This example requires the use of the Str module which is not loaded or linked
 * by default (but is part of the standard library), at the toplevel, use the
 * directive "#load "str.cma"

  (fun x -> 
      ignore (Str.search_forward (Str.quote "tchrist") x 0);
      print_endline x;
    with Not_found -> ()) who;;

(* To iterate over all lines read in from some channel we would do the following *)
let iter_channel f ic =
    while true do
      f (input_line ic)
  with Not_found -> ();;

(* and the example would then be written as *)
  (fun  s ->
    let reverse s ='let len = String.length s in
      let s' = String.create len in
      for i = 0 to len - 1 do
        s'.[len-i-1] <- s.[i]
      s' in
    (* assuming we have written a chomp workalike *)
    let s = chomp s in
      (fun x -> print_endline (reverse x)) 
      (Str.split (Str.regexp "[ \t]+") s)) fh;;

(* In OCaml the iterator variable also is an alias for the current element,
 * however, because of the functional nature of OCaml, unless the elements of
 * the array are references, the only way to change them is by resetting the
 * value of the array to something new -- this is best done using iteri *)

let a = [|1; 2; 3|];;
Array.iteri (fun i x -> a.(i) <- x-1) a;;

(* or, with references *)

let a = [| ref 1; ref 2; ref 3 |];;
Array.iter (fun x -> x := !x - 1) a;;

(* You can, of course, use map to create a new array with the desired contents
 * as well *)
let a = [| 0.5; 3.|];;
let b = [|0.; 1.|];;
Array.iter (printf "%f ") ( (( *. ) 7.) (Array.append a b));;

let strip s =
  Str.replace_first (Str.regexp "^[ \t\n]") ""
    (Str.replace_first (Str.regexp "[ \t\n$]") "" s);;

let sc,ar,h = 
  strip sc, strip ar,
  (Hashtbl.iter (fun k v -> Hashtbl.replace h k (strip v)) h; h);;

(* of course, the Hashtbl.replace already destructively updates the old
 * hashtable... *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_4.5 *)

(* iterate over elements of array in arrayref *)

Array.iter (fun x -> (* do something with x *)) !arrayref;;

for i = 0 to Array.length !arrayref - 1 do
  (* do something with !arrayref.(i) *)

let fruits = [| "Apple"; "Blackberry" |];;
let fruit_ref = ref fruits;;
Array.iter (printf "%s tastes good in a pie.\n") !fruit_ref;;

for i = 0 to  Array.length !fruit_ref - 1 do
  printf "%s tastes good in a pie.\n" !fruit_ref.(i)

Hashtbl.add namelist "felines" (ref rogue_cats);;
Array.iter (printf "%s purrs hypnotically.\n") !(Hashtbl.find namelist
print_endline "--More--\nYou are controlled.";;

for i=0 to Array.length !(Hashtbl.find namelist "felines") - 1 do
  printf "%s purrs hypnotically.\n" !(Hashtbl.find namelist "felines").(i)

(* @@PLEAC@@_4.6 *)

(* For lists, the most "natural" way to do this is by walking the list and
 * looking for duplicates of each item *)

let rec uniquesOnly l = 
  let rec contains x l =
    match l with
      [] -> false
    | h::t -> if x = h then true else contains x t in
  match l with 
    [] -> []
  | h::t -> if contains h t then uniquesOnly t else h::(uniquesOnly t);;

(* if you have a lot of duplicates, it might be better to use List.filter *)
let rec uniquesOnly l =
  match l with
    [] -> []
  | h::t -> h::(uniquesOnly (List.filter ((<>) h) t));;

(* Or, for lists or arrays, you can use a hashtable *)
(* Straightforward *)
let uniquesOnly l =
  let seen = Hashtbl.create 17
  and uniq = ref [] in
    (fun x -> 
      if not (Hashtbl.mem seen x) then 
        (Hashtbl.add seen x 1; uniq := (x::!uniq)))

(* Or more likely *)
let uniquesOnly l =
  let seen = Hashtbl.create 17 in
  List.iter (fun x -> Hashtbl.replace seen x 1) l;
  Hashtbl.fold (fun k v b -> k::b) seen [];;

(* To apply a user function to each unique element of a list, one would likely
 * do something like *)

let userUnique f l = f (uniquesOnly l);;

(* Generate a list of users logged in, removing duplicates.  Note that this
 * example requires linking with the Unix and Str libraries. *)
let who () =
  let w = Unix.open_process_in "who"
  and l = ref [] in
    while true do
      l := (input_line w)::!l
  with End_of_file -> !l;;

let ucnt = Hashtbl.create 17;;
  (fun x -> 
    Hashtbl.replace ucnt (Str.replace_first (Str.regexp "[ \t].*$") "" x) 1)
  (who ());;
let users = Hashtbl.fold (fun k v b -> k::b) ucnt [];;

printf "users logged in: %s";;
List.iter (printf "%s ") users;;

(* @@PLEAC@@_4.7 *)

(* using hashtables, like the cookbook *)
let arrayDiff a b = 
  let seen = Hashtbl.create 17 
  and l = ref [] in
  Array.iter (fun x -> Hashtbl.add seen x 1) b;
  Array.iter (fun x -> if not (Hashtbl.mem seen x) then l := x::!l) a;
  Array.of_list !l;;

(* @@PLEAC@@_4.8 *)

let a = [ 1;3;5;6;7;8 ];;
let b = [ 2;3;5;7;9 ];;

let union = Hashtbl.create 13
and isect = Hashtbl.create 13
and diff = Hashtbl.create 13;;

(* simple solution for union and intersection *)
List.iter (fun x -> Hashtbl.add union x 1) a;;
  (fun x -> hashtbl.add (if Hashtbl.mem union x then isect else union) x 1) b;;
let u = Hashtbl.fold (fun k v b -> k::b) union []
and i = Hashtbl.fold (fun k v b -> k::b) isect [];;

(* Union, intersection, and symmetric difference *)
let hincr h x = 
  let v = try Hashtbl.find h x with Not_found -> 0 in
  Hashtbl.replace h x (v+1);;

let count = Hashtbl.create 13;;
List.iter (fun x -> Hashtbl.add count x 1) a;;
List.iter (hincr count) b;;
let u,i,d =
  let u = Hashtbl.fold (fun k v b -> (k,v)::b) count [] in
  let i,d = List.partition(fun x -> snd x = 2) u in
  let vo l = fst l in
  (vo u),(vo i),(vo d);;

(* @@PLEAC@@_4.9 *)

(* For lists, use the @ operator for two lists, or List.concat for a list of
 * lists, for arrays, use Array.append for two arrays, or Array.concat for a
 * list of arrays*)

let list1 = list1 @ list2;;
let array1 = Array.append array1 array2;;

let members = [| "Time"; "Flies" |];;
let initiates = [| "An"; "Arrow" |];;
let members = Array.append members initiates;;

(* It is easiest to write a splice workalike and then just use the new function
 * much like in Perl *)

let splice ?length ?list arr off =
  let len = Array.length arr in
  let off = if off < 0 then len + off else off in
  let l,back =
    match length with
      None -> (len - off),[||]
    | Some l -> 
        (let boff = off + l in
        try Array.sub arr boff (len - boff)  with Invalid_argument _ -> [||]) in
  let front = Array.sub arr 0 off
  and mid = 
    match list with 
      None -> [||] 
    | Some a -> a
  and sp = Array.sub arr off l in
  sp,Array.concat [front;mid;back];;

let _,members = 
  splice members 2 ~length:0 ~list:(Array.append [|"Like"|] initiates);;
Array.iter (printf "%s ") members; print_newline ();;

let _,members = splice members 0 ~length:1 ~list:[|"Fruit"|];;
let _,members = splice members (-2) ~length:2 ~list:[|"A"; "Banana"|];;
Array.iter (printf "%s ") members; print_newline ();;

(* @@PLEAC@@_4.10 *)

(* To reverse a list, use List.rev *)
let reversed = List.rev l;;

(* For an array, it is probably easiest to use Array.init *)

let revArray a = 
  let len = Array.length a - 1 in
  Array.init len+1 (fun i -> a.(len - i);;

let reversed = revArray a;;

(* Or one can use a for loop *)
for i = Array.length a - 1 downto 0 do
  (* Do something to a.(i) *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_4.11 *)

(* To remove multiple elements from an array at once, one can use the splice
 * function from section 4.9 *)

(* Remove n elements from the front of arr *)
front,arr = splice arr 0 ~length:n;;
rear,arr = splice arr (-n);;

(* this can also be wrapped as an explicit function *)

let shift2 a = splice a 0 ~length:2;;
let pop2 a = splice a (-2);;

(* This lets you do something like Perl's hinkey pattern matching *)
let friends = [|"Peter"; "Paul"; "Mary"; "Jim"; "Tim" |];;
let [|this; that|],friends = shift2 friends;;

let beverages = [|"Dew"; "Jolt"; "Cola"; "Sprite"; "Fresca"|];;;
let pair,beverages =  pop2 beverages;;

(* @@PLEAC@@_4.12 *)

(* To find the first element in a list that satisfies some predicate, just use
 * the List.find function to return an 'a option *)

  (try Some (List.find (fun x -> x > 10) l)
  with Not_found -> None)
    None -> (* unfound *)
  | Some x -> (* Do something with x *);;

(* Note that this is a very general form, and can be shortened in some cases *)
let pf l =
    printf "hah! Found %d!\n" (List.find (fun x -> x > 10) l)
    Not_found -> "Sorry charly!\n";;

# pf [1;2;3;4;5;6];;
Sorry charly!

# pf [1;2;3;50;100];;
Hah!  Found 50!

(* To return the index of a matching element in an array, we can use exceptions
 * to short circuit the search *)

exception Found of int;;

let findi pred arr = 
  Array.iteri (fun i x -> if pred x then raise (Found i)) arr;
  raise Not_found;;

let f arr = 
  findi (fun x -> x > 10) arr
  Found i -> printf "element %d is a big element - %d\n" i arr.(i)
| Not_found -> printf "Only small values here!\n";;

# f [|1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6|];;
Only small values here!

# f [|1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 60; 8; 9; 100|];;
element 5 is a big element - 60

let highest_engineer =
  List.find (fun x -> x#category = "engineer") employees in
  printf "Highest paid engineer is: %s\n" highest_engineer#name;;

(* @@PLEAC@@_4.13 *)

(* to find all elements of a list that satisfy a certain predicate, just use the
 * List.find_all function *)

let matching = List.find_all ( (* predicate *) l;;

(* for an array, it's likely easiest to convert the original array to a list,
 * use List.find_all, and convert that list into an array *)
let matching = 
  Array.ofList (List.find_all ( (*predicate *) ) (Array.to_list a));;

(* the next example requires use of the Str library, which must be linked in.
 * In the toplevel environment use `#load "str.cma"' *)

let bigs = List.find_all (fun x -> x > 1000000) nums;;
let pigs = List.find_all (fun x -> (Hashtbl.find users x) > 1e7) 
            (Hashtbl.fold (fun k v b -> k::b) users []);;

let matching = 
  List.find_all (fun x -> Str.string_match (Str.regexp "gnat") x 0) (who ());;

let engineers = List.find_all (fun x -> x#position = "Engineer") employees;;

let secondary_assistance = 
  List.find_all (fun x -> x#income >= 26000 && x#income < 30000) applicants;;

(* @@PLEAC@@_4.14 *)

(* OCaml is smart enough to figure out if a list is full of numbers or
 * non-numbers, so the polymorphic compare function works just fine *)
let sorted = List.sort compare unsorted;;

(* note that Array.sort sorts the given array in place, so unexpected results
 * can occur, e.g.
let sorted = Array.sort compare unsorted;;

 * results in unsorted referring to the now sorted array, and sorted referring
 * to something of type unit *)

(* pids is an unsorted list of process IDs *)
List.iter (printf "%d\n") (List.sort compare pids);;
print_endline "Select a process ID to kill:";;
let pid = read_int () in
  Unix.kill pid Sys.sigterm;
  Unix.sleep 2;
  Unix.kill pid Sys.sigterm;;

let descending = List.sort (fun x y -> compare y x) unsorted;;

(* @@PLEAC@@_4.15 *)
(* since compare orders tuples by first comparing the first slot then, if they
 * were equal, comparing the second slot, and so on, we can sort by computable
 * fields as follows *)

let sorted = snd (List.sort compare ( (fun x-> (compute x),x) unsorted));;

let ordered = List.sort (fun x y -> compare x#name y#name) employees;;
List.iter (fun x -> printf "%s earns $%2f\n" x#name x#salary)
  (List.sort (fun x y -> compare x#name y#name) employees);;

let sorted_employees = snd (List.sort compare ( (fun x-> (compute x),x) unsorted)) in
  List.iter (fun x -> printf "%s earns $%2f\n" x#name x#salary) sorted_employees;
    (fun x -> if Hashtbl.mem bonus x#ssn then printf "%s got a bonus!\n" x#name)

let sorted = 
    (fun x y ->
      match compare x#name y#name with
        0 -> compare x#age y#age
      | c -> c)

(* Assuming we have a getpwent function that returns a value of type users, or
 * throws an End_of_file exception when done (not sure what getpwent is supposed
 * to do), then we can write *)

let getUsers () = 
  let l = ref [] in
    while true do
      l := (getpwent ())::!l
  with End_of_file -> !l;;

  (fun x -> print_endline x#name) 
  (List.sort (fun x y -> compare x#name y#name) (getUsers ()));;

let sorted = List.sort (fun x y -> compare x.[1] y.[1]) strings;;

let sorted = snd
    (List.sort compare ( (fun x -> (String.length x),x) strings));;

let sorted_fields = snd
    (List.sort compare 
        (fun x ->
            ignore(Str.search_forward (Str.regexp "[0-9]+") x 0);
            int_of_string (Str.matched_string x)
          with Not_found -> max_int),x) 

let passwd () =
  let w = Unix.open_process_in "cat /etc/passwd"
  and l = ref [] in
    while true do
      l := (input_line w)::!l
  with End_of_file -> !l;;

(* for illustration purposes, we provide a function to return the (non-comment)
 * contents of /etc/passwd *)
let passwd () =
  let w = Unix.open_process_in "cat /etc/passwd"
  and l = ref [] in
    while true do
      l := (input_line w)::!l
  with End_of_file -> 
    List.filter (fun x -> x.[0] <> '#') !l;;

let sortedPasswd = (fun Some x -> snd x)
  (List.sort compare
   (List.filter (function Some x -> true | None -> false)
      (fun x -> 
        match Str.split (Str.regexp ":") x with
          name::_::uid::gid::t -> Some ((gid,uid,name),x)
        | _ -> None) 
     (passwd ()))));;

(* @@PLEAC@@_4.16 *)

(* To get a true circular list, one can use the let rec construct *)

let rec processes = 1::2::3::4::5::processes;;
while true do
  let process::processes = process in
  printf "Handling process %d\n" process;
  Unix.sleep 2;

(* or one can use these somewhat inefficient functions to simulate the Perl
 * examples *)

let popleft l =
  match l with
    [] -> raise Not_found
  | h::t -> h,(t @ [h]);;

let popright l =
  match List.rev l with
    [] -> raise Not_found
  | h::t -> h,(h::(List.rev t));;

let processes = ref [1;2;3;4;5];;
while true do
  let process,np = popleft !processes in
  processes := np;
  printf "Handling process %d\n" process;
  flush_all ();
  Unix.sleep 1;

(* @@PLEAC@@_4.17 *)

let fisher_yates_shuffle a =
  for i = Array.length a - 1 downto 1 do
    let x = a.(i)
    and r = (i+1) in
    a.(i) <- a.(r);
    a.(r) <- x;

(* @@PLEAC@@_4.18 *)

(* Assuming we start with a list of all the data called data, and assuming we
 * already have the curent number of screen columns in a variable cols *)

let words data cols =
  let strippedData = 
      ( (Str.replace_first (Str.regexp "[ \t\n]+$") "") data) in
  let maxlen = 
    (Array.fold_left (fun m s -> max m (String.length s)) 0 strippedData) + 1 in
  let cols = if cols < maxlen then 1 else cols / maxlen in
  let rows = ((Array.length strippedData - 1) + cols)/cols in
  let bufs = Array.init rows (fun x -> Buffer.create (cols * maxlen)) in
  for i = 0 to Array.length strippedData - 1 do
    let dst = String.make maxlen ' '
    and src = strippedData.(i) in
    String.blit src 0 dst 0 (String.length src);
    Buffer.add_string bufs.(i mod rows) dst
  Array.iter (fun x -> print_endline (Buffer.contents x)) bufs;;

(* @@PLEAC@@_4.19 *)

(* Note: This routine uses the splice routine written in section 4.9 *)

let tsc_permute arr =
  if Array.length arr > 0 then print_endline "Perms:";
  let rec permute arr perms =
    match Array.length arr with
      0 -> Array.iter (printf "%s ") perms; print_newline ();
    | _ ->
        for i = 0 to Array.length arr - 1 do
          let v,ni = splice arr i ~length:1 in
          permute ni (Array.append v perms);
        done in
  permute arr [||];;

(* Note: This example is going to permute the words of a given string - also, I
 * don't feel like bringing in the BigInt module, so we will trim any array
 * longer than 12 elements down to 12 before permuting *)

let fact = Array.append [|Some 1|] (Array.make 11 None);;
let rec factorial n =
  match fact.(n) with
    Some f -> f
  | None -> let f = n*(factorial (n-1)) in fact.(n) <- Some f; f;;

let n2pat n len =
  let rec nh n i pat =
    if i > len+1 then pat
      nh (n/i) (i+1) ((n mod i)::pat) in
  nh n 1 [];;

let pat2perm pat =
  let rec ph source pat perm =
    match pat with
      [] -> perm
    | h::t ->
        let v,s = splice source h ~length:1 in
        ph s t (v.(0)::perm) in
  Array.of_list (ph (Array.init (List.length pat) (fun i -> i)) pat []);;
let n2perm n len =
  pat2perm (n2pat n len);;

let mjd_permute s =
  let arr = 
    let arr = Array.of_list (Str.split (Str.regexp "[ \t]+") s) in
      Array.sub arr 0 12
    with Invalid_argument _ -> arr in
  let len = Array.length arr - 1 in
  for i = 0 to factorial (len+1) do
    let perm = (fun i -> arr.(i)) (n2perm i len) in
    Array.iter (printf "%s ") perm; print_newline ();

(* @@PLEAC@@_5.0 *)
(* build an hash table element by element *)
let age = Hashtbl.create 3 ;;  (* 3 is the supposed average size for the
                                  hash table *)
Hashtbl.replace age "Nat" 24 ;
Hashtbl.replace age "Jules" 25 ;
Hashtbl.replace age "Josh" 17 ;;
let assoc_list2hashtbl assoc_list = 
  let h = Hashtbl.create 0 in
  List.iter (fun (k,v) -> Hashtbl.replace h k v) assoc_list ;

let food_color = assoc_list2hashtbl 
    [ "Apple", "red" ; 
      "Banana", "yellow" ; 
      "Lemon", "yellow" ; 
      "Carrot", "orange" ;
    ] ;;

(* @@PLEAC@@_5.1 *)
Hashtbl.replace tbl key value ;;
(* food_color defined per the introduction *)
Hashtbl.replace food_color "Raspberry" "pink" ;;

let hashtbl_keys h = Hashtbl.fold (fun key _ l -> key :: l) h []
let hashtbl_values h = Hashtbl.fold (fun _ value l -> value :: l) h []
let hashtbl2assoc_list h = Hashtbl.fold (fun key value l -> (key, value) :: l) h []
print_string "Known_foods:\n" ;
Hashtbl.iter (fun food _ -> print_endline food) food_color ;
print_string "Known_foods:\n" ;
List.iter print_endline (hashtbl_keys food_color) ;;
> Known_foods:
> Banana
> Raspberry
> Apple
> Carrot
> Lemon

(* @@PLEAC@@_5.2 *)
(* does %HASH have a value for $KEY ?  *)
if (Hashtbl.mem hash key) then
  (* it exists *)
  (* id doesn't exists *)
(* food_color defined per the introduction *)
List.iter (fun name ->
  let kind = if Hashtbl.mem food_color name then "food" else "drink" in
  printf "%s is a %s.\n" name kind
) ["Banana"; "Martini"] ;;
> Banana is a food.
> Martini is a drink.
(* there's no such thing called "undef", "nil" or "null" in Caml
   if you really want such a value, use type "option" as shown below *)
let age = assoc_list2hashtbl 
    [ "Toddler", 3 ; "Unborn", 0 ] ;;
(*> val age : (string, int) Hashtbl.t = <abstr> *)

List.iter (fun thing ->
  printf "%s: %s\n" thing
    (try match Hashtbl.find age thing with
    | 0 -> "Exists"
    | _ -> "Exists NonNull"
    with Not_found -> "")
) ["Toddler" ; "Unborn" ; "Phantasm" ; "Relic" ]

let age = assoc_list2hashtbl 
    [ "Toddler", Some 3 ; "Unborn", Some 0 ; "Phantasm", None ] ;;
(*> val age : (string, int option) Hashtbl.t = <abstr> *)

List.iter (fun thing ->
  printf "%s: %s\n" thing
    (try match Hashtbl.find age thing with
    | None -> "Exists"
    | Some 0 -> "Exists Defined"
    | Some _ -> "Exists Defined NonNull"
    with Not_found -> "")
) ["Toddler" ; "Unborn" ; "Phantasm" ; "Relic" ]
> Toddler: Exists Defined NonNull
> Unborn: Exists Defined
> Phantasm: Exists
> Relic: 
let size = Hashtbl.create 20 in
List.iter (fun f -> 
  if not (Hashtbl.mem size f) then
    Hashtbl.replace size f (Unix.stat f).Unix.st_size;
) (readlines stdin);
(* here is a more complete solution which does stat 2 times the same file (to
be mimic perl's version) *)
let size = Hashtbl.create 20 in
List.iter (fun f -> 
  if not (Hashtbl.mem size f) then
    Hashtbl.replace size f (try Some (Unix.stat f).Unix.st_size with _ -> None)
) (readlines stdin);

(* @@PLEAC@@_5.3 *)
(* remove $KEY and its value from %HASH *)
Hashtbl.remove hash key ;
(* food_color as per Introduction *)
open Printf

let print_foods () =
  printf "Keys: %s\n" (String.concat " " (hashtbl_keys food_color)) ;
  printf "Values: %s\n" (String.concat " " (hashtbl_values food_color))
print_string "Initially:\n";
print_foods ();

print_string "\nWith Banana deleted\n";
Hashtbl.remove food_color "Banana";
print_foods ()
Hashtbl.clear food_color ;;

(* @@PLEAC@@_5.4 *)
(* in this section consider opened the Printf module using: *)
open Printf;;

  (fun key value ->
      do something with key and value
List.iter (fun key ->
  let value = Hashtbl.find hash key in
      do something with key and value
) (hashtbl_keys hash)
(* food_color as defined in the introduction *)
Hashtbl.iter (printf "%s is %s.\n") food_color;
> Lemon is yellow.
> Apple is red.
> Carrot is orange.
> Banana is yellow.
(* but beware of: *)
Hashtbl.iter (printf "food_color: %s is %s.\n") food_color;
> food_color: Lemon is yellow.
> Apple is red.
> Carrot is orange.
> Banana is yellow.
(* write this instead:
  (more on it at *)
Hashtbl.iter (fun k v -> printf "food_color: %s is %s.\n" k v) food_color;
> food_color: Lemon is yellow.
> food_color: Apple is red.
> food_color: Carrot is orange.
> food_color: Banana is yellow.

List.iter (fun key ->
  let value = Hashtbl.find food_color key in
  printf "%s is %s.\n" key value
) (hashtbl_keys food_color) ;
> Lemon is yellow.
> Apple is red.
> Carrot is orange.
> Banana is yellow.

  (fun key ->
    printf "%s is %s.\n" key (Hashtbl.find food_color key)
  (sort_ (hashtbl_keys food_color))

> Apple is red.
> Banana is yellow.
> Carrot is orange.
> Lemon is yellow.

(* Ocaml is safe in loop, so you can't reset the hash iterator as in
Perl and you don't risk infinite loops using, say, List.iter or
Hashtbl.iter, but if you really want to infinite loop on the first key
you get ... *)
  (fun key ->
    while true do
      printf "Processing %s\n" key
  (hashtbl_keys food_color)
(* countfrom - count number of messages from each sender *)
let main () =
  let file =
    let files = ref [] in
    Arg.parse [] (fun file -> files := !files @ [file]) "";
      open_in (List.hd !files)
    with Failure "hd" -> stdin
  let from = Hashtbl.create 50 in
  let add_from address =
    let old_count =
      try Hashtbl.find from address
      with Not_found -> 0
    let new_count = old_count + 1 in
    Hashtbl.replace from address new_count;
  let extractfrom = Str.regexp "^From: \(.*\)" in

  iter_lines (fun line ->
    if (Str.string_match extractfrom line 0) then
      add_from (Str.matched_group 1 line)
    else ()
  ) file;
  Hashtbl.iter (printf "%s: %d\n") from
main() ;

(* @@PLEAC@@_5.5 *)
(* note that OCaml does not have a native polymorphic print function, so
examples in this section work for hashes that map string keys to string
values *)
Hashtbl.iter (printf "%s => %s\n") hash ;

(* map in ocaml maps a function on a list, rather that evaluate an
expression in turn on a list as Perl does *)
  (fun key ->
    printf "%s => %s\n" key (Hashtbl.find hash key)
  (hashtbl_keys hash) ;

(* build a list from an hash table, note that this is possibile only if
the type of key and value are the same *)
let hashtbl2list hash =
    (fun key value init -> key :: value :: init)
List.iter (printf "%s ") (hashtbl2list hash) ;
(* or *)
print_endline (String.concat " " (hashtbl2list hash)) ;

(* @@PLEAC@@_5.6 *)
(* In OCaml one usually use association lists which really is a list of
(key,value). Note that insertion and lookup is O(n) (!!!) *)

(* initialization *)
let empty_food_color = []
let food_color = 
    [ "Banana", "Yellow" ; 
      "Apple", "Green" ; 
      "Lemon", "Yellow" ; 
(* adding *)
let food_color' = food_color @ [ "Carrot", "orange" ]
(* output entries in insertion order *)
print_endline "In insertion order, the foods are:";
List.iter (printf "%s is colored %s.\n") food_color;
> Banana is colored Yellow.
> Apple is colored Green.
> Lemon is colored Yellow.
(* is it a key? *)
let has_food food = mem_assoc food food_color
(* remove a key *)
let remove_food food = remove_assoc food food_color
(* searching *)
let what_color food =
    let color = assoc food food_color in
    printf "%s is colored %s.\n" food color
  with Not_found -> printf "i don't know the color of %s\n" food
(* @@PLEAC@@_5.7 *)
let re = Str.regexp "^\([^ ]*\) *\([^ ]*\)" in
let lines = readlines (Unix.open_process_in "who") in
let ttys = filter_some ( (fun line ->
  if (Str.string_match re line 0) then
    Some(Str.matched_group 1 line, Str.matched_group 2 line)
  else None) lines) in
  (fun user ->
    printf "%s: %s\n" user (String.concat " " (all_assoc user ttys))
  ) (sort_ (uniq ( fst ttys)))
  (fun user ->
    let ttylist = all_assoc user ttys in
    printf "%s: %d ttys.\n" user (List.length ttylist);
      (fun tty ->
        let uname =
            let uid = (Unix.stat ("/dev/" ^ tty)).Unix.st_uid in
            (Unix.getpwuid uid).Unix.pw_name
          with Unix.Unix_error _ -> "(not available)"
        printf "%s (owned by %s)\n" tty uname
      ) ttylist
  ) (sort_ (uniq ( fst ttys)))
(* @@PLEAC@@_5.8 *)

open Hashtbl

(* size of an hash, i.e. number of bindings *)
let hashtbl_size h = List.length (hashtbl_keys h);;

(* in OCaml does not exists a builtin function like "reverse", here is
an equivalent one: *)
let hashtbl_reverse h =
  assoc_list2hashtbl (List.combine (hashtbl_values h) (hashtbl_keys h))
(* or *)
let hashtbl_reverse h =
  assoc_list2hashtbl ( (fun (a,b) -> (b,a)) (hashtbl2assoc_list h))
(* or *)
let hashtbl_reverse_multi h =
  let newhash = Hashtbl.create (hashtbl_size h) in
    (fun v -> add newhash (find h v) v)
    (hashtbl_keys h);
(* note that the last  implementation maintain also multiple binding for the
same key, see Hashtbl.add in the standard OCaml library for more info *)

(* example of hashtbl_reverse *)

let reverse = hashtbl_reverse lookup;;
let surname = assoc_list2hashtbl ["Mickey", "Mantle"; "Babe", "Ruth"] in
let firstname = hashtbl_reverse surname in
print_endline (Hashtbl.find firstname "Mantle");;
> Mickey

(* foodfind - find match for food or color *)

let given = Sys.argv.(1) in
let color = assoc_list2hashtbl
  ["Apple", "red";
   "Banana", "yellow";
   "Lemon", "yellow";
   "Carrot", "orange"] in
let food = hashtbl_reverse color in
  printf "%s is a food with color %s.\n" given (Hashtbl.find color given);
with Not_found -> ());
  printf "%s is a food with color %s.\n" (Hashtbl.find food given) given
with Not_found -> ())
(* food_color defined as previous *)

let foods_with_color = hashtbl_reverse food_color in
List.iter (printf "%s ") (Hashtbl.find_all foods_with_color "yellow");
print_endline "were yellow foods."

(* @@PLEAC@@_5.9 *)

(* you may define your own compare function to be used in sorting *)
let keys = List.sort compare_function (hashtbl_keys hash) in
  (fun key ->
    let value = Hashtbl.find hash key in
    (* do something with key and value *)
  keys ;
(* or use this one if you want to compare not only on keys *)
  (fun (key, value) ->
    (* do something with key and value *)
  ) (List.sort compare_function (hashtbl2assoc_list hash)) ;
  (fun food ->
    printf "%s is %s.\n" food (Hashtbl.find food_color food)
  (List.sort (hashtbl_keys food_color))
(* examples of "compare_function": *)

(* alphabetical sort on the hash value *)
let compare_function (_,color1) (_,color2) = compare color1 color2

(* length sort on the hash value *)
let compare_function (_,color1) (_,color2) = compare (String.length color1) (String.length color2)


(* @@PLEAC@@_5.10 *)
(* definition of merge function on hashes: *)
let hashtbl_merge h1 h2 = assoc_list2hashtbl (hashtbl2assoc_list h1 @ hashtbl2assoc_list h2)

(* usage: *)
let merged = hashtbl_merge a b;;
let merged = Hashtbl.create 0 in
  (Hashtbl.iter (fun k v -> Hashtbl.add merged k v))
let drink_color = assoc_list2hashtbl
    ["Galliano", "yellow";
     "Mai Tai", "blue"]

let ingested_color = hashtbl_merge drink_color food_color;;
let substance_color = Hashtbl.create 0 in
  (Hashtbl.iter (fun k v -> Hashtbl.add merged k v))
  [food_color; drink_color]

(* @@PLEAC@@_5.11 *)
let common =
    (fun key -> Hashtbl.mem hash2 key)
    (hashtbl_keys hash1)
(* common now contains commne keys, note that a key may appear multiple
times in this list due tu multiple bindings allowed in Hashtbl
implementation *)

let this_not_that =
    (fun key -> not (Hashtbl.mem hash2 key))
    (hashtbl_keys hash1)
let citrus_color = assoc_list2hashtbl
                      ["Lemon", "yellow";
                       "Orange", "orange";
                       "Lime", "green"]
let non_citrus = Hashtbl.create 3 in
  (fun key -> not (Hashtbl.mem citrus_color key))
  (hashtbl_keys food_color)

(* @@PLEAC@@_5.12 *)
open Unix;;
open Printf;;

let filenames = ["/etc/printcap"; "/vmlinuz"; "/bin/cat"] in
let openfiles = Hashtbl.create 3 in
  (fun fname ->
    printf "%s is %d bytes long.\n"
      (stat fname).st_size
(* @@PLEAC@@_5.13 *)

(* presize hash to num elements *)
let hash = Hashtbl.create num;;
(* other examples of initial size on hashes *)
let hash = Hashtbl.create 512;;
let hash = Hashtbl.create 1000;;

(* @@PLEAC@@_5.14 *)

(* size of an array named "a" *)
let count = Array.length a;;

(* size of a list named "l" *)
let count = List.length l;;

(* @@PLEAC@@_5.15 *)

open Printf;;
open Hashtbl;;

let father = assoc_list2hashtbl
  [ "Cain", "Adam";
    "Abel", "Adam";
    "Seth", "Adam";
    "Enoch", "Cain";
    "Irad", "Enoch";
    "Mehujael", "Irad";
    "Methusael", "Mehujael";
    "Lamech", "Methusael";
    "Jabal", "Lamech";
    "Jubal", "Lamech";
    "Tubalcain", "Lamech";
    "Enos", "Seth"] ;;
(* recursively print all parents of a given name *)
let rec parents s =
  printf "%s " s;
  if mem father s then
    parents (find father s)
    printf "\n"
  iter_lines parents stdin
let children = hashtbl_reverse_multi father in
  (fun line ->
    List.iter (printf "%s ") (find_all children line);
(* build an hash that map filename to list of included file *)
open Hashtbl;;
open Str;;

let includes = create (List.length files);;
let includeRE = regexp "^#include <\([a-zA-Z0-9.]+\)>";;
let isincludeline l = string_match includeRE l 0;;
let getincludes fname =
  let includelines =
    List.filter isincludeline (readlines (open_in fname))
  in (replace_first includeRE "\1") includelines
List.iter (fun fname -> add includes fname (getincludes fname)) files;;

(* build a list of files that does not include system headers *)
let hasnoinclude fname = (find includes fname = []) in
List.filter hasnoinclude (uniq (hashtbl_keys includes));;

(* @@PLEAC@@_5.16 *)

(* dutree - print sorted indented rendition of du output *)
#load "str.cma";;
#load "unix.cma";;

let dirsize = Hashtbl.create 0
let kids = Hashtbl.create 0

(* run du, read in input, save sizes and kids *)
(* return last directory (file?) read *)
let input () =
  let last_name = ref "" in
  let last_push = ref None in
  let argv = "du" :: (Array.to_list Sys.argv) in
  let ch = Unix.open_process_in (String.concat " " argv) in
      while true do
        let line = input_line ch in
        match Str.bounded_split (Str.regexp "[ \t]+") line 2 with
          | [size; name] ->
              let size = int_of_string size in
              Hashtbl.replace dirsize name size;
              let parent =
                Str.replace_first (Str.regexp "/[^/]+$") "" name in
              last_name := name;
              last_push :=
                Some (parent,
                      try Some (Hashtbl.find kids parent)
                      with Not_found -> None);
              Hashtbl.replace kids parent
                (name ::
                   (try Hashtbl.find kids parent
                    with Not_found -> []))
          | _ -> failwith line
    with End_of_file ->
      ignore (Unix.close_process_in ch)
    match !last_push with
      | None -> ()
      | Some (parent, None) ->
          Hashtbl.remove kids parent
      | Some (parent, Some previous) ->
          Hashtbl.replace kids parent previous

(* figure out how much is taken up in each directory *)
(* that isn't stored in subdirectories.  add a new *)
(* fake kid called "." containing that much. *)
let rec getdots root =
  let size = Hashtbl.find dirsize root in
  let cursize = ref size in
  if Hashtbl.mem kids root
        (fun kid ->
           cursize := !cursize - Hashtbl.find dirsize kid;
           getdots kid)
        (Hashtbl.find kids root)
  if size <> !cursize
      let dot = root ^ "/." in
      Hashtbl.replace dirsize dot !cursize;
      Hashtbl.replace kids root
        (dot ::
           (try Hashtbl.find kids root
            with Not_found -> []))

(* recursively output everything, *)
(* passing padding and number width in as well *)
(* on recursive calls *)
let rec output ?(prefix="") ?(width=0) root =
  let path = Str.replace_first (Str.regexp ".*/") "" root in
  let size = Hashtbl.find dirsize root in
  let line = Printf.sprintf "%*d %s" width size path in
  Printf.printf "%s%s\n" prefix line;
  let prefix =
    Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "[^|]") " "
      (Str.replace_first (Str.regexp "[0-9] ") "| "
         (prefix ^ line)) in
  if Hashtbl.mem kids root
      let kids = Hashtbl.find kids root in
      let kids =
          (fun kid -> (Hashtbl.find dirsize kid, kid)) kids in
      let kids = List.sort compare kids in
      let kids = List.rev_map (fun (_, kid) -> kid) kids in
      let width =
          (string_of_int (Hashtbl.find dirsize (List.hd kids))) in
      List.iter (output ~prefix ~width) kids

let () =
  let topdir = input () in
  getdots topdir;
  output topdir

(* @@PLEAC@@_6.0 *)
(* We will use the Str library distributed with OCaml for regular expressions.
 * There are two ways to use the str library, building a top or passing it to ocaml.
 * Under Unix, you can create a new toplevel which has the Str module:
 *      $ ocamlmktop -o strtop str.cma 
 *      $ ./strtop
 *   Now you don't need to prefix the contents of the str module with Str.
 * The alternative is to pass str.cma as a parameter:
 *     $ ocaml str.cma
 *   Now you may refer to the contents of the str module by using Str. 
 * Under Windows, if you are using ocamlwin.exe you can simply load Str:
 *      # load "str.cma";;
(* Str.search_forward returns an int or throws an exception if the pattern isn't found.
 * In Perl, the =~ operator returns null. Since these two values have different
 * types in OCaml, we cannot copy this behaviour directly.
 * Instead, we return an impossible index, -1 using try ... with.
 * Another method would be to define an =~ operator and use that directly:
# let (=~) s re = Str.string_match (Str.regexp re) s 0;; 
val ( =~ ) : string -> string -> bool = <fun>
# "abc" =~ "a";;
- : bool = true
# "bc" =~ "a";;
- : bool = false
 * Don't underestimate the power of this. Many of the following examples could be 
 * simplified by defining infix operators.
try Str.search_forward (Str.regexp pattern) string 0;
with Not_found -> -1;;

try Str.replace_first (Str.regexp pattern) replacement string;
with Not_found -> "";;
try (Str.search_forward (Str.regexp "sheep") meadow 0) > -1;
with Not_found -> false;; (* true if meadow contains "sheep" *)

try not ((Str.search_forward (Str.regexp "sheep") meadow 0) > -1);
with Not_found -> true;; (* true if meadow doesn't contain "sheep" *)

let meadow = 
    try Str.replace_first (Str.regexp "old") "new" meadow;
    with Not_found -> meadow;; (* Replace "old" with "new" in meadow *)
    let temp = Str.search_forward (Str.regexp "\\bovines?\\b") meadow 0 in
        print_string "Here be sheep!";
with Not_found -> ();;
let string = "good food" in
        Str.replace_first (Str.regexp "o*") "e" string;
    with Not_found -> string;;
(* There is no way to take command line parameters to ocaml that I know of. 
 * You would first have to compile your OCaml program using ocamlc.
let rec match_num s start=
    if String.length s > 0 then
            let temp = Str.search_forward (Str.regexp "[0123456789]+") s start in
                print_string (String.concat "" ("Found number " :: Str.matched_string s :: ["\n"]));
                match_num s (temp + 1);
        with Not_found -> ();
let rec match_group s start numbers=
    if String.length s > 0 then
            let temp = (Str.search_forward (Str.regexp "[0123456789]+") s start) in
                let numbers = Str.matched_string s :: numbers in 
                    match_group s (temp + 1) numbers;
        with Not_found -> numbers;
let (=+) s re = 
    let result = ref [] in
    let offset = ref 0 in
    while ((String.length s) > !offset) do
            offset := 1 + (Str.search_forward (Str.regexp re) s !offset);
            result := !result @ [Str.matched_string s] @ [];
        with Not_found -> ignore (offset := String.length s)
let (=-) s re = 
    let result = ref [] in
    let offset = ref 0 in
    while ((String.length s) > !offset) do
            ignore (Str.search_forward (Str.regexp re) s !offset);
            offset := Str.match_end ();
            result := !result @ [Str.matched_string s] @ [];
        with Not_found -> ignore (offset := String.length s)

let digits = "123456789";;
let yeslap = digits =+ "[1234567890][1234567890][1234567890]";;
let nonlap = digits =- "[1234567890][1234567890][1234567890]";;

print_string "Non-overlapping: ";
List.iter (fun v -> print_string (v ^ " ")) !nonlap;
print_string "\n";;
(* Non-overlapping: 123 456 789 *)

print_string "Overlapping: ";
List.iter (fun v -> print_string (v ^ " ")) !yeslap;
print_string "\n";;
(* Overlapping: 123 234 345 456 567 678 789 *)
let index = ref 0;;
let string = "And little lambs eat ivy";;
    index := Str.search_forward (Str.regexp "l[^s]*s") string 0;
with Not_found -> ();;
print_string ("(" ^ (String.sub string 0 !index) ^ ") ");
print_string ("(" ^ (Str.matched_string string) ^ ") ");
print_string ("(" ^ (Str.string_after string 16) ^ ")\n");;
(* (And ) (little lambs) ( eat ivy) *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_6.1 *)
#load "str.cma";;

(* The Str module doesn't modify strings in place; you always get
   a copy when you perform a substitution. *)
let dst = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "this") "that" src

(* Strip to basename. *)
let progname = Str.replace_first (Str.regexp "^.*/") "" Sys.argv.(0)

(* Make All Words Title-Cased. *)
let capword =
    (Str.regexp "\\b.")
    (fun s -> String.uppercase (Str.matched_string s))

(* /usr/man/man3/foo.1 changes to /usr/man/cat3/foo.1 *)
let catpage =
  Str.replace_first (Str.regexp "man\\([0-9]\\)") "cat\\1" manpage

(* Copy and substitute on all strings in a list. *)
let bindirs = ["/usr/bin"; "/bin"; "/usr/local/bin"]
let libdirs = (fun s -> Str.replace_first (Str.regexp "bin") "lib" s)
(* ["/usr/lib"; "/lib"; "/usr/local/lib"] *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_6.2 *)
(* Str can do a simple character range match, but it isn't very
   practical for matching alphabetic characters in general. *)
#load "str.cma";;
let () =
  if Str.string_match (Str.regexp "^[A-Za-z]+$") var 0
  then print_endline "var is purely alphabetic"

(* With Pcre, you can use UTF8 support and match characters with
   the letter property. *)
#directory "+pcre";;
#load "pcre.cma";;
let () =
  if Pcre.pmatch ~rex:(Pcre.regexp ~flags:[`UTF8] "^\\pL+$") var
  then print_endline "var is purely alphabetic"

(* @@PLEAC@@_6.3 *)
#load "str.cma";;

(* Str's regexps lack a whitespace-matching pattern.
   Here is a substitute. *)
let whitespace_chars =
  String.concat ""
    ( (String.make 1)
         Char.chr 9;  (* HT *)
         Char.chr 10; (* LF *)
         Char.chr 11; (* VT *)
         Char.chr 12; (* FF *)
         Char.chr 13; (* CR *)
         Char.chr 32; (* space *)
let space = "[" ^ whitespace_chars ^ "]"
let non_space = "[^" ^ whitespace_chars ^ "]"

(* as many non-whitespace characters as possible *)
let regexp = Str.regexp (non_space ^ "+")

(* as many letters, apostrophes, and hyphens *)
let regexp = Str.regexp "[A-Za-z'-]+"

(* usually best *)
let regexp = Str.regexp "\\b\\([A-Za-z]+\\)\\b"

(* fails at ends or w/ punctuation *)
let regexp = Str.regexp (space ^ "\\([A-Za-z]+\\)" ^ space)

(* @@PLEAC@@_6.4 *)
(* resname - change all "" style names in the input stream
   into " []" (or whatever) instead *)

#directory "+pcre";;
#load "pcre.cma";;
#load "unix.cma";;

let regexp =
  Pcre.regexp ~flags:[`EXTENDED] "
    (                     # capture the hostname in substring 1
      (?:                 # these parens for grouping only
        (?! [-_]  )       # lookahead for neither underscore nor dash
        [\\w-] +          # hostname component
        \\.               # and the domain dot
      ) +                 # now repeat that whole thing a bunch of times
      [A-Za-z]            # next must be a letter
      [\\w-] +            # now trailing domain part
    )                     # end of substring 1 capture

let process line =
       ~subst:(fun subs ->
                 let name = Pcre.get_substring subs 1 in
                 let addr =
                       (Unix.gethostbyname name).Unix.h_addr_list.(0)
                   with Not_found -> "???" in
                 name ^ " [" ^ addr ^ "]")

let () =
    while true do
      let line = read_line () in
      process line
  with End_of_file -> ()


let vars = Hashtbl.create 0
let () =
  Hashtbl.replace vars "name" "Bob";
  Hashtbl.replace vars "flavor" "rhubarb"

let () =
       ~rex:(Pcre.regexp ~flags:[`EXTENDED] "
               \\#                #   a pound sign
               (\\w+)             #   the variable name
               \\#                #   another pound sign
       ~subst:(fun subs -> Hashtbl.find vars (Pcre.get_substring subs 1))
       "Hello, #name#, would you like some #flavor# pie?")

(* @@PLEAC@@_6.5 *)
#load "str.cma";;

let want = 3
let count = ref 0
let pond = "One fish two fish red fish blue fish"
let regexp = Str.regexp_case_fold "\\([a-z]+\\)[ ]+fish\\b"

exception Found of string
let () =
  let start = ref 0 in
    while true do
      ignore (Str.search_forward regexp pond !start);
      start := !start + String.length (Str.matched_string pond);
      incr count;
      if !count = want then raise (Found (Str.matched_group 1 pond))
    | Found color ->
        Printf.printf "The third fish is a %s one.\n" color
    | Not_found ->
        Printf.printf "Only found %d fish!\n" !count

(* The third fish is a red one. *)


let colors =
  let start = ref 0 in
  let fish = ref [] in
      while true do
        ignore (Str.search_forward regexp pond !start);
        start := !start + (String.length (Str.matched_string pond));
        fish := (Str.matched_group 1 pond) :: !fish
    with Not_found -> ()
  Array.of_list (List.rev !fish)

let () =
  Printf.printf "The third fish in the pond is %s.\n" colors.(2)

(* The third fish in the pond is red. *)


let evens =
  let colors' = ref [] in
    (fun i color -> if i mod 2 = 1 then colors' := color :: !colors')
  List.rev !colors'
let () =
  Printf.printf "Even numbered fish are %s.\n" (String.concat " " evens)

(* Even numbered fish are two blue. *)


let () =
  let count = ref 0 in
       (Str.regexp_case_fold "\\b\\([a-z]+\\)\\([ ]+fish\\b\\)")
       (fun s ->
          incr count;
          if !count = 4
          then "sushi" ^ Str.matched_group 2 s
          else Str.matched_group 1 s ^ Str.matched_group 2 s)

(* One fish two fish red fish sushi fish *)


let pond = "One fish two fish red fish blue fish swim here."
let regexp = Str.regexp_case_fold "\\b\\([a-z]+\\)[ ]+fish\\b"
let colors =
  let rec loop start acc =
      ignore (Str.search_forward regexp pond start);
        (start + String.length (Str.matched_string pond))
        (Str.matched_group 1 pond :: acc)
    with Not_found ->
      acc in
  loop 0 []
let color = List.hd colors
let () = Printf.printf "Last fish is %s.\n" color

(* Last fish is blue. *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_6.6 *)
(* killtags - very bad html tag killer *)
#load "str.cma";;
let regexp = Str.regexp "<[^>]*>"
let () =
    (fun filename ->
       let lines = ref [] in
       let in_channel = open_in filename in
           try while true do lines := input_line in_channel :: !lines done
           with End_of_file -> ()
         let contents = String.concat "\n" (List.rev !lines) in
           (String.concat ""
                    | Str.Text s -> s
                    | _ -> "")
                 (Str.full_split regexp contents)));
         close_in in_channel
       with e ->
         close_in in_channel;
         raise e)
    ( (Array.to_list Sys.argv))


(* headerfy - change certain chapter headers to html *)
#load "str.cma";;

let line_stream_of_channel channel =
    (fun _ -> try Some (input_line channel) with End_of_file -> None)

let paragraph_stream_of_channel channel =
  let lines = line_stream_of_channel channel in
  let rec next para_lines i =
    match Stream.peek lines, para_lines with
      | None, [] -> None
      | Some "", [] -> Stream.junk lines; next para_lines i
      | Some "", _
      | None, _ -> Some (String.concat "\n" (List.rev para_lines))
      | Some line, _ -> Stream.junk lines; next (line :: para_lines) i in
  Stream.from (next [])

let regexp = Str.regexp "^Chapter[\r\n\t ]+[0-9]+[\r\n\t ]*:[^\r\n]*"

let headerfy chunk =
  String.concat ""
          | Str.Text s -> s
          | Str.Delim s -> "<H1>" ^ s ^ "</H1>")
       (Str.full_split regexp chunk))

let () =
    (fun filename ->
       let in_channel = open_in filename in
           (fun para ->
              print_endline (headerfy para);
              print_newline ())
           (paragraph_stream_of_channel in_channel);
         close_in in_channel
       with e ->
         close_in in_channel;
         raise e)
    ( (Array.to_list Sys.argv))

(* @@PLEAC@@_6.7 *)
#load "str.cma";;
let chunks =
  let lines = ref [] in
    try while true do lines := input_line stdin :: !lines done
    with End_of_file -> ()
  let contents = String.concat "\n" (List.rev !lines) in
  Str.full_split (Str.regexp "^\\.\\(Ch\\|Se\\|Ss\\)$") contents
let () =
    "I read %d chunks.\n"
    (List.length chunks)

(* @@PLEAC@@_6.8 *)
#load "str.cma";;

(* Creates a stream that produces ranges of items from another stream.
   Production of items starts when when (start_test count item) returns
   true and stops when (finish_test count item) returns true. Multiple
   ranges will be produced if start_test returns true again. The count
   starts at 1. Ranges are inclusive; the item that causes finish_test
   to return true will be produced. *)
let stream_range start_test finish_test stream =
  let active = ref false in
  let count = ref 1 in
  let rec next i =
    match Stream.peek stream with
      | None -> None
      | Some item ->
          if not !active then
              if start_test !count item
              then (active := true; next i)
              else (Stream.junk stream; incr count; next i)
              if finish_test !count item then active := false;
              Stream.junk stream;
              incr count;
              Some item
            end in
  Stream.from next

(* Creates a stream that produces items between a pair of indices.
   If start = 2 and finish = 4, items 2, 3, and 4 will be produced.
   The first item is number 1. *)
let stream_range_numbers start finish stream =
    (fun count _ -> count = start)
    (fun count _ -> count = finish)

(* Creates a stream that produces strings between a pair of regexps.
   The regexp will be tested using Str.string_match. *)
let stream_range_patterns start finish stream =
    (fun _ line -> Str.string_match start line 0)
    (fun _ line -> Str.string_match finish line 0)

(* Produce a stream of lines from an input channel. *)
let line_stream_of_channel channel =
    (fun _ -> try Some (input_line channel) with End_of_file -> None)

(* Print lines 15 through 17 inclusive. *)
let () =
    (stream_range_numbers 15 17
       (line_stream_of_channel (open_in datafile)))

(* Print out all <XMP> .. </XMP> displays from HTML doc. *)
let () =
       (Str.regexp ".*<XMP>")
       (Str.regexp ".*</XMP>")
       (line_stream_of_channel stdin))


let in_header = ref true
let in_body = ref false
let () =
    (fun line ->
       if !in_header && line = ""
       then (in_header := false; in_body := true)
           (* do something with line *)
    (line_stream_of_channel stdin)


module StringSet = Set.Make(String)
let seen = ref StringSet.empty
let email_regexp = Str.regexp "\\([^<>(),; \t]+@[^<>(),; \t]+\\)"
let () =
    (fun line ->
            | Str.Delim email ->
                if not (StringSet.mem email !seen)
                    seen := StringSet.add email !seen;
                    print_endline email;
            | _ -> ())
         (Str.full_split email_regexp line))
       (Str.regexp "^From:?[ \t]")
       (Str.regexp "^$")
       (line_stream_of_channel stdin))

(* @@PLEAC@@_6.9 *)
#load "str.cma";;

let regexp_string_of_glob s =
  let i, buffer = ref (-1), Buffer.create (String.length s + 8) in
  let read () =
    incr i;
    if !i < String.length s
    then Some s.[!i]
    else None in
  let write = Buffer.add_string buffer in
  let rec parse_glob () =
    match read () with
      | Some '*' -> write ".*"; parse_glob ()
      | Some '?' -> write "."; parse_glob ()
      | Some '[' -> parse_bracket ""
      | Some c -> write (Str.quote (String.make 1 c)); parse_glob ()
      | None -> ()
  and parse_bracket text =
    match read () with
      | Some '!' when text = "" -> parse_bracket "^"
      | Some ']' -> write ("[" ^ text ^ "]"); parse_glob ()
      | Some c -> parse_bracket (text ^ (String.make 1 c))
      | None -> write (Str.quote ("[" ^ text)) in
  write "^";
  parse_glob ();
  write "$";
  Buffer.contents buffer

let regexp_of_glob s =
  Str.regexp (regexp_string_of_glob s)

let regexp_of_glob_case_fold s =
  Str.regexp_case_fold (regexp_string_of_glob s)

(* @@PLEAC@@_6.10 *)
#load "str.cma";;

let popstates = ["CO"; "ON"; "MI"; "WI"; "MN"]

(* Naive version: Compile a regexp each time it is needed. *)
let popgrep1 () =
      while true do
        let line = input_line stdin in
            (fun state ->
               if (Str.string_match
                     (Str.regexp (".*\\b" ^ (Str.quote state) ^ "\\b"))
                     line 0)
               then (print_endline line; raise Exit))
        with Exit -> ()
  with End_of_file -> ()

(* First optimization: Compile the regexps in advance. *)
let popgrep2 () =
  let popstate_regexps =
      (fun state ->
         Str.regexp (".*\\b" ^ (Str.quote state) ^ "\\b"))
      popstates in
      while true do
        let line = input_line stdin in
            (fun regexp ->
               if (Str.string_match regexp line 0)
               then (print_endline line; raise Exit))
        with Exit -> ()
  with End_of_file -> ()

(* Second optimization: Build a single regexp for all states. *)
let popgrep3 () =
  let popstates_regexp =
       ^ (String.concat "\\|" ( Str.quote popstates))
       ^ "\\)\\b") in
      while true do
        let line = input_line stdin in
        if Str.string_match popstates_regexp line 0
        then print_endline line
  with End_of_file -> ()

(* Speed tests with a 15,000 line input file: *)
let () = popgrep1 ()         (* time: 13.670s *)
let () = popgrep2 ()         (* time:  0.264s *)
let () = popgrep3 ()         (* time:  0.123s *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_6.11 *)
#load "str.cma";;
let () =
  while true do
    print_string "Pattern? ";
    flush stdout;
    let pattern = input_line stdin in
    try ignore (Str.regexp pattern)
    with Failure message ->
      Printf.printf "INVALID PATTERN: %s\n" message


let is_valid_pattern pattern =
  try ignore (Str.regexp pattern); true
  with Failure _ -> false


(* paragrep - trivial paragraph grepper *)
#load "str.cma";;

let line_stream_of_channel channel =
    (fun _ -> try Some (input_line channel) with End_of_file -> None)

let paragraph_stream_of_channel channel =
  let lines = line_stream_of_channel channel in
  let rec next para_lines i =
    match Stream.peek lines, para_lines with
      | None, [] -> None
      | Some "", [] -> Stream.junk lines; next para_lines i
      | Some "", _
      | None, _ -> Some (String.concat "\n" (List.rev para_lines))
      | Some line, _ -> Stream.junk lines; next (line :: para_lines) i in
  Stream.from (next [])

let paragrep pat files =
  let regexp =
      try Str.regexp pat
      with Failure msg ->
        Printf.eprintf "%s: Bad pattern %s: %s\n" Sys.argv.(0) pat msg;
        exit 1
    end in
  let count = ref 0 in
    (fun file ->
       let channel =
         if file = "-"
         then stdin
         else open_in file in
           (fun para ->
              incr count;
                ignore (Str.search_forward regexp para 0);
                Printf.printf "%s %d: %s\n\n" file !count para
              with Not_found -> ())
           (paragraph_stream_of_channel channel);
         close_in channel
       with e ->
         close_in channel;
         raise e)

let () =
  match (Array.to_list Sys.argv) with
    | pat :: [] -> paragrep pat ["-"]
    | pat :: files -> paragrep pat files
    | [] -> Printf.eprintf "usage: %s pat [files]\n" Sys.argv.(0)


let safe_pat = Str.quote pat

(* @@PLEAC@@_6.12 *)
(* OCaml does not provide a way to change the locale, and PCRE does
   not appear to be sensitive to the default locale. Regardless, Str
   does not support locales, and PCRE only matches ASCII characters
   for \w and friends. This example instead demonstrates the use of
   PCRE's UTF-8 support to match words, and it does not use locales. *)

#directory "+pcre";;
#load "pcre.cma";;

(* encoded as UTF-8 *)
let name = "andreas k\xc3\xb6nig"

(* the original regexp which is not Unicode-aware *)
let ascii_regexp = Pcre.regexp "\\b(\\w+)\\b"

(* a revised regexp which tests for Unicode letters and numbers *)
let utf8_regexp = Pcre.regexp ~flags:[`UTF8] "([\\pL\\pN]+)"

let () =
    (fun (enc, regexp) ->
       Printf.printf "%s names: %s\n" enc
         (String.concat " "
    ["ASCII", ascii_regexp; "UTF-8", utf8_regexp]

  ASCII names: Andreas K Nig
  UTF-8 names: Andreas König

(* @@PLEAC@@_6.13 *)
(* Calculates the Levenshtein, or edit distance, between two strings. *)
let levenshtein s t =
  let n = String.length s in
  let m = String.length t in
  match (m, n) with
    | (m, 0) -> m
    | (0, n) -> n
    | (m, n) ->
        let d = Array.init (m + 1) (fun x -> x) in
        let x = ref 0 in
        for i = 0 to n - 1 do
          let e = ref (i + 1) in
          for j = 0 to m - 1 do
            let cost = if s.[i] = t.[j] then 0 else 1 in
            x :=
                (d.(j + 1) + 1)      (* insertion *)
                   (!e + 1)          (* deletion *)
                   (d.(j) + cost));  (* substitution *)
            d.(j) <- !e;
            e := !x
          d.(m) <- !x

(* Determines if two strings are an approximate match. *)
let amatch ?(percentage=20) s t =
  levenshtein s t * 100 / String.length s <= percentage

let () =
  let dict = open_in "/usr/dict/words" in
    while true do
      let word = input_line dict in
      if amatch "balast" word
      then print_endline word
  with End_of_file -> close_in dict


(* @@PLEAC@@_6.14 *)
#directory "+pcre";;
#load "pcre.cma";;

let s = "12 345 hello 6 7world89 10"
let rex = Pcre.regexp "(\\d+)"

let () =
  let subs = ref (Pcre.exec ~rex s) in
    while true do
      Printf.printf "Found %s\n" (Pcre.get_substring !subs 1);
      subs := Pcre.next_match ~rex !subs
  with Not_found -> ()


let () =
  let n = "   49 here" in
  let n = Pcre.replace ~pat:"\\G " ~templ:"0" n in
  print_endline n

(* 00049 here *)


let s = "3,4,5,9,120"
let rex = Pcre.regexp "\\G,?(\\d+)"

let () =
  let subs = ref (Pcre.exec ~rex s) in
    while true do
      Printf.printf "Found number %s\n" (Pcre.get_substring !subs 1);
      subs := Pcre.next_match ~rex !subs
  with Not_found -> ()


let s = "The year 1752 lost 10 days on the 3rd of September"

let rex = Pcre.regexp "(\\d+)"
let subs = ref (Pcre.exec ~rex s)

let () =
    while true do
      Printf.printf "Found number %s\n" (Pcre.get_substring !subs 1);
      subs := Pcre.next_match ~rex !subs
  with Not_found -> ()

let () =
  let rex = Pcre.regexp "\\G(\\S+)" in
  subs := Pcre.next_match ~rex !subs;
  Printf.printf "Found %s after the last number.\n"
    (Pcre.get_substring !subs 1)

  Found number 1752
  Found number 10
  Found number 3
  Found rd after the last number.


let () =
  match Pcre.get_substring_ofs !subs 1 with
    | (start, finish) ->
          "The position in 's' is %d..%d\n" start finish

(* The position in 's' is 35..37 *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_6.15 *)
let s = "Even <TT>vi</TT> can edit <TT>troff</TT> effectively."

(* The Str library does not support non-greedy matches. In many cases,
   you can turn a non-greedy match into a greedy one, however: *)

#load "str.cma";;

let () = print_endline (Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "<.*>") "" s)
(* Even  effectively. *)
let () = print_endline (Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "<[^>]*>") "" s)
(* Even vi can edit troff effectively. *)

(* If you need non-greedy matches, you'll want to use PCRE instead: *)

#directory "+pcre";;
#load "pcre.cma";;

let () = print_endline (Pcre.replace ~pat:"<.*?>" ~templ:"" s)
(* Even vi can edit troff effectively. *)

(* Non-greedy matches don't always work the way you expect: *)

let s = "<b><i>this</i> and <i>that</i> are important</b> Oh, <b><i>me too!</i></b>"

let rex = Pcre.regexp "<b><i>(.*?)</i></b>"
let () = print_endline (Pcre.extract ~rex s).(1)
(* this</i> and <i>that</i> are important</b> Oh, <b><i>me too! *)

(* One solution is to use a non-grouping negative lookahead assertion: *)

let rex = Pcre.regexp "<b><i>((?:(?!</b>|</i>).)*)</i></b>"
let () = print_endline (Pcre.extract ~rex s).(1)
(* me too! *)

(* If performance is important, here is a faster technique: *)

let rex = Pcre.regexp ~flags:[`DOTALL; `EXTENDED] "
    [^<]*  # stuff not possibly bad, and not possibly the end.
 # at this point, we can have '<' if not part of something bad
     (?!  </?[ib]>  )   # what we can't have
     <                  # okay, so match the '<'
     [^<]*              # and continue with more safe stuff
    ) *

let () = print_endline (Pcre.extract ~rex s).(0)
(* <b><i>me too!</i></b> *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_6.16 *)
#directory "+pcre";;
#load "pcre.cma";;

let line_stream_of_channel channel =
    (fun _ -> try Some (input_line channel) with End_of_file -> None)

let paragraph_stream_of_channel channel =
  let lines = line_stream_of_channel channel in
  let rec next para_lines i =
    match Stream.peek lines, para_lines with
      | None, [] -> None
      | Some "", [] -> Stream.junk lines; next para_lines i
      | Some "", _
      | None, _ -> Some (String.concat "\n" (List.rev para_lines))
      | Some line, _ -> Stream.junk lines; next (line :: para_lines) i in
  Stream.from (next [])

let find_dup_words files =
  let rex = Pcre.regexp ~flags:[`CASELESS; `EXTENDED] "
      \\b            # start at a word boundary (begin letters)
      (\\S+)         # find chunk of non-whitespace
      \\b            # until another word boundary (end letters)
          \\s+       # separated by some whitespace
          \\1        # and that very same chunk again
          \\b        # until another word boundary
      ) +            # one or more sets of those
  " in
  let count = ref 0 in
    (fun file ->
       let channel = if file = "-" then stdin else open_in file in
           (fun para ->
              incr count;
                let subs = ref (Pcre.exec ~rex para) in
                while true do
                  Printf.printf "dup word '%s' at paragraph %d.\n"
                    (Pcre.get_substring !subs 1)
                  flush stdout;
                  subs := Pcre.next_match ~rex !subs;
              with Not_found -> ())
           (paragraph_stream_of_channel channel);
         close_in channel
       with e ->
         close_in channel;
         raise e)

let () =
  match (Array.to_list Sys.argv) with
    | [] -> find_dup_words ["-"]
    | files -> find_dup_words files


  This is a test
  test of the duplicate word finder.

(* dup word 'test' at paragraph 1. *)


let a = "nobody"
let b = "bodysnatcher"
let () =
    let subs =
        ~pat:"^(\\w+)(\\w+) \\2(\\w+)$"
        (a ^ " " ^ b) in
    Printf.printf "%s overlaps in %s-%s-%s\n"
      (Pcre.get_substring subs 2)
      (Pcre.get_substring subs 1)
      (Pcre.get_substring subs 2)
      (Pcre.get_substring subs 3)
  with Not_found ->

(* body overlaps in no-body-snatcher *)


(* prime_pattern -- find prime factors of argument using pattern matching *)
#directory "+pcre";;
#load "pcre.cma";;

let arg = try int_of_string Sys.argv.(1) with _ -> 0
let n = ref (String.make arg 'o')
let rex = Pcre.regexp "^(oo+?)\\1+$"
let templ = "o"
let () =
    while true do
      let pat = Pcre.get_substring (Pcre.exec ~rex !n) 1 in
      Printf.printf "%d " (String.length pat);
      n := Pcre.replace ~pat ~templ !n
  with Not_found ->
    Printf.printf "%d\n" (String.length !n)


exception Found of (int * int * int)
let () =
        (String.make 281 'o')
      | [| x; y; z |] -> raise (Found
                                  (String.length x,
                                   String.length y,
                                   String.length z))
      | _ -> raise Not_found
    | Found (x, y, z) ->
        Printf.printf "One solution is: x=%d; y=%d; z=%d.\n"
          x y z
    | Not_found ->
        Printf.printf "No solution.\n"

(* One solution is: x=17; y=3; z=2. *)


(* One solution is: x=17; y=3; z=2. *)

(* One solution is: x=0; y=7; z=11. *)

(* One solution is: x=1; y=3; z=14. *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_6.17 *)
#directory "+pcre";;
#load "pcre.cma";;

let pat = input_line config_channel
let () = if Pcre.pmatch ~pat data then (* ... *) ()


(* alpha OR beta *)
let regexp = Pcre.regexp "alpha|beta"

(* alpha AND beta *)
let regexp = Pcre.regexp ~flags:[`DOTALL] "^(?=.*alpha)(?=.*beta)"

(* alpha AND beta, no overlap *)
let regexp = Pcre.regexp ~flags:[`DOTALL] "alpha.*beta|beta.*alpha"

(* NOT pat *)
let regexp = Pcre.regexp ~flags:[`DOTALL] "^(?:(?!pat).)*$"

(* NOT bad BUT good *)
let regexp = Pcre.regexp ~flags:[`DOTALL] "(?=(?:(?!bad).)*$)good"


let () =
  if not (Pcre.pmatch ~rex:regexp text)
  then something ()


let () =
  if (Pcre.pmatch ~rex:rexexp1 text) && (Pcre.pmatch ~rex:rexexp2 text)
  then something ()


let () =
  if (Pcre.pmatch ~rex:rexexp1 text) || (Pcre.pmatch ~rex:rexexp2 text)
  then something ()


(* minigrep - trivial grep *)
#directory "+pcre";;
#load "pcre.cma";;

let line_stream_of_channel channel =
    (fun _ -> try Some (input_line channel) with End_of_file -> None)

let minigrep pat files =
  let rex =
    try Pcre.regexp pat
    with Pcre.BadPattern (msg, _) ->
      Printf.eprintf "%s: Bad pattern %s: %s\n" Sys.argv.(0) pat msg;
      exit 1 in
  let process file =
    let channel = if file = "-" then stdin else open_in file in
        (fun line -> if Pcre.pmatch ~rex line then print_endline line)
        (line_stream_of_channel channel);
      close_in channel
    with e ->
      close_in channel;
      raise e in
  List.iter process files

let () =
  match (Array.to_list Sys.argv) with
    | pat :: [] -> minigrep pat ["-"]
    | pat :: files -> minigrep pat files
    | [] -> Printf.eprintf "usage: %s pat [files]\n" Sys.argv.(0)


let string = "labelled"

let () =
  Printf.printf "%b\n"
       ~rex:(Pcre.regexp ~flags:[`DOTALL] "^(?=.*bell)(?=.*lab)")

let () =
  Printf.printf "%b\n"
    (Pcre.pmatch ~pat:"bell" string && Pcre.pmatch ~pat:"lab" string)

let () =
  if (Pcre.pmatch
        ~rex:(Pcre.regexp ~flags:[`DOTALL; `EXTENDED] "
             ^              # start of string
            (?=             # zero-width lookahead
                .*          # any amount of intervening stuff
                bell        # the desired bell string
            )               # rewind, since we were only looking
            (?=             # and do the same thing
                .*          # any amount of intervening stuff
                lab         # and the lab part
  then print_endline "Looks like Bell Labs might be in Murray Hill!"

let () =
  Printf.printf "%b\n"
    (Pcre.pmatch ~pat:"(?:^.*bell.*lab)|(?:^.*lab.*bell)" string)

let brand = "labelled"
let () =
  if (Pcre.pmatch
        ~rex:(Pcre.regexp ~flags:[`DOTALL; `EXTENDED] "
        (?:                 # non-capturing grouper
            ^ .*?           # any amount of stuff at the front
              bell          # look for a bell
              .*?           # followed by any amount of anything
              lab           # look for a lab
          )                 # end grouper
    |                       # otherwise, try the other direction
        (?:                 # non-capturing grouper
            ^ .*?           # any amount of stuff at the front
              lab           # look for a lab
              .*?           # followed by any amount of anything
              bell          # followed by a bell
          )                 # end grouper
      ") brand)
  then print_endline "Our brand has bell and lab separate."

let map = "a map of the world"
let () =
  Printf.printf "%b\n"
       ~rex:(Pcre.regexp ~flags:[`DOTALL] "^(?:(?!waldo).)*$")

let () =
  if (Pcre.pmatch
        ~rex:(Pcre.regexp ~flags:[`DOTALL; `EXTENDED] "
        ^                   # start of string
        (?:                 # non-capturing grouper
            (?!             # look ahead negation
                waldo       # is he ahead of us now?
            )               # is so, the negation failed
            .               # any character (cuzza /s)
        ) *                 # repeat that grouping 0 or more
        $                   # through the end of the string
      ") map)
  then print_endline "There's no waldo here!"


% w | minigrep '^(?!.*ttyp).*tchrist'


Pcre.regexp ~flags:[`EXTENDED] "
    ^                       # anchored to the start
    (?!                     # zero-width look-ahead assertion
        .*                  # any amount of anything (faster than .*?)
        ttyp                # the string you don't want to find
    )                       # end look-ahead negation; rewind to start
    .*                      # any amount of anything (faster than .*?)
    tchrist                 # now try to find Tom


% w | grep tchrist | grep -v ttyp


% grep -i 'pattern' files
% minigrep '(?i)pattern' files

(* @@PLEAC@@_6.18 *)
#load "str.cma";;

(* Regexp text for an EUC-JP character *)
let eucjp =
  (String.concat "\\|"
     (* EUC-JP encoding subcomponents: *)
       (* ASCII/JIS-Roman (one-byte/character) *)

       (* half-width katakana (two bytes/char) *)

       (* JIS X 0212-1990 (three bytes/char) *)

       (* JIS X 0208:1997 (two bytes/char) *)

(* Match any number of EUC-JP characters preceding Tokyo *)
let regexp = Str.regexp ("\\(\\(" ^ eucjp ^ "\\)*\\)\\(\xC5\xEC\xB5\xFE\\)")

(* Search from the beginning for a match *)
let () =
  if Str.string_match regexp string 0
  then print_endline "Found Tokyo"

(* Replace Tokyo with Osaka *)
let () =
  let buffer = Buffer.create (String.length string) in
  let start = ref 0 in
  while Str.string_match regexp string !start do
    Buffer.add_string buffer (Str.matched_group 1 string);
    Buffer.add_string buffer osaka; (* Assuming osaka is defined *)
    start := Str.match_end ();
  if !start < String.length string
  then Buffer.add_substring buffer string
    !start (String.length string - !start);
  print_endline (Buffer.contents buffer)

(* Split a multi-byte string into characters *)
let () =
  (* One character per list element *)
  let chars =
         | Str.Delim c -> c
         | Str.Text c -> failwith ("invalid char: " ^ c))
            (Str.regexp eucjp)
            string)) in
  let length = Array.length chars in
  for i = 0 to length - 1 do
    if String.length chars.(i) = 1 then
        (* Do something interesting with this one-byte character *)
        (* Do something interesting with this multi-byte character *)
  (* Glue list back together *)
  let line = String.concat "" (Array.to_list chars) in
  print_endline line

(* Determine if an entire string is valid EUC-JP *)
let is_eucjp s =
    (Str.regexp ("\\(" ^ eucjp ^ "\\)*$")) s 0

(* Assuming a similar string has been defined for Shift-JIS *)
let is_sjis s =
    (Str.regexp ("\\(" ^ sjis ^ "\\)*$")) s 0

(* Convert from EUC-JP to Unicode, assuming a Hashtbl named
   euc2uni is defined with the appropriate character mappings *)
let () =
  let chars =
         | Str.Delim c -> c
         | Str.Text c -> failwith ("invalid char: " ^ c))
            (Str.regexp eucjp)
            string)) in
  let length = Array.length chars in
  for i = 0 to length - 1 do
    if Hashtbl.mem euc2uni chars.(i)
        chars.(i) <- (Hashtbl.find euc2uni chars.(i))
        (* deal with unknown EUC->Unicode mapping here *)
  let line = String.concat "" (Array.to_list chars) in
  print_endline line

(* @@PLEAC@@_6.19 *)
#load "str.cma";;

(* Not foolproof, but works in most common cases. *)
let regexp =

let () =
    while true do
      print_string "Email: ";
      flush stdout;
      let line = input_line stdin in
        let start = ref 0 in
        while true do
          start := Str.search_forward regexp line !start;
          let string = Str.matched_string line in
          start := !start + String.length string;
          print_string "Found: ";
          print_endline string;
      with Not_found -> ()
  with End_of_file -> ()

(* @@PLEAC@@_6.20 *)
#load "str.cma";;

let () =
    while true do
      print_string "Action: ";
      flush stdout;
      let answer = input_line stdin in
      let regexp = Str.regexp_string_case_fold answer in
      if Str.string_match regexp "SEND" 0
      then print_endline "Action is send"
      else if Str.string_match regexp "STOP" 0
      then print_endline "Action is stop"
      else if Str.string_match regexp "ABORT" 0
      then print_endline "Action is abort"
      else if Str.string_match regexp "LIST" 0
      then print_endline "Action is list"
      else if Str.string_match regexp "EDIT" 0
      then print_endline "Action is edit"
  with End_of_file -> ()


(* assumes that invoke_editor, deliver_message, *)
(* file and pager are defined somewhere else. *)
let actions =
    "edit", invoke_editor;
    "send", deliver_message;
    "list", (fun () -> ignore (Sys.command (pager ^ " " ^ file)));
    "abort", (fun () -> print_endline "See ya!"; exit 0);

let errors = ref 0

let () =
    while true do
      print_string "Action: ";
      flush stdout;
      let answer = input_line stdin in
      (* trim leading white space *)
      let answer = Str.replace_first (Str.regexp "^[ \t]+") "" answer in
      (* trim trailing white space *)
      let answer = Str.replace_first (Str.regexp "[ \t]+$") "" answer in
      let regexp = Str.regexp_string_case_fold answer in
      let found = ref false in
        (fun (action, handler) ->
           if Str.string_match regexp action 0
           then (found := true; handler ()))
      if not !found
      then (incr errors; print_endline ("Unknown command: " ^ answer))
  with End_of_file -> ()

(* @@PLEAC@@_6.21 *)
(* urlify - wrap HTML links around URL-like constructs *)
#directory "+pcre";;
#load "pcre.cma";;

let urls = "(http|telnet|gopher|file|wais|ftp)"
let ltrs = "\\w"
let gunk = "/#~:.?+=&%@!\\-"
let punc = ".:?\\-"
let any  = ltrs ^ gunk ^ punc

let rex = Pcre.regexp ~flags:[`CASELESS; `EXTENDED]
  (Printf.sprintf "
      \\b                   # start at word boundary
      (                     # begin $1  {
       %s        :          # need resource and a colon
       [%s] +?              # followed by one or more
                            #  of any valid character, but
                            #  be conservative and take only
                            #  what you need to....
      )                     # end   $1  }
      (?=                   # look-ahead non-consumptive assertion
       [%s]*                # either 0 or more punctuation
       [^%s]                #   followed by a non-url char
       |                    # or else
       $                    #   then end of the string
" urls any punc any)

let templ = "<A HREF=\"$1\">$1</A>"

let () =
    while true do
      let line = input_line stdin in
      print_endline (Pcre.replace ~rex ~templ line)
  with End_of_file ->

(* @@PLEAC@@_6.22 *)
% tcgrep -ril '^From: .*kate' ~/mail


(* tcgrep: rewrite of tom christiansen's rewrite of grep *)
#load "unix.cma";;

(* *)
#directory "+pcre";;
#load "pcre.cma";;

(* *)
#directory "+getopt";;
#load "getopt.cma";;

(* Initialize globals. *)
let me = Pcre.replace ~pat:".*/" Sys.argv.(0)
let matches = ref 0
let errors = ref 0
let grand_total = ref 0
let mult = ref false
let compress = [".z", "zcat"; ".gz", "zcat"; ".Z", "zcat"]

(* Prints usage and exits. *)
let usage () =
  Printf.eprintf "usage: %s [flags] [files]

Standard grep options:
        i   case insensitive
        n   number lines
        c   give count of lines matching
        C   ditto, but >1 match per line possible
        w   word boundaries only
        s   silent mode
        x   exact matches only
        v   invert search sense (lines that DON'T match)
        h   hide filenames
        e   expression (for exprs beginning with -)
        f   file with expressions
        l   list filenames matching

        1   1 match per file
        H   highlight matches
        u   underline matches
        r   recursive on directories or dot if none
        t   process directories in 'ls -t' order
        p   paragraph mode (default: line mode)
        P   ditto, but specify separator, e.g. -P '%%'
        a   all files, not just plain text files (not implemented)
        q   quiet about failed file and dir opens
        T   trace files as opened

May use a TCGREP environment variable to set default options.
" me;
  exit 255

(* Produces a stream of lines from an input channel. *)
let line_stream_of_channel channel =
    (fun _ -> try Some (input_line channel) with End_of_file -> None)

(* Produces a stream of chunks from an input channel given a delimiter. *)
let delimited_stream_of_channel delim channel =
  let lines = line_stream_of_channel channel in
  let rec next para_lines i =
    match Stream.peek lines, para_lines with
      | None, [] -> None
      | Some delim', [] when delim' = delim ->
          Stream.junk lines; next para_lines i
      | Some delim', _ when delim' = delim ->
          Some (String.concat "\n" (List.rev para_lines))
      | None, _ ->
          Some (String.concat "\n" (List.rev para_lines))
      | Some line, _ -> Stream.junk lines; next (line :: para_lines) i in
  Stream.from (next [])

(* An empty delimiter corresponds to an empty line, so we can create
   a paragraph stream in terms of the previous function. *)
let paragraph_stream_of_channel = delimited_stream_of_channel ""

(* By default, the stream builder will produce lines. This can be changed
   by the -p and -P options. *)
let stream_of_channel = ref line_stream_of_channel

(* Type for command-line options and their values. *)
type opt = OBool of bool | OStr of string

(* Set an option. *)
let opt_set opt c =
  Hashtbl.replace opt c (OBool true)

(* Test an option. *)
let opt_test opt c =
    match Hashtbl.find opt c with
      | OBool b -> b
      | OStr "" -> false
      | OStr _ -> true
  with Not_found ->

(* Convert an option to a string. *)
let opt_str opt c =
    match Hashtbl.find opt c with
      | OBool b -> string_of_bool b
      | OStr s -> s
  with Not_found ->

(* Gets terminal escape characters. *)
let tput cap =
  let ch = Unix.open_process_in ("tput " ^ cap) in
    let result = input_line ch in
    ignore (Unix.close_process_in ch);
    | End_of_file ->
        ignore (Unix.close_process_in ch);
    | e ->
        ignore (Unix.close_process_in ch);
        raise e

(* Splits a filename into its base and extension. *)
let splitext name =
    let base = Filename.chop_extension name in
    let i = String.length base in
    let ext = String.sub name i (String.length name - i) in
    base, ext
  with Invalid_argument _ ->
    name, ""

(* Parses command-line arguments. *)
let parse_args () =
  let opt = Hashtbl.create 0 in
  let args = ref [] in

  let optstring = "incCwsxvhe:f:l1HurtpP:aqT" in
  let optstream = Stream.of_string optstring in

  (* Prepare options for Getopt. *)
  let opts =
    let str_setter c =
      (c, Getopt.nolong,
       Some (fun s -> Hashtbl.replace opt c (OStr s))) in
    let int_setter c =
      (c, Getopt.nolong,
       Some (fun () -> Hashtbl.replace opt c (OBool true)),
       None) in
    let rec loop acc =
      match Stream.peek optstream with
        | Some c ->
            (Stream.junk optstream;
             match Stream.peek optstream with
               | Some ':' ->
                   Stream.junk optstream;
                   loop (str_setter c :: acc)
               | _ ->
                   loop (int_setter c :: acc))
        | None -> List.rev acc in
    loop [] in

  (* Handle TCGREP environment variable. *)
  let cmdline = ref ( (Array.to_list Sys.argv)) in
    (fun env ->
       if (String.length env > 7
           && String.sub env 0 7 = "TCGREP=")
           let s = String.sub env 7 (String.length env - 7) in
           let s = if s.[0] <> '-' then "-" ^ s else s in
           cmdline := s :: !cmdline
    (Unix.environment ());
  let cmdline = Array.of_list !cmdline in

  (* Parse command-line options using Getopt. *)
        opts (fun arg -> args := arg :: !args)
        cmdline 0 (Array.length cmdline - 1);
      args := List.rev !args
    with Getopt.Error e ->
      prerr_endline e;
      usage ()

  (* Read patterns from file or command line. *)
  let patterns =
    if opt_test opt 'f'
        let in_channel =
          try open_in (opt_str opt 'f')
          with e ->
            Printf.eprintf "%s: can't open %s: %s\n"
              me (opt_str opt 'f') (Printexc.to_string e);
            exit 255 in
          let acc = ref [] in
            (fun pat -> acc := pat :: !acc)
            (line_stream_of_channel in_channel);
          close_in in_channel;
          List.rev !acc
        with e ->
          close_in in_channel;
          Printf.eprintf "%s: error reading %s: %s\n"
            me (opt_str opt 'f') (Printexc.to_string e);
          exit 255
    else if opt_test opt 'e'
    then [opt_str opt 'e']
    else [match !args with h :: t -> (args := t; h) | [] -> usage ()] in

  (* Terminal escape characters for highlighting options. *)
  let highlight =
    if opt_test opt 'H'
    then tput "smso" ^ "$1" ^ tput "rmso"
    else if opt_test opt 'u'
    then tput "smul" ^ "$1" ^ tput "rmul"
    else "$1" in

  (* Regular expression flags to use. *)
  let flags = ref [] in
  if opt_test opt 'i' then flags := `CASELESS :: !flags;

  (* Options for paragraph modes. *)
  if opt_test opt 'p'
  then stream_of_channel := paragraph_stream_of_channel;
  if opt_test opt 'P'
  then stream_of_channel := delimited_stream_of_channel (opt_str opt 'P');

  (* Word boundary option. *)
  let patterns =
    if opt_test opt 'w'
    then (fun pat -> "\\b" ^ pat ^ "\\b") patterns
    else patterns in

  (* Exact match option. *)
  let patterns =
    if opt_test opt 'x'
    then (fun pat -> "^" ^ pat ^ "$") patterns
    else patterns in

  (* Options that imply other options. *)
  if opt_test opt 'l' then opt_set opt '1';
  if opt_test opt 'u' then opt_set opt 'H';
  if opt_test opt 'C' then opt_set opt 'c';
  if opt_test opt 'c' then opt_set opt 's';
  if opt_test opt 's' && not (opt_test opt 'c') then opt_set opt '1';

  (* Compile the regular expression patterns. *)
  let rexes =
      (fun pat ->
         try Pcre.regexp ~flags:!flags ("(" ^ pat ^ ")")
         with Pcre.BadPattern (msg, _) ->
           Printf.eprintf "%s: bad pattern %s: %s\n" me pat msg;
           exit 255)
      patterns in

  (* Increments the matches variable by the number of matches
     (or non-matches) in the given line. *)
  let count_matches line =
    if opt_test opt 'v'
    then fun rex ->
      (if not (Pcre.pmatch ~rex line) then incr matches)
    else if opt_test opt 'C'
    then fun rex ->
      (matches := !matches + (try Array.length (Pcre.extract_all ~rex line)
                              with Not_found -> 0))
    else fun rex ->
      (if Pcre.pmatch ~rex line then incr matches) in

  (* Counts matches in a line and returns the line with any
     necessary highlighting. *)
  let matcher line =
    List.iter (count_matches line) rexes;
    if opt_test opt 'H'
        (fun line rex ->
           Pcre.replace ~rex ~templ:highlight line)
        line rexes
    else line in

  (* List of files or directories to process. *)
  let files =
    match !args with
      | [] -> if opt_test opt 'r' then ["."] else ["-"]
      | [arg] -> [arg]
      | args -> (mult := true; args) in

  (* Overrides for options that affect the multiple-file flag. *)
  if opt_test opt 'h' then mult := false;
  if opt_test opt 'r' then mult := true;

  (* Return the three values to be processed by matchfiles. *)
  opt, matcher, files

(* Used to break out of loops and abort processing of the current file. *)
exception NextFile

(* Runs given matcher on a list of files using the specified options. *)
let rec matchfiles opt matcher files =
  (* Handles a single directory. *)
  let matchdir dir =
    if not (opt_test opt 'r')
        if opt_test opt 'T'
        then (Printf.eprintf "%s: \"%s\" is a directory, but no -r given\n"
                me dir;
              flush stderr)
        let files =
          try Some (Sys.readdir dir)
          with e ->
            if not (opt_test opt 'q')
            then (Printf.eprintf "%s: can't readdir %s: %s\n"
                    me dir (Printexc.to_string e);
                  flush stderr);
            incr errors;
            None in
        match files with
          | Some files ->
              let by_mtime a b =
                  (Unix.stat (Filename.concat dir b)).Unix.st_mtime
                  (Unix.stat (Filename.concat dir a)).Unix.st_mtime in
              if opt_test opt 't'
              then Array.sort by_mtime files;
              matchfiles opt matcher
                      (Filename.concat dir)
          | None -> ()
      end in

  (* Handles a single file. *)
  let matchfile file =
    (* Keep a running total of matches for this file. *)
    let total = ref 0 in

    (* Keep track of the current line number. *)
    let line_num = ref 0 in

    (* Shadow close_in to properly close process channels for compressed
       files and avoid closing stdin. *)
    let process_open = ref false in
    let close_in channel =
      if !process_open
      then ignore (Unix.close_process_in channel)
      else if channel != stdin then close_in channel in

    (* Process a line (or paragraph, with -p or -P) of input. *)
    let matchline line =
       incr line_num;
       matches := 0;
       let line = matcher line in
       if !matches > 0
           total := !total + !matches;
           grand_total := !grand_total + !matches;
           if opt_test opt 'l'
           then (print_endline file; raise NextFile)
           else if not (opt_test opt 's')
           then (Printf.printf "%s%s%s%s\n"
                   (if !mult
                    then file ^ ":"
                    else "")
                   (if opt_test opt 'n'
                    then (string_of_int !line_num
                          ^ (if opt_test opt 'p' || opt_test opt 'P'
                             then ":\n"
                             else ":"))
                    else "")
                   (if opt_test opt 'p' || opt_test opt 'P'
                    then "\n" ^ String.make 20 '-'
                    else "");
                 flush stdout);
           if opt_test opt '1' then raise NextFile
         end in

    (* Get a channel for the file, starting a decompression process if
       necessary. If None, the file will be skipped. *)
    let maybe_channel =
      if file = "-"
      then (if Unix.isatty Unix.stdin && not (opt_test opt 'q')
            then (Printf.eprintf "%s: reading from stdin\n" me;
                  flush stderr);
            Some stdin)
      else if not (Sys.file_exists file)
      then (if not (opt_test opt 'q')
            then (Printf.eprintf "%s: file \"%s\" does not exist\n"
                    me file;
                  flush stderr);
            incr errors;
      else if List.mem_assoc (snd (splitext file)) compress
      then (process_open := true;
            try Some (Unix.open_process_in
                        (List.assoc (snd (splitext file)) compress
                         ^ " < " ^ file))
            with e ->
              if not (opt_test opt 'q')
              then (Printf.eprintf "%s: %s: %s\n" me file
                      (Printexc.to_string e);
                    flush stderr);
              incr errors;
      else (try Some (open_in file)
            with e ->
              if not (opt_test opt 'q')
              then (Printf.eprintf "%s: %s: %s\n" me file
                      (Printexc.to_string e);
                    flush stderr);
              incr errors;
              None) in

    (* Run matcher on the open channel, then close the channel. *)
    match maybe_channel with
      | None -> ()
      | Some channel ->
              if opt_test opt 'T'
              then (Printf.eprintf "%s: checking %s\n" me file;
                    flush stderr);
              Stream.iter matchline (!stream_of_channel channel);
              close_in channel
              | NextFile ->
                  close_in channel
              | e ->
                  close_in channel;
                  raise e
          if opt_test opt 'c'
          then (Printf.printf "%s%d\n"
                  (if !mult then file ^ ":" else "")
                flush stdout) in

  (* Handle each of the specified files and directories. *)
    (fun file ->
       if file = "-"
       then matchfile file
       else if try Sys.is_directory file with _ -> false
       then matchdir file
       else matchfile file)

(* Parse command line arguments, run matcher, and set result status. *)
let opt, matcher, files = parse_args ()
let () =
  matchfiles opt matcher files;
  if !errors > 0 then exit 2;
  if !grand_total > 0 then exit 0;
  exit 1

(* @@PLEAC@@_6.23 *)
#directory "+pcre";;
#load "pcre.cma";;










  ~pat:"(\\d+)/(\\d+)/(\\d+) (\\d+):(\\d+):(\\d+)"




  ~subst:(fun subs ->
            let c = Pcre.get_substring subs 1 in
            String.make 1 (Char.chr (int_of_string ("0x" ^ c))))


          ~flags:[`DOTALL; `EXTENDED] "
            /\\*  # Match the opening delimiter
            .*?   # Match a minimal number of characters
            \\*/  # Match the closing delimiter


Pcre.replace ~pat:"^\\s+" input
Pcre.replace ~pat:"\\s+$" input


Pcre.replace ~pat:"\\\\n" ~templ:"\n" input


Pcre.replace ~pat:"^.*::" input




Pcre.replace ~pat:"^.*/" input


let termcap = ":co#80:li#24:"
let cols =
  try int_of_string (Pcre.extract ~pat:":co#(\\d+):" termcap).(1)
  with Not_found | Failure "int_of_string" -> 80


let name =
    ~pat:" /\\S+/"
    ~templ:" "
    (" " ^ String.concat " " (Array.to_list Sys.argv))


#load "unix.cma";;
let () =
  let ch = Unix.open_process_in "uname -a" in
  let os = input_line ch in
  ignore (Unix.close_process_in ch);
  if not (Pcre.pmatch ~rex:(Pcre.regexp ~flags:[`CASELESS] "linux") os)
  then print_endline "This isn't Linux"


Pcre.replace ~pat:"\n\\s+" ~templ:" " input


let nums =
    (fun group -> float_of_string group.(1))


let capwords =
    (fun group -> group.(1))


let lowords =
    (fun group -> group.(1))


let icwords =
    (fun group -> group.(1))


let links =
    (fun group -> group.(1))
               ~flags:[`DOTALL; `CASELESS]
               "<A[^>]+?HREF\\s*=\\s*[\"']?([^'\" >]+?)[ '\"]?>")


let initial =
  try (Pcre.extract ~pat:"^\\S+\\s+(\\S)\\S*\\s+\\S" input).(1)
  with Not_found -> ""


Pcre.replace ~pat:"\"([^\"]*)\"" ~templ:"``$1''" input


let sentences =
    (fun group -> group.(1))
       ~pat:"(\\S.*?\\pP)(?=  |\\Z)"
       (Pcre.replace ~pat:" {3,}" ~templ:"  "
          (Pcre.replace ~pat:"\n" ~templ:" "
             (Pcre.replace ~pat:"(\\pP\n)" ~templ:"$1  "


Pcre.extract ~full_match:false ~pat:"(\\d{4})-(\\d\\d)-(\\d\\d)" input


  ~pat:"^[01]?[- .]?(\\([2-9]\\d{2}\\)|[2-9]\\d{2})[- .]?\\d{3}[- .]?\\d{4}$"




let lines =
    (fun group -> group.(1))

(* @@PLEAC@@_7.0 *)
#load "str.cma";;

(* Print all lines that contain the word "blue" in the input file
   /usr/local/widgets/data to stdout. *)
let () =
  let in_channel = open_in "/usr/local/widgets/data" in
    while true do
      let line = input_line in_channel in
        ignore (Str.search_forward (Str.regexp_string "blue") line 0);
        print_endline line
      with Not_found -> ()
  with End_of_file ->
    close_in in_channel


let () =
  let regexp = Str.regexp ".*[0-9]" in
    while true do
      (* reads from stdin *)
      let line = input_line stdin in
      (* writes to stderr *)
      if not (Str.string_match regexp line 0)
      then prerr_endline "No digit found.";
      (* writes to stdout *)
      Printf.printf "Read: %s\n" line;
      flush stdout
  with End_of_file ->
    close_out stdout


(* Write to an output file the usual way. *)
let () =
  let logfile = open_out "/tmp/log" in
  output_string logfile "Countdown initiated...\n";
  close_out logfile;
  print_endline "You have 30 seconds to reach minimum safety distance."

(* Write to an output file using redirection. *)
#load "unix.cma";;
let () =
  let logfile = open_out "/tmp/log" in
  let old_descr = Unix.dup Unix.stdout in
  (* switch to logfile for output *)
  Unix.dup2 (Unix.descr_of_out_channel logfile) Unix.stdout;
  print_endline "Countdown initiated...";
  (* return to original output *)
  Unix.dup2 old_descr Unix.stdout;
  print_endline "You have 30 seconds to reach minimum safety distance."

(* @@PLEAC@@_7.1 *)
(* open file "path" for reading only *)
let source =
  try open_in path
  with Sys_error msg -> failwith ("Couldn't read from " ^ msg)

(* open file "path" for writing only *)
let sink =
  try open_out path
  with Sys_error msg -> failwith ("Couldn't write to " ^ msg)


#load "unix.cma";;

(* open file "path" for reading only *)
let source =
  try Unix.openfile path [Unix.O_RDONLY] 0o644
  with Unix.Unix_error (code, func, param) ->
    failwith (Printf.sprintf "Couldn't open %s for reading: %s"
                path (Unix.error_message code))

(* open file "path" for writing only *)
let sink =
  try Unix.openfile path [Unix.O_WRONLY; Unix.O_CREAT] 0o644
  with Unix.Unix_error (code, func, param) ->
    failwith (Printf.sprintf "Couldn't open %s for writing: %s"
                path (Unix.error_message code))


(* open file "path" for reading and writing *)
let fh =
  try Unix.openfile filename [Unix.O_RDWR] 0o644
  with Unix.Unix_error (code, func, param) ->
    failwith (Printf.sprintf "Couldn't open %s for read and write: %s"
                filename (Unix.error_message code))


(* open file "path" read only *)
let fh = open_in path
let fh = Unix.openfile path [Unix.O_RDONLY] 0o644


(* open file "path" write only, create it if it does not exist *)
let fh = open_out path
let fh = Unix.openfile path [Unix.O_WRONLY; Unix.O_TRUNC; Unix.O_CREAT] 0o600


(* open file "path" write only, fails if file exists *)
let fh = Unix.openfile path [Unix.O_WRONLY; Unix.O_EXCL; Unix.O_CREAT] 0o600


(* open file "path" for appending *)
let fh =
  open_out_gen [Open_wronly; Open_append; Open_creat] 0o600 path
let fh =
  Unix.openfile path [Unix.O_WRONLY; Unix.O_APPEND; Unix.O_CREAT] 0o600


(* open file "path" for appending only when file exists *)
let fh = Unix.openfile path [Unix.O_WRONLY; Unix.O_APPEND] 0o600


(* open file "path" for reading and writing *)
let fh = Unix.openfile path [Unix.O_RDWR] 0o600


(* open file "path" for reading and writing,
   create a new file if it does not exist *)
let fh = Unix.openfile path [Unix.O_RDWR; Unix.O_CREAT] 0o600


(* open file "path" for reading and writing, fails if file exists *)
let fh = Unix.openfile path [Unix.O_RDWR; Unix.O_EXCL; Unix.O_CREAT] 0o600

(* @@PLEAC@@_7.2 *)
(* Nothing different needs to be done with OCaml *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_7.3 *)
#load "str.cma";;
#load "unix.cma";;

let expanduser =
  let regexp = Str.regexp "^~\\([^/]*\\)" in
  let replace s =
    match Str.matched_group 1 s with
      | "" ->
          (try Unix.getenv "HOME"
           with Not_found ->
             (try Unix.getenv "LOGDIR"
              with Not_found ->
                (Unix.getpwuid (Unix.getuid ())).Unix.pw_dir))
      | user -> (Unix.getpwnam user).Unix.pw_dir in
  Str.substitute_first regexp replace



(* @@PLEAC@@_7.4 *)
#load "unix.cma";;

open Unix

(* Raises an exception on failure. *)
let file = openfile filename [ O_RDONLY ] 0o640

exception ErrString of string

let file =
  try openfile filename [ O_RDONLY ] 0o640
  with Unix_error (e, f, n) ->
    raise (ErrString
             (Printf.sprintf "Could not open %s for read: %s"
                n (error_message e)))

(* @@PLEAC@@_7.5 *)
(* Open a new temporary file for writing. Filename.open_temp_file
   safeguards against race conditions and returns both the filename
   and an output channel. *)
let name, out_channel = Filename.open_temp_file "prefix-" ".suffix"

(* Install an at_exit handler to remove the temporary file when this
   program exits. *)
let () = at_exit (fun () -> Sys.remove name)


#load "unix.cma";;

let () =
  (* Open a temporary file for reading and writing. *)
  let name = Filename.temp_file "prefix-" ".suffix" in
  let descr = Unix.openfile name [Unix.O_RDWR] 0o600 in

  (* Write ten lines of output. *)
  let out_channel = Unix.out_channel_of_descr descr in
  for i = 1 to 10 do
    Printf.fprintf out_channel "%d\n" i
  flush out_channel;

  (* Seek to the beginning and read the lines back in. *)
  let in_channel = Unix.in_channel_of_descr descr in
  seek_in in_channel 0;
  print_endline "Tmp file has:";
  let rec loop () =
    print_endline (input_line in_channel);
    loop () in
  try loop() with End_of_file -> ();

  (* Close the underlying file descriptor and remove the file. *)
  Unix.close descr;
  Sys.remove name

(* @@PLEAC@@_7.6 *)
#load "str.cma";;

let main data =
    (fun line ->
       (* process the line *)
    (Str.split (Str.regexp "\n") data)

let () = main "\
your data goes here

(* @@PLEAC@@_7.7 *)
#load "str.cma";;

let parse_args () =
  match (Array.to_list Sys.argv) with
    | [] -> ["-"]
    | args -> args

let run_filter func args =
    (fun arg ->
       let in_channel =
         match arg with
           | "-" -> stdin
           | arg -> open_in arg in
             while true do
               func (input_line in_channel)
           with End_of_file -> ()
         close_in in_channel
       with e ->
         close_in in_channel;
         raise e)

let () =
    (fun line ->
       (* do something with the line *)
    (parse_args ())


(* arg demo 1: Process optional -c flag *)
let chop_first = ref false
let args =
  match parse_args () with
    | "-c" :: rest -> chop_first := true; rest
    | args -> args

(* arg demo 2: Process optional -NUMBER flag *)
let columns = ref None
let args =
  match parse_args () with
    | arg :: rest
      when Str.string_match (Str.regexp "^-\\([0-9]+\\)$") arg 0 ->
        columns := Some (int_of_string (Str.matched_group 1 arg));
    | args -> args

(* arg demo 3: Process clustering -a, -i, -n, or -u flags *)
let append = ref false
let ignore_ints = ref false
let nostdout = ref false
let unbuffer = ref false
let args =
  let rec parse_flags = function
    | "" -> ()
    | s ->
        (match s.[0] with
           | 'a' -> append      := true
           | 'i' -> ignore_ints := true
           | 'n' -> nostdout    := true
           | 'u' -> unbuffer    := true
           | _ ->
               Printf.eprintf "usage: %s [-ainu] [filenames] ...\n"
               flush stderr;
               exit 255);
        parse_flags (String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 1)) in
       (fun acc ->
            | "" -> acc
            | s when s.[0] = '-' ->
                parse_flags (String.sub s 1 (String.length s - 1));
            | arg -> arg :: acc)
       (parse_args ()))


(* findlogin - print all lines containing the string "login" *)

let () =
    (fun line ->
       if Str.string_match (Str.regexp ".*login.*") line 0
       then print_endline line)
    (parse_args ())


(* lowercase - turn all lines into lowercase *)

let () =
    (fun line -> print_endline (String.lowercase line))
    (parse_args ())


(* countchunks - count how many words are used *)

let chunks = ref 0
let () =
    (fun line ->
       if line <> "" && line.[0] == '#'
       then ()
       else chunks := !chunks
         + List.length (Str.split (Str.regexp "[ \t]+") line))
    (parse_args ());
  Printf.printf "Found %d chunks\n" !chunks

(* @@PLEAC@@_7.8 *)
(* Modify a file in place. *)
let modify func old new' =
  let old_in = open_in old in
  let new_out = open_out new' in
      while true do
        let line = input_line old_in in
        func new_out line
    with End_of_file -> ()
  close_in old_in;
  close_out new_out;
  Sys.rename old (old ^ ".orig");
  Sys.rename new' old

(* Insert lines at line 20. *)
let () =
  let count = ref 0 in
    (fun out line ->
       incr count;
       if !count = 20
       then (output_string out "Extra line 1\n";
             output_string out "Extra line 2\n");
       output_string out line;
       output_string out "\n")
    old new'

(* Delete lines 20..30. *)
let () =
  let count = ref 0 in
    (fun out line ->
       incr count;
       if !count < 20 || !count > 30
       then (output_string out line;
             output_string out "\n"))
    old new'

(* @@PLEAC@@_7.9 *)
(* An equivalent of Perl's -i switch does not exist in OCaml. *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_7.10 *)
#load "str.cma";;
#load "unix.cma";;

(* Modify a file in place. *)
let modify func file =
  let in' = open_in file in
  let lines = ref [] in
      while true do
        let line = input_line in' in
        lines := func line :: !lines
    with End_of_file -> ()
  close_in in';
  let lines = List.rev !lines in
  let out = open_out file in
    (fun line ->
       output_string out line;
       output_string out "\n")
  close_out out

(* Replace DATE with the current date. *)
let () =
  let tm = Unix.localtime (Unix.time ()) in
  let date = Printf.sprintf "%02d/%02d/%04d"
    (tm.Unix.tm_mon + 1)
    (tm.Unix.tm_year + 1900) in
    (Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "DATE") date)

(* @@PLEAC@@_7.11 *)
#load "unix.cma";;

let descr = Unix.openfile path [Unix.O_RDWR] 0o664

let () =
  Unix.lockf descr Unix.F_LOCK 0;
  (* update file, then ... *)
  Unix.close descr

let () =
  try Unix.lockf descr Unix.F_TLOCK 0
  with Unix.Unix_error (error, _, _) ->
      "can't immediately write-lock the file (%s), blocking ...\n"
      (Unix.error_message error);
    flush stderr;
    Unix.lockf descr Unix.F_LOCK 0


#load "unix.cma";;

let descr = Unix.openfile "numfile" [Unix.O_RDWR; Unix.O_CREAT] 0o664

let () =
  Unix.lockf descr Unix.F_LOCK 0;
  (* Now we have acquired the lock, it's safe for I/O *)
  let num =
    try int_of_string (input_line (Unix.in_channel_of_descr descr))
    with _ -> 0 in
  ignore (Unix.lseek descr 0 Unix.SEEK_SET);
  Unix.ftruncate descr 0;
  let out = Unix.out_channel_of_descr descr in
  output_string out (string_of_int (num + 1));
  output_string out "\n";
  flush out;
  Unix.close descr

(* @@PLEAC@@_7.12 *)
(* OCaml automatically flushes after calling these functions: *)
let () =
  print_endline "I get flushed.";
  print_newline (); (* Me too! *)
  prerr_endline "So do I.";
  prerr_newline () (* As do I. *)

(* The Printf functions allow a format specifier of "%!" to trigger
   an immediate flush. *)
let () = Printf.printf "I flush %s%! and %s!\n%!" "here" "there"


(* seeme - demo stdio output buffering *)
#load "unix.cma";;
let () =
  output_string stdout "Now you don't see it...";
  Unix.sleep 2;
  print_endline "now you do"


(* A channel can be explicitly flushed: *)
let () = flush stderr

(* All channels can be flushed at once (errors are ignored): *)
let () = flush_all ()

(* Closing a channel flushes automatically: *)
let () =
  output_string stdout "I get written.\n";
  close_out stdout

(* Calls to exit result in a flush_all, and exit is always called at
   termination even if an error occurs. *)
let () =
  output_string stderr "Bye!\n";
  exit 0

(* @@PLEAC@@_7.13 *)
#load "unix.cma";;

let () =
  (* list all file descriptors to poll *)
  let readers = [file_descr1; file_descr2; file_descr3] in
  let ready, _, _ = readers [] [] 0.0 in
  (* input waiting on the filehandles in "ready" *)


let () =
  let in_channel = Unix.in_channel_of_descr file_descr in
  let found, _, _ = [file_descr] [] [] 0.0 (* just check *) in
  match found with
    | [] -> ()
    | _ ->
        let line = input_line in_channel in
        Printf.printf "I read %s\n%!" line

(* @@PLEAC@@_7.14 *)
#load "unix.cma";;

(* Pass the O_NONBLOCK flag when calling Unix.openfile. *)
let file_descr =
  try Unix.openfile "/dev/cua0" [Unix.O_RDWR; Unix.O_NONBLOCK] 0o666
  with Unix.Unix_error (code, func, param) ->
    Printf.eprintf "Can't open modem: %s\n" (Unix.error_message code);
    exit 2


(* If the file descriptor already exists, use Unix.set_nonblock. *)
let () = Unix.set_nonblock file_descr


(* In non-blocking mode, calls that would block throw exceptions. *)
let () =
  let chars_written =
      Some (Unix.single_write file_descr buffer 0 (String.length buffer))
      | Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EAGAIN, _, _)
      | Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EWOULDBLOCK, _, _) -> None in
  match chars_written with
    | Some n when n = String.length buffer ->
        (* successfully wrote *)
    | Some n ->
        (* incomplete write *)
    | None ->
        (* would block *)

let () =
  let chars_read =
      Some ( file_descr buffer 0 buffer_size)
      | Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EAGAIN, _, _)
      | Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EWOULDBLOCK, _, _) -> None in
  match chars_read with
    | Some n ->
        (* successfully read n bytes from file_descr *)
    | None ->
        (* would block *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_7.15 *)
#load "unix.cma";;

(* OCaml does not expose the FIONREAD ioctl call. It's better to use
   non-blocking reads anyway. There is the following function in
   Pervasives which gives you the length of an input channel, but it
   works by doing a seek so it only works on regular files: *)

let () =
  let length = in_channel_length in_channel in
  (* ... *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_7.16 *)
(* Channels and file descriptors are ordinary, first-class values in
   OCaml. No special contortions are necessary to store them in data
   structures, pass them as arguments, etc. *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_7.17 *)
module FileCache = struct
  let isopen = Hashtbl.create 0
  let maxopen = ref 16

  let resize () =
    if Hashtbl.length isopen >= !maxopen
        let newlen = !maxopen / 3 in
        let items = ref [] in
          (fun filename (chan, count) ->
             items := (count, filename, chan) :: !items)
        let items = Array.of_list !items in
        Array.sort compare items;
        let pivot = Array.length items - newlen in
        for i = 0 to Array.length items - 1 do
          let (count, filename, chan) = items.(i) in
          if i < pivot
          then (close_out chan;
                Hashtbl.remove isopen filename)
          else (Hashtbl.replace isopen filename (chan, 0))

  let output ?(mode=[Open_creat; Open_append]) ?(perm=0o640) filename data =
    let (chan, count) =
      try Hashtbl.find isopen filename
      with Not_found ->
        resize ();
        (open_out_gen mode perm filename, 0) in
    output_string chan data;
    flush chan;
    Hashtbl.replace isopen filename (chan, count + 1)

  let close filename =
      match Hashtbl.find isopen filename with (chan, _) ->
        close_out chan;
        Hashtbl.remove isopen filename
    with Not_found -> ()


(* splitwulog - split wuftpd log by authenticated user *)
#load "str.cma";;
let outdir = "/var/log/ftp/by-user"
let regexp = Str.regexp " "
let () =
    while true do
      let line = input_line stdin in
      let chunks = Array.of_list (Str.split regexp line) in
      let user = chunks.(Array.length chunks - 5) in
      let path = Filename.concat outdir user in
      FileCache.output path (line ^ "\n")
  with End_of_file -> ()

(* @@PLEAC@@_7.18 *)
(* Save your channels in a list and iterate through them normally. *)
let () =
    (fun channel ->
       output_string channel stuff_to_print)

(* For convenience, you can define a helper function and use currying. *)
let write data channel = output_string channel data
let () = List.iter (write stuff_to_print) channels


(* Open a pipe to "tee". Requires a Unix environment. *)
#load "unix.cma";;
let () =
  let channel =
    Unix.open_process_out "tee file1 file2 file3 >/dev/null" in
  output_string channel "whatever\n";
  ignore (Unix.close_process_out channel)


(* Redirect standard output to a tee. *)
let () =
  let reader, writer = Unix.pipe () in
  match Unix.fork () with
    | 0 ->
        Unix.close writer;
        Unix.dup2 reader Unix.stdin;
        Unix.close reader;
        Unix.execvp "tee" [| "tee"; "file1"; "file2"; "file3" |]
    | pid ->
        Unix.close reader;
        Unix.dup2 writer Unix.stdout;
        Unix.close writer
let () =
  print_endline "whatever";
  close_out stdout;
  ignore (Unix.wait ())

(* @@PLEAC@@_7.19 *)
(* An abstraction barrier exists between file descriptor numbers and
   file_descr values, but Ocamlnet provides functions in the Netsys
   module to map between the two. *)
#load "unix.cma";;
#directory "+netsys";;
#load "netsys.cma";;

(* Open the descriptor itself. *)
let file_descr = Netsys.file_descr_of_int fdnum
let in_channel = Unix.in_channel_of_descr file_descr

(* Open a copy of the descriptor. *)
let file_descr = Unix.dup (Netsys.file_descr_of_int fdnum)
let in_channel = Unix.in_channel_of_descr file_descr

(* After processing... *)
let () = close_in in_channel

(* @@PLEAC@@_7.20 *)
#load "unix.cma";;

let () =
  (* Take copies of the file descriptors. *)
  let oldout = Unix.dup Unix.stdout in
  let olderr = Unix.dup Unix.stderr in

  (* Redirect stdout and stderr. *)
  let output =
      [Unix.O_WRONLY; Unix.O_CREAT; Unix.O_TRUNC]
      0o666 in
  Unix.dup2 output Unix.stdout;
  Unix.close output;
  let copy = Unix.dup Unix.stdout in
  Unix.dup2 copy Unix.stderr;
  Unix.close copy;

  (* Run the program. *)
  ignore (Unix.system joe_random_process);

  (* Close the redirected file handles. *)
  Unix.close Unix.stdout;
  Unix.close Unix.stderr;

  (* Restore stdout and stderr. *)
  Unix.dup2 oldout Unix.stdout;
  Unix.dup2 olderr Unix.stderr;

  (* Avoid leaks by closing the independent copies. *)
  Unix.close oldout;
  Unix.close olderr

(* @@PLEAC@@_7.21 *)

(* drivelock - demo LockDir module *)
#use "";;
let die msg = prerr_endline msg; exit 1
let () =
  Sys.set_signal Sys.sigint
    (Sys.Signal_handle (fun _ -> die "outta here"));
  LockDir.debug := true;
  let path =
    try Sys.argv.(1)
    with Invalid_argument _ ->
      die ("usage: " ^ Sys.argv.(0) ^ " <path>") in
  (try LockDir.nflock ~naptime:2 path
   with LockDir.Error _ ->
     die ("couldn't lock " ^ path ^ " in 2 seconds"));
  Unix.sleep 100;
  LockDir.nunflock path


#load "unix.cma";;

(* module to provide very basic filename-level *)
(* locks.  No fancy systems calls.  In theory, *)
(* directory info is sync'd over NFS.  Not *)
(* stress tested. *)

module LockDir :

  exception Error of string

  val debug : bool ref
  val check : int ref
  val nflock : ?naptime:int -> string -> unit
  val nunflock : string -> unit

end = struct

  exception Error of string

  let debug = ref false
  let check = ref 1

  module StringSet = Set.Make(String)
  let locked_files = ref StringSet.empty

  (* helper function *)
  let name2lock pathname =
    let dir = Filename.dirname pathname in
    let file = Filename.basename pathname in
    let dir = if dir = "." then Sys.getcwd () else dir in
    let lockname = Filename.concat dir (file ^ ".LOCKDIR") in

  let nflock ?(naptime=0) pathname =
    let lockname = name2lock pathname in
    let whosegot = Filename.concat lockname "owner" in
    let start = Unix.time () in
    let missed = ref 0 in

    (* if locking what I've already locked, raise exception *)
    if StringSet.mem pathname !locked_files
    then raise (Error (pathname ^ " already locked"));

    Unix.access (Filename.dirname pathname) [Unix.W_OK];

        while true do
            Unix.mkdir lockname 0o777;
            raise Exit
          with Unix.Unix_error (e, _, _) ->
            incr missed;
            if !missed > 10
            then raise (Error
                          (Printf.sprintf "can't get %s: %s"
                             lockname (Unix.error_message e)));
            if !debug
                let owner = open_in whosegot in
                let lockee = input_line owner in
                close_in owner;
                Printf.eprintf "%s[%d]: lock on %s held by %s\n%!"
                  Sys.argv.(0) (Unix.getpid ()) pathname lockee
            Unix.sleep !check;
            if naptime > 0 && Unix.time () > start +. float naptime
            then raise Exit
      with Exit -> ()

    let owner =
        open_out_gen [Open_wronly; Open_creat; Open_excl] 0o666 whosegot
      with Sys_error e ->
        raise (Error ("can't create " ^ e)) in
    Printf.fprintf owner "%s[%d] on %s\n"
      Sys.argv.(0) (Unix.getpid ()) (Unix.gethostname ());
    close_out owner;
    locked_files := StringSet.add pathname !locked_files

  (* free the locked file *)
  let nunflock pathname =
    let lockname = name2lock pathname in
    let whosegot = Filename.concat lockname "owner" in
    Unix.unlink whosegot;
    if !debug then Printf.eprintf "releasing lock on %s\n%!" lockname;
    locked_files := StringSet.remove pathname !locked_files;
    Unix.rmdir lockname

  (* anything forgotten? *)
  let () =
      (fun () ->
           (fun pathname ->
              let lockname = name2lock pathname in
              let whosegot = Filename.concat lockname "owner" in
              Printf.eprintf "releasing forgotten %s\n%!" lockname;
              Unix.unlink whosegot;
              Unix.rmdir lockname)

(* @@PLEAC@@_7.22 *)
(* The "fcntl" system call is not available in the OCaml standard library.
   You would have to drop down to C in order to lock regions of a file as
   described in the original Perl recipe. *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_8.0 *)
let () =
    while true do
      let line = input_line datafile in
      let size = String.length line in
      Printf.printf "%d\n" size             (* output size of line *)
  with End_of_file -> ()


let line_stream_of_channel channel =
    (fun _ -> try Some (input_line channel) with End_of_file -> None)

let output_size line =
  Printf.printf "%d\n" (String.length line) (* output size of line *)

let () =
  Stream.iter output_size (line_stream_of_channel datafile)


let lines =
  let xs = ref [] in
    (fun x -> xs := x :: !xs)
    (line_stream_of_channel datafile);
  List.rev !xs


let slurp_channel channel =
  let buffer_size = 4096 in
  let buffer = Buffer.create buffer_size in
  let string = String.create buffer_size in
  let chars_read = ref 1 in
  while !chars_read <> 0 do
    chars_read := input channel string 0 buffer_size;
    Buffer.add_substring buffer string 0 !chars_read
  Buffer.contents buffer

let slurp_file filename =
  let channel = open_in_bin filename in
  let result =
    try slurp_channel channel
    with e -> close_in channel; raise e in
  close_in channel;

let whole_file = slurp_file filename


let () =
  (* Onetwothree *)
  List.iter (output_string handle) ["One"; "two"; "three"];

  (* Sent to default output handle *)
  print_string "Baa baa black sheep\n"


let buffer = String.make 4096 '\000'
let rv = input handle buffer 0 4096
(* rv is the number of bytes read, *)
(* buffer holds the data read *)


#load "unix.cma";;
let () =
  Unix.ftruncate descr length;
  Unix.truncate (Printf.sprintf "/tmp/" (Unix.getpid ())) length


let () =
  let pos = pos_in datafile in
  Printf.printf "I'm %d bytes from the start of datafile.\n" pos


let () =
  seek_in in_channel pos;
  seek_out out_channel pos

#load "unix.cma";;
let () =
  Unix.lseek descr 0     Unix.SEEK_END; (* seek to the end    *)
  Unix.lseek descr pos   Unix.SEEK_SET; (* seek to pos        *)
  Unix.lseek descr (-20) Unix.SEEK_CUR; (* seek back 20 bytes *)


#load "unix.cma";;
let () =
  let written =
    Unix.write datafile mystring 0 (String.length mystring) in
  let read = datafile mystring 5 256 in
  if read <> 256 then Printf.printf "only read %d bytes, not 256\n" read


#load "unix.cma";;
let () =
  (* don't change position *)
  let pos = Unix.lseek handle 0 Unix.SEEK_CUR in
  (* ... *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_8.1 *)
let () =
  let buffer = Buffer.create 16 in
  let rec loop () =
    let line = input_line chan in
    if line <> "" && line.[String.length line - 1] = '\\'
    then (Buffer.add_string
            buffer (String.sub line 0 (String.length line - 1));
          loop ())
    else Buffer.add_string buffer line;
    let line = Buffer.contents buffer in
    Buffer.clear buffer;
    (* process full record in line here *)
    loop () in
  try loop () with End_of_file -> ()

(* @@PLEAC@@_8.2 *)
#load "unix.cma";;

let () =
  let proc = Unix.open_process_in ("wc -l < " ^ file) in
  let count = int_of_string (input_line proc) in
  ignore (Unix.close_process_in proc);
  (* count now holds the number of lines read *)


let () =
  let count = ref 0 in
  let chan = open_in file in
     while true do
       ignore (input_line chan);
       incr count
   with End_of_file -> close_in chan);
  (* !count now holds the number of lines read *)


#load "str.cma";;

let () =
  let delim = Str.regexp "[ \n\r\t]*$" in
  let count = ref 0 in
  let in_para = ref false in
  let chan = open_in file in
     while true do
       if Str.string_match delim (input_line chan) 0
       then in_para := false
       else begin
         if not !in_para then incr count;
         in_para := true
   with End_of_file -> close_in chan);
  (* !count now holds the number of paragraphs read *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_8.3 *)
let word_stream_of_channel channel =
  (* Thanks to Mac Mason for figuring this out. *)
  let buffer = (Scanf.Scanning.from_channel channel) in
    (fun count ->
         match Scanf.bscanf buffer " %s " (fun x -> x) with
           | "" -> None
           | s -> Some s
       with End_of_file ->


let () =
    (fun chunk ->
       (* do something with chunk *)
    (word_stream_of_channel stdin)


(* Make a word frequency count *)
let seen = Hashtbl.create 0
let () =
    (fun word ->
       Hashtbl.replace seen word
         (try Hashtbl.find seen word + 1
          with Not_found -> 1))
    (word_stream_of_channel stdin)

(* output hash in a descending numeric sort of its values *)
let () =
  let words = ref [] in
  Hashtbl.iter (fun word _ -> words := word :: !words) seen;
    (fun word ->
       Printf.printf "%5d %s\n" (Hashtbl.find seen word) word)
       (fun a b -> compare (Hashtbl.find seen b) (Hashtbl.find seen a))


(* Line frequency count *)

let line_stream_of_channel channel =
    (fun _ -> try Some (input_line channel) with End_of_file -> None)

let seen = Hashtbl.create 0
let () =
    (fun line ->
       Hashtbl.replace seen line
         (try Hashtbl.find seen line + 1
          with Not_found -> 1))
    (line_stream_of_channel stdin)

let () =
  let lines = ref [] in
  Hashtbl.iter (fun line _ -> lines := line :: !lines) seen;
    (fun line ->
       Printf.printf "%5d %s\n" (Hashtbl.find seen line) line)
       (fun a b -> compare (Hashtbl.find seen b) (Hashtbl.find seen a))

(* @@PLEAC@@_8.4 *)
let lines = ref []
let () =
    while true do
      lines := input_line chan :: !lines
  with End_of_file -> ()
let () =
    (fun line ->
       (* do something with line *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_8.5 *)
#load "unix.cma";;

let sometime = 1

let () =
  let chan = open_in file in
  while Sys.file_exists file do
       let line = input_line chan in
       (* ... *)
     with End_of_file ->
       Unix.sleep sometime)
  close_in chan

(* @@PLEAC@@_8.6 *)
let () =
  Random.self_init ();
  let count = ref 1 in
  let line = ref "" in
    while true do
      let next = input_line stdin in
      if !count < 1 then line := next;
      incr count
  with End_of_file ->
    (* !line is the random line *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_8.7 *)
(* assumes the fisher_yates_shuffle function from Chapter 4 *)
let shuffle list =
  let array = Array.of_list list in
  fisher_yates_shuffle array;
  Array.to_list array

let () =
  Random.self_init ();
  let lines = ref [] in
     while true do
       lines := (input_line input) :: !lines
   with End_of_file -> ());
  let reordered = shuffle !lines in
    (fun line ->
       output_string output line;
       output_char output '\n')

(* @@PLEAC@@_8.8 *)
(* Read lines until the desired line number is found. *)
let () =
  let line = ref "" in
  for i = 1 to desired_line_number do line := input_line handle done;
  print_endline !line

(* Read lines into an array. *)
let () =
  let lines = ref [] in
  (try while true do lines := input_line handle :: !lines done
   with End_of_file -> ());
  let lines = Array.of_list (List.rev !lines) in
  let line = lines.(desired_line_number) in
  print_endline line

(* Build an index file containing line offsets. *)
let build_index data_file index_file =
  set_binary_mode_out index_file true;
  let offset = ref 0 in
    while true do
      ignore (input_line data_file);
      output_binary_int index_file !offset;
      offset := pos_in data_file
  with End_of_file ->
    flush index_file

(* Read a line using the index file. *)
let line_with_index data_file index_file line_number =
  set_binary_mode_in index_file true;
  let size = 4 in
  let i_offset = size * (line_number - 1) in
  seek_in index_file i_offset;
  let d_offset = input_binary_int index_file in
  seek_in data_file d_offset;
  input_line data_file


(* print_line-v1 - linear style *)

let () =
  if Array.length Sys.argv <> 3
  then (prerr_endline "usage: print_line FILENAME LINE_NUMBER"; exit 255);

  let filename = Sys.argv.(1) in
  let line_number = int_of_string Sys.argv.(2) in
  let infile =
    try open_in filename
    with Sys_error e -> (prerr_endline e; exit 255) in
  let line = ref "" in
      for i = 1 to line_number do line := input_line infile done
    with End_of_file ->
      Printf.eprintf "Didn't find line %d in %s\n" line_number filename;
      exit 255
  print_endline !line


(* print_line-v2 - index style *)
#load "unix.cma";;
(* build_index and line_with_index from above *)
let () =
  if Array.length Sys.argv <> 3
  then (prerr_endline "usage: print_line FILENAME LINE_NUMBER"; exit 255);

  let filename = Sys.argv.(1) in
  let line_number = int_of_string Sys.argv.(2) in
  let orig =
    try open_in filename
    with Sys_error e -> (prerr_endline e; exit 255) in

  (* open the index and build it if necessary *)
  (* there's a race condition here: two copies of this *)
  (* program can notice there's no index for the file and *)
  (* try to build one.  This would be easily solved with *)
  (* locking *)
  let indexname = filename ^ ".index" in
  let idx = Unix.openfile indexname [Unix.O_CREAT; Unix.O_RDWR] 0o666 in
  build_index orig (Unix.out_channel_of_descr idx);

  let line =
      line_with_index orig (Unix.in_channel_of_descr idx) line_number
    with End_of_file ->
      Printf.eprintf "Didn't find line %d in %s\n" line_number filename;
      exit 255 in
  print_endline line

(* @@PLEAC@@_8.9 *)
(* given "record" with field separated by "pattern",
   extract "fields". *)
#load "str.cma";;
let regexp = Str.regexp pattern
let fields = Str.split_delim regexp record

(* same as above using PCRE library, available at: *)
#directory "+pcre";;
#load "pcre.cma";;
let fields = Pcre.split ~pat:pattern record


# Str.full_split (Str.regexp "[+-]") "3+5-2";;
- : Str.split_result list =
[Str.Text "3"; Str.Delim "+"; Str.Text "5"; Str.Delim "-"; Str.Text "2"]

# Pcre.split ~pat:"([+-])" "3+5-2";;
- : string list = ["3"; "+"; "5"; "-"; "2"]


let fields = Str.split_delim (Str.regexp ":") record
let fields = Str.split_delim (Str.regexp "[ \n\r\t]+") record
let fields = Str.split_delim (Str.regexp " ") record

let fields = Pcre.split ~pat:":" record
let fields = Pcre.split ~pat:"\\s+" record
let fields = Pcre.split ~pat:" " record

(* @@PLEAC@@_8.10 *)
#load "unix.cma";;

let () =
  let descr = Unix.openfile file [Unix.O_RDWR] 0o666 in
  let in_channel = Unix.in_channel_of_descr descr in
  let position = ref 0 in
  let last_position = ref 0 in
      while true do
        ignore (input_line in_channel);
        last_position := !position;
        position := pos_in in_channel;
    with End_of_file -> ()
  Unix.ftruncate descr !last_position;
  Unix.close descr

(* @@PLEAC@@_8.11 *)
set_binary_mode_in in_channel true
set_binary_mode_out out_channel true


let () =
  let gifname = "picture.gif" in
  let gif = open_in gifname in
  set_binary_mode_in gif true;
  (* now DOS won't mangle binary input from "gif" *)
  set_binary_mode_out stdout true;
  (* now DOS won't mangle binary output to "stdout" *)
  let buff = String.make 8192 '\000' in
  let len = ref (-1) in
  while !len <> 0 do
    len := input gif buff 0 8192;
    output stdout buff 0 !len

(* @@PLEAC@@_8.12 *)
let () =
  let address = recsize * recno in
  seek_in fh address;
  really_input fh buffer 0 recsize


let () =
  let address = recsize * (recno - 1) in
  (* ... *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_8.13 *)
let () =
  let address = recsize * recno in
  seek_in in_channel address;
  let buffer = String.create recsize in
  really_input in_channel buffer 0 recsize;
  close_in in_channel;
  (* update fields, then *)
  seek_out out_channel address;
  output_string out_channel buffer;
  close_out out_channel


(* weekearly -- set someone's login date back a week *)
#load "unix.cma";;

let sizeof = 4 + 12 + 16
let user =
  if Array.length Sys.argv > 1
  then Sys.argv.(1)
  else (try Sys.getenv "USER"
        with Not_found -> Sys.getenv "LOGNAME")

let address = (Unix.getpwnam user).Unix.pw_uid * sizeof

let () =
  let lastlog = open_in "/var/log/lastlog" in
  seek_in lastlog address;
  let line = String.make 12 ' ' in
  let host = String.make 16 ' ' in
  let time = input_binary_int lastlog in
  really_input lastlog line 0 12;
  really_input lastlog host 0 16;
  let buffer = String.create sizeof in
  really_input lastlog buffer 0 sizeof;
  close_in lastlog;

  let time = time - 24 * 7 * 60 * 60 in (* back-date a week *)

  let lastlog = open_out_gen [Open_wronly] 0o666 "/var/log/lastlog" in
  seek_out lastlog address;
  output_binary_int lastlog time;
  close_out lastlog

(* @@PLEAC@@_8.14 *)
let () =
  let in_channel = open_in_bin file in
  seek_in in_channel addr;
  let buffer = Buffer.create 0 in
  let ch = ref (input_char in_channel) in
  while !ch <> '\000' do
    Buffer.add_char buffer !ch;
    ch := input_char in_channel;
  close_in in_channel;
  let string = Buffer.contents buffer in
  print_endline string


(* bgets - get a string from an address in a binary file *)
open Printf

let file, addrs =
  match Array.to_list Sys.argv with
    | _ :: file :: addrs when List.length addrs > 0 -> file, addrs
    | _ -> eprintf "usage: %s file addr ...\n" Sys.argv.(0); exit 0

let () =
  let in_channel = open_in_bin file in
    (fun addr ->
       let addr = int_of_string addr in
       seek_in in_channel addr;
       let buffer = Buffer.create 0 in
       let ch = ref (input_char in_channel) in
       while !ch <> '\000' do
         Buffer.add_char buffer !ch;
         ch := input_char in_channel;
       printf "%#x %#o %d \"%s\"\n"
         addr addr addr (Buffer.contents buffer))
  close_in in_channel


(* strings - pull strings out of a binary file *)
#load "str.cma";;

let find_strings =
  let pat = "[\040-\176\r\n\t ]" in
  let regexp = Str.regexp (pat ^ pat ^ pat ^ pat ^ "+") in
  fun f input ->
      (function Str.Delim string -> f string | _ -> ())
      (Str.full_split regexp input)

let file =
  try Sys.argv.(1)
  with Invalid_argument _ ->
    Printf.eprintf "usage: %s file\n" Sys.argv.(0);
    exit 0

let () =
  let in_channel = open_in_bin file in
    while true do
      let buffer = Buffer.create 0 in
      let ch = ref (input_char in_channel) in
      while !ch <> '\000' do
        Buffer.add_char buffer !ch;
        ch := input_char in_channel;
      find_strings print_endline (Buffer.contents buffer)
  with End_of_file ->
    close_in in_channel

(* @@PLEAC@@_8.15 *)
(* Using the Bitstring library by Richard W.M. Jones. *)
let () =
    while true do
      let bitstring = Bitstring.bitstring_of_chan_max file recordsize in
      let fields = unpack bitstring in
      (* ... *)
  with Match_failure _ -> ()


(* Layout based on /usr/include/bits/utmp.h for a Linux system. *)
let recordsize = 384
let unpack bits =
  bitmatch bits with
    | { ut_type : 16 : littleendian;
        _ : 16; (* padding *)
        ut_pid : 32 : littleendian;
        ut_line : 256 : string;
        ut_id : 32 : littleendian;
        ut_user : 256 : string;
        ut_host : 2048 : string;
        ut_exit : 32 : littleendian;
        ut_session : 32 : littleendian;
        ut_tv_sec : 32 : littleendian;
        ut_tv_usec : 32 : littleendian;
        ut_addr_v6 : 128 : string } ->
        (ut_type, ut_pid, ut_line, ut_id, ut_user, ut_host,
         ut_exit, ut_session, ut_tv_sec, ut_tv_usec, ut_addr_v6)

(* @@PLEAC@@_8.16 *)
#load "str.cma";;

let user_preferences = Hashtbl.create 0

let () =
  let comments = Str.regexp "#.*" in
  let leading_white = Str.regexp "^[ \t]+" in
  let trailing_white = Str.regexp "[ \t]+$" in
  let equals_delim = Str.regexp "[ \t]*=[ \t]*" in
    (fun s ->
       let s = Str.replace_first comments "" s in
       let s = Str.replace_first leading_white "" s in
       let s = Str.replace_first trailing_white "" s in
       (* anything left? *)
       if String.length s > 0 then
         match Str.bounded_split_delim equals_delim s 2 with
           | [var; value] -> Hashtbl.replace user_preferences var value
           | _ -> failwith s)
    (* defined in this chapter's introduction *)
    (line_stream_of_channel config)


(* load variables from ocaml source - toplevel scripts only *)
#use ".progrc";;

(* @@PLEAC@@_8.17 *)
#load "unix.cma";;

let () =
    let {Unix.st_dev = dev;
         st_ino = ino;
         st_kind = kind;
         st_perm = perm;
         st_nlink = nlink;
         st_uid = uid;
         st_gid = gid;
         st_rdev = rdev;
         st_size = size;
         st_atime = atime;
         st_mtime = mtime;
         st_ctime = ctime} = Unix.stat filename in
    (* ... *)
  with Unix.Unix_error (e, _, _) ->
    Printf.eprintf "no %s: %s\n" filename (Unix.error_message e);
    exit 0


let () =
  let info =
    try Unix.stat filename
    with Unix.Unix_error (e, _, _) ->
      Printf.eprintf "no %s: %s\n" filename (Unix.error_message e);
      exit 0 in
  if info.Unix.st_uid = 0
  then Printf.printf "Superuser owns %s\n" filename;
  if info.Unix.st_atime > info.Unix.st_mtime
  then Printf.printf "%s has been read since it was written.\n" filename


let is_safe path =
  let info = Unix.stat path in
  (* owner neither superuser nor me *)
  (* the real uid can be retrieved with Unix.getuid () *)
  if (info.Unix.st_uid <> 0) && (info.Unix.st_uid <> Unix.getuid ())
  then false
    (* check whether the group or other can write file. *)
    (* use 0o066 to detect either reading or writing *)
    if info.Unix.st_perm land 0o022 = 0
    then true  (* no one else can write this *)
    else if info.Unix.st_kind <> Unix.S_DIR
    then false (* non-directories aren't safe *)
    else if info.Unix.st_perm land 0o1000 <> 0
    then true  (* but directories with the sticky bit (0o1000) are *)
    else false


let is_verysafe path =
  let rec loop path parent =
    if not (is_safe path)
    then false
    else if path <> parent
    then loop parent (Filename.dirname parent)
    else true in
  loop path (Filename.dirname path)

(* @@PLEAC@@_8.18 *)
(*pp camlp4o -I /path/to/bitstring bitstring.cma pa_bitstring.cmo *)

(* tailwtmp - watch for logins and logouts; *)
(* uses linux utmp structure, from utmp(5)  *)

let days = [| "Sun"; "Mon"; "Tue"; "Wed"; "Thu"; "Fri"; "Sat" |]
let months = [| "Jan"; "Feb"; "Mar"; "Apr"; "May"; "Jun";
                "Jul"; "Aug"; "Sep"; "Oct"; "Nov"; "Dec" |]

let string_of_tm tm =
  Printf.sprintf "%s %s %2d %02d:%02d:%02d %04d"
    (tm.Unix.tm_year + 1900)

let trim_asciiz s =
  try String.sub s 0 (String.index s '\000')
  with Not_found -> s

let () =
  let sizeof = 384 in
  let wtmp = open_in "/var/log/wtmp" in
  seek_in wtmp (in_channel_length wtmp);
  while true do
    let buffer = Bitstring.bitstring_of_chan_max wtmp sizeof in
    (bitmatch buffer with
       | { ut_type : 16 : littleendian;
           _ : 16; (* padding *)
           ut_pid : 32 : littleendian;
           ut_line : 256 : string;
           ut_id : 32 : littleendian;
           ut_user : 256 : string;
           ut_host : 2048 : string;
           ut_exit : 32 : littleendian;
           ut_session : 32 : littleendian;
           ut_tv_sec : 32 : littleendian;
           ut_tv_usec : 32 : littleendian;
           ut_addr_v6 : 128 : string } ->
           Printf.printf "%1d %-8s %-12s %10ld %-24s %-16s %5ld %-32s\n%!"
             ut_type (trim_asciiz ut_user) (trim_asciiz ut_line) ut_id
             (string_of_tm (Unix.localtime (Int32.to_float ut_tv_sec)))
             (trim_asciiz ut_host) ut_pid (Digest.to_hex ut_addr_v6)
       | { _ } -> ());
    if pos_in wtmp = in_channel_length wtmp
    then Unix.sleep 1

(* @@PLEAC@@_8.19 *)
(* tctee - clone that groks process tees *)
#load "unix.cma";;

let ignore_ints = ref false
let append      = ref false
let unbuffer    = ref false
let nostdout    = ref false
let names       = ref []

let () =
      "-a", Arg.Set append,      "Append to output files";
      "-i", Arg.Set ignore_ints, "Ignore interrupts";
      "-u", Arg.Set unbuffer,    "Unbuffered output";
      "-n", Arg.Set nostdout,    "No standard output";
    (fun name -> names := name :: !names)
    (Printf.sprintf "Usage: %s [-a] [-i] [-u] [-n] [filenames] ..."
  names := List.rev !names

let fhs = Hashtbl.create 0
let status = ref 0

let () =
  if not !nostdout then
    (* always go to stdout *)
    Hashtbl.replace fhs stdout "standard output";

  if !ignore_ints
      (fun signal -> Sys.set_signal signal Sys.Signal_ignore)
      [Sys.sigint; Sys.sigterm; Sys.sighup; Sys.sigquit];

    (fun name ->
       if name.[0] = '|'
         Hashtbl.replace fhs
              (String.sub name 1 (String.length name - 1)))
           let mode =
             if !append
             then [Open_wronly; Open_creat; Open_append]
             else [Open_wronly; Open_creat; Open_trunc] in
           try Hashtbl.replace fhs (open_out_gen mode 0o666 name) name
           with Sys_error e ->
             Printf.eprintf "%s: couldn't open %s: %s\n%!"
               Sys.argv.(0) name e;
             incr status

      while true do
        let line = input_line stdin in
          (fun fh name ->
               output_string fh line;
               output_string fh "\n";
               if !unbuffer then flush fh
             with Sys_error e ->
               Printf.eprintf "%s: couldn't write to %s: %s\n%!"
                 Sys.argv.(0) name e;
               incr status)
    with End_of_file -> ()

    (fun fh name ->
       let close =
         if name.[0] = '|'
         then fun p -> ignore (Unix.close_process_out p)
         else close_out in
       try close fh
       with Sys_error e ->
         Printf.eprintf "%s: couldn't close %s: %s\n%!"
           Sys.argv.(0) name e;
         incr status)

  exit !status

(* @@PLEAC@@_8.20 *)
(* laston - find out when a given user last logged on *)

#load "str.cma";;
#load "unix.cma";;

open Printf
open Unix

let lastlog = open_in "/var/log/lastlog"
let sizeof = 4 + 12 + 16
let line = String.make 12 ' '
let host = String.make 16 ' '

let days = [| "Sun"; "Mon"; "Tue"; "Wed"; "Thu"; "Fri"; "Sat" |]
let months = [| "Jan"; "Feb"; "Mar"; "Apr"; "May"; "Jun";
                "Jul"; "Aug"; "Sep"; "Oct"; "Nov"; "Dec" |]

let format_time time =
  let tm = localtime time in
  sprintf "%s %s %2d %02d:%02d:%02d %04d"
    (tm.tm_year + 1900)

let trim_asciiz s =
  try String.sub s 0 (String.index s '\000')
  with Not_found -> s

let () =
    (fun user ->
         let u =
           try getpwuid (int_of_string user)
           with Failure _ -> getpwnam user in
         seek_in lastlog (u.pw_uid * sizeof);
         let time = input_binary_int lastlog in
         really_input lastlog line 0 12;
         really_input lastlog host 0 16;
         let line = trim_asciiz line in
         let host = trim_asciiz host in
         printf "%-8s UID %5d %s%s%s\n"
           (if time <> 0
            then format_time (float_of_int time)
            else "never logged in")
           (if line <> "" then " on " ^ line else "")
           (if host <> "" then " from " ^ host else "")
       with Not_found ->
         printf "no such uid %s\n" user)
    (Array.sub Sys.argv 1 (Array.length Sys.argv - 1))

(* @@PLEAC@@_9.0 *)
open Unix 

(* handle_unix_error generates a nice error message and exits *)
let entry = handle_unix_error stat "/usr/bin/vi"
let entry = handle_unix_error stat "/usr/bin/"
let entry = handle_unix_error fstat filedescr

(* without handle_unix_error an exception is raised for errors *)
let inode = stat "/usr/bin/vi"
let ctime = inode.st_ctime
let size = inode.st_size

(* don't know any equivalent in ocaml *)
(* maybe one could use file(1) (to know if it is an ASCII text file) *)
let dirhandle = handle_unix_error opendir "/usr/bin" in
    while true do
      let file = readdir dirhandle in
      Printf.printf "Inside /usr/bin is something called %s\n" file
    | End_of_file -> ()
closedir dirhandle;;

(* @@PLEAC@@_9.1 *)
let (readtime, writetime) =
  let inode = stat filename in
  (inode.st_atime, inode.st_mtime);;

utimes filename newreadtime newwritetime;;


let second_per_day = 60. *. 60. *. 24. in
let (atime, mtime) =
  let inode = stat filename in
  (inode.st_atime, inode.st_mtime) in
let newreadtime = atime -. 7. *. second_per_day
and newwritetime = mtime -. 7. *. second_per_day in
  utimes filename newreadtime newwritetime 
  | Unix_error (er,_,_) ->
        "couldn't backdate %s by a week w/ utime: %s\n"
        filename (error_message er);;

let mtime = (stat file).st_mtime in
utimes file (time ()) mtime  ;;


(* compile with ocamlc unix.cma -o uvi *)
open Unix

let main () =
  if (Array.length Sys.argv <> 2)
    Printf.eprintf "Usage: uvi filename\n";
  let filename = Sys.argv.(1) in
  let atime,mtime = 
    let st = stat filename in
    (st.st_atime, st.st_mtime) in
  let editor =
        Sys.getenv "editor"
        | Not_found -> "vi"
    end in
  Sys.command (Printf.sprintf "%s %s" editor filename);
  utimes filename atime mtime in
main ();;

(* @@PLEAC@@_9.2 *)
unlink filename;;                       (* use unix library *)
Sys.remove filename;;                   (* in the standard library *)

let error_flag = ref(None) in
let local_unlink filename =
    unlink filename
    | Unix_error (er,_,_) -> 
        error_flag := (Some er) in
List.iter local_unlink filenames;
match !error_flag with
  | Some er ->
      Printf.eprintf "Couldn't unlink all of";
      List.iter (Printf.eprintf " %s") filenames;
      Printf.eprintf ": %s\n" (error_message er)
  | None ();;


let error_flag = ref(0) in
let local_unlink count filename =
    unlink filename;
    count + 1
    | Unix_error (er,_,_) -> 
        count in
let count = (List.fold_left local_unlink filenames 0) 
and len = List.length filenames in
if count <> len
  Printf.eprintf "Could only delete %i of %i file\n" count len;;


(* @@PLEAC@@_9.3 *)

(* Note : this doesn't use the unix library, only the standard one *)

let copy oldfile newfile =
  let infile = open_in oldfile
  and outfile = open_out newfile
  and blksize = 16384 in
  let buf = String.create blksize in
  let rec real_copy () =
    let byte_read = input infile buf 0 blksize in
    if byte_read <> 0 then
        (* Handle partialle write : nothing to do *)
        output outfile buf 0 byte_read;
        real_copy ()
      end in
  real_copy ();
  close_in infile;
  close_out outfile;;

Sys.command ("cp " ^ oldfile ^ " " ^ newfile)   (* Unix *)
Sys.command (String.concat " " ["copy";oldfile;newfile]) (* Dos *)


Unix.copy "datafile.dat" "datafile.bak";;

Sys.rename "datafile.dat" "datafile.bak";;


(* @@PLEAC@@_9.4 *)
#load "unix.cma";;

(* Count the number of times a (dev, ino) pair is seen. *)
let seen = Hashtbl.create 0
let do_my_thing filename =
  let {Unix.st_dev=dev; st_ino=ino} = Unix.stat filename in
  Hashtbl.replace seen (dev, ino)
    (try Hashtbl.find seen (dev, ino) + 1
     with Not_found -> 1);
  if Hashtbl.find seen (dev, ino) = 1
      (* do something with filename because we haven't
         seen it before. *)


(* Maintain a list of files for each (dev, ino) pair. *)
let seen = Hashtbl.create 0
let () =
    (fun filename ->
       let {Unix.st_dev=dev; st_ino=ino} = Unix.stat filename in
       Hashtbl.replace seen (dev, ino)
         (try filename :: Hashtbl.find seen (dev, ino)
          with Not_found -> [filename]))
let () =
    (fun (dev, ino) filenames ->
       Printf.printf "(%d, %d) => [%s]\n"
         dev ino (String.concat ", " filenames))

(* @@PLEAC@@_9.5 *)
(* Using Sys.readdir. *)
let () =
    (fun file ->
       let path = Filename.concat dirname file in
       (* do something with path *)
    (Sys.readdir dirname)


(* Using Unix.opendir, readdir, and closedir. Note that the "." and ".."
   directories are included in the result unlike with Sys.readdir. *)
#load "unix.cma";;

let () =
  let dir =
    try Unix.opendir dirname
    with Unix.Unix_error (e, _, _) ->
      Printf.eprintf "can't opendir %s: %s\n"
        dirname (Unix.error_message e);
      exit 255 in
    while true do
      let file = Unix.readdir dir in
      let path = Filename.concat dirname file in
      (* do something with path *)
  with End_of_file ->
    Unix.closedir dir


(* Get a list of full paths to plain files. *)
let plainfiles dir =
    (fun path ->
       match Unix.lstat path with
         | {Unix.st_kind=Unix.S_REG} -> true
         | _ -> false)
       (Filename.concat dir)
       (Array.to_list (Sys.readdir dir)))

(* @@PLEAC@@_9.6 *)
(* See recipe 6.9 for a more powerful globber. *)
#load "str.cma";;

(* OCaml does not come with a globbing function. As a workaround, the
   following function builds a regular expression from a glob pattern.
   Only the '*' and '?' wildcards are recognized. *)
let regexp_of_glob pat =
    (Printf.sprintf "^%s$"
       (String.concat ""
                | Str.Text s -> Str.quote s
                | Str.Delim "*" -> ".*"
                | Str.Delim "?" -> "."
                | Str.Delim _ -> assert false)
             (Str.full_split (Str.regexp "[*?]") pat))))

(* Now we can build a very basic globber. Only the filename part will
   be used in the glob pattern, so directory wildcards will break in
   this simple example. *)
let glob pat =
  let basedir = Filename.dirname pat in
  let files = Sys.readdir basedir in
  let regexp = regexp_of_glob (Filename.basename pat) in
    (Filename.concat basedir)
       (fun file -> Str.string_match regexp file 0)
       (Array.to_list files))

(* Find all data files in the pleac directory. *)
let files = glob "pleac/*.data"


(* Find and sort directories with numeric names. *)
let dirs = snd                             (* extract pathnames *)
    (List.sort compare                     (* sort names numerically *)
       (List.filter                        (* path is a dir *)
          (fun (_, s) -> Sys.is_directory s)
          (                        (* form (name, path) *)
             (fun s -> (int_of_string s, Filename.concat path s))
             (List.filter                  (* just numerics *)
                (fun s ->
                   try ignore (int_of_string s); true
                   with _ -> false)
                   (Sys.readdir path)))))) (* all files *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_9.7 *)
let rec find_files f error root =
    (fun filename ->
       let path = Filename.concat root filename in
       let is_dir =
         try Some (Sys.is_directory path)
         with e -> error root e; None in
       match is_dir with
         | Some true -> if f path then find_files f error path
         | Some false -> ignore (f path)
         | None -> ())
    (try Sys.readdir root with e -> error root e; [| |])

let process_file fn =
  (* Print the name of each directory and file found. *)
  Printf.printf "%s: %s\n"
    (if Sys.is_directory fn then "directory" else "file") fn;

  (* Prune directories named ".svn". *)
  not (Sys.is_directory fn && Filename.basename fn = ".svn")

let handle_error fn exc =
  Printf.eprintf "Error reading %s: %s\n" fn (Printexc.to_string exc)

let () =
  List.iter (find_files process_file handle_error) dirlist


(* Add a trailing slash to the names of directories. *)
let () =
       (fun fn ->
            (if Sys.is_directory fn then (fn ^ "/") else fn);
       (fun _ _ -> ()))
    (match (Array.to_list Sys.argv) with
       | [] -> ["."]
       | dirs -> dirs)


(* Sum the file sizes of a directory tree. *)
#load "unix.cma";;
let sum = ref 0
let () =
       (fun fn ->
          sum := !sum + (match Unix.stat fn
                         with {Unix.st_size=size} -> size);
       (fun _ _ -> ()))
    (match (Array.to_list Sys.argv) with
       | [] -> ["."]
       | dirs -> dirs);
  Printf.printf "%s contains %d bytes\n"
    (String.concat " " ( (Array.to_list Sys.argv))) !sum


(* Find the largest file in a directory tree. *)
#load "unix.cma";;
let saved_size = ref 0
let saved_name = ref ""
let () =
       (fun fn ->
          (match Unix.stat fn with
             | {Unix.st_size=size} ->
                 if size > !saved_size
                 then (saved_size := size; saved_name := fn));
       (fun _ _ -> ()))
    (match (Array.to_list Sys.argv) with
       | [] -> ["."]
       | dirs -> dirs);
  Printf.printf "Biggest file %s in %s is %d bytes long.\n"
    (String.concat " " ( (Array.to_list Sys.argv)))


(* Find the youngest file or directory. *)
#load "unix.cma";;
let saved_age = ref 0.
let saved_name = ref ""
let () =
       (fun fn ->
          (match Unix.stat fn with
             | {Unix.st_mtime=age} ->
                 if age > !saved_age
                 then (saved_age := age; saved_name := fn));
       (fun _ _ -> ()))
    (match (Array.to_list Sys.argv) with
       | [] -> ["."]
       | dirs -> dirs);
  match Unix.localtime !saved_age with
    | {Unix.tm_year=year; tm_mon=month; tm_mday=day} ->
        Printf.printf "%04d-%02d-%02d %s\n"
          (year + 1900) (month + 1) day


(* fdirs - find all directories *)
let () =
       (fun fn ->
          if Sys.is_directory fn then print_endline fn;
       (fun _ _ -> ()))
    (match (Array.to_list Sys.argv) with
       | [] -> ["."]
       | dirs -> dirs)

(* @@PLEAC@@_9.8 *)
(* rmtree - remove whole directory trees like rm -r *)
#load "unix.cma";;

let rec finddepth f roots =
    (fun root ->
       (match Unix.lstat root with
          | {Unix.st_kind=Unix.S_DIR} ->
              finddepth f
                ( (Filename.concat root) (Sys.readdir root))
          | _ -> ());
       f root)

let zap path =
  match Unix.lstat path with
    | {Unix.st_kind=Unix.S_DIR} ->
        Printf.printf "rmdir %s\n%!" path;
        Unix.rmdir path
    | _ ->
        Printf.printf "unlink %s\n%!" path;
        Unix.unlink path

let () =
  if Array.length Sys.argv < 2
  then (Printf.eprintf "usage: %s dir ..\n" Sys.argv.(0); exit 1);
  finddepth zap (Array.sub Sys.argv 1 (Array.length Sys.argv - 1))

(* @@PLEAC@@_9.9 *)
#load "unix.cma";;
let () = List.iter
  (fun file ->
     let newname = file in
     (* change newname *)
     Unix.rename file newname)

(* rename - Larry's filename fixer *)
#load "unix.cma";;
#directory "+pcre";;
#load "pcre.cma";;
let () =
  match Array.to_list Sys.argv with
    | prog :: pat :: templ :: files ->
        let replace = Pcre.replace ~pat ~templ in
          (fun file ->
             let file' = replace file in
             Unix.rename file file')
    | _ -> prerr_endline "Usage: rename pattern replacment [files]"

  % rename '\.orig$' '' *.orig
  % rename '$' '.bad' *.f
  % rename '([^/]+)~$' '.#$1' /tmp/*~
  % find /tmp -name '*~' -exec rename '([^/]+)~$' '.#$1' {} \;

(* @@PLEAC@@_9.10 *)
let splitext name =
    let root = Filename.chop_extension name in
    let i = String.length root in
    let ext = String.sub name i (String.length name - i) in
    root, ext
  with Invalid_argument _ ->
    name, ""

let dir = Filename.dirname path
let file = Filename.basename path
let name, ext = splitext file

(* @@PLEAC@@_9.11 *)
(* symirror - build spectral forest of symlinks *)
#load "unix.cma";;

open Printf

let die msg = prerr_endline msg; exit 1

let () =
  if Array.length Sys.argv <> 3
  then die (sprintf "usage: %s realdir mirrordir" Sys.argv.(0))

let srcdir, dstdir = Sys.argv.(1), Sys.argv.(2)
let cwd = Unix.getcwd ()

let fix_relative path =
  if Filename.is_relative path
  then Filename.concat cwd path
  else path

let is_dir dir =
  try Some (Sys.is_directory dir)
  with Sys_error _ -> None

let () =
  match (is_dir srcdir, is_dir dstdir) with
    | (None, _) | (Some false, _) ->
        die (sprintf "%s: %s is not a directory" Sys.argv.(0) srcdir)
    | (_, Some false) ->
        die (sprintf "%s: %s is not a directory" Sys.argv.(0) dstdir)
    | (_, None) ->
        Unix.mkdir dstdir 0o7777        (* be forgiving *)
    | (Some _, Some _) ->
        ()                              (* cool *)

(* fix relative paths *)
let srcdir, dstdir = fix_relative srcdir, fix_relative dstdir

let rec find f roots =
    (fun root ->
       f root;
       match Unix.lstat root with
         | {Unix.st_kind=Unix.S_DIR} ->
             find f (
                       (Filename.concat root)
                       (Sys.readdir root))
         | _ -> ())

let wanted name =
  if name <> Filename.current_dir_name
    let {Unix.st_dev=dev; st_ino=ino; st_kind=kind; st_perm=perm} =
      Unix.lstat name in
    (* preserve directory permissions *)
    let perm = perm land 0o7777 in
    (* correct name *)
    let name =
      if String.length name > 2 && String.sub name 0 2 = "./"
      then String.sub name 2 (String.length name - 2)
      else name in
    if kind = Unix.S_DIR
      (* make a real directory *)
      Unix.mkdir (Filename.concat dstdir name) perm
      (* shadow everything else *)
        (Filename.concat srcdir name)
        (Filename.concat dstdir name)

let () =
  Unix.chdir srcdir;
  find wanted [|"."|]

(* @@PLEAC@@_9.12 *)
(* lst - list sorted directory contents (depth first) *)
#load "unix.cma";;

open Unix
open Printf

let opt_m = ref false
let opt_u = ref false
let opt_c = ref false
let opt_s = ref false
let opt_r = ref false
let opt_i = ref false
let opt_l = ref false
let names = ref []

let () =
      "-m", Arg.Set opt_m, "Use mtime (modify time) [DEFAULT]";
      "-u", Arg.Set opt_u, "Use atime (access time)";
      "-c", Arg.Set opt_c, "Use ctime (inode change time)";
      "-s", Arg.Set opt_s, "Use size for sorting";
      "-r", Arg.Set opt_r, "Reverse sort";
      "-i", Arg.Set opt_i, "Read pathnames from stdin";
      "-l", Arg.Set opt_l, "Long listing";
    (fun name -> names := name :: !names)
       "Usage: %s [-m] [-u] [-c] [-s] [-r] [-i] [-l] [dirs ...]
 or    %s -i [-m] [-u] [-c] [-s] [-r] [-l] < filelist"
       Sys.argv.(0) Sys.argv.(0));
  names :=
    match !names with
      | [] when not !opt_i -> ["."]
      | names -> names

let die msg = prerr_endline msg; exit 1

let () =
  let int_of_bool = function true -> 1 | false -> 0 in
  if (int_of_bool !opt_c
      + int_of_bool !opt_u
      + int_of_bool !opt_s
      + int_of_bool !opt_m) > 1
  then die "can only sort on one time or size"

let idx = fun {st_mtime=t} -> t
let idx = if !opt_u then fun {st_atime=t} -> t else idx
let idx = if !opt_c then fun {st_ctime=t} -> t else idx
let idx = if !opt_s then fun {st_size=s} -> float s else idx
let time_idx = if !opt_s then fun {st_mtime=t} -> t else idx

let rec find f roots =
    (fun root ->
       f root;
       match lstat root with
         | {st_kind=S_DIR} ->
             find f (
                       (Filename.concat root)
                       (Sys.readdir root))
         | _ -> ())

let time = Hashtbl.create 0
let stat = Hashtbl.create 0

(* get stat info on the file, saving the desired *)
(* sort criterion (mtime, atime, ctime, or size) *)
(* in the time hash indexed by filename.         *)
(* if they want a long list, we have to save the *)
(* entire stat structure in stat.                *)
let wanted name =
    let sb = Unix.stat name in
    Hashtbl.replace time name (idx sb);
    if !opt_l then Hashtbl.replace stat name sb
  with Unix_error _ -> ()

(* cache user number to name conversions *)
let user =
  let user = Hashtbl.create 0 in
  fun uid ->
    Hashtbl.replace user uid
      (try (getpwuid uid).pw_name
       with Not_found -> ("#" ^ string_of_int uid));
    Hashtbl.find user uid

(* cache group number to name conversions *)
let group =
  let group = Hashtbl.create 0 in
  fun gid ->
    Hashtbl.replace group gid
      (try (getgrgid gid).gr_name
       with Not_found -> ("#" ^ string_of_int gid));
    Hashtbl.find group gid

let days = [| "Sun"; "Mon"; "Tue"; "Wed"; "Thu"; "Fri"; "Sat" |]
let months = [| "Jan"; "Feb"; "Mar"; "Apr"; "May"; "Jun";
                "Jul"; "Aug"; "Sep"; "Oct"; "Nov"; "Dec" |]

let format_time time =
  let tm = localtime time in
  sprintf "%s %s %2d %02d:%02d:%02d %04d"
    (tm.tm_year + 1900)

let () =
  if !opt_i
          while true do
            names := (input_line Pervasives.stdin) :: !names
        with End_of_file -> ()
      List.iter wanted (List.rev !names)
  else find wanted (Array.of_list (List.rev !names))

(* sort the files by their cached times, youngest first *)
let skeys =
    (fun a b -> compare (Hashtbl.find time b) (Hashtbl.find time a))
    (Hashtbl.fold (fun k v a -> k :: a) time [])

(* but flip the order if -r was supplied on command line *)
let skeys = if !opt_r then List.rev skeys else skeys

let () =
    (fun skey ->
       if !opt_l
         let sb = Hashtbl.find stat skey in
         printf "%6d %04o %6d %8s %8s %8d %s %s\n"
           (sb.st_perm land 0o7777)
           (user sb.st_uid)
           (group sb.st_gid)
           (format_time (time_idx sb))
         print_endline skey)

(* @@PLEAC@@_10.0 *)

(* A function is bound to a variable (as with everything) with the let keyword

let hello () =
  incr greeted; (* global reference *)
  printf "hi there!\n";;

(* Other forms for declaring a function are as follows *)

let hello = 
  fun () -> 
    incr greeted; (* global reference *)
    printf "hi there!\n";;

let hello = 
  function () ->
    incr greeted; (* global reference *)
    printf "hi there!\n";;

(* The typical way of calling this function is *)

hello ();;

(* @@PLEAC@@_10.1 *)

(* All values passed to a function must be named in the paramater list to the
 * function *)

let hypotenuse side1 side2 =
  sqrt ((side1 ** 2.) +. (side2 ** 2.));;

(* Note, however, that if the parameters are defined/sent as a tuple then they
 * can be accessed in one of two equivalent ways *)

let hypotenuse (side1,side2) =
  sqrt ((side1 ** 2.) +. (side2 ** 2.));;

let hypotenuse sides =
  let side1,side2 = sides in
  sqrt ((side1 ** 2.) +. (side2 ** 2.));;

(* In both of these cases, however, we must pass the arguments as a tuple *)

print_float hypotenuse (3.,4.);;

(* since most data structures are immutable, one generally does not need to copy
 * the parameters into local variables *)

let nums = [1.4; 3.5; 6.7];;
let int_all l = int_of_float l;;

# let ints = int_all nums;;
val ints : int list = [1; 3; 6]

# nums;;
- : float list = [1.4; 3.5; 6.7]

(* However, one needs to be careful when mutable data is passed in and
 * operations that alter that data are used *)

let nums = [|1.4; 3.5; 6.7 |];;
let int_all2 a =
  Array.iteri (fun i x -> a.(i) <- 10. *. x) a;
let int_all3 a = int_of_float a;;

# let a2 = int_all2 nums;;
val a2 : int array = [|1; 3; 6|]

# nums;;
- : float array = [|1.4; 3.5; 6.7|]

# let a3 = times10 nums;;
val a3 : float array = [|14.; 35.; 67.|]

# nums;;
- : float array = [|14.; 35.; 67.|]

(* To write functions that change their caller's variables, those variables must
 * be mutable structures, such as references *)
let nums = ref [1.4; 3.5; 6.7];;
let trunc_em l =
  l:= floor !l;


# let n2 = trunc_em nums;;
val n2 : float list = [1.; 3.; 6.]

# !nums;;
- : float list = [1.; 3.; 6.]

(* @@PLEAC@@_10.2 *)

(* to declare a variable local to a function, simply use let inside the function
 * body *)

let somefunc () =
  let variable = ... in
  let another,anarray,ahash = ... in
  ... ;;

let check_x x =
  let y = "whatever" in
  run_check ();
  if condition then printf "got %s" x;;

let save_array arguments =
  global_list := arguments @ !global_list;;

(* @@PLEAC@@_10.3 *)

let mysub =
  let variable = ... in
  fun args -> ... ;;

(* To write a counter *)
let next_counter = 
  let counter = ref 0 in
  fun () -> 
    incr counter; 

let next_counter,prev_counter = 
  let counter = ref 42 in
  (fun () -> incr counter; !counter),
  (fun () -> decr counter; !counter);;

(* @@PLEAC@@_10.4 *)
(* The names of functions are not available at runtime. However, using the
   camlp4 preprocessor, we can expose various pieces of static information.

   The "macro" parser provides the current file and location as __FILE__ and
   __LOCATION__, respectively. With a bit more customization, we can expose
   the current function name as well.

   To do this, we'll make a copy of camlp4/Camlp4Filters/
   from the OCaml sources and rename it to "". Then,
   we'll change the definition of "decorate_this_expr" to the following: *)


value decorate_this_expr e id =
  let _loc = Ast.loc_of_expr e in
  <:expr< let __FUNC__ = $`str:id$ in $e$ >>;


(* This has the effect of exposing the current function name as the
   string, __FUNC__, which we can use just like __FILE__. To build this
   syntax extension, use a command like the following: *)

ocamlc -c -pp camlp4rf -I /usr/lib/ocaml/3.10.2/camlp4


(* Now, we'll write a simple test program called "": *)

(* Comment out this line to silence log messages. *)

(* Default function name if Camlp4FuncNamer doesn't provide one. *)
let __FUNC__ = "<toplevel>"

(* Log macro with Printf formatting. *)
      (Printf.eprintf "%s[%s]: %s\n%!" __FUNC__ __FILE__)
    Printf.kprintf (fun _ -> ())

(* An example named function. *)
let test_function () =
  let str = "Hello, world!" in
  let num = 42 in
  LOG "str=\"%s\", num=%d" str num;
  print_endline "test complete"

(* Some code to run at the toplevel. *)
let () =
  LOG "not in a function";
  test_function ()


(* We can compile this program as follows: *)

ocamlc -pp "camlp4of Camlp4FuncNamer.cmo" \
    -I /usr/lib/ocaml/3.10.2/camlp4 \
    -o main

(* Running it, we get this output: *)

<toplevel>[]: not in a function
test_function[]: str="Hello, world!", num=42
test complete

(* @@PLEAC@@_10.5 *)
(* Because all OCaml variables represent pointers to their data, all function
 * arguments are implicitly passed by reference *)

array_diff array1 array2;;

let a = [| 1; 2 |];;
let b = [| 5; 8 |];;
let add_vec_pair x y =
  Array.init (Array.length x) (fun i -> x.(i) + y.(i));;

# let c = add_vec_pair a b;;
val c : int array = [|6; 10|]

(* @@PLEAC@@_10.6 *)
(* OCaml's type safety doesn't allow this kind of shenanigans unless you bring
 * union types into play -- but you still need to ensure that the return type of
 * all three contexts is the same *)

type 'a lORs =
    List of 'a list
  | Scalar of 'a
  | Void of unit ;;

let mysub arg =
  match arg with
    List l -> (* list context, do something with l *)
  | Scalar s -> (* scalar context, do something with s *)
  | Void _ -> (* void context, do something with nothing *);;

(* or equivalently *)
let mysub = function
    List l -> (* list context, do something with l *)
  | Scalar s -> s (* scalar context, do something with s *)
  | Void _ -> (* void context, do something with nothing *);;

mysub (Void ());;         (* void context *)
mysub (Scalar arg);;      (* scalar context *)
mysub (List arg);;        (* list context *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_10.7 *)
(* To name the arguments of a function, use labels *)
let thefunc ~increment ~finish ~start =
  ... ;;

(* It can be called like *)
thefunc ~increment:"20s" ~start:"+5m" ~finish:"+30m";;

(* Note that you can use different names for the labels and variables, and if
 * the application is total, the labels can be omitted *)
let divide ~numerator:x ~denominator:y = 
  x / y;;

# divide ~denominator:2 ~numerator:100;;
 - : int = 50

# divide 20 4;;
 - : int = 5

(* If you want to provide default values, you need to use optional arguments,
 * but this requires at least one unlabelled argument *)

let fraction ?(y = 2) x =
  x / y;;

fraction 30 ~y:3;;
 - : int = 10

fraction 30;;
 - : int = 15

(* @@PLEAC@@_10.8 *)
(* Use _, which matches any pattern and throws away the value it matches *)

let a,_,c = func ();;
let _,_,d = func ();;

(* @@PLEAC@@_10.9 *)
(* Just stick all of the values in a tuple and return it *)
let somefunc () =
  let arr = ... in
  let hash = ... in

let a,h = somefunc ();;

(* @@PLEAC@@_10.10 *)
(* Use an appropriate exception *)

let failing_routine () =
  raise Failure "Bad things happened...";;

try failing_routine () with
  Failure s -> printf "failing_routine failed because: %s\n" s;;

(* @@PLEAC@@_10.11 *)

(* This is pretty much unnecessary due to OCaml's type inference -- you will
 * know at compile time if you try to pass invalid arguments to a function *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_10.12 *)
(* To handle exceptions, which are thrown with the raise keword, wrap the
 * possibly exceptional call in a try ... with block.  You only need to do this
 * where appropriate *)

let slurp_to_list filename =
  (* Note, if filename does not exist in the current directory, it will raise a
   * Sys_error exception *)
  let ic = open_in filename and
  l = ref [] in
  let rec loop () =
    let line = input_line ic in
    l := line::!l;
    loop () in
  try loop () with End_of_file -> close_in ic; List.rev !l;;

let lfind name l =
  (* Note, if no elements in the list satisfy the predicate, List.find will
   * raise the Not_found exception *)
  List.find (fun x -> Str.string_match (Str.regexp ("$" ^ name)) x 0) l;;

let findSmurfette =
    print_endline (lfind "Smurfette" (slurp_to_list "smurfs"))
    Sys_error s -> prerr_endline ("Dammit! - " ^ s)
  | Not_found -> prerr_endline "Hmmm... Smurfette is not in smurfs";;

(* @@PLEAC@@_10.13 *)
(* To do this in OCaml -- which doesn't like global state in the first place --
 * you need to manually store the old value and replace it before exiting the
 * block *)

let age = ref 18;;
if condition then
    let org_age = !age in
    age := 23;
    func ();
    age := org_age

(* for local handles, just create a new channel inside your block *)
let get_motd () =
  let motd = open_in "/etc/motd" in
  let retval = 
    ... in
  close_in motd;

(* @@PLEAC@@_10.14 *)

(* If you want to redefine a function... go ahead.  Functions are first class
 * members in OCaml *)

let f x y =
  x + y;;

f 5 7;;
(*  - : int = 12 *)

let f x y =
  x - y;;

f 5 7;;

(*  - : int = -2 *)

(* to do it temporarily, either save to old value and then restore it, or just
 * redefine it in the current block.  The old value will be restored when you
 * exit the scope of that block *)

let g = f
and f x y =
  x * y;;

f 5 7;;

(*  - : int = 35 *)

let f = g;;

f 5 7;;

(*  - : int = -2 *)

let g () = 
  let f x y =
    x / y in
  f 5 7;;

g ();;

(*  - : int = 0 *)

f 5 7;;

(*  - : int = -2 *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_10.15 *)
(* Since OCaml is statically typed, any attempt to call an undefined
   function will result in a compiler error. There is no way to capture
   and handle this event at runtime. *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_10.16 *)

(* Just define the inner function within the outer one *)
let outer x =
  let x = x + 35 in
  let inner () =
    x * 19 in
  x + inner ();;

(* @@PLEAC@@_10.17 *)

let slurp_to_string filename =
  let ic = open_in filename and
  buf = Buffer.create 4096 in
  let rec loop () =
    let line = input_line ic in
    Buffer.add_string buf line;
    Buffer.add_string buf "\n";
    loop () in
  try loop () with End_of_file -> close_in ic; Buffer.contents buf;;

(* Note: The following function does something slightly different than the Perl
 * version, as it returns a subject,message #,refrence to the message tuple
 * sorted by subject -> message number instead of just a list of messages sorted
 * by subject -> message number -- it's trivial to get just what the Perl
 * version does from this... *)

let sortedMail fn =
  let msglist = 
    (* I had to add this filtering step due to some wierd structure in my mbox
     * file. go figure... *)
    List.filter (fun s -> String.sub s 0 5 = "From:")
      ( (fun x -> "From" ^ x) 
        (Str.split (Str.regexp "^From") (slurp_to_string fn)))
  and counter = ref (-1) in
(*  let subjList = *)
    List.sort compare
        (fun s -> 
          ignore (Str.search_forward 
            (* Not positive this regex is equivalent to the Perl version, but it
             * seems to work -- you can use the third party PCRE module if you
             * want to be positive *)
            (Str.regexp "^Subject:[ \t]*\(:?[Rr][Ee]:[ \t]*\)*\(.*\)") s 0);
          incr counter;
          (try (String.lowercase (Str.matched_group 2 s)) with Not_found -> ""),
           ref s)

List.iter (fun (_,_,rm) -> print_endline !rm) (sortedMail "mbox");;

(* To sort by using a hashtable *)

let keys h =
  let k = Hashtbl.fold (fun k v b -> k::b) h [] in
  (* filter out duplicates *)
  List.fold_left (fun b x -> if List.mem x b then b else x::b) [] k;;

let sortedMailByHash fn =
  let msglist = 
    (* I had to add this filtering step due to some wierd structure in my mbox
     * file. go figure... *)
    List.filter (fun s -> String.sub s 0 5 = "From:")
      ( (fun x -> "From" ^ x) 
        (Str.split (Str.regexp "^From") (slurp_to_string fn)))
  and counter = ref (-1) in
  let h = Hashtbl.create (List.length msglist) in
(*  let subjList = *)
(*    List.sort compare *)
        (fun s -> 
          ignore (Str.search_forward 
            (* Not positive this regex is equivalent to the Perl version, but it
             * seems to work -- you can use the third party PCRE module if you
             * want to be positive *)
            (Str.regexp "^Subject:[ \t]*\(:?[Rr][Ee]:[ \t]*\)*\(.*\)") s 0);
          incr counter;
          let sub =
              (String.lowercase (Str.matched_group 2 s)) 
          with Not_found -> "" in
          Hashtbl.add h sub s))
        ( (fun x -> List.rev (Hashtbl.find_all h x)) 
          (List.sort (keys h)));;

List.iter (fun m -> print_endline m) (sortedMailByHash "mbox");;

(* @@PLEAC@@_11.0 *)
(* Create a reference to an integer *)
let aref = ref 0

let () =
  (* Assign to aref's contents *)
  aref := 3;

  (* Print the value that the reference "aref" refers to *)
  Printf.printf "%d\n" !aref;

  (* Since references are just records with a single field, "contents",
     the following operations have the same effect as above *)
  aref.contents <- 3;
  Printf.printf "%d\n" aref.contents;

  (* Fast increment and decrement operations are available for int refs *)
  incr aref; Printf.printf "after incr: %d\n" !aref;
  decr aref; Printf.printf "after decr: %d\n" !aref

(* Create a type for "person" records *)
type person = { name : string;
                address : string;
                birthday : int;

let () =
  (* Create a "person" record *)
  let nat = { name     = "Leonhard Euler";
              address  = "1729 Ramunjan Lane\nMathword, PI 31416";
              birthday = 0x5bb5580;
            } in

  (* Display the person's name and address *)
  Printf.printf "\nname: %s\naddress: %s\n" nat.address;

  (* Same as above, using pattern-matching *)
  let {name=n; address=a} = nat in
  Printf.printf "\nname: %s\naddress: %s\n" n a

(* @@PLEAC@@_11.1 *)
(* The following two sections use lists instead of arrays since
   list refs can be enlarged and copied easily. Also, arrays are
   mutable in OCaml, whereas lists are immutable. *)

(* Create a reference to a list *)
let lref      = ref list
let anon_list = ref [9; 7; 5; 3; 1]
let anon_copy = ref !anon_list

let () =
  (* Add an item to the list *)
  anon_list := 11 :: !anon_list;

  (* Get the number of items from the list ref *)
  let num_items = List.length !anon_list in

  (* Print original data *)
  print_endline (String.concat ", "
                   ( (fun i -> string_of_int i) !anon_list));

  (* Sort it *)
  anon_list := List.sort compare !anon_list;

  (* Print sorted data *)
  print_endline (String.concat ", "
                   ( (fun i -> string_of_int i) !anon_list));

(* @@PLEAC@@_11.2 *)
(* Create a hash that maps strings to string lists *)
let (hash : (string, string list) Hashtbl.t) = Hashtbl.create 0

(* Define a function to add a string to the string list associated
   with a key in the hash creating the string list if necessary *)
let add hash key value =
  Hashtbl.replace hash key
    (try value :: Hashtbl.find hash key
     with Not_found -> [value])

let () =
  (* Populate the hash with some data *)
  add hash "fruit" "apple";
  add hash "fruit" "banana";
  add hash "wine" "merlot";
  add hash "cheese" "cheddar";
  add hash "cheese" "brie";
  add hash "cheese" "havarti";

  (* Iterate and print out the hash's contents *)
    (fun key values ->
       Printf.printf "%s: %s\n" key
         (String.concat ", " values))

(* Hashtbl is somewhat unusual in that it allows multiple values for
   a given key. By using Hashtbl.add instead of Hashtbl.replace, and
   using strings as values instead of string lists, we can save some
   memory *)
let (hash : (string, string) Hashtbl.t) = Hashtbl.create 0
let () =
  Hashtbl.add hash "foo" "bar";
  Hashtbl.add hash "foo" "baz";
  Hashtbl.add hash "goo" "arc";
  Hashtbl.iter (Printf.printf "%s => %s\n") hash

(* @@PLEAC@@_11.3 *)
(* Hashtbls are mutable, so creating a reference to a hash is usually
   not necessary; it creates an *additional* level of indirection. *)
let href = ref hash
let anon_hash = ref (Hashtbl.create 0)
let () =
  (* Have some fun with locally-defined operators *)
  let ( => ) = Hashtbl.replace !anon_hash in
  ( "key1" => "value1"; "key2" => "value2" )
let anon_hash_copy = ref (Hashtbl.copy !href)

(* @@PLEAC@@_11.4 *)
(* Create a reference to a function *)
let fref = ref func
let fref = ref (fun () -> (* ... *) ())

(* Call the referent function *)
let () = !fref ()

(* Create a reference to an association list with function values. *)
let commands = ref []
let () =
  let ( => ) name func = commands := (name, func) :: !commands in
    "happy" => joy;
    "sad"   => sullen;
    "done"  => (fun () -> print_endline "See ya!"; exit 0);
    "mad"   => angry;

let () =
  while true do
    print_string "How are you? ";
    let string = read_line () in
      let command = List.assoc string !commands in
      command ()
    with Not_found ->
      Printf.printf "No such command: %s\n" string

(* Use closures to generate functions that count. *)

let counter_maker () =
  let start = ref 0 in
  fun () ->                             (* this is a closure *)
    let result = !start in              (* lexical from enclosing scope *)
    incr start; result

let counter1 = counter_maker ()
let counter2 = counter_maker ()

let () =
  for i = 0 to 4 do
    Printf.printf "%d\n" (counter1 ())
  Printf.printf "%d %d\n" (counter1 ()) (counter2 ())
    5 0

(* Use closures to generate functions that keep track of time.
   Note that this example does not need references, since
   since functions are just ordinary values in OCaml. *)

#load "unix.cma";;

let timestamp () =
  let start_time = Unix.time () in
  fun () -> int_of_float (Unix.time () -. start_time)

let () =
  let early = timestamp () in
  Unix.sleep 20;
  let later = timestamp () in
  Unix.sleep 10;
  Printf.printf "It's been %d seconds since early.\n" (early ());
  Printf.printf "It's been %d seconds since later.\n" (later ());
    It's been 30 seconds since early.
    It's been 10 seconds since later.

(* @@PLEAC@@_11.5 *)
(* Environments are immutable in OCaml; there is no way to get a
   reference to a value. If you need a mutable cell, use "ref" as
   described in the introduction. If you need to refer to values
   by name strings, use a Hashtbl.t or similar data structure. *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_11.6 *)
(* Create a couple of integer references *)
let a = ref 0
let b = ref 0

(* Create an array of the references *)
let array_of_refs = [| a; b |]

let () =
  (* Set the value of an element *)
  array_of_refs.(1) := 12;              (* b := 12 *)

  (* Note that this is *not* the same as array mutation! If we were to do:
       array_of_refs.(1) <- ref 12
     (or drop the refs altogether) then we would no longer be aliasing "b".

  (* Get the value of an element *)
  Printf.printf "%d %d\n" !(array_of_refs.(1)) !b

let () =
  let (a, b, c, d) = (ref 1, ref 2, ref 3, ref 4) in (* initialize *)
  let array = [| a; b; c; d |] in                    (* refs to each value *)

  array.(2) := !(array.(2)) + 9;        (* !c is now 12 *)

  let tmp = array.(Array.length array - 1) in
  tmp := !tmp * 5;                      (* !d is now 20 *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_11.7 *)
(* Since record field names must be unique to their enclosing module,
   define a module to encapsulate the fields of the record type that
   will contain the "methods". *)
module Counter = struct
  type t = { next  : unit -> int;
             prev  : unit -> int;
             last  : unit -> int;
             get   : unit -> int;
             set   : int  -> unit;
             bump  : int  -> unit;
             reset : unit -> int }

  let make count =
    let start = count in
    let count = ref start in
    let prev () = decr count; !count in
    { next  = (fun () -> incr count; !count);
      prev  = prev; last = prev;
      get   = (fun () -> !count);
      set   = (fun count' -> count := count');
      bump  = (fun count' -> count := !count + count');
      reset = (fun () -> count := start; !count)

(* Create and use a couple of counters. *)
let () =
  let c1 = Counter.make 20 in
  let c2 = Counter.make 77 in

  Printf.printf "next c1: %d\n" ( ()); (* 21 *)
  Printf.printf "next c2: %d\n" ( ()); (* 78 *)
  Printf.printf "next c1: %d\n" ( ()); (* 22 *)
  Printf.printf "last c1: %d\n" (c1.Counter.prev ()); (* 21 *)
  Printf.printf "old  c2: %d\n" (c2.Counter.reset ()) (* 77 *)

(* Same as above, but using a "local open" to temporarily expose
   the record fields for convenience. *)
let () =
  let c1 = Counter.make 20 in
  let c2 = Counter.make 77 in
  let module Local = struct
    open Counter
    let () =
      Printf.printf "next c1: %d\n" ( ()); (* 21 *)
      Printf.printf "next c2: %d\n" ( ()); (* 78 *)
      Printf.printf "next c1: %d\n" ( ()); (* 22 *)
      Printf.printf "last c1: %d\n" (c1.prev ()); (* 21 *)
      Printf.printf "old  c2: %d\n" (c2.reset ()) (* 77 *)
  end in ()

(* @@PLEAC@@_11.8 *)
(* There is no need to use references just to have a function that
   calls a method. Either write a lambda: *)

let mref = fun x y z -> obj#meth x y z

(* Or, just refer to the method directly: *)

let mref = obj#meth

(* Later... *)

let () = mref "args" "go" "here"

(* @@PLEAC@@_11.9 *)
#load "str.cma";;

type record = { name : string;
                empno : int;
                mutable title : string;
                mutable age : int;
                mutable salary : float;
                mutable pals : string list;

let record = { name = "Jason";
               empno = 132;
               title = "deputy peon";
               age = 23;
               salary = 37000.00;
               pals = [ "Norbert"; "Rhys"; "Phineas" ]

let () =
  Printf.printf "I am %s, and my pals are %s.\n"
    (String.concat ", " record.pals)

let byname = Hashtbl.create 0

let () =
  (* store record *)
  Hashtbl.replace byname record;

  (* later on, look up by name *)
      let rp = Hashtbl.find byname "Aron" in
      Printf.printf "Aron is employee %d\n" rp.empno
    with Not_found ->
      (* raised if missing *)

  (* give jason a new pal *)
  let jason = Hashtbl.find byname "Jason" in
  jason.pals <- "Theodore" :: jason.pals;
  Printf.printf "Jason now has %d pals\n" (List.length jason.pals);

    (fun name record ->
       Printf.printf "%s is employee number %d\n" name record.empno)

let employees = Hashtbl.create 0

let () =
  (* store record *)
  Hashtbl.replace employees record.empno record;

  (* lookup by id *)
      let rp = Hashtbl.find employees 132 in
      Printf.printf "employee number 132 is %s\n"
    with Not_found ->

  let jason = Hashtbl.find byname "Jason" in
  jason.salary <- jason.salary *. 1.035

(* Return true if the string s contains the given substring. *)
let contains s substring =
  try ignore (Str.search_forward (Str.regexp_string substring) s 0); true
  with Not_found -> false

let () =
  (* A filter function for hash tables, written as a fold. *)
  let grep f hash =
      (fun key value result ->
         if f value then value :: result else result)
      hash [] in

  (* Select records matching criteria. *)
  let peons =
    grep (fun employee -> contains employee.title "peon") employees in
  let tsevens =
    grep (fun employee -> employee.age = 27) employees in

  (* Go through all records. *)
  let records = Hashtbl.fold (fun _ v a -> v :: a) employees [] in
    (fun rp ->
       Printf.printf "%s is age %d.\n" rp.age)
    (List.sort (fun r1 r2 -> compare r1.age r2.age) records)

(* Create an array of lists of records by age. *)
let byage = Array.create 150 []
let () =
    (fun _ employee ->
       byage.(employee.age) <- employee :: byage.(employee.age))

(* Print all employees by age. *)
let () =
    (fun age emps ->
       match emps with
         | [] -> ()
         | _ ->
             Printf.printf "Age %d: " age;
             List.iter (fun emp -> Printf.printf "%s " emps;
             print_newline ())

(* Similar approach using and String.concat. *)
let () =
    (fun age emps ->
       match emps with
         | [] -> ()
         | _ ->
             Printf.printf "Age %d: %s\n" age
               (String.concat ", " ( (fun r -> emps)))

(* @@PLEAC@@_11.10 *)
#load "str.cma";;

(* Define a list reference to contain our data. *)
let (list_of_records : (string, string) Hashtbl.t list ref) = ref []

(* Read records from standard input. *)
let () =
  let regexp = Str.regexp "\\([^:]+\\):[ \t]*\\(.*\\)" in
  let record = ref (Hashtbl.create 0) in
      while true do
        let line = read_line () in
        if Str.string_match regexp line 0
          let field = Str.matched_group 1 line in
          let value = Str.matched_group 2 line in
          Hashtbl.replace !record field value
          (list_of_records := !record :: !list_of_records;
           record := Hashtbl.create 0)
    with End_of_file ->
      if Hashtbl.length !record > 0
      then list_of_records := !record :: !list_of_records

(* Write records to standard output. *)
let () =
    (fun record ->
         (fun field value -> Printf.printf "%s: %s\n" field value)
       print_newline ())

(* @@PLEAC@@_11.11 *)
(* If you are in the OCaml toplevel, simply enter an expression to
   view its type and value. *)
# let reference = ref ( [ "foo", "bar" ],
                        fun () -> print_endline "hello, world" );;
val reference : ((string * string) list * int * (unit -> unit)) ref =
  {contents = ([("foo", "bar")], 3, <fun>)}

(* From within your own programs, use the Std.print and Std.dump
   functions from the Extlib library, available at *)
# Std.print reference;;
(([("foo", "bar")], 3, <closure>))
- : unit = ()
# Std.dump reference;;
- : string = "(([(\"foo\", \"bar\")], 3, <closure>))"

(* @@PLEAC@@_11.12 *)
(* Immutable data structures such as int, char, float, tuple, list, Set,
   and Map can be copied by assignment. *)
let v2 = v1
let r2 = ref !r1

(* Objects can be shallow-copied using Oo.copy. *)
let o2 = Oo.copy o1

(* Several built-in types include copy functions. *)
let a2 = Array.copy a1
let h2 = Hashtbl.copy h1
let s2 = String.copy s1

(* Any data structure can be deep-copied by running it through Marshal,
   though this is not very efficient. *)
let (copy : 'a -> 'a) =
  fun value ->
      (Marshal.to_string value [Marshal.Closures])

(* @@PLEAC@@_11.13 *)
let () =
  (* Store a data structure to disk. *)
  let out_channel = open_out_bin "filename" in
  Marshal.to_channel out_channel data [];
  close_out out_channel;

  (* Load a data structure from disk. *)
  let in_channel = open_in_bin "filename" in
  let data = Marshal.from_channel in_channel in
  (* ... *)

#load "unix.cma";;
let () =
  (* Store a data structure to disk, with exclusive locking. *)
  let out_channel = open_out_bin "filename" in
  Unix.lockf (Unix.descr_of_out_channel out_channel) Unix.F_LOCK 0;
  Marshal.to_channel out_channel data [];
  close_out out_channel;

  (* Load a data structure from disk, with shared locking. *)
  let in_channel = open_in_bin "filename" in
  Unix.lockf (Unix.descr_of_in_channel in_channel) Unix.F_RLOCK 0;
  let data = Marshal.from_channel in_channel in
  (* ... *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_11.14 *)
(* See recipes 14.8 and 14.9 for examples of (mostly) transparent
   persistence using DBM and Marshal in a type-safe manner. *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_11.15 *)
(* bintree - binary tree demo program *)

type 'a tree = { value : 'a;
                 left  : 'a tree option;
                 right : 'a tree option }

let rec string_of_tree tree =
  Printf.sprintf "{ value = %d; left = %s; right = %s }"
    (match tree.left with
       | None -> "None"
       | Some tree -> Printf.sprintf "Some (%s)" (string_of_tree tree))
    (match tree.right with
       | None -> "None"
       | Some tree -> Printf.sprintf "Some (%s)" (string_of_tree tree))

(* insert given value into proper point of
   provided tree.  If no tree provided,
   fill one in for our caller. *)
let rec insert tree value =
  match tree with
    | None -> { value = value; left = None; right = None }
    | Some tree ->
        if tree.value > value
        then { value = tree.value;
               left  = Some (insert tree.left value);
               right = tree.right }
        else if tree.value < value
        then { value = tree.value;
               left  = tree.left;
               right = Some (insert tree.right value) }
        else tree

(* recurse on left child,
   then show current value,
   then recurse on right child. *)
let rec in_order tree =
  match tree with
    | None -> ()
    | Some tree ->
        in_order tree.left;
        print_int tree.value;
        print_string " ";
        in_order tree.right

(* show current value,
   then recurse on left child,
   then recurse on right child. *)
let rec pre_order tree =
  match tree with
    | None -> ()
    | Some tree ->
        print_int tree.value;
        print_string " ";
        pre_order tree.left;
        pre_order tree.right

(* recurse on left child,
   then recurse on right child,
   then show current value. *)
let rec post_order tree =
  match tree with
    | None -> ()
    | Some tree ->
        post_order tree.left;
        post_order tree.right;
        print_int tree.value;
        print_string " "

(* find out whether provided value is in the tree.
   if so, return the node at which the value was found.
   cut down search time by only looking in the correct
   branch, based on current value. *)
let rec search tree value =
  match tree with
    | Some tree ->
        if tree.value = value
        then Some tree
        else search (if value < tree.value then tree.left else tree.right) value
    | None -> None

(* reference to the root of the tree *)
let root = ref None

(* first generate 20 random inserts *)
let () =
  Random.self_init ();
  for n = 0 to 19 do
    root := Some (insert !root ( 1000))

(* now dump out the tree all three ways *)
let () =
  print_string "Pre order: "; pre_order !root; print_newline ();
  print_string "In order: "; in_order !root; print_newline ();
  print_string "Post order: "; post_order !root; print_newline ()

(* prompt until EOF *)
let () =
    while true do
      let line = read_line () in
      let num = int_of_string line in
      let found = search !root num in
      match found with
        | Some tree ->
            Printf.printf "Found %d at %s, %d\n"
              (string_of_tree tree)
        | None ->
            Printf.printf "No %d in the tree\n" num
  with End_of_file ->

(* @@PLEAC@@_12.0 *)
(* When an OCaml source file is compiled, it becomes a module. The name
   of the module is the capitalized form of the filename. For example,
   if the source file is "", the module name is "My_module".

   Modules can also be created explicitly within a source file. If
   "" contains "module Foo = struct ... end", a module named
   "My_module.Foo" will be created.

   Here is an example of the definition and use of two modules within a
   single source file: *)

module Alpha = struct
  let name = "first"

module Omega = struct
  let name = "last"

let () =
  Printf.printf "Alpha is %s, Omega is %s.\n"

(* Alpha is first, Omega is last. *)


(* The "#use" and "#load" commands are known as toplevel directives.
   They can only be used while interacting with the interpreter or from
   scripts that are run using the "ocaml" program. *)

(* "#use" loads a source file into the current scope. *)
#use "";;

(* "#load" loads a module from a compiled bytecode file. This has the
   same effect as including this file during bytecode compilation. *)
#load "FileHandle.cmo";;

(* "#load" can be used with libraries as well as modules. Bytecode
   libraries use an extension of ".cma". *)
#load "library.cma";;

(* The "open" statement can be used in any source file. It allows any
   values defined within a module to be used without being prefixed by
   the module name. *)
open FileHandle

(* Modules form a hierarchy; submodules can be opened in a similar
   fashion by prefixing them with the parent module's name. *)
open Cards.Poker

(* It is often convenient to use Gerd Stolpmann's "findlib" system,
   which makes it considerably easier to load libraries into the
   interpreter. *)

# #use "topfind";;
- : unit = ()
Findlib has been successfully loaded. Additional directives:
  #require "package";;      to load a package
  #list;;                   to list the available packages
  #camlp4o;;                to load camlp4 (standard syntax)
  #camlp4r;;                to load camlp4 (revised syntax)
  #predicates "p,q,...";;   to set these predicates
  Topfind.reset();;         to force that packages will be reloaded
  #thread;;                 to enable threads

- : unit = ()
# #require "extlib";;
/usr/lib/ocaml/3.10.2/extlib: added to search path
/usr/lib/ocaml/3.10.2/extlib/extLib.cma: loaded

(* The above use of "#require" has the same effect as typing the
   following: *)

#directory "+extlib";;
#load "extLib.cma";;

(* More information on the "findlib" system is available here:

   The "#directory" directive above is built into OCaml and allows
   you to add additional directories to the path that is searched
   when loading modules. You can use a prefix of '+' to indicate that
   the directory is under the standard library path, which is usually
   something like "/usr/lib/ocaml/3.10.2/".

   Modules can be easily aliased using assignment. This will also
   cause the interpreter to output the module's signature, which
   can be used as a quick reference. *)

# module S = ExtString.String;;
module S :
    val init : int -> (int -> char) -> string
    val find : string -> string -> int
    val split : string -> string -> string * string
    val nsplit : string -> string -> string list
    val join : string -> string list -> string
# S.join;;
- : string -> string list -> string = <fun>

(* Many useful libraries can be found at The Caml Hump: *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_12.1 *)
(* Interfaces, also known as module types or signatures, are usually
   saved in files with the same name as the corresponding module but
   with a ".mli" extension. For instance, if the module is defined in
   "", the interface will be in "YourModule.mli". *)

(* YourModule.mli *)
val version : string

(* *)
let version = "1.00"

(* As with modules, interfaces can also be defined explicitly inside
   of a source file. *)

module type YourModuleSignature =
  val version : string

module YourModule : YourModuleSignature =
  let version = "1.00"

(* Signatures can also be anonymous. *)

module YourModule :
  val version : string
end =
  let version = "1.00"

(* @@PLEAC@@_12.2 *)
(* Due to static typing, missing modules are detected at compilation
   time, so this is not normally an error you can catch (or need to).
   When using ocaml interactively or as an interpreter, the "#load"
   directive can fail, resulting in a message like the following:

       Cannot find file <filename>.

   being printed to standard output. This is also not an error you can
   catch, and its occurrence will not stop the script from executing.
   It is possible to dynamically load modules and detect the failure of
   this operation with Dynlink. An example is given in the next recipe. *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_12.3 *)
(* *)
let (registry : (string, unit -> unit) Hashtbl.t) = Hashtbl.create 32

(* *)
let say_hello () = print_endline "Hello, world!"
let () = Hashtbl.replace Registry.registry "say_hello" say_hello

(* Main program *)
let filename = "SomeModule.cmo"
let funcname = "say_hello"
let () =
  Dynlink.init ();
  (try Dynlink.loadfile filename
   with Dynlink.Error e -> failwith (Dynlink.error_message e));
  (Hashtbl.find Registry.registry funcname) ()

(* Note that the Dynlink module currently supports dynamic loading of
   bytecode modules only. There is a project to add support for dynamic
   loading of native code which has been merged with OCaml's CVS HEAD.
   Details are available at *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_12.4 *)
#load "str.cma";;
module Flipper :
  val flip_boundary : string -> string
  val flip_words : string -> string
end =
  let separatrix = ref " "  (* hidden by signature *)
  let flip_boundary sep =
    let prev_sep = !separatrix in
    separatrix := sep;
  let flip_words line =
    let words = Str.split (Str.regexp_string !separatrix) line in
    String.concat !separatrix (List.rev words)

(* @@PLEAC@@_12.5 *)
(* This is very difficult to do in OCaml due to the lack of reflection
   capabilities. Determining the current module name is reasonably easy,
   however, by using the __FILE__ constant exposed by camlp4's macro
   extensions. *)

(*pp camlp4of *)
let __MODULE__ = String.capitalize (Filename.chop_extension __FILE__)
let () = Printf.printf "I am in module %s\n" __MODULE__

(* @@PLEAC@@_12.6 *)
(* Use the built-in function, "at_exit", to schedule clean-up handlers
   to run when the main program exits. *)

#load "unix.cma";;

let logfile = "/tmp/mylog"
let lf = open_out logfile

let logmsg msg =
  Printf.fprintf lf "%s %d: %s\n%!"
    Sys.argv.(0) (Unix.getpid ()) msg

(* Setup code. *)
let () =
  logmsg "startup"

(* Clean-up code. *)
let () =
    (fun () ->
       logmsg "shutdown";
       close_out lf)

(* @@PLEAC@@_12.7 *)
(* To add a directory to the module include path, pass the "-I" option
   to any of the compiler tools. For example, if you have a module in
   ~/ocamllib called Utils with a filename of utils.cmo, you can build
   against this module with the following: *)

$ ocamlc -I ~/ocamllib utils.cmo -o test

(* Within the toplevel interpreter, and from ocaml scripts, you can use
   the "#directory" directive to add directories to the include path: *)

#directory "/home/myuser/ocamllib";;
#load "utils.cmo";;

(* In both cases, prefixing the include directory with a '+' indicates
   that the directory should be found relative to the standard include
   path. *)

#directory "+pcre";;
#load "pcre.cma";;

(* If you have findlib installed, you can print out the include path by
   typing "ocamlfind printconf path" at the command line. *)

$ ocamlfind printconf path

(* Instead of keeping a directory of ".cmo" (or ".cmx") files, you may
   prefer to build a library (".cma" for bytecode, ".cmxa" for native).
   This will pack all of your modules into a single file that is easy to
   use during compilation: *)

$ ocamlc -a slicer.cmo dicer.cmo -o tools.cma
$ ocamlc tools.cma -o myprog

(* @@PLEAC@@_12.8 *)
(* The easiest way to prepare a library for distribution is to build with
   OCamlMakefile and include a META file for use with findlib.

   OCamlMakefile is available here:

   findlib is available here: *)

(* Put the following in a file called "Makefile" and edit to taste: *)


RESULT = mylibrary
SOURCES = mylibrary.mli
PACKS = pcre

all: native-code-library byte-code-library
install: libinstall
uninstall: libuninstall


(* Put the following in a file called "META" and edit to taste: *)

name = "mylibrary"
version = "1.0.0"
description = "My library"
requires = "pcre"
archive(byte) = "mylibrary.cma"
archive(native) = "mylibrary.cmxa"

(* Now you can build bytecode and native libraries with "make" and
   install them into the standard library location with "make install".
   If you make a change, you will have to "make uninstall" before you
   can "make install" again. Once a library is installed, it's simple
   to use: *)

$ ledit ocaml
        Objective Caml version 3.10.2

# #use "topfind";;
- : unit = ()
Findlib has been successfully loaded. Additional directives:
  #require "package";;      to load a package
  #list;;                   to list the available packages
  #camlp4o;;                to load camlp4 (standard syntax)
  #camlp4r;;                to load camlp4 (revised syntax)
  #predicates "p,q,...";;   to set these predicates
  Topfind.reset();;         to force that packages will be reloaded
  #thread;;                 to enable threads

- : unit = ()
# #require "mylibrary";;
/usr/lib/ocaml/3.10.2/pcre: added to search path
/usr/lib/ocaml/3.10.2/pcre/pcre.cma: loaded
/usr/local/lib/ocaml/3.10.2/mylibrary: added to search path
/usr/local/lib/ocaml/3.10.2/mylibrary/mylibrary.cma: loaded

(* To compile against your new library, use the "ocamlfind" tool as a
   front-end to "ocamlc" and "ocamlopt": *)

$ ocamlfind ocamlc -package mylibrary -o myprogram
$ ocamlfind ocamlopt -package mylibrary -o myprogram

(* @@PLEAC@@_12.9 *)
(* OCaml supports native compilation. If module load time is an issue,
   it's hard to find a better solution than "ocamlopt". If compilation
   is slow as well, try "ocamlopt.opt", which is the natively-compiled
   native compiler. *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_12.10 *)
(* This recipe is not relevant or applicable to OCaml. *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_12.11 *)
#load "unix.cma";;

(* The Unix module returns the time as a float. Using a local module
   definition and an "include", we can override this function to return
   an int32 instead. (This is a bit silly, but it illustrates the basic
   technique. *)
module Unix = struct
  include Unix
  let time () = Int32.of_float (time ())

(* Use the locally modified Unix.time function. *)
let () =
  let start = Unix.time () in
  while true do
    Printf.printf "%ld\n" (Int32.sub (Unix.time ()) start)

(* Operators can also be locally modified. Here, we'll temporarily
   define '-' as int32 subtraction. *)
let () =
  let ( - ) = Int32.sub in
  let start = Unix.time () in
  while true do
    Printf.printf "%ld\n" (Unix.time () - start)

(* @@PLEAC@@_12.12 *)
(* There are two built-in functions that raise standard exceptions.
   Many standard library functions use these. "invalid_arg" raises
   an Invalid_argument exception, which takes a string parameter: *)
let even_only n =
  if n land 1 <> 0 (* one way to test *)
  then invalid_arg (string_of_int n);
  (* ... *)

(* "failwith" raises a Failure exception, which also takes a string
   parameter (though it is typically used to identify the name of
   the function as opposed to the argument). *)
let even_only n =
  if n mod 2 <> 0 (* here's another *)
  then failwith "even_only";
  (* ... *)

(* In most cases, it is preferable to define your own exceptions. *)
exception Not_even of int
let even_only n =
  if n land 1 <> 0 then raise (Not_even n);
  (* ... *)

(* OCaml does not provide a facility for emitting warnings. You can
   write to stderr, which may be an acceptable substitute. *)
let even_only n =
  let n =
    if n land 1 <> 0 (* test whether odd number *)
    then (Printf.eprintf "%d is not even, continuing\n%!" n; n + 1)
    else n in
  (* ... *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_12.13 *)
(* Generally, it is best to use tables of functions, possibly with
   Dynlink, to delay the choice of module and function until runtime.
   It is however possible--though inelegant--to (ab)use the toplevel
   for this purpose. *)

open Printf

(* Toplevel evaluator. Not type-safe. *)
let () = Toploop.initialize_toplevel_env ()
let eval text = let lexbuf = (Lexing.from_string text) in
  let phrase = !Toploop.parse_toplevel_phrase lexbuf in
  ignore (Toploop.execute_phrase false Format.std_formatter phrase)
let get name = Obj.obj (Toploop.getvalue name)
let set name value = Toploop.setvalue name (Obj.repr value)

(* Some module and value names, presumably not known until runtime. *)
let modname = "Sys"
let varname = "ocaml_version"
let aryname = "argv"
let funcname = "getenv"

(* Use the toplevel to evaluate module lookups dynamically. *)
let () =
  eval (sprintf "let (value : string) = %s.%s;;" modname varname);
  print_endline (get "value");
  eval (sprintf "let (values : string array) = %s.%s;;" modname aryname);
  Array.iter print_endline (get "values");
  eval (sprintf "let (func : string -> string) = %s.%s;;" modname funcname);
  print_endline ((get "func") "HOME");

(* @@PLEAC@@_12.14 *)
(* There are several tools for translating C header files to OCaml
   bindings, many of which can be found at The Caml Hump:

   Of the available tools, "ocamlffi" (also known as simply "FFI") seems
   to work best at accomplishing the task of parsing header files, but
   it has not been maintained in many years and cannot handle the deep
   use of preprocessor macros in today's Unix headers. As a result, it is
   often necessary to create a header file by hand, and so long as this
   is required, better results can be achieved with Xavier Leroy's
   CamlIDL tool. CamlIDL can be found here:

   The following recipes will use CamlIDL. First, we'll wrap the Unix
   "gettimeofday" system call by writing the following to a file named
   "time.idl": *)

quote(C,"#include <sys/time.h>");

struct timeval {
    [int32] int tv_sec;
    [int32] int tv_usec;

struct timezone {
    int tz_minuteswest;
    int tz_dsttime;

int gettimeofday([out] struct timeval *tv, [in] struct timezone *tz);

(* We can now build three files, "", "time.mli", and
   "time_stubs.c", corresponding to the OCaml implementation, OCaml
   interface, and OCaml-to-C stubs, by running the following command: *)

$ camlidl -no-include time.idl

(* CamlIDL automatically translates the two structs defined in the IDL
   into OCaml record types and builds an external function reference
   for "gettimeofday", resulting in the following generated OCaml
   implementation in "": *)

(* File generated from time.idl *)

type timeval = {
  tv_sec: int32;
  tv_usec: int32;
and timezone = {
  tz_minuteswest: int;
  tz_dsttime: int;

external gettimeofday : timezone option -> int * timeval
        = "camlidl_time_gettimeofday"

(* Now, we can use "ocamlc -c" as a front-end to the C compiler to build
   the stubs, producing time_stubs.o. *)

$ ocamlc -c time_stubs.c

(* The OCaml source can be built and packed into a library along with
   the compiled stubs using "ocamlc -a": *)

$ ocamlc -a -custom -o time.cma time.mli time_stubs.o \
                -cclib -lcamlidl

(* Finally, we can write a simple test program to use our newly-exposed
   "gettimeofday" function. *)

(* *)
let time () =
  let res, {Time.tv_sec=seconds; tv_usec=microseconds} =
    Time.gettimeofday None in
  Int32.to_float seconds +. (Int32.to_float microseconds /. 1_000_000.)
let () = Printf.printf "%f\n" (time ())

(* Compiling this test program is straightforward. *)

$ ocamlc -o test time.cma

(* Running it produces the current time with millisecond precision. *)

$ ./test


(* The next two recipes will wrap the Unix "ioctl" function, allowing
   us to make a few low-level I/O system calls. To make things easier,
   we'll use the following Makefile (make sure you use tabs, not spaces,
   if you cut and paste this code): *)

all: jam winsz

jam: ioctl.cma
        ocamlc -o jam ioctl.cma

winsz: ioctl.cma
        ocamlc -o winsz ioctl.cma

ioctl.cma: ioctl.mli ioctl_stubs.o
        ocamlc -a -custom -o ioctl.cma ioctl.mli ioctl_stubs.o \
                -cclib -lcamlidl

ioctl_stubs.o: ioctl_stubs.c
        ocamlc -c ioctl_stubs.c

ioctl.mli ioctl_stubs.c: ioctl.idl
        camlidl -no-include ioctl.idl

        rm -f *.cma *.cmi *.cmo *.c *.o ioctl.mli jam winsz


(* ioctl.idl: *)

quote(C,"#include <sys/ioctl.h>");

enum ioctl {

int ioctl([in] int fd,
          [in] enum ioctl request,
          [in, out, string] char *argp);


(* jam - stuff characters down STDIN's throat *)

(* Simulate input on a given terminal. *)
let jam ?(tty=0) s =
    (fun c -> ignore (Ioctl.ioctl tty Ioctl.TIOCSTI (String.make 1 c))) s

(* Stuff command-line arguments into STDIN. *)
let () = jam (String.concat " " ( (Array.to_list (Sys.argv))))


(* winsz - find x and y for chars and pixels *)

(* Decode a little-endian short integer from a string and offset. *)
let decode_short s i =
  Char.code s.[i] lor Char.code s.[i + 1] lsl 8

(* Read and display the window size. *)
let () =
  let winsize = String.make 8 '\000' in
  ignore (Ioctl.ioctl 0 Ioctl.TIOCGWINSZ winsize);
  let row = decode_short winsize 0 in
  let col = decode_short winsize 2 in
  let xpixel = decode_short winsize 4 in
  let ypixel = decode_short winsize 6 in
  Printf.printf "(row,col) = (%d,%d)" row col;
  if xpixel <> 0 || ypixel <> 0
  then Printf.printf "  (xpixel,ypixel) = (%d,%d)" xpixel ypixel;
  print_newline ()

(* @@PLEAC@@_12.15 *)
(* Building libraries with C code is much easier with the aid of
   OCamlMakefile. The following Makefile is all it takes to build
   the "time" library from the previous recipe: *)


RESULT = time
SOURCES = time.idl

all: byte-code-library native-code-library


(* Now, a simple "make" will perform the code generation with camlidl
   and produce static and dynamic libraries for bytecode and native
   compilation. Furthermore, "make top" will build a custom toplevel
   interpreter called "" with the Time module built in: *)

$ ./
        Objective Caml version 3.10.2

# Time.gettimeofday None;;
- : int * Time.timeval =
(0, {Time.tv_sec = 1217483550l; Time.tv_usec = 645204l})

(* With the addition of a "META" file combined with the "libinstall"
   and "libuninstall" targets, this library can be installed to the
   standard location for use in other projects. See recipe 12.8,
   "Preparing a Module for Distribution", for an example. *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_12.16 *)
(** Documentation for OCaml programs can be generated with the ocamldoc
    tool, included in the standard distribution. Special comments like
    this one begin with two asterisks which triggers ocamldoc to
    include them in the documentation. The first special comment in a
    module becomes the main description for that module. *)

(** Comments can be placed before variables... *)
val version : string

(** ...functions... *)
val cons : 'a -> 'a list -> 'a list

(** ...types... *)
type choice = Yes | No | Maybe of string

(* ... and other constructs like classes, class types, modules, and
   module types. Simple comments like this one are ignored. *)

(** {2 Level-two headings look like this} *)

(** Text in [square brackets] will be formatted using a monospace font,
    ideal for identifiers and other bits of code. Text written in curly
    braces with a bang in front {!Like.this} will be hyperlinked to the
    corresponding definition. *)

(* To generate HTML documentation, use a command like the following: *)

$ ocamldoc -html -d destdir Module1.mli ...

(* To generate Latex documentation, use a command like the following: *)

$ ocamldoc -latex -d destdir Module1.mli ...

(* If you use OCamlMakefile, you can type "make doc" to build HTML and
   PDF documentation for your entire project. You may want to customize
   the OCAMLDOC and DOC_FILES variables to suit your needs. *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_12.17 *)
(* Installing a module from The Caml Hump differs from project to
   project, since it is not as standardized as CPAN. However, in most
   cases, "make" and "make install" do what you expect. Here's how to
   install easy-format, which can be found on the Hump at the following
   URL: *)

$ tar xzf easy-format.tar.gz
$ cd easy-format
$ make
ocamlc -c easy_format.mli
ocamlc -c -dtypes
touch bytecode
ocamlc -c easy_format.mli
ocamlopt -c -dtypes
touch nativecode

$ sudo make install
[sudo] password for root: ........
echo "version = \"1.0.0\"" > META; cat META.tpl >> META
INSTALL_FILES="META easy_format.cmi easy_format.mli"; \
                if test -f bytecode; then \
                  INSTALL_FILES="$INSTALL_FILES easy_format.cmo "; \
                fi; \
                if test -f nativecode; then \
                  INSTALL_FILES="$INSTALL_FILES easy_format.cmx easy_format.o"; \
                fi; \
                ocamlfind install easy-format $INSTALL_FILES
Installed /usr/local/lib/ocaml/3.10.2/easy-format/easy_format.o
Installed /usr/local/lib/ocaml/3.10.2/easy-format/easy_format.cmx
Installed /usr/local/lib/ocaml/3.10.2/easy-format/easy_format.cmo
Installed /usr/local/lib/ocaml/3.10.2/easy-format/easy_format.mli
Installed /usr/local/lib/ocaml/3.10.2/easy-format/easy_format.cmi
Installed /usr/local/lib/ocaml/3.10.2/easy-format/META

(* @@PLEAC@@_12.18 *)
(* *)
module Module =
  (* set the version for version checking *)
  let version = "0.01"

  (* initialize module globals (accessible as Some.Module.var1 *)
  let var1 = ref ""
  let hashit = Hashtbl.create 0

  (* file-private lexicals go here *)
  let priv_var = ref ""
  let secret_hash = Hashtbl.create 0

  (* here's a file-private function *)
  let priv_func () =
    (* stuff goes here. *)

  (* make all your functions, whether exported or not *)
  let func1 () = (* ... *) ()
  let func2 () = (* ... *) ()
  let func3 a b = (* ... *) ()
  let func4 h = (* ... *) ()

  (* module clean-up code here *)
  let () =
      (fun () ->
         (* ... *)

(* Some.mli *)
module Module :
  val version : string
  val var1 : string ref
  val hashit : (string, string) Hashtbl.t
  (* priv_var, secret_hash, and priv_func are omitted,
     making them private and inaccessible... *)
  val func1 : unit -> unit
  val func2 : unit -> unit
  val func3 : 'a -> 'b -> unit
  val func4 : (string, string) Hashtbl.t -> unit

(* @@PLEAC@@_12.19 *)
(* Use "findlib". You can use the "ocamlfind" program to get a list of
   installed libraries from the command line: *)

$ ocamlfind list
benchmark           (version: 0.6)
bigarray            (version: [distributed with Ocaml])
cairo               (version: n/a)
cairo.lablgtk2      (version: n/a)
calendar            (version: 2.0.2)
camlimages          (version: 2.2.0) (version: n/a)
camlimages.lablgtk2 (version: n/a)
camlp4              (version: [distributed with Ocaml])
camlp4.exceptiontracer (version: [distributed with Ocaml])
camlp4.extend       (version: [distributed with Ocaml])

(* You can also use the "#list" directive from the interpreter: *)

$ ledit ocaml
        Objective Caml version 3.10.2

# #use "topfind";;
- : unit = ()
Findlib has been successfully loaded. Additional directives:
  #require "package";;      to load a package
  #list;;                   to list the available packages
  #camlp4o;;                to load camlp4 (standard syntax)
  #camlp4r;;                to load camlp4 (revised syntax)
  #predicates "p,q,...";;   to set these predicates
  Topfind.reset();;         to force that packages will be reloaded
  #thread;;                 to enable threads

- : unit = ()
# #list;;
benchmark           (version: 0.6)
bigarray            (version: [distributed with Ocaml])
cairo               (version: n/a)
cairo.lablgtk2      (version: n/a)

(* @@PLEAC@@_13.0 *)
(* The simplest object possible. This object has no data, no methods,
   and does not belong to any class. *)
let obj = object end

(* The simplest class possible, and an instance of it. *)
class encoder = object end
let obj = new encoder

(* A class living inside of a module. *)
module Data = struct
  class encoder = object end
let obj = new Data.encoder

(* An object with data and a method. *)
let obj = object
  val data = [3; 5]
  method at n = List.nth data n
let () =
  (* Display the object's identity (an integer) and call a method. *)
  Printf.printf "%d %d\n" ( obj) (obj#at 1)

(* A module containing a class with data and a method. *)
module Human = struct
  class ['a] cannibal data = object
    val data : 'a list = data
    method at n = List.nth data n
let () =
  let obj = new Human.cannibal [3; 5] in
  Printf.printf "%d %d\n" ( obj) (obj#at 1)

(* Method calls are indicated by the '#' operator. *)
let encoded = obj#encode "data"

(* There is no notion of a class method in OCaml.
   Use a module-level function instead. *)
let encoded = Data.Encoder.encode "data"

(* Using the "class" keyword is much like defining a function. *)
class klass (initial_name : string) = object
  val mutable my_name = initial_name
  method name = my_name
  method set_name name = my_name <- name
let () =
  let obj = new klass "Class" in
  print_endline obj#name;
  obj#set_name "Clown";
  print_endline obj#name

(* Initialization can be performed prior to object creation. *)
class random n =
  let rng = Random.State.make_self_init () in
  method next () = rng n
let () =
  let r = new random 10 in
  Printf.printf "Three random numbers: %d, %d, %d.\n"
    (r#next ()) (r#next ()) (r#next ())

(* Initialization can also be performed after object creation.
   Note the "self" parameter, which can be used much like the
   "this" reference in other OO languages. *)
class late_initializer name = object (self)
  val my_name = name
  method prepare_name () = String.capitalize my_name
  initializer Printf.printf "%s is ready\n" (self#prepare_name ())
let obj = new late_initializer "object"

(* Methods are curried just like functions. This allows them to
   be used just like functions in many cases. It is customary for
   methods to take at least one argument (even if it is unit)
   unless they represent an object's attribute. *)
module Human = struct
  class cannibal (name : string) = object
    val mutable name = name
    method name = name
    method feed who = print_endline ("Feeding " ^ who)
    method move where = print_endline ("Moving to " ^ where)
    method die () = print_endline "Dying"
let () =
  let lector = new Human.cannibal "Hannibal" in
  let feed, move, die = lector#feed, lector#move, lector#die in
  Printf.printf "Cannibal's name is %s\n" lector#name;
  feed "Zak";
  move "New York";
  die ()

(* @@PLEAC@@_13.1 *)
#load "unix.cma";;

class klass args = object (self)
  val mutable start = 0.
  val mutable age = 0
  val extra = Hashtbl.create 0

  (* Private method to initialize fields. Sets start to
     the current time, and age to 0. If called with arguments,
     init interprets them as key+value pairs to initialize the
     hashtable "extra" with. *)
  method private init () =
    start <- Unix.time ();
      (fun (k, v) -> Hashtbl.replace extra k v)

    self#init ()

(* @@PLEAC@@_13.2 *)
(* The Gc.finalise function can be used to create finalizers,
   which are like destructors but run at garbage collection time,
   for any value, not just objects. You can still use a method if
   you want: *)

class klass =
object (self)
    Gc.finalise (fun self -> self#destroy ()) self
  method destroy () =
    Printf.printf "klass %d is dying\n" ( self)
let () =
  ignore (new klass);
  Gc.full_major ()

(* The "destroy" method above is public. If you want to keep it
   hidden, you can create a finalizer in a let-binding instead: *)

class klass =
  let destroy obj =
    Printf.printf "klass %d is dying\n" ( obj) in
object (self)
  initializer Gc.finalise destroy self

(* @@PLEAC@@_13.3 *)
(* Using a get and set method. *)
class person = object
  val mutable name = ""
  method name = name
  method set_name name' = name <- name'

(* Using a single method that does both get and set. *)
class person = object
  val mutable age = 0

  (* Unit argument required due to optional argument. *)
  method age ?set () =
    match set with Some age' -> (age <- age'; age) | None -> age

(* Sample call of get and set: happy birthday! *)
let () =
  let obj = new person in
  ignore (obj#age ~set:(obj#age () + 1) ())

(* This class converts input when the name is set. *)
#load "str.cma";;
class person =
  let funny_chars = Str.regexp ".*[^\n\r\t A-Za-z0-9'-]" in
  let numbers = Str.regexp ".*[0-9]" in
  let not_blank = Str.regexp ".*[^\n\r\t ]" in
  let multiword = Str.regexp ".*[^\n\r\t ]+[\n\r\t ]+[^\n\r\t ]" in
  val mutable name = ""
  method name = name
  method set_name name' =
    if Str.string_match funny_chars name' 0
    then failwith "funny characters in name"
    else if Str.string_match numbers name' 0
    then failwith "numbers in name"
    else if not (Str.string_match not_blank name' 0)
    then failwith "name is blank"
    else if not (Str.string_match multiword name' 0)
    then failwith "prefer multiword name"
    else name <- String.capitalize name'

(* A typical class with attributes and methods. *)
class person = object
  (* Instance variables *)
  val mutable name = ""
  val mutable age = 0
  val mutable peers = []

  (* Accessors *)
  method name = name
  method set_name name' = name <- name'
  method age = age
  method set_age age' = age <- age'
  method peers = peers
  method set_peers peers' = peers <- peers'

  (* Behavioral methods *)
  method exclaim () =
    Printf.sprintf "Hi, I'm %s age %d, working with %s"
      name age (String.concat ", " peers)
  method happy_birthday () =
    age <- age + 1

(* @@PLEAC@@_13.4 *)
(* There are no class methods in OCaml. Use a module instead. *)
module Person = struct
  let _body_count = ref 0
  let population () = !_body_count
  let destroy person = decr _body_count
  class person = object (self)
      incr _body_count;
      Gc.finalise destroy self

(* Later, the user can say this: *)
let () =
  let people = ref [] in
  for i = 1 to 10 do people := new Person.person :: !people done;
  Printf.printf "There are %d people alive.\n" (Person.population ())
  (* There are 10 people alive. *)

(* A class with an attribute that changes all instances when set. *)
module FixedArray = struct
  let _bounds = ref 7  (* default *)
  let max_bounds () = !_bounds
  let set_max_bounds max = _bounds := max
  class fixed_array = object
    method max_bounds = !_bounds
    method set_max_bounds bounds' = _bounds := bounds'
let () =
  (* Set for whole class *)
  FixedArray.set_max_bounds 100;
  let alpha = new FixedArray.fixed_array in
  Printf.printf "Bound on alpha is %d\n" alpha#max_bounds;
  (* 100 *)
  let beta = new FixedArray.fixed_array in
  beta#set_max_bounds 50;
  Printf.printf "Bound on alpha is %d\n" alpha#max_bounds;
  (* 50 *)

(* To make the bounds read only, just remove the set method. *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_13.5 *)
(* Immediate objects can be used like records, and their types are
   inferred automatically. Unlike with records, object fields names
   do not have to be unique to a module, which can be convenient. *)
let p = object
  method name = "Jason Smythe"
  method age = 13
  method peers = [| "Wilbur"; "Ralph"; "Fred" |]
(* val p : < age : int; name : string; peers : string array > = <obj> *)

(* Fetch various values, including the zeroth friend. *)
let () =
  Printf.printf "At age %d, %s's first friend is %s.\n"
    p#age p#name p#peers.(0)
(* At age 13, Jason Smythe's first friend is Wilbur. *)


(* Immediate objects can be nested. *)
let folks = object
  method head = object
    method name = "John"
    method age = 34
(* val folks : < head : < age : int; name : string > > = <obj> *)
let () =
  Printf.printf "%s's age is %d\n"
    folks#head#name folks#head#age
(* John's age is 34 *)


(* If you want to maintain an invariant, it's better to use a class. *)
exception Unreasonable_age of int
class person init_name init_age = object (self)
  val mutable name = ""
  val mutable age = 0
  method name = name
  method age = age
  method set_name name' = name <- name'
  method set_age age' =
    if age' > 150 then raise (Unreasonable_age age') else age <- age'
    self#set_name init_name;
    self#set_age init_age

(* @@PLEAC@@_13.6 *)
(* Objects can be cloned with Oo.copy. *)
let ob1 = new some_class
(* later on *)
let ob2 = Oo.copy ob1

(* Objects can also be cloned using the functional update syntax. *)
class person (name : string) (age : int) = object
  val name = name
  val age = age
  method name = name
  method age = age
  method with_name name' = {< name = name' >}
  method with_age age' = {< age = age' >}
  method copy () = {< >}

(* @@PLEAC@@_13.7 *)
(* Create a hashtable mapping method names to method calls. *)
let methods = Hashtbl.create 3
let () =
  Hashtbl.replace methods "run"   (fun obj -> obj#run ());
  Hashtbl.replace methods "start" (fun obj -> obj#start ());
  Hashtbl.replace methods "stop"  (fun obj -> obj#stop ())

(* Call the three methods on the object by name. *)
let () =
    (fun m -> (Hashtbl.find methods m) obj)
    ["start"; "run"; "stop"]

(* You can alias a method as long as it takes at least one argument. *)
let () =
  let meth = obj#run in
  (* ... *)
  meth ()

(* @@PLEAC@@_13.8 *)
(* OCaml has no runtime type information and therefore no "instanceof"
   operator. One alternative would be to provide methods to query for
   an object's class. *)
class widget (name : string) = object
  method name = name
  method is_widget = true
  method is_gadget = false
class gadget name = object
  inherit widget name
  method is_gadget = true

(* Another solution would be to use the visitor pattern. *)
class widget (name : string) = object (self)
  method name = name
  method accept (v : visitor) = v#visit_widget (self :> widget)
and gadget name = object (self)
  inherit widget name
  method accept (v : visitor) = v#visit_gadget (self :> gadget)
and visitor ~visit_widget ~visit_gadget = object
  method visit_widget = (visit_widget : widget -> unit)
  method visit_gadget = (visit_gadget : gadget -> unit)
let () =
  let visitor = new visitor
    ~visit_gadget: (fun gadget ->
                      Printf.printf "Found gadget: %s\n" gadget#name)
    ~visit_widget: (fun widget ->
                      Printf.printf "Found widget: %s\n" widget#name) in
    (fun obj -> obj#accept visitor)
    [new widget "a"; new gadget "b"; new widget "c"]

(* Yet another solution would be to rethink your design in terms of
   variants and pattern matching. *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_13.9 *)
class person = object (self)
  val mutable name = ""
  val mutable age = 0
  method name = name
  method age = age
  method set_name name' = name <- name'
  method set_age age' = age <- age'


let () =
  let dude = new person in
  dude#set_name "Jason";
  dude#set_age 23;
  Printf.printf "%s is age %d\n" dude#name dude#age


class employee = object (self)
  inherit person


let () =
  let empl = new employee in
  empl#set_name "Jason";
  empl#set_age 23;
  Printf.printf "%s is age %d\n" empl#name empl#age

(* @@PLEAC@@_13.10 *)
class person (name : string) (age : int) = object
  val mutable name = name
  val mutable age = age
  method name = name
  method age = age
  method set_name name' = name <- name'
  method set_age age' = age <- age'

class liar name age = object
  (* Call superclass constructor and alias superclass as "super". *)
  inherit person name age as super
  (* Call overridden "age" method. *)
  method age = super#age - 10

(* @@PLEAC@@_13.11 *)
(* Use Jacques Garrigue's pa_oo syntax extension, available at: *)

(*pp camlp4o pa_oo.cmo *)
class person () = object (self)
  val mutable name = "" with accessor
  val mutable age = 0 with accessor
  val mutable parent = None with reader
  method spawn () = {< parent = Some self >}

let () =
  let dad = new person () in
  dad#name <- "Jason";
  dad#age <- 23;
  let kid = dad#spawn () in
  kid#name <- "Rachel";
  kid#age <- 2;
  Printf.printf "Kid's parent is %s\n"
    (match kid#parent with
       | Some parent -> parent#name
       | None -> "unknown")

(* @@PLEAC@@_13.12 *)
(* Use prefixes in instance variable names so we can tell them apart. *)
class person () = object
  val mutable person_age = 0
  method age = person_age
  method set_age age' = person_age <- age'

(* Now we can access both instance variables as needed. *)
class employee () = object
  inherit person ()
  val mutable employee_age = 0
  method age = employee_age
  method set_age age' = employee_age <- age'
  method person_age = person_age
  method set_person_age age' = person_age <- age'

(* @@PLEAC@@_13.13 *)
(* OCaml features a generational garbage collector that can handle
   circular references, so you do not need to do anything special to
   safely dispose of circular data structures. The "DESTROY" method
   has been omitted from this translation since it is unnecessary.

   Option types are used heavily due to the imperative style of the
   original recipe, which makes this code somewhat verbose. *)

(* A polymorphic, circular data structure. *)
class ['a] ring () = object (self)
  val mutable dummy = (None : 'a ring_node option)
  val mutable count = 0

  (* Initialize dummy now that a reference to self is available. *)
    (let node = new ring_node () in
     node#set_prev (Some node);
     node#set_next (Some node);
     dummy <- Some node)

  (* Return the number of values in the ring. *)
  method count = count

  (* Insert a value into the ring structure. *)
  method insert value =
    let node = new ring_node () in
    node#set_value (Some value);
    (match dummy with
       | Some ring_dummy ->
           node#set_next ring_dummy#next;
           (match ring_dummy#next with
              | Some ring_dummy_next ->
                  ring_dummy_next#set_prev (Some node)
              | None -> assert false);
           ring_dummy#set_next (Some node);
           node#set_prev (Some ring_dummy);
           count <- count + 1
       | None -> assert false)

  (* Find a value in the ring. *)
  method search value =
    match dummy with
      | Some ring_dummy ->
          (match ring_dummy#next with
             | Some ring_dummy_next ->
                 let node = ref ring_dummy_next in
                 while !node != ring_dummy && !node#value <> (Some value)
                 do node :=
                   match !node#next with
                     | Some n -> n
                     | None -> assert false
             | None -> assert false)
      | None -> assert false

  (* Delete a node from the ring structure. *)
  method delete_node node =
    (match node#prev with
       | Some node_prev -> node_prev#set_next node#next
       | None -> assert false);
    (match node#next with
       | Some node_next -> node_next#set_prev node#prev
       | None -> assert false);
    count <- count - 1

  (* Delete a node from the ring structure by value. *)
  method delete_value value =
    let node = self#search value in
    match dummy with
      | Some ring_dummy when node != ring_dummy ->
          self#delete_node node
      | _ -> ()

(* A node in the ring structure which contains a polymorphic value. *)
and ['a] ring_node () = object
  val mutable prev = (None : 'a ring_node option)
  val mutable next = (None : 'a ring_node option)
  val mutable value = (None : 'a option)
  method prev = prev
  method next = next
  method value = value
  method set_prev prev' = prev <- prev'
  method set_next next' = next <- next'
  method set_value value' = value <- value'

(* @@PLEAC@@_13.14 *)
(* Create a class with "compare_to" and "to_string" methods. *)
class klass name idnum = object (self)
  val name = (name : string)
  val idnum = (idnum : int)

  method name = name
  method idnum = idnum

  method compare_to (other : klass) =
      (String.uppercase self#name)
      (String.uppercase other#name)

  method to_string =
    Printf.sprintf "%s (%05d)"
      (String.capitalize self#name)

(* Define a comparison operator that invokes a "compare_to" method. *)
let ( <=> ) o1 o2 = (o1 #compare_to o2 : int)

(* Demonstrate these two methods. *)
let () =
  let a = new klass "test1" 5 in
  let b = new klass "TEST2" 10 in
  Printf.printf "%d\n" (a <=> b);
  Printf.printf "%s\n%s\n" a#to_string b#to_string

(* Define a module to contain our time type. *)
module TimeNumber = struct

  (* TimeNumber.t contains the time values. *)
  class t hours minutes seconds = object (self)
    val mutable hours = (hours : int)
    val mutable minutes = (minutes : int)
    val mutable seconds = (seconds : int)

    method hours = hours
    method minutes = minutes
    method seconds = seconds

    method set_hours hours' = hours <- hours'
    method set_minutes minutes' = minutes <- minutes'
    method set_seconds seconds' = seconds <- seconds'

    (* TimeNumber.t#add adds two times together. *)
    method add (other : t) =
      let answer = new t
        (self#hours + other#hours)
        (self#minutes + other#minutes)
        (self#seconds + other#seconds) in
      if answer#seconds >= 60
      then (answer#set_seconds (answer#seconds mod 60);
            answer#set_minutes (answer#minutes + 1));
      if answer#minutes >= 60
      then (answer#set_minutes (answer#minutes mod 60);
            answer#set_hours (answer#hours + 1));

  (* TimeNumber.Operators is a submodule that is designed to be
     imported using "open". It redefines the built-in arithmetic
     operators to work on TimeNumber.t values. *)
  module Operators = struct
    let ( + ) (t1 : t) (t2 : t) = t1 #add t2
    (* let ( - ) (t1 : t) (t2 : t) = t1 #sub t2 *)
    (* let ( * ) (t1 : t) (t2 : t) = t1 #mult t2 *)
    (* let ( / ) (t1 : t) (t2 : t) = t1 #div t2 *)


(* Globally import the custom operators. This will make them work on
   TimeNumber.t values *only* - to do regular integer addition, you
   will now have to use Pervasives.( + ) and so on. *)
open TimeNumber.Operators
let () =
  let t1 = new TimeNumber.t 2 59 59 in
  let t2 = new TimeNumber.t 1 5 6 in
  let t3 = t1 + t2 in
  Printf.printf "%02d:%02d:%02d\n" t3#hours t3#minutes t3#seconds

(* Locally import the custom operators using a "let module". The
   operators will only be redefined within the "Local" module. *)
let () =
  let t1 = new TimeNumber.t 2 59 59 in
  let t2 = new TimeNumber.t 1 5 6 in
  let t3 =
    let module Local = struct
      open TimeNumber.Operators
      let result = t1 + t2
    end in Local.result in
  Printf.printf "%02d:%02d:%02d\n" t3#hours t3#minutes t3#seconds

(* The openin syntax extension can simplify the above technique.
   openin is available at *)
let () =
  let t1 = new TimeNumber.t 2 59 59 in
  let t2 = new TimeNumber.t 1 5 6 in
  let t3 = open TimeNumber.Operators in t1 + t2 in
  Printf.printf "%02d:%02d:%02d\n" t3#hours t3#minutes t3#seconds


(* show_strnum - demo operator overloading *)

class strnum value = object
  method value = value
  method spaceship (other : strnum) = compare value (other#value)
  method concat (other : strnum) = new strnum (value ^ other#value)
  method repeat n = new strnum (String.concat ""
                                  (Array.to_list (Array.make n value)))

let (  +  ) a b = a #concat b
let (  *  ) a b = a #repeat b
let ( <=> ) a b = a #spaceship b
let (  <  ) a b = a <=> b < 0
let ( <=  ) a b = a <=> b <= 0
let (  =  ) a b = a <=> b = 0
let ( >=  ) a b = a <=> b >= 0
let (  >  ) a b = a <=> b > 0


let x = new strnum "Red"
let y = new strnum "Black"
let z = x + y
let r = z * 3

let () =
  Printf.printf "values are %s, %s, %s, and %s\n"
    x#value y#value z#value r#value;
  Printf.printf "%s is %s %s\n"
    x#value (if x < y then "LT" else "GE") y#value

  values are Red, Black, RedBlack, and RedBlackRedBlackRedBlack
  Red is GE Black


(* demo_fixnum - show operator overloading *)

module FixNum = struct
  let default_places = ref 0
  class t ?places (value : float) = object
    val mutable places =
      match places with
        | Some n -> n
        | None -> !default_places
    val value = value
    method places = places
    method set_places n = places <- n
    method value = value
    method to_string = Printf.sprintf "FixNum.t: %.*f" places value

let ( + ) a b =
  new FixNum.t ~places:(max a#places b#places) (a#value +. b#value)
let ( - ) a b =
  new FixNum.t ~places:(max a#places b#places) (a#value -. b#value)
let ( * ) a b =
  new FixNum.t ~places:(max a#places b#places) (a#value *. b#value)
let ( / ) a b =
  new FixNum.t ~places:(max a#places b#places) (a#value /. b#value)


(* let () = FixNum.default_places := 5 *)

let x = new FixNum.t 40.
let y = new FixNum.t 12.

let () =
  Printf.printf "sum of %s and %s is %s\n"
    x#to_string y#to_string (x + y)#to_string;
  Printf.printf "product of %s and %s is %s\n"
    x#to_string y#to_string (x * y)#to_string

let z = x / y

let () =
  Printf.printf "%s has %d places\n" z#to_string z#places;
  if z#places = 0 then z#set_places 2;
  Printf.printf "div of %s by %s is %s\n"
    x#to_string y#to_string z#to_string;
  Printf.printf "square of that is %s\n" (z * z)#to_string

  sum of FixNum.t: 40 and FixNum.t: 12 is FixNum.t: 52
  product of FixNum.t: 40 and FixNum.t: 12 is FixNum.t: 480
  FixNum.t: 3 has 0 places
  div of FixNum.t: 40 by FixNum.t: 12 is FixNum.t: 3.33
  square of that is FixNum.t: 11.11

(* @@PLEAC@@_13.15 *)
(* OCaml does not have anything like Perl's "tie" feature; you can't
   make an identifier evaluate to anything other than itself. Since
   "tie" is just syntax sugar anyway, all of the examples can be done
   with regular classes and objects. *)

class ['a] value_ring values = object
  val mutable values = (values : 'a list)
  method get =
    match values with
      | h :: t -> values <- t @ [h]; h
      | [] -> raise Not_found
  method add value =
    values <- value :: values


let () =
  let colors = new value_ring ["red"; "blue"] in
  Printf.printf "%s %s %s %s %s %s\n"
    colors#get colors#get colors#get
    colors#get colors#get colors#get;
  (* blue red blue red blue red *)

  colors#add "green";
  Printf.printf "%s %s %s %s %s %s\n"
    colors#get colors#get colors#get
    colors#get colors#get colors#get
  (* blue red green blue red green *)


(* Magic hash that autoappends. *)

class ['a, 'b] append_hash size = object
  val hash = (Hashtbl.create size : ('a, 'b) Hashtbl.t)
  method get k = Hashtbl.find hash k
  method set k v =
    Hashtbl.replace hash k
      (try v :: Hashtbl.find hash k with Not_found -> [v])
  method each f = Hashtbl.iter f hash


let () =
  let tab = new append_hash 3 in
  tab#set "beer" "guinness";
  tab#set "food" "potatoes";
  tab#set "food" "peas";
    (fun k vs ->
       Printf.printf "%s => [%s]\n"
         k (String.concat " " (List.rev vs)))


  beer => [guinness]
  food => [potatoes peas]


(* For a more lightweight syntax, you can override the .{}
   operator--which normally works with Bigarrays--to work on
   any object with "get" and "set" methods. *)

module Bigarray = struct
  module Array1 = struct
    let get obj = obj#get
    let set obj = obj#set

let () =
  let tab = new append_hash 3 in
  tab.{"beer"} <- "guinness";
  tab.{"food"} <- "potatoes";
  tab.{"food"} <- "peas";
    (fun k vs ->
       Printf.printf "%s => [%s]\n"
         k (String.concat " " (List.rev vs)));
  print_endline (List.hd tab.{"beer"})


(* Hash that magically folds case. *)

class ['a] folded_hash size = object
  val hash = (Hashtbl.create size : (string, 'a) Hashtbl.t)
  method get k = Hashtbl.find hash (String.lowercase k)
  method set k v = Hashtbl.replace hash (String.lowercase k) v
  method each f = Hashtbl.iter f hash


let () =
  let tab = new folded_hash 2 in
  tab.{"VILLAIN"} <- "big ";
  tab.{"herOine"} <- "red riding hood";
  tab.{"villain"} <- tab.{"villain"} ^ "bad wolf";
  tab#each (Printf.printf "%s is %s\n")

  heroine is red riding hood
  villain is big bad wolf


(* Hash that permits key *or* value lookups. *)
class ['a] rev_hash size = object
  val hash = (Hashtbl.create size : ('a, 'a) Hashtbl.t)
  method get k = Hashtbl.find hash k
  method set k v =
    Hashtbl.replace hash k v;
    Hashtbl.replace hash v k
  method each f = Hashtbl.iter f hash


let () =
  let tab = new rev_hash 8 in
  tab.{`Str "Red"} <- `Str "Rojo";
  tab.{`Str "Blue"} <- `Str "Azul";
  tab.{`Str "Green"} <- `Str "Verde";
  tab.{`Str "EVIL"} <- `StrList [ "No way!"; "Way!!" ];
  let to_string = function
    | `Str s -> s
    | `StrList ss -> "[" ^ String.concat " " ss ^ "]" in
    (fun k v ->
       Printf.printf "%s => %s\n" (to_string k) (to_string v))

  Verde => Green
  Azul => Blue
  Green => Verde
  Blue => Azul
  Red => Rojo
  [No way! Way!!] => EVIL
  EVIL => [No way! Way!!]
  Rojo => Red


(* Simple counter. *)

class counter start = object
  val mutable value = (start : int)
  method next = value <- value + 1; value

let () =
  let c = new counter 0 in
  while true do
    Printf.printf "Got %d\n" c#next


(* Tee-like class that outputs to multiple channels at once. *)

class tee channels = object
  method print s = List.iter (fun ch -> output_string ch s) channels

let () =
  let tee = new tee [stdout; stderr] in
  tee#print "This line goes to both places.\n";
  flush_all ()

let () =
  let tee = new tee
    (stdout ::
          (Array.init 10
             (fun _ ->
                snd (Filename.open_temp_file "teetest." ""))))) in
  tee#print "This lines goes many places.\n";
  flush_all ()

(* @@PLEAC@@_14.0 *)
(* OCaml's standard library includes bindings to the NDBM database.
   Bindings to other database systems can be found on the web. *)




(* @@PLEAC@@_14.1 *)
#load "dbm.cma";;

(* open database *)
let db = Dbm.opendbm filename [Dbm.Dbm_rdwr; Dbm.Dbm_create] 0o666

(* retrieve from database *)
let v = Dbm.find db key

(* put value into database *)
let () = Dbm.replace db key value

(* check whether in database *)
let () =
    ignore (Dbm.find db key);
    (* ... *)
  with Not_found ->
    (* ... *)

(* delete from database *)
let () = Dbm.remove db key

(* close the database *)
let () = Dbm.close db


(* userstats - generates statistics on who is logged in. *)
(* call with an argument to display totals *)

#load "dbm.cma";;
#load "str.cma";;
#load "unix.cma";;

let db_file = "/tmp/userstats.db"  (* where data is kept between runs *)
let db = Dbm.opendbm db_file [Dbm.Dbm_rdwr; Dbm.Dbm_create] 0o666

let () =
  if Array.length Sys.argv > 1
      let sort a = Array.sort compare a; a in
      let keys db = Array.of_list
        (let accu = ref [] in
         Dbm.iter (fun key _ -> accu := key :: !accu) db;
         !accu) in
      let users = Array.sub Sys.argv 1 (Array.length Sys.argv - 1) in
      let users = if users = [|"ALL"|] then sort (keys db) else users in
        (fun user ->
           Printf.printf "%s\t%s\n"
             user (try Dbm.find db user with Not_found -> ""))
      let who = Unix.open_process_in "who" in
      let regexp = Str.regexp "[ \t]+" in
        while true do
          (* extract username (first thing on the line) and update *)
          let line = input_line who in
          let user = List.hd (Str.split_delim regexp line) in
          let count =
            try int_of_string (Dbm.find db user)
            with Not_found -> 0 in
          Dbm.replace db user (string_of_int (count + 1))
      with End_of_file ->
        ignore (Unix.close_process_in who)

let () = Dbm.close db

(* @@PLEAC@@_14.2 *)
let () =
  let db = Dbm.opendbm filename [Dbm.Dbm_rdwr; Dbm.Dbm_create] 0o666 in
    let keys = ref [] in
    Dbm.iter (fun key _ -> keys := key :: !keys) db;
    List.iter (Dbm.remove db) !keys;
    Dbm.close db


let () =
  Sys.remove filename;
  ignore (Dbm.opendbm filename [Dbm.Dbm_rdwr; Dbm.Dbm_create] 0o666)

(* @@PLEAC@@_14.3 *)
(* OCaml does not come with support for any DBM-style databases other
   than NDBM, and no third-party libraries appear to be available. *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_14.4 *)
let () = Dbm.iter (Dbm.replace output) input


let () =
    (fun key value ->
         let existing = Dbm.find output key value in
         (* decide which value to use and replace if necessary *)
       with Not_found ->
         Dbm.replace output key value)

(* @@PLEAC@@_14.5 *)
(* dblockdemo - demo locking dbm databases *)
(* Thanks to Janne Hellsten for posting sample code on caml-list! *)

#load "dbm.cma";;
#load "unix.cma";;

let db_file = "/tmp/foo.db"
let lock_file = "/tmp/foo.lock"

let key = try Sys.argv.(1) with Invalid_argument _ -> "default"
let value = try Sys.argv.(2) with Invalid_argument _ -> "magic"
let value = value ^ " " ^ (string_of_int (Unix.getpid ()))

let finally handler f x =
  let result = try f x with e -> handler (); raise e in handler (); result

let create_lock name =
  if not (Sys.file_exists name) then
    let out_channel = open_out name in close_out out_channel

let with_lock name command f =
  create_lock name;
  let fd = Unix.openfile name [Unix.O_RDWR] 0o660 in
    (fun () -> Unix.close fd)
    (fun () -> Unix.lockf fd command 0; f ()) ()

let create_db name =
  if not (Sys.file_exists (name ^ ".dir")) then
    let db = Dbm.opendbm name [Dbm.Dbm_rdwr; Dbm.Dbm_create] 0o660 in
    Dbm.close db

let () =
  create_db db_file;

  let do_read () =
    let db = Dbm.opendbm db_file [Dbm.Dbm_rdonly] 0o660 in
    Printf.printf "%d: Read lock granted\n" (Unix.getpid ());
    flush stdout;
    let oldval = try Dbm.find db key with Not_found -> "" in
    Printf.printf "%d: Old value was %s\n" (Unix.getpid ()) oldval;
    flush stdout;
    Dbm.close db in

  let do_write () =
    let db = Dbm.opendbm db_file [Dbm.Dbm_rdwr] 0o660 in
    Printf.printf "%d: Write lock granted\n" (Unix.getpid ());
    flush stdout;
    Dbm.replace db key value;
    Unix.sleep 10;
    Dbm.close db in

      with_lock lock_file Unix.F_TRLOCK do_read;
    with Unix.Unix_error (error, "lockf", _) ->
      Printf.printf "%d: CONTENTION; can't read during write update! \
                         Waiting for read lock (%s) ...\n"
        (Unix.getpid ()) (Unix.error_message error);
      flush stdout;
      with_lock lock_file Unix.F_RLOCK do_read

      with_lock lock_file Unix.F_TLOCK do_write;
    with Unix.Unix_error (error, "lockf", _) ->
      Printf.printf "%d: CONTENTION; must have exclusive lock! \
                         Waiting for write lock (%s) ...\n"
        (Unix.getpid ()) (Unix.error_message error);
      flush stdout;
      with_lock lock_file Unix.F_LOCK do_write

  Printf.printf "%d: Updated db to %s=%s\n" (Unix.getpid ()) key value

(* @@PLEAC@@_14.6 *)
(* OCaml's Dbm module does not provide any mechanism for a custom
   comparison function. If you need the keys in a particular order
   you can load them into memory and use List.sort, Array.sort, or
   a Set. This may not be practical for very large data sets. *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_14.7 *)
let with_lines_in_file name f =
  if not (Sys.file_exists name)
  then (let out_channel = open_out name in close_out out_channel);

  let in_channel = open_in name in
  let in_lines = ref [] in
      while true do
        in_lines := input_line in_channel :: !in_lines
    with End_of_file ->
      close_in in_channel

  let out_lines = f (List.rev !in_lines) in
  let out_channel = open_out name in
    (fun line ->
       output_string out_channel line;
       output_string out_channel "\n")
  flush out_channel;
  close_out out_channel

let () =
  (* first create a text file to play with *)
  with_lines_in_file "/tmp/textfile"
    (fun lines ->
       ["zero"; "one"; "two"; "three"; "four"]);

  with_lines_in_file "/tmp/textfile"
    (fun lines ->
       (* print the records in order. *)
       print_endline "ORIGINAL\n";
       Array.iteri (Printf.printf "%d: %s\n") (Array.of_list lines);

       (* operate on the end of the list *)
       let lines = List.rev lines in
       let a = List.hd lines in
       let lines = List.rev ("last" :: lines) in
       Printf.printf "\nThe last record was [%s]\n" a;

       (* and the beginning of the list *)
       let a = List.hd lines in
       let lines = "first" :: ( lines) in
       Printf.printf "\nThe first record was [%s]\n" a;

       (* remove the record "four" *)
       let lines =
         List.filter (function "four" -> false | _ -> true) lines in

       (* replace the record "two" with "Newbie" *)
       let lines = (function "two" -> "Newbie" | x -> x) lines in

       (* add a new record after "first" *)
       let lines =
           (fun x a ->
              if x = "first"
              then x :: "New One" :: a
              else x :: a)
           lines [] in

       (* now print the records in reverse order *)
       print_endline "\nREVERSE\n";
       List.iter print_string
                  (fun i line -> Printf.sprintf "%d: %s\n" i line)
                  (Array.of_list lines))));

       (* return the new list, which will be written back to the file *)


0: zero
1: one
2: two
3: three
4: four

The last record was [four]

The first record was [zero]


5: last
4: three
3: Newbie
2: one
1: New One
0: first

(* @@PLEAC@@_14.8 *)
(* OCaml includes a Marshal module which does binary serialization and
   deserialization of arbitrary data structures. However, it is not
   type-safe, so coding errors can result in segmentation faults.

   One way to eliminate this risk is to use functors. The following
   example builds a functor called "MakeSerializedDbm" which extends
   the Dbm module to provide type-safe serialization of values using
   a user-defined method such as (but not limited to) Marshal. *)

#load "dbm.cma";;

(* This module type defines a serialization method. It contains a type
   and functions to convert values of that type to and from strings. *)
module type SerializedDbmMethod =
  type value
  val serialize : value -> string
  val deserialize : string -> value

(* This module type defines an enhanced Dbm interface that includes a
   type for values to be used instead of strings. *)
module type SerializedDbm =
  type t
  type value
  val opendbm : string -> Dbm.open_flag list -> int -> t
  val close : t -> unit
  val find : t -> string -> value
  val add : t -> string -> value -> unit
  val replace : t -> string -> value -> unit
  val remove : t -> string -> unit
  val firstkey : t -> string
  val nextkey : t -> string
  val iter : (string -> value -> 'a) -> t -> unit

(* Here is the functor itself. It takes a SerializedDbmMethod as an
   argument and returns a SerializedDbm module instance as a result.
   It is defined mainly in terms of Dbm, with a few overridden
   definitions where the value type is needed. *)
module MakeSerializedDbm (Method : SerializedDbmMethod)
  : SerializedDbm with type value = Method.value =
  include Dbm
  type value = Method.value
  let find db key = Method.deserialize (find db key)
  let add db key value = add db key (Method.serialize value) 
  let replace db key value = replace db key (Method.serialize value)
  let iter f db = iter (fun key value -> f key (Method.deserialize value)) db

(* Now, we can easily build typed Dbm interfaces by providing the type
   and conversion functions. In this case, we use Marshal, but we could
   also use other string-based serialization formats like JSON or XML. *)
module StringListDbm =
                      type value = string list
                      let serialize x = Marshal.to_string x []
                      let deserialize x = Marshal.from_string x 0

let db = StringListDbm.opendbm "data.db" [Dbm.Dbm_rdwr; Dbm.Dbm_create] 0o666
let () =
  StringListDbm.replace db "Tom Christiansen"
    [ "book author"; "" ];
  StringListDbm.replace db "Tom Boutell"
    [ "shareware author"; "" ];

  (* names to compare *)
  let name1 = "Tom Christiansen" in
  let name2 = "Tom Boutell" in

  let tom1 = StringListDbm.find db name1 in
  let tom2 = StringListDbm.find db name2 in

  let show strings =
    "[" ^ (String.concat "; "
             ( (fun s -> "\"" ^ s ^ "\"") strings)) ^ "]" in
  Printf.printf "Two Toming: %s %s\n" (show tom1) (show tom2)

(* @@PLEAC@@_14.9 *)
type data = {mutable variable1: string; mutable variable2: string}

module PersistentStore =
                      type value = data
                      let serialize x = Marshal.to_string x []
                      let deserialize x = Marshal.from_string x 0

let with_persistent_data f =
  let db =
    PersistentStore.opendbm "data.db" [Dbm.Dbm_rdwr; Dbm.Dbm_create] 0o666 in
  let data =
    try PersistentStore.find db "data"
    with Not_found -> {variable1=""; variable2=""} in
  f data;
  PersistentStore.replace db "data" data
  PersistentStore.close db

let () =
    (fun data ->
         Printf.printf "variable1 = %s\nvariable2 = %s\n"
           data.variable1 data.variable2;
         data.variable1 <- "foo";
         data.variable2 <- "bar";

(* @@PLEAC@@_14.10 *)
(* This example uses OCaml DBI, a component of the mod_caml web development
   library that provides a database abstraction API very similar to that of
   Perl DBI. It is available for download here:

   Drivers for particular databases are listed in the introduction. *)

#load "nums.cma";;
#directory "+num-top";;
#load "num_top.cma";;

#directory "+mysql";;
#load "mysql.cma";;

#directory "+dbi";;
#load "dbi.cma";;
#load "dbi_mysql.cmo";;

(* With dbi installed via findlib, the above can be shortened to:

   #use "topfind";;
   #require "dbi.mysql";;

let () =
  let dbh =
      "database" in

  let _ = dbh#ex sql [] in

  let sth = dbh#prepare sql in
  sth#execute [];
    (fun row ->
       print_endline (Dbi.sdebug row);
       (* ... *)

  sth#finish ();
  dbh#close ()


(* dbusers - manage MySQL user table *)

(* This example uses the Mysql module directly rather than going through
   OCaml DBI. See the introduction for a link to the Mysql library. *)

#load "unix.cma";;
#directory "+mysql";;
#load "mysql.cma";;

let () =
  let db =
      ~database:"dbname" () in

  ignore (Mysql.exec db "CREATE TABLE users (uid INT, login CHAR(8))");

  let passwd = open_in "/etc/passwd" in
      while true do
        let line = input_line passwd in
        let user = String.sub line 0 (String.index line ':') in
        let {Unix.pw_uid=uid; pw_name=name} = Unix.getpwnam user in
        let sql =
          Printf.sprintf "INSERT INTO users VALUES( %s, %s )"
            (Mysql.ml2int uid)
            (Mysql.ml2str name) in
        ignore (Mysql.exec db sql)
    with End_of_file ->
      close_in passwd

  ignore (Mysql.exec db "DROP TABLE users");

  Mysql.disconnect db

(* @@PLEAC@@_14.11 *)
(* Search the history using the Places SQLite database, new in Firefox 3.
   Pattern-matching uses simple substrings, but it could be expanded to use
   Str or Pcre by installing a user-defined function. *)

#directory "+sqlite3";;
#load "sqlite3.cma";;
#load "unix.cma";;

type history = { visit_date :;
                 url        : string;
                 title      : string; }

let days = [| "Sun"; "Mon"; "Tue"; "Wed"; "Thu"; "Fri"; "Sat" |]
let months = [| "Jan"; "Feb"; "Mar"; "Apr"; "May"; "Jun";
                "Jul"; "Aug"; "Sep"; "Oct"; "Nov"; "Dec" |]

let string_of_tm tm =
  Printf.sprintf "%s %s %2d %02d:%02d:%02d %04d"
    (tm.Unix.tm_year + 1900)

let tm_of_micros micros =
  let time = float_of_string micros /. 1000000. in
  Unix.localtime time

let () =
  if Array.length Sys.argv < 2 then
      Printf.printf "Usage: %s path/to/places.sqlite [pattern]\n"
      exit 0

let file =
  if Array.length Sys.argv > 1 then Sys.argv.(1) else "places.sqlite"

let pattern =
  if Array.length Sys.argv > 2 then Some Sys.argv.(2) else None

let db = Sqlite3.db_open file

let sql =
    "SELECT   visit_date, url, title
     FROM     moz_places p
     JOIN     moz_historyvisits v
     ON = v.place_id
     ORDER BY visit_date DESC"
    (match pattern with
       | None -> ""
       | Some s ->
           (Printf.sprintf "WHERE url LIKE '%%%s%%' OR title LIKE '%%%s%%'"
              s s))

let data = ref []

let res =
  Sqlite3.exec_not_null_no_headers db
    ~cb:(fun row ->
           data := {visit_date = tm_of_micros row.(0);
                    url = row.(1);
                    title = row.(2)} :: !data) sql

let () =
  match res with
    | Sqlite3.Rc.OK ->
          (fun history ->
             Printf.printf "[%s] %s \"%s\"\n"
               (string_of_tm history.visit_date)
    | r ->
        Printf.eprintf "%s: %s\n"
          (Sqlite3.Rc.to_string r)
          (Sqlite3.errmsg db)

(* @@PLEAC@@_15.1 *)
let verbose = ref false
let debug = ref false
let output = ref ""

let () =
      "-v", Arg.Set verbose, "Verbose mode";
      "-D", Arg.Set debug, "Debug mode";
      "-o", Arg.Set_string output, "Specify output file";
    (fun s ->
       raise (Arg.Bad (Printf.sprintf "unexpected argument `%s'" s)))
    (Printf.sprintf "Usage: %s [-v] [-d] [-o file]" Sys.argv.(0))

let () =
  if !verbose then print_endline "Verbose mode";
  if !debug then print_endline "Debug mode";
  if !output <> "" then print_endline ("Writing output to " ^ !output);

(* @@PLEAC@@_15.2 *)
#load "unix.cma";;

let i_am_interactive () =
  Unix.isatty Unix.stdin && Unix.isatty Unix.stdout

let () =
    while true do
      if i_am_interactive ()
      then print_string "Prompt: ";
      let line = read_line () in
      if line = "" then raise End_of_file;
      (* do something with the line *)
  with End_of_file -> ()

(* @@PLEAC@@_15.3 *)
#load "unix.cma";;

(* Run the clear command to clear the screen. *)
let () = ignore (Sys.command "clear")

(* Save the output to a string to avoid running a process each time. *)
let clear =
    let proc = Unix.open_process_in "clear" in
      let chars = input_line proc in
      ignore (Unix.close_process_in proc);
    with e -> ignore (Unix.close_process_in proc); ""
  with _ -> ""
let () = print_string clear

(* @@PLEAC@@_15.4 *)
#load "unix.cma";;

(* UNIX only, due to "stty". *)
let get_terminal_size () =
  let in_channel = Unix.open_process_in "stty size" in
        Scanf.fscanf in_channel "%d %d"
          (fun rows cols ->
             ignore (Unix.close_process_in in_channel);
             (rows, cols))
      with End_of_file ->
        ignore (Unix.close_process_in in_channel);
        (0, 0)
  with e ->
    ignore (Unix.close_process_in in_channel);
    raise e

(* Display a textual bar chart as wide as the console. *)
let () =
  let (height, width) = get_terminal_size () in
  if width < 10
  then (prerr_endline "You must have at least 10 characters";
        exit 255);
  let max_value = List.fold_left max 0.0 values in
  let ratio = (float width -. 10.0) /. max_value in
    (fun value ->
       Printf.printf "%8.1f %s\n"
         (String.make (int_of_float (ratio *. value)) '*'))

(* @@PLEAC@@_15.5 *)
(* Requires the ANSITerminal library by Christophe Troestler,
   available at *)

#load "ANSITerminal.cma";;
open ANSITerminal

let () =
  print_string [red] "Danger Will Robinson!\n";
  print_string [] "This is just normal text.\n";
  print_string [Blink] "<BLINK>Do you hurt yet?</BLINK>\n"


let () =
  set_autoreset false;
  (* rhyme for the deadly coral snake *)
  print_string [red; on_black] "venom lack\n";
  print_string [red; on_yellow] "kill that fellow\n";
  print_string [green; on_cyan; Blink] "garish!\n";
  print_string [Reset] ""


let () =
  set_autoreset true;
    (print_string [red; on_white; Bold; Blink])
    ["This way\n";
     "each line\n";
     "has its own\n";
     "attribute set.\n"]

(* @@PLEAC@@_15.6 *)
#load "unix.cma";;

let with_cbreak f x =
  let term_init = Unix.tcgetattr Unix.stdin in
  let term_cbreak = { term_init with Unix.c_icanon = false } in
  Unix.tcsetattr Unix.stdin Unix.TCSANOW term_cbreak;
    let result = f x in
    Unix.tcsetattr Unix.stdin Unix.TCSADRAIN term_init;
  with e ->
    Unix.tcsetattr Unix.stdin Unix.TCSADRAIN term_init;
    raise e

let key = with_cbreak input_char stdin


(* sascii - Show ASCII values for keypresses *)
let sascii () =
  while true do
    let char = Char.code (input_char stdin) in
    Printf.printf " Decimal: %d\tHex: %x\n" char char;
    flush stdout
let () =
    "Press keys to see their ASCII values.  Use Ctrl-C to quit.";
  with_cbreak sascii ()

(* @@PLEAC@@_15.7 *)
(* OCaml doesn't recognize '\a'; instead use '\007'. *)
let () = print_endline "\007Wake up!"

(* Use the "tput" command to produce a visual bell. *)
let () = ignore (Sys.command "tput flash")

(* @@PLEAC@@_15.8 *)
(* demo POSIX termios *)

#load "unix.cma";;

let uncontrol c =
  if c >= '\128' && c <= '\255'
  then Printf.sprintf "M-%c" (Char.chr (Char.code c land 127))
  else if (c >= '\000' && c < '\031') || c = '\127'
  then Printf.sprintf "^%c" (Char.chr (Char.code c lxor 64))
  else String.make 1 c

let term = Unix.tcgetattr Unix.stdin
let erase = term.Unix.c_verase
let kill = term.Unix.c_vkill

let () =
  Printf.printf "Erase is character %d, %s\n"
    (Char.code erase)
    (uncontrol erase);
  Printf.printf "Kill is character %d, %s\n"
    (Char.code kill)
    (uncontrol kill)

let () =
  term.Unix.c_verase <- '#';
  term.Unix.c_vkill <- '@';
  Unix.tcsetattr Unix.stdin Unix.TCSANOW term;
  Printf.printf "erase is #, kill is @; type something: %!";
  let line = input_line stdin in
  Printf.printf "You typed: %s\n" line;
  term.Unix.c_verase <- erase;
  term.Unix.c_vkill <- kill;
  Unix.tcsetattr Unix.stdin Unix.TCSANOW term


module HotKey :
  val cbreak : unit -> unit
  val cooked : unit -> unit
  val readkey : unit -> char
end =
  open Unix

  let oterm = {(tcgetattr stdin) with c_vtime = 0}
  let noecho = {oterm with
                  c_vtime = 1;
                  c_echo = false;
                  c_echok = false;
                  c_icanon = false}

  let cbreak () = tcsetattr stdin TCSANOW noecho
  let cooked () = tcsetattr stdin TCSANOW oterm

  let readkey () =
    cbreak ();
    let key = input_char (Pervasives.stdin) in
    cooked ();

  let () = cooked ()

(* @@PLEAC@@_15.9 *)
#load "unix.cma";;

let () =
  Unix.set_nonblock Unix.stdin;
    let char = with_cbreak input_char stdin in
    (* input was waiting and it was char *)
  with Sys_blocked_io ->
    (* no input was waiting *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_15.10 *)
#load "unix.cma";;

(* Thanks to David Mentre, Remi Vanicat, and David Brown's posts on
   caml-list. Works on Unix only, unfortunately, due to tcsetattr. *)
let read_password () =
  let term_init = Unix.tcgetattr Unix.stdin in
  let term_no_echo = { term_init with Unix.c_echo = false } in
  Unix.tcsetattr Unix.stdin Unix.TCSANOW term_no_echo;
    let password = read_line () in
    print_newline ();
    Unix.tcsetattr Unix.stdin Unix.TCSAFLUSH term_init;
  with e ->
    Unix.tcsetattr Unix.stdin Unix.TCSAFLUSH term_init;
    raise e

let () =
  print_string "Enter your password: ";
  let password = read_password () in
  Printf.printf "You said: %s\n" password

(* @@PLEAC@@_15.11 *)
(* ledit is a pure-OCaml readline clone by Daniel de Rauglaudre.
   Source is available here:

   It is designed to be used as a command-line wrapper, but it
   can also be embedded in another program by building it normally
   and copying cursor.cmo, ledit.cmi, ledit.cmo, and ledit.mli into
   your project.

   A guide to compiling and embedding ledit can be found on the
   OCaml Tutorial Wiki:
   At present, this guide applies to ledit 1.11. This recipe uses
   ledit 1.15, which is slightly different due to the addition of
   Unicode support (Ledit.input_char now returns a string instead
   of a char). *)

#load "unix.cma";;
#load "cursor.cmo";;
#load "ledit.cmo";;

let readline prompt =
  Ledit.set_prompt prompt;
  let buffer = Buffer.create 256 in
  let rec loop = function
    | "\n" ->
        Buffer.contents buffer
    | string ->
        Buffer.add_string buffer string;
        loop (Ledit.input_char stdin) in
  loop (Ledit.input_char stdin)

let () =
  let prompt = "Prompt: " in
  let line = readline prompt in
  Printf.printf "You said: %s\n" line


(* If you would prefer to use the real GNU Readline library, you can use
  camlidl to generate an interface to it. Here's a basic readline.idl: *)

quote(c, "#include <stdio.h>");
quote(c, "#include <readline/readline.h>");
quote(c, "#include <readline/history.h>");

[string, unique] char * readline ([string, unique] const char *prompt)
    quote(dealloc, "free(_res);");

void add_history ([string] const char *string);

(* And here is a test program: *)

let () =
  while true do
    Printf.printf "You said: %s\n%!"
      (match Readline.readline (Some "Prompt: ") with
         | Some s -> Readline.add_history s; s
         | None -> exit 0)


(* vbsh - very bad shell *)
let () =
    while true do
      let cmd = readline "$ " in
        match Unix.system cmd with
          | Unix.WEXITED _ -> ()
          | Unix.WSIGNALED signal_num ->
              Printf.printf "Program killed by signal %d\n"
          | Unix.WSTOPPED signal_num ->
              Printf.printf "Program stopped by signal %d\n"
      flush stdout
  with End_of_file -> ()

(* @@PLEAC@@_15.12 *)
(* rep - screen repeat command *)

#load "unix.cma";;

(* *)
#directory "+curses";;
#load "curses.cma";;

let timeout = 10.0

let (timeout, command) =
  match Array.length Sys.argv with
    | 0 | 1 -> (timeout, [| |])
    | len ->
        if Sys.argv.(1) <> "" && Sys.argv.(1).[0] = '-'
        then (float_of_string
                (String.sub Sys.argv.(1)
                   1 (String.length Sys.argv.(1) - 1)),
              Array.sub Sys.argv 2 (len - 2))
        else (timeout, Array.sub Sys.argv 1 (len - 1))

let () =
  if Array.length command = 0
  then (Printf.printf "usage: %s [ -timeout ] cmd args\n" Sys.argv.(0);
        exit 255)

let window = Curses.initscr ()          (* start screen *)
let _ = Curses.noecho ()
let _ = Curses.cbreak ()
let _ = Curses.nodelay window true      (* so getch() is non-blocking *)

let done' s _ = Curses.endwin (); print_endline s; exit 0
let () = Sys.set_signal Sys.sigint (Sys.Signal_handle (done' "Ouch!"))

let cols, lines = Curses.getmaxyx window

let days = [| "Sun"; "Mon"; "Tue"; "Wed"; "Thu"; "Fri"; "Sat" |]
let months = [| "Jan"; "Feb"; "Mar"; "Apr"; "May"; "Jun";
                "Jul"; "Aug"; "Sep"; "Oct"; "Nov"; "Dec" |]

let format_time time =
  let tm = Unix.localtime time in
  Printf.sprintf "%s %s %2d %02d:%02d:%02d %04d"
    (tm.Unix.tm_year + 1900)

let time = fst (Unix.mktime {Unix.tm_sec=50; tm_min=45; tm_hour=3;
                             tm_mday=18; tm_mon=0; tm_year=73;
                             tm_wday=0; tm_yday=0; tm_isdst=false})

let () =
  while true do
    let key = ref (-1) in
    while key := Curses.getch (); !key <> -1 do
      if !key = Char.code 'q' then done' "See ya" ()

    let in_channel =
      Unix.open_process_in (String.concat " " (Array.to_list command)) in
        for i = 0 to lines - 1 do
          let line = input_line in_channel in
          ignore (Curses.mvaddstr i 0 line);

          Curses.standout ();
          ignore (Curses.mvaddstr (lines - 1) (cols - 24)
                    (format_time (Unix.time ())));
          Curses.standend ();

          ignore (Curses.move 0 0);
          ignore (Curses.refresh ());
        ignore (Unix.close_process_in in_channel)
      with End_of_file ->
        ignore (Unix.close_process_in in_channel)

    ignore ( [Unix.stdin] [] [] timeout)


let err = Curses.keypad window true     (* enable keypad mode *)
let key = Curses.getch ()
let () =
  if (key = (Char.code 'k') ||          (* vi mode *)
      key = 16 ||                       (* emacs mode *)
      key = Curses.Key.up)              (* arrow mode *)
      (* do something *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_15.13 *)
(* Use perl4caml to integrate OCaml with Perl: *)
#directory "+perl";;
#load "perl4caml.cma";;

(* Wrap the needed functionality from CPAN's Expect module: *)
module Expect = struct
  open Perl
  let _ = eval "use Expect"

  exception Error of string

  type match_pattern = Ex of string | Re of string

  class expect () = object (self)
    val sv = call_class_method "Expect" "new" []

    method log_stdout =
      bool_of_sv (call_method sv "log_stdout" [])

    method set_log_stdout bool =
      ignore (call_method sv "log_stdout" [sv_of_bool bool])

    method spawn command parameters =
      let result =
        call_method sv "spawn"
          (sv_of_string command :: sv_of_string parameters) in
      if not (bool_of_sv result)
      then raise (Error (string_of_sv (eval "$!")))

    method expect timeout match_patterns =
      let svs_of_pattern = function
        | Ex s -> [sv_of_string "-ex"; sv_of_string s]
        | Re s -> [sv_of_string "-re"; sv_of_string s] in
      let timeout =
        match timeout with
          | Some i -> sv_of_int i
          | None -> sv_undef () in
      let result =
        call_method sv "expect"
          (timeout ::
             List.flatten ( svs_of_pattern match_patterns)) in
      if sv_is_undef result
      then None
      else Some (int_of_sv result - 1)

    method send string =
      ignore (call_method sv "send" [sv_of_string string])

    method soft_close () =
      ignore (call_method sv "soft_close" [])

    method hard_close () =
      ignore (call_method sv "hard_close" [])

  let spawn command parameters =
    let exp = new expect () in
    exp#spawn command parameters;

(* start the program *)
let command =
  try Expect.spawn "program to run" ["arg 1"; "arg 2"]
  with Expect.Error e ->
    Printf.eprintf "Couldn't start program: %s\n%!" e;
    exit 1

let () =
  (* prevent the program's output from being shown on our stdout *)
  command#set_log_stdout false;

  (* wait 10 seconds for "login:" to appear *)
  if command#expect (Some 10) [Expect.Ex "login"] = None
  then failwith "timed out";

  (* wait 20 seconds for something that matches /[Pp]assword: ?/ *)
  if command#expect (Some 20) [Expect.Re "[Pp]assword: ?"] = None
  then failwith "timed out";

  (* wait forever for "invalid" to appear *)
  if command#expect None [Expect.Ex "invalid"] = None
  then failwith "error occurred; the program probably went away";

  (* send "Hello, world" and a carriage return to the program *)
  command#send "Hello, world\r";

  (* if the program will terminate by itself, finish up with *)
  command#soft_close ();

  (* if the program must be explicitly killed, finish up with *)
  command#hard_close ()

(* wait for multiple strings *)
let () =
  match command#expect (Some 30)
    [Expect.Ex "invalid"; Expect.Ex "succes";
     Expect.Ex "error"; Expect.Ex "boom"] with
      | Some which ->
          (* found one of those strings *)
      | None ->

(* @@PLEAC@@_15.14 *)
(* LablTk is included in the OCaml standard library. *)
#directory "+labltk";;
#load "labltk.cma";;

open Tk

let main = openTk ()

(* Create a horizontal space at the top of the window for the
   menu to live in. *)
let menubar = Frame.create ~relief:`Raised ~borderwidth:2 main
let () = pack ~anchor:`Nw ~fill:`X [menubar]

(* Create a button labeled "File" that brings up a menu *)
let file_menubutton = Menubutton.create ~text:"File" ~underline:1 menubar
let () = pack ~side:`Left [file_menubutton]

(* Create entries in the "File" menu *)
let file_menu = Menu.create file_menubutton
let () = Menubutton.configure ~menu:file_menu file_menubutton
let () = Menu.add_command ~label:"Print" ~command:print file_menu
let () = Menu.add_command ~label:"Save" ~command:save file_menu


(* Create a menu item using an anonymous callback *)
let () =
    ~label:"Quit Immediately"
    ~command:(fun () -> exit 0)


(* Add a separator (a horizontal line) to the menu *)
let () = Menu.add_separator file_menu


(* Create a checkbutton menu item *)
let debug = Textvariable.create ~on:options_menu ()
let () =
    ~label:"Create Debugging File"


(* Create radiobutton menu items *)
let log_level = Textvariable.create ~on:options_menu ()
let () =
    ~label:"Level 1"
let () =
    ~label:"Level 2"
let () =
    ~label:"Level 3"


(* Create a nested menu *)
let font_menu = Menu.create format_menubutton
let () = Menu.add_cascade ~label:"Font" ~menu:font_menu format_menu
let font_name = Textvariable.create ~on:font_menu ()
let () =
let () =
    ~label:"Times Roman"


(* To disable tearoffs, use ~tearoff:false when calling Menu.create *)
let font_menu = Menu.create ~tearoff:false format_menubutton


(* Start the Tk event loop and display the interface *)
let () = Printexc.print mainLoop ()

(* @@PLEAC@@_15.15 *)
(* Tk::DialogBox is a CPAN module that replaces Tk's standard Dialog
   widget with one that can be customized with additional inputs. To
   get this effect in OCaml would require translating the whole CPAN
   module; instead, for this simple example, we will use the built-in
   Dialog. *)

#directory "+labltk";;
#load "labltk.cma";;

open Tk

let main = openTk ()

let dialog =
    ~title:"Register This Program"
    ~buttons:["Register"; "Cancel"]

let () =
  match dialog () with
    | 0 -> print_endline "Register"
    | 1 -> print_endline "Cancel"
    | _ -> failwith "this shouldn't happen"

let () = Printexc.print mainLoop ()


(* Normally, uncaught exceptions are printed to standard error. However,
   by overriding the "camlcb" callback, a custom error handler can be
   installed which creates dialogs instead. *)

#directory "+labltk";;
#load "labltk.cma";;

open Tk

let main = openTk ()

let show_error =
  let dialog =
      ~parent:main in
  fun message -> ignore (dialog ~message ())

(* Override the "camlcb" callback. Note that this is an undocumented
   feature that relies on some internals of Labltk. *)
let () =
  Callback.register "camlcb"
    (fun id args ->
       try (Hashtbl.find Protocol.callback_naming_table id) args
       with e -> show_error (Printexc.to_string e))

let make_error () = failwith "This is an error"

let button1 =
  Button.create ~text:"Make An Error" ~command:make_error main
let () = pack ~side:`Left [button1]

let button2 =
  Button.create ~text:"Quit" ~command:(fun () -> exit 0) main
let () = pack ~side:`Left [button2]

let () = Printexc.print mainLoop ()

(* @@PLEAC@@_15.16 *)
open Tk

let main = openTk ()

(* Prevent the user from resizing the window. *)
let () =
  bind main
    ~action:(fun _ ->
               let width = Winfo.width main in
               let height = Winfo.height main in
               Wm.minsize_set main width height;
               Wm.maxsize_set main width height)

(* Or, use pack to control how widgets are resized. *)
let () = pack ~fill:`Both ~expand:true [widget]
let () = pack ~fill:`X ~expand:true [widget]

(* Make the main area expand horizontally and vertically. *)
let () = pack ~fill:`Both ~expand:true [mainarea]

(* Make the menu bar only expand horizontally. *)
let () = pack ~fill:`X ~expand:true [menubar]

(* Anchor the menu bar to the top-left corner. *)
let () = pack ~fill:`X ~expand:true ~anchor:`Nw [menubar]

(* @@PLEAC@@_15.17 *)
(* Use Harry Chomsky's from the OCaml-Win32 project:

   Compile your program using the native compiler and run mkwinapp.exe
   on the result. *)

C:\MyProg> ocamlopt -o myprog.exe
C:\MyProg> ocamlopt unix.cmxa -o mkwinapp.exe
C:\MyProg> mkwinapp myprog.exe

(* Now you can run "myprog" and you won't get a console window. *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_15.18 *)

#directory "+curses";;
#load "curses.cma";;
#load "unix.cma";;

let delay = 0.005

(* Bounce lines around the screen until the user interrupts with
   Ctrl-C. *)
let zip () =
  Curses.clear ();
  let maxcol, maxrow = Curses.get_size () in

  let chars = ref ['*'; '-'; '/'; '|'; '\\'; '_'] in
  let circle () = chars := !chars @ [List.hd !chars] in

  let row, col = ref 0, ref 0 in
  let row_sign, col_sign = ref 1, ref 1 in

  while true do
    ignore (Curses.mvaddch !col !row (Char.code (List.hd !chars)));
    ignore (Curses.refresh ());
    (try ignore ( [] [] [] delay) with _ -> ());
    row := !row + !row_sign;
    col := !col + !col_sign;
    if !row = maxrow then (row_sign := -1; circle ())
    else if !row = 0 then (row_sign :=  1; circle ());
    if !col = maxcol then (col_sign := -1; circle ())
    else if !col = 0 then (col_sign :=  1; circle ())

let () =
  ignore (Curses.initscr ());
  at_exit Curses.endwin;
  zip ()

(* @@PLEAC@@_15.19 *)
(* tkshufflepod - reorder =head1 sections in a pod file *)
#directory "+labltk";;
#load "labltk.cma";;

open Tk

(* Custom text viewer widget. *)

class viewer parent =
  let toplevel = Toplevel.create parent in
  let frame = Frame.create toplevel in
  let text = Text.create ~width:80 ~height:30 ~state:`Disabled frame in
  let vscroll = Scrollbar.create ~orient:`Vertical frame in

object (self)
    self#hide ();
    Text.configure ~yscrollcommand:(Scrollbar.set vscroll) text;
    Scrollbar.configure ~command:(Text.yview text) vscroll;
    pack ~side:`Right ~fill:`Y [vscroll];
    pack ~side:`Left ~fill:`Both ~expand:true [text];
    pack ~side:`Right ~fill:`Both ~expand:true [frame];
    Wm.protocol_set toplevel "WM_DELETE_WINDOW" self#hide

  method show () = Wm.deiconify toplevel; raise_window toplevel
  method hide () = Wm.withdraw toplevel

  method set_title = Wm.title_set toplevel
  method set_body body =
    Text.configure ~state:`Normal text;
    Text.delete ~start:(`Atxy (0, 0), []) ~stop:(`End, []) text;
    Text.insert ~index:(`End, []) ~text:body text;
    Text.configure ~state:`Disabled text

(* Give list references a similar interface to Tk
   listbox widgets so we can keep the two in sync. *)

let listref_get listref index =
  match index with
    | `Num i -> List.nth !listref i
    | _ -> failwith "listref_get"

let listref_delete listref index =
  match index with
    | `Num i ->
        let rec loop current list =
          match list with
            | head :: tail when current = i -> loop (current + 1) tail
            | head :: tail -> head :: loop (current + 1) tail
            | [] -> [] in
        listref := loop 0 !listref
    | _ -> failwith "listref_delete"

let listref_insert listref index elt =
  match index with
    | `Num i ->
        let rec loop current list =
          match list with
            | head :: tail when current = i ->
                elt :: head :: loop (current + 1) tail
            | head :: [] when current = i - 1 -> head :: [elt]
            | head :: tail -> head :: loop (current + 1) tail
            | [] -> [] in
        listref := loop 0 !listref
    | _ -> failwith "listref_insert"

(* Use a line stream to produce a stream of POD chunks. *)

let line_stream_of_channel channel =
    (fun _ -> try Some (input_line channel) with End_of_file -> None)

let pod_stream_of_channel channel =
  let lines = line_stream_of_channel channel in
  let is_head s = String.length s >= 6 && String.sub s 0 6 = "=head1" in
  let rec next pod_head pod_lines i =
    match Stream.peek lines, pod_head, pod_lines with
      | None, "", _ ->
          (* EOF, no POD found, return EOF *)
      | None, _, _ ->
          (* EOF, POD found, return POD *)
          Some (pod_head, List.rev pod_lines)
      | Some head, "", _ when is_head head ->
          (* Head found *)
          Stream.junk lines;
          next head [] i
      | _, "", _ ->
          (* No head found, keep looking *)
          Stream.junk lines;
          next "" [] i
      | Some head, _, _ when is_head head ->
          (* Next head found, return POD *)
          Some (pod_head, List.rev pod_lines)
      | Some line, _, _ ->
          (* Line found, buffer and continue reading *)
          Stream.junk lines;
          next pod_head (line :: pod_lines) i in
  Stream.from (next "" [])

(* Read the POD file into memory, and split it into sections. *)

let podfile =
  if Array.length Sys.argv < 2
  then "-"
  else Sys.argv.(1)

let sections = ref []

(* Turn !sections into a list of (text, head) pairs. *)

let () =
  let channel = if podfile = "-" then stdin else open_in podfile in
    (fun (head, lines) ->
       sections := (String.concat "\n" lines, head) :: !sections)
    (pod_stream_of_channel channel);
  sections := List.rev !sections;
  close_in channel

(* Fire up Tk and display the list of sections. *)
let main = openTk ()
let listbox = Listbox.create ~width:60 main
let dragging = ref None

(* Singleton viewer instance. *)
let viewer = new viewer main

(* Called when the user clicks on an item in the Listbox. *)
let down event =
  dragging := Some (Listbox.nearest listbox event.ev_MouseY)

(* Called when the user releases the mouse button in the Listbox. *)
let up event =
  dragging := None

(* Called when the user moves the mouse in the Listbox. *)
let move event =
  let dest = Listbox.nearest listbox event.ev_MouseY in
  match !dragging with
    | Some src when src <> dest ->
        let elt = listref_get sections src in
        listref_delete sections src;
        listref_insert sections dest elt;
        let elt = Listbox.get listbox src in
        Listbox.delete listbox ~first:src ~last:src;
        Listbox.insert listbox ~index:dest ~texts:[elt];
        dragging := Some dest
    | _ -> ()

(* Called to save the list of sections. *)
let save event =
  let channel = if podfile = "-" then stdout else open_out podfile in
    (fun (text, head) ->
       output_string channel head;
       output_string channel "\n";
       output_string channel text;
       output_string channel "\n";
       flush channel)
  if podfile <> "-" then close_out channel

(* Called to display the widget.  Uses the viewer widget. *)
let view event =
  dragging := None; (* cancel drag *)
    (fun (`Num i) ->
       let (text, head) = List.nth !sections i in
       viewer#set_title head;
       viewer#set_body (head ^ "\n" ^ text);
       viewer#show ())
    (Listbox.curselection listbox)

let () =
  pack ~expand:true ~fill:`Both [listbox];

    (fun (text, title) -> Listbox.insert listbox `End [title])

  (* Permit dragging by binding to the Listbox widget. *)
  bind ~events:[`ButtonPress] ~fields:[`MouseY] ~action:down listbox;
  bind ~events:[`ButtonRelease] ~action:up listbox;
  bind ~events:[`Motion] ~fields:[`MouseY] ~action:move listbox;

  (* Permit viewing by binding double-click. *)
  bind ~events:[`Modified ([`Double], `ButtonRelease)] ~action:view listbox;

  (* 'q' quits and 's' saves *)
  bind ~events:[`KeyPressDetail "s"] ~action:save main;
  bind ~events:[`KeyPressDetail "q"] ~action:(fun _ -> exit 0) main;

  Printexc.print mainLoop ()

(* @@PLEAC@@_16.1 *)
(* Process support is mostly in the "unix" library. *)
#load "unix.cma";;

(* Run a command and return its results as a string. *)
let read_process command =
  let buffer_size = 2048 in
  let buffer = Buffer.create buffer_size in
  let string = String.create buffer_size in
  let in_channel = Unix.open_process_in command in
  let chars_read = ref 1 in
  while !chars_read <> 0 do
    chars_read := input in_channel string 0 buffer_size;
    Buffer.add_substring buffer string 0 !chars_read
  ignore (Unix.close_process_in in_channel);
  Buffer.contents buffer

(* Run a command and return its results as a list of strings,
   one per line. *)
let read_process_lines command =
  let lines = ref [] in
  let in_channel = Unix.open_process_in command in
      while true do
        lines := input_line in_channel :: !lines
    with End_of_file ->
      ignore (Unix.close_process_in in_channel)
  List.rev !lines

(* Example: *)
let output_string = read_process "program args"
let output_lines = read_process_lines "program args"


(* Create a pipe for the subprocess output. *)
let readme, writeme = Unix.pipe ()

(* Launch the program, redirecting its stdout to the pipe.
   By calling Unix.create_process, we can avoid running the
   command through the shell. *)
let () =
  let pid = Unix.create_process
    program [| program; arg1; arg2 |]
    Unix.stdin writeme Unix.stderr in
  Unix.close writeme;
  let in_channel = Unix.in_channel_of_descr readme in
  let lines = ref [] in
      while true do
        lines := input_line in_channel :: !lines
    with End_of_file -> ()
  Unix.close readme;
  List.iter print_endline (List.rev !lines)

(* @@PLEAC@@_16.2 *)
(* Run a simple command and retrieve its result code. *)
let status = Sys.command ("vi " ^ myfile)


(* Use the shell to perform redirection. *)
let _ = Sys.command "cmd1 args | cmd2 | cmd3 >outfile"
let _ = Sys.command "cmd args <infile >outfile 2>errfile"


(* Run a command, handling its result code or signal. *)
#load "unix.cma";;
let () =
  match Unix.system command with
    | Unix.WEXITED status ->
        Printf.printf "program exited with status %d\n" status
    | Unix.WSIGNALED signal ->
        Printf.printf "program killed by signal %d\n" signal
    | Unix.WSTOPPED signal ->
        Printf.printf "program stopped by signal %d\n" signal


(* Run a command while blocking interrupt signals. *)
#load "unix.cma";;
let () =
  match Unix.fork () with
    | 0 ->
        (* child ignores INT and does its thing *)
        Sys.set_signal Sys.sigint Sys.Signal_ignore;
        Unix.execv "/bin/sleep" [| "/bin/sleep"; "10" |]
    | pid ->
        (* parent catches INT and berates user *)
        Sys.set_signal Sys.sigint
            (fun _ -> print_endline "Tsk tsk, no process interruptus"));
        let running = ref true in
        while !running do
          try (ignore (Unix.waitpid [] pid); running := false)
          with Unix.Unix_error _ -> ()
        Sys.set_signal Sys.sigint Sys.Signal_default


(* Run a command with a different name in the process table. *)
#load "unix.cma";;
let shell = "/bin/tcsh"
let () =
  match Unix.fork () with
    | 0 -> Unix.execv shell [| "-csh" |] (* pretend it's a login shell *)
    | pid -> ignore (Unix.waitpid [] pid)

(* @@PLEAC@@_16.3 *)
#load "unix.cma";;
(* Transfer control to the shell to run another program. *)
let () = Unix.execv "/bin/sh" [| "/bin/sh"; "-c"; "archive *.data" |]
(* Transfer control directly to another program in the path. *)
let () = Unix.execvp "archive" [| "archive"; "" |]

(* @@PLEAC@@_16.4 *)
#load "unix.cma";;


(* Handle each line in the output of a process. *)
let () =
  let readme = Unix.open_process_in "program arguments" in
  let rec loop line =
    (* ... *)
    loop (input_line readme) in
  try loop (input_line readme)
  with End_of_file -> ignore (Unix.close_process_in readme)


(* Write to the input of a process. *)
let () =
  let writeme = Unix.open_process_out "program arguments" in
  output_string writeme "data\n";
  ignore (Unix.close_process_out writeme)


(* Wait for a process to complete. *)
let () =
  (* child goes to sleep *)
  let f = Unix.open_process_in "sleep 100000" in
  (* and parent goes to lala land *)
  ignore (Unix.close_process_in f);
  ignore (Unix.wait ())


let () =
  let writeme = Unix.open_process_out "program args" in
  (* program will get hello\n on STDIN *)
  output_string writeme "hello\n";
  (* program will get EOF on STDIN *)
  ignore (Unix.close_process_out writeme)


(* Redirect standard output to the pager. *)
let () =
  let pager =
    try Sys.getenv "PAGER" (* XXX: might not exist *)
    with Not_found -> "/usr/bin/less" in
  let reader, writer = Unix.pipe () in
  match Unix.fork () with
    | 0 ->
        Unix.close writer;
        Unix.dup2 reader Unix.stdin;
        Unix.close reader;
        Unix.execvp pager [| pager |]
    | pid ->
        Unix.close reader;
        Unix.dup2 writer Unix.stdout;
        Unix.close writer

(* Do something useful that writes to standard output, then
   close the stream and wait for the pager to finish. *)
let () =
  (* ... *)
  close_out stdout;
  ignore (Unix.wait ())

(* @@PLEAC@@_16.5 *)
#load "unix.cma";;

(* Fork a process that calls f to post-process standard output. *)
let push_output_filter f =
  let reader, writer = Unix.pipe () in
  match Unix.fork () with
    | 0 ->
        Unix.close writer;
        Unix.dup2 reader Unix.stdin;
        Unix.close reader;
        f ();
        exit 0
    | pid ->
        Unix.close reader;
        Unix.dup2 writer Unix.stdout;
        Unix.close writer

(* Only display a certain number of lines of output. *)
let head ?(lines=20) () =
    (fun () ->
       let lines = ref lines in
         while !lines > 0 do
           print_endline (read_line ());
           decr lines
       with End_of_file -> ())

(* Prepend line numbers to each line of output. *)
let number () =
    (fun () ->
       let line_number = ref 0 in
         while true do
           let line = read_line () in
           incr line_number;
           Printf.printf "%d: %s\n" !line_number line
       with End_of_file -> ())

(* Prepend "> " to each line of output. *)
let quote () =
    (fun () ->
         while true do
           let line = read_line () in
           Printf.printf "> %s\n" line
       with End_of_file -> ())

let () =
  head ~lines:100 ();  (* push head filter on STDOUT *)
  number ();           (* push number filter on STDOUT *)
  quote ();            (* push quote filter on STDOUT *)

  (* act like /bin/cat *)
      while true do
        print_endline (read_line ())
    with End_of_file -> ()

  (* tell kids we're done--politely *)
  close_out stdout;
  ignore (Unix.waitpid [] (-1));
  exit 0

(* @@PLEAC@@_16.6 *)
#load "unix.cma";;
#load "str.cma";;

(* Tagged filename or URL type. *)
type filename =
  | Uncompressed of string
  | Compressed of string
  | URL of string

(* try/finally-like construct to ensure we dispose of resources properly. *)
let finally handler f x =
  let result = try f x with e -> handler (); raise e in handler (); result

(* Call f with an in_channel given a tagged filename. If the filename is
   tagged Uncompressed, open it normally. If it is tagged Compressed then
   pipe it through gzip. If it is tagged URL, pipe it through "lynx -dump".
   Ensure that the channel is closed and any created processes have
   terminated before returning. As a special case, a filename of
   Uncompressed "-" will result in stdin being passed, and no channel
   will be closed. *)
let with_in_channel filename f =
  let pipe_input args f =
    let reader, writer = Unix.pipe () in
    let pid =
      Unix.create_process args.(0) args Unix.stdin writer Unix.stderr in
    Unix.close writer;
    let in_channel = Unix.in_channel_of_descr reader in
      (fun () -> close_in in_channel; ignore (Unix.waitpid [] pid))
      f in_channel in
  match filename with
    | Uncompressed "-" ->
        f stdin
    | Uncompressed filename ->
        let in_channel = open_in filename in
          (fun () -> close_in in_channel)
          f in_channel
    | Compressed filename ->
        pipe_input [| "gzip"; "-dc"; filename |] f
    | URL url ->
        pipe_input [| "lynx"; "-dump"; url |] f

(* Return true if the string s starts with the given prefix. *)
let starts_with s prefix =
  try Str.first_chars s (String.length prefix) = prefix
  with Invalid_argument _ -> false

(* Return true if the string s ends with the given suffix. *)
let ends_with s suffix =
  try Str.last_chars s (String.length suffix) = suffix
  with Invalid_argument _ -> false

(* Return true if the string s contains the given substring. *)
let contains s substring =
  try ignore (Str.search_forward (Str.regexp_string substring) s 0); true
  with Not_found -> false

(* Tag the filename depending on its contents or extension. *)
let tag_filename filename =
  if contains filename "://"
  then URL filename
  else if List.exists (ends_with filename) [".gz"; ".Z"]
  then Compressed filename
  else Uncompressed filename

(* Process a tagged filename. *)
let process filename =
    (fun in_channel ->
         while true do
           let line = input_line in_channel in
           (* ... *)
       with End_of_file -> ())

(* Parse the command-line arguments and process each file or URL. *)
let () =
  let args =
    if Array.length Sys.argv > 1
    then ( (Array.to_list Sys.argv))
    else ["-"] in
  List.iter process ( tag_filename args)

(* @@PLEAC@@_16.7 *)
#load "unix.cma";;

(* Read STDERR and STDOUT at the same time. *)
let () =
  let ph = Unix.open_process_in "cmd 2>&1" in
  while true do
    let line = input_line ph in
    (* ... *)


(* Read STDOUT and discard STDERR. *)
let output = read_process "cmd 2>/dev/null"
(* or *)
let () =
  let ph = Unix.open_process_in "cmd 2>/dev/null" in
  while true do
    let line = input_line ph in
    (* ... *)


(* Read STDERR and discard STDOUT. *)
let output = read_process "cmd 2>&1 1>/dev/null"
(* or *)
let () =
  let ph = Unix.open_process_in "cmd 2>&1 1>/dev/null" in
  while true do
    let line = input_line ph in
    (* ... *)


(* Swap STDOUT with STDERR and read original STDERR. *)
let output = read_process "cmd 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-"
(* or *)
let () =
  let ph = Unix.open_process_in "cmd 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-" in
  while true do
    let line = input_line ph in
    (* ... *)


(* Redirect STDOUT and STDERR to temporary files. *)
let () =
       "program args 1>/tmp/program.stdout 2>/tmp/program.stderr")


(* If the following redirections were done in OCaml... *)
let output = read_process "cmd 3>&1 1>&2 2>&3 3>&-"

(* ...they would look something like this: *)
let fd3 = fd1
let fd1 = fd2
let fd2 = fd3
let fd3 = undef


(* Send STDOUT and STDERR to a temporary file. *)
let () = ignore (Sys.command "prog args 1>tmpfile 2>&1")

(* Send STDOUT to a temporary file and redirect STDERR to STDOUT. *)
let () = ignore (Sys.command "prog args 2>&1 1>tmpfile")


(* If the following redirections were done in OCaml... *)
let () = ignore (Sys.command "prog args 1>tmpfile 2>&1")

(* ...they would look something like this: *)
let fd1 = "tmpfile"       (* change stdout destination first *)
let fd2 = fd1             (* now point stderr there, too *)


(* If the following redirections were done in OCaml... *)
let () = ignore (Sys.command "prog args 2>&1 1>tmpfile")

(* ...they would look something like this: *)
let fd2 = fd1             (* stderr same destination as stdout *)
let fd1 = "tmpfile"       (* but change stdout destination  *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_16.8 *)
#load "unix.cma";;

let () =
  let (readme, writeme) = Unix.open_process program in
  output_string writeme "here's your input\n";
  close_out writeme;
  let output = input_line readme in
  ignore (Unix.close_process (readme, writeme))

(* @@PLEAC@@_16.9 *)
#load "unix.cma";;
let () =
  let proc =
      ("(" ^ cmd ^ " | sed -e 's/^/stdout: /' ) 2>&1") in
    while true do
      let line = input_line proc in
      if String.length line >= 8
        && String.sub line 0 8 = "stdout: "
      then Printf.printf "STDOUT: %s\n"
        (String.sub line 8 (String.length line - 8))
      else Printf.printf "STDERR: %s\n" line
  with End_of_file ->
    ignore (Unix.close_process_in proc)


(* cmd3sel - control all three of kids in, out, and error. *)
#load "unix.cma";;

let cmd = "grep vt33 /none/such - /etc/termcap"
let cmd_out, cmd_in, cmd_err = Unix.open_process_full cmd [| |]

let () =
  output_string cmd_in "This line has a vt33 lurking in it\n";
  close_out cmd_in;
  let cmd_out_descr = Unix.descr_of_in_channel cmd_out in
  let cmd_err_descr = Unix.descr_of_in_channel cmd_err in
  let selector = ref [cmd_err_descr; cmd_out_descr] in
  while !selector <> [] do
    let can_read, _, _ = !selector [] [] 1.0 in
      (fun fh ->
           if fh = cmd_err_descr
           then Printf.printf "STDERR: %s\n" (input_line cmd_err)
           else Printf.printf "STDOUT: %s\n" (input_line cmd_out)
         with End_of_file ->
           selector := List.filter (fun fh' -> fh <> fh') !selector)
  ignore (Unix.close_process_full (cmd_out, cmd_in, cmd_err))

(* @@PLEAC@@_16.10 *)
(* pipe1 - use pipe and fork so parent can send to child *)
#load "unix.cma"
open Unix

let reader, writer = pipe ()

let () =
  match fork () with
    | 0 ->
        close writer;
        let input = in_channel_of_descr reader in
        let line = input_line input in
        Printf.printf "Child Pid %d just read this: `%s'\n" (getpid ()) line;
        close reader;  (* this will happen anyway *)
        exit 0
    | pid ->
        close reader;
        let output = out_channel_of_descr writer in
        Printf.fprintf output "Parent Pid %d is sending this\n" (getpid ());
        flush output;
        close writer;
        ignore (waitpid [] pid)


(* pipe2 - use pipe and fork so child can send to parent *)
#load "unix.cma"
open Unix

let reader, writer = pipe ()

let () =
  match fork () with
    | 0 ->
        close reader;
        let output = out_channel_of_descr writer in
        Printf.fprintf output "Child Pid %d is sending this\n" (getpid ());
        flush output;
        close writer;  (* this will happen anyway *)
        exit 0
    | pid ->
        close writer;
        let input = in_channel_of_descr reader in
        let line = input_line input in
        Printf.printf "Parent Pid %d just read this: `%s'\n" (getpid ()) line;
        close reader;
        ignore (waitpid [] pid)


(* pipe3 and pipe4 demonstrate the use of perl's "forking open" feature to
 * reimplement pipe1 and pipe2. Since OCaml does not support such a feature,
 * these are skipped here. *)


(* pipe5 - bidirectional communication using two pipe pairs
           designed for the socketpair-challenged *)
#load "unix.cma"
open Unix

let parent_rdr, child_wtr = pipe ()
let child_rdr, parent_wtr = pipe ()

let () =
  match fork () with
    | 0 ->
        close child_rdr;
        close child_wtr;
        let input = in_channel_of_descr parent_rdr in
        let output = out_channel_of_descr parent_wtr in
        let line = input_line input in
        Printf.printf "Child Pid %d just read this: `%s'\n" (getpid ()) line;
        Printf.fprintf output "Child Pid %d is sending this\n" (getpid ());
        flush output;
        close parent_rdr;
        close parent_wtr;
        exit 0
    | pid ->
        close parent_rdr;
        close parent_wtr;
        let input = in_channel_of_descr child_rdr in
        let output = out_channel_of_descr child_wtr in
        Printf.fprintf output "Parent Pid %d is sending this\n" (getpid());
        flush output;
        let line = input_line input in
        Printf.printf "Parent Pid %d just read this: `%s'\n" (getpid ()) line;
        close child_rdr;
        close child_wtr;
        ignore (waitpid [] pid)


(* pipe6 - bidirectional communication using socketpair
           "the best ones always go both ways" *)
#load "unix.cma"
open Unix

let child, parent = socketpair PF_UNIX SOCK_STREAM 0

let () =
  match fork () with
    | 0 ->
        close child;
        let input = in_channel_of_descr parent in
        let output = out_channel_of_descr parent in
        let line = input_line input in
        Printf.printf "Child Pid %d just read this: `%s'\n" (getpid ()) line;
        Printf.fprintf output "Child Pid %d is sending this\n" (getpid ());
        flush output;
        close parent;
        exit 0
    | pid ->
        close parent;
        let input = in_channel_of_descr child in
        let output = out_channel_of_descr child in
        Printf.fprintf output "Parent Pid %d is sending this\n" (getpid ());
        flush output;
        let line = input_line input in
        Printf.printf "Parent Pid %d just read this: `%s'\n" (getpid ()) line;
        close child;
        ignore (waitpid [] pid)


(* Simulating a pipe using a socketpair. *)
let reader, writer = socketpair PF_UNIX SOCK_STREAM 0 in
shutdown reader SHUTDOWN_SEND;      (* no more writing for reader *)
shutdown writer SHUTDOWN_RECEIVE;   (* no more reading for writer *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_16.11 *)
% mkfifo /path/to/named.pipe


let () =
  let fifo = open_in "/path/to/named.pipe" in
    while true do
      let line = input_line fifo in
      Printf.printf "Got: %s\n" line
  with End_of_file ->
    close_in fifo


let () =
  let fifo = open_out "/path/to/named.pipe" in
  output_string fifo "Smoke this.\n";
  close_out fifo


% mkfifo ~/.plan                    # isn't this everywhere yet?
% mknod  ~/.plan p                  # in case you don't have mkfifo


(* dateplan - place current date and time in .plan file *)
#load "unix.cma";;
let () =
  while true do
    let home = Unix.getenv "HOME" in
    let fifo = open_out (home ^ "/.plan") in
    Printf.fprintf fifo "The current time is %s\n"
      (format_time (Unix.time ()));
    close_out fifo;
    Unix.sleep 1


(* fifolog - read and record log msgs from fifo *)
#load "unix.cma";;

let fifo = ref None

let handle_alarm signal =
  match !fifo with
    | Some channel ->
        (* move on to the next queued process *)
        close_in channel;
        fifo := None
    | None -> ()

let () =
  Sys.set_signal Sys.sigalrm (Sys.Signal_handle handle_alarm)

let read_fifo () =
    match !fifo with
      | Some channel -> Some (input_line channel)
      | None -> None
    | End_of_file ->
    | Sys_error e ->
        Printf.eprintf "Error reading fifo: %s\n%!" e;
        fifo := None;

let days = [| "Sun"; "Mon"; "Tue"; "Wed"; "Thu"; "Fri"; "Sat" |]
let months = [| "Jan"; "Feb"; "Mar"; "Apr"; "May"; "Jun";
                "Jul"; "Aug"; "Sep"; "Oct"; "Nov"; "Dec" |]

let format_time time =
  let tm = Unix.localtime time in
  Printf.sprintf "%s %s %2d %02d:%02d:%02d %04d"
    (tm.Unix.tm_year + 1900)

let () =
  while true do
    (* turn off alarm for blocking open *)
    ignore (Unix.alarm 0);
      try fifo := Some (open_in "/tmp/log")
      with Sys_error e ->
        Printf.eprintf "Can't open /tmp/log: %s\n%!" e;
        exit 1

    (* you have 1 second to log *)
    ignore (Unix.alarm 1);

    let service = read_fifo () in
    let message = read_fifo () in

    (* turn off alarms for message processing *)
    ignore (Unix.alarm 0);

      match service, message with
        | None, _ | _, None ->
            (* interrupted or nothing logged *)
        | Some service, Some message ->
            if service = "http"
            then () (* ignoring *)
            else if service = "login"
                (* log to /tmp/login *)
                  let log =
                      [Open_wronly; Open_creat; Open_append]
                      "/tmp/login" in
                  Printf.fprintf log "%s %s %s\n%!"
                    (format_time (Unix.time ())) service message;
                  close_out log
                with Sys_error e ->
                  Printf.eprintf "Couldn't log %s %s to /tmp/login: %s\n%!"
                    service message e

(* @@PLEAC@@_16.12 *)
(* OCaml does not currently support SysV IPC. *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_16.13 *)
% echo 'module M = Sys;;' | ocaml | grep 'val sig'
    val sigabrt : int
    val sigalrm : int
    val sigfpe : int
    val sighup : int
    val sigill : int
    val sigint : int
    val sigkill : int
    val sigpipe : int
    val sigquit : int
    val sigsegv : int
    val sigterm : int
    val sigusr1 : int
    val sigusr2 : int
    val sigchld : int
    val sigcont : int
    val sigstop : int
    val sigtstp : int
    val sigttin : int
    val sigttou : int
    val sigvtalrm : int
    val sigprof : int

% grep -A1 'val sig' sys.mli
val sigabrt : int
(** Abnormal termination *)
val sigalrm : int
(** Timeout *)
val sigfpe : int
(** Arithmetic exception *)
val sighup : int
(** Hangup on controlling terminal *)
val sigill : int
(** Invalid hardware instruction *)
val sigint : int
(** Interactive interrupt (ctrl-C) *)
val sigkill : int
(** Termination (cannot be ignored) *)
val sigpipe : int
(** Broken pipe *)
val sigquit : int
(** Interactive termination *)
val sigsegv : int
(** Invalid memory reference *)
val sigterm : int
(** Termination *)
val sigusr1 : int
(** Application-defined signal 1 *)
val sigusr2 : int
(** Application-defined signal 2 *)
val sigchld : int
(** Child process terminated *)
val sigcont : int
(** Continue *)
val sigstop : int
(** Stop *)
val sigtstp : int
(** Interactive stop *)
val sigttin : int
(** Terminal read from background process *)
val sigttou : int
(** Terminal write from background process *)
val sigvtalrm : int
(** Timeout in virtual time *)
val sigprof : int
(** Profiling interrupt *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_16.14 *)
#load "unix.cma";;
let () =
  (* send pid a signal 9 *)
  Unix.kill pid 9;
  (* send whole job a signal 1 *)
  Unix.kill pgrp (-1);
  (* send myself a SIGUSR1 *)
  Unix.kill (Unix.getpid ()) Sys.sigusr1;
  (* send a SIGHUP to processes in pids *)
  List.iter (fun pid -> Unix.kill pid Sys.sighup) pids


(* Use kill with pseudo-signal 0 to see if process is alive. *)
let () =
    Unix.kill minion 0;
    Printf.printf "%d is alive!\n" minion
    | Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EPERM, _, _) -> (* changed uid *)
        Printf.printf "%d has escaped my control!\n" minion
    | Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ESRCH, _, _) ->
        Printf.printf "%d is deceased.\n" (* or zombied *) minion
    | e ->
        Printf.printf "Odd; I couldn't check on the status of %d: %s\n"
          (Printexc.to_string e)

(* @@PLEAC@@_16.15 *)
let () =
  (* call got_sig_quit for every SIGQUIT *)
  Sys.set_signal Sys.sigquit (Sys.Signal_handle got_sig_quit);
  (* call got_sig_pipe for every SIGPIPE *)
  Sys.set_signal Sys.sigpipe (Sys.Signal_handle got_sig_pipe);
  (* increment ouch for every SIGINT *)
  Sys.set_signal Sys.sigint (Sys.Signal_handle (fun _ -> incr ouch));
  (* ignore the signal INT *)
  Sys.set_signal Sys.sigint Sys.Signal_ignore;
  (* restore default STOP signal handling *)
  Sys.set_signal Sys.sigstop Sys.Signal_default

(* @@PLEAC@@_16.16 *)
let finally handler f x =
  let result = try f x with e -> handler (); raise e in handler (); result

(* call f with signal behavior temporarily set *)
let local_set_signal signal behavior f =
  let old_behavior = Sys.signal signal behavior in
  finally (fun () -> Sys.set_signal signal old_behavior) f ()

(* the signal handler *)
let rec ding _ =
  Sys.set_signal Sys.sigint (Sys.Signal_handle ding);
  prerr_endline "\x07Enter your name!"

(* prompt for name, overriding SIGINT *)
let get_name () =
    Sys.sigint (Sys.Signal_handle ding)
    (fun () ->
       print_string "Kindly Stranger, please enter your name: ";
       read_line ())

(* @@PLEAC@@_16.17 *)
let rec got_int _ =
  Sys.set_signal Sys.sigint (Sys.Signal_handle got_int);
  (* but not for SIGCHLD! *)
  (* ... *)


let rec got_int _ =
  Sys.set_signal Sys.sigint Sys.Signal_default; (* or Signal_ignore *)
  failwith "interrupted"

let () =
  Sys.set_signal Sys.sigint (Sys.Signal_handle got_int);
    (* ... long-running code that you don't want to restart *)
  with Failure "interrupted" ->
    (* deal with the signal *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_16.18 *)
let () =
  (* ignore signal INT *)
  Sys.set_signal Sys.sigint Sys.Signal_ignore;

  (* install signal handler *)
  let rec tsktsk signal =
    Sys.set_signal Sys.sigint (Sys.Signal_handle tsktsk);
    print_endline "\x07The long habit of living indisposeth us for dying." in
  Sys.set_signal Sys.sigint (Sys.Signal_handle tsktsk)

(* @@PLEAC@@_16.19 *)
#load "unix.cma";;

let () =
  Sys.set_signal Sys.sigchld Sys.Signal_ignore


let rec reaper signal =
  try while true do ignore (Unix.waitpid [Unix.WNOHANG] (-1)) done
  with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ECHILD, _, _) -> ();
  Sys.set_signal Sys.sigchld (Sys.Signal_handle reaper)

let () =
  Sys.set_signal Sys.sigchld (Sys.Signal_handle reaper)


let rec reaper signal =
  begin try
    let pid, status = Unix.waitpid [Unix.WNOHANG] (-1) in begin
      match status with
        | Unix.WEXITED _ ->
            Printf.printf "Process %d exited.\n" pid
        | _ ->
            Printf.printf "False alarm on %d.\n" pid;
    reaper signal
  with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ECHILD, _, _) ->
    () (* No child waiting. Ignore it. *)
  Sys.set_signal Sys.sigchld (Sys.Signal_handle reaper)

let () =
  Sys.set_signal Sys.sigchld (Sys.Signal_handle reaper)

(* @@PLEAC@@_16.20 *)
#load "unix.cma";;

(* define the signals to block *)
let sigset = [Sys.sigint; Sys.sigkill]

let () =
  (* block signals *)
  let old_sigset = Unix.sigprocmask Unix.SIG_BLOCK sigset in

  (* ... *)

  (* unblock signals *)
  (* the original recipe uses SIG_UNBLOCK, but that doesn't seem right... *)
  ignore (Unix.sigprocmask Unix.SIG_SETMASK old_sigset)

(* @@PLEAC@@_16.21 *)
#load "unix.cma";;
let () =
  Sys.set_signal Sys.sigalrm
    (Sys.Signal_handle (fun _ -> failwith "timeout"));

  ignore (Unix.alarm 3600);
    (* long-time operations here *)
    ignore (Unix.alarm 0)
    | Failure "timeout" ->
        (* timed out; do what you will here *)
    | e ->
        (* clear the still-pending alarm *)
        ignore (Unix.alarm 0);
        (* propagate unexpected exception *)
        raise e

(* @@PLEAC@@_16.22 *)
(* sigrand - supply random fortunes for .signature file *)
#load "str.cma";;
#load "unix.cma";;

(* globals *)

let pwd = Unix.getpwuid (Unix.getuid ())

let home =
  try Unix.getenv "HOME" with Not_found ->
    try Unix.getenv "LOGDIR" with Not_found ->

let fortune_path = ref ""

(* begin configuration section *)

(* for rec/humor/funny instead of rec.humor.funny *)
let ng_is_dir      = true

let fullname       = home ^ "/.fullname"
let fifo           = home ^ "/.signature"
let art            = home ^ "/.article"
let news           = home ^ "/News"
let sigs           = news ^ "/SIGNATURES"
let sema           = home ^ "/.sigrandpid"
let globrand       = 0.25  (* chance to use global sigs anyway *)

(* name should be (1) left None to have program guess
   read address for signature maybe looking in ~/.fullname,
   (2) set to an exact address, or (3) set to empty string
   to be omitted entirely. *)

(* let name        = ref None *)
(* let name        = ref (Some ("")) *)
let name           = ref (Some "")

(* end configuration section *)

let read_process_lines command =
  let lines = ref [] in
  let in_channel = Unix.open_process_in command in
      while true do
        lines := input_line in_channel :: !lines
    with End_of_file ->
      ignore (Unix.close_process_in in_channel)
  List.rev !lines

let line_stream_of_channel channel =
    (fun _ -> try Some (input_line channel) with End_of_file -> None)

let delimited_stream_of_channel delim channel =
  let lines = line_stream_of_channel channel in
  let rec next para_lines i =
    match Stream.peek lines, para_lines with
      | None, [] -> None
      | Some delim', [] when delim' = delim ->
          Stream.junk lines; next para_lines i
      | Some delim', _ when delim' = delim ->
          Some (String.concat "\n" (List.rev para_lines))
      | None, _ ->
          Some (String.concat "\n" (List.rev para_lines))
      | Some line, _ -> Stream.junk lines; next (line :: para_lines) i in
  Stream.from (next [])

(* Make sure there's a fortune program.  Search
   for its full path and set global to that. *)
let check_fortunes () =
  if !fortune_path <> ""
  then ()  (* already set *)
    let path = Str.split (Str.regexp ":") (Unix.getenv "PATH") in
    let rec check = function
      | [] ->
            "Need either %s or a fortune program, bailing out\n"
          exit 1
      | dir :: dirs ->
          let p = Filename.concat dir "fortune" in
          if Sys.file_exists p then p else check dirs in
    fortune_path := check (path @ ["/usr/games"])

(* Call the fortune program with -s for short flag until
   we get a small enough fortune or ask too much. *)
let fortune () =
  let cmd = !fortune_path ^ " -s" in
  let rec loop tries =
    let lines = read_process_lines cmd in
    if List.length lines < 5 then lines
    else if tries < 20 then loop (tries + 1)
    else [] in
  match loop 0 with
    | [] ->
        [" SIGRAND: deliver random signals to all processes."]
    | lines -> (( ^ ) " ") lines

(* See whether ~/.article contains a Newsgroups line. if so, see the
   first group posted to and find out whether it has a dedicated set of
   fortunes. otherwise return the global one. Also, return the global
   one randomly now and then to spice up the sigs. *)
let signame () =
  if Random.float 1.0 > globrand
        let channel = open_in art in
        let regexp = Str.regexp "Newsgroups:[ \t]*\\([^, \r\n\t]*\\)" in
        let ng = ref "" in
            while true do
              let line = input_line channel in
              if Str.string_match regexp line 0
              then ng := Str.matched_group 1 line
          with End_of_file ->
            close_in channel
        if ng_is_dir
        then ng := Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "\\.") "/" !ng;
        ng := news ^ "/" ^ !ng ^ "/" ^ "SIGNATURES";
        if Sys.file_exists !ng then !ng else sigs
      with Sys_error e ->
  else sigs

(* choose a random signature *)
let pick_quote () =
  let sigfile = signame () in
  if not (Sys.file_exists sigfile)
  then fortune ()
      let channel = open_in sigfile in
      let stream = delimited_stream_of_channel "%%" channel in
      let quip = ref [] in
      let num = ref 1 in
        (fun chunk ->
           if !num = 0
           then quip := Str.split (Str.regexp "\n") chunk;
           incr num)
      close_in channel;
      if !quip <> []
      then (( ^ ) " ") !quip
      else [" ENOSIG: This signature file is empty."]

(* Ignore SIGPIPE in case someone opens us up and then closes the fifo
   without reading it; look in a .fullname file for their login name.
   Try to determine the fully qualified hostname. Make sure we have
   signatures or fortunes. Build a fifo if we need to. *)

let setup () =
  Sys.set_signal Sys.sigpipe Sys.Signal_ignore;

  if !name = Some "" then
        let channel = open_in fullname in
        name := Some (input_line channel);
        close_in channel
      with Sys_error _ ->
        name := Some (Str.global_replace (Str.regexp ",.*") ""

  if not (Sys.file_exists sigs) then check_fortunes ();

  if Sys.file_exists fifo
  then (if (Unix.stat fifo).Unix.st_kind = Unix.S_FIFO
        then (Printf.eprintf "%s: using existing named pipe %s\n"
                Sys.argv.(0) fifo)
        else (Printf.eprintf "%s: won't overwrite file %s\n"
                Sys.argv.(0) fifo;
              exit 1))
  else (Unix.mkfifo fifo 0o666;
        Printf.eprintf "%s: created %s as a named pipe\n"
          Sys.argv.(0) fifo);

  Random.self_init ()

(* "There can be only one."  --the Highlander *)
let justme () =
  let channel =
    try Some (open_in sema)
    with Sys_error _ -> None in
  match channel with
    | Some channel ->
          let pid = int_of_string (input_line channel) in
            Unix.kill pid 0;
            Printf.eprintf "%s already running (pid %d), bailing out\n"
              Sys.argv.(0) pid;
            exit 1
          with _ ->
            close_in channel
    | None -> ()

let () =
  setup ();                (* pull in inits *)
  justme ();               (* make sure program not already running *)
  match Unix.fork () with  (* background ourself and go away *)
    | 0 ->
        let channel = open_out sema in
        output_string channel (string_of_int (Unix.getpid ()));
        output_string channel "\n";
        close_out channel;

        (* now loop forever, writing a signature into the
           fifo file.  if you don't have real fifos, change
           sleep time at bottom of loop to like 10 to update
           only every 10 seconds. *)

        while true do
          let channel = open_out fifo in
          let sig' = pick_quote () in
          let sig' = Array.of_list sig' in

          (* trunc to 4 lines *)
          let sig' =
            if Array.length sig' > 4
            then Array.sub sig' 0 4
            else sig' in

          (* trunc long lines *)
          let sig' =
              (fun line ->
                 if String.length line > 80
                 then String.sub line 0 80
                 else line)
              sig' in

          (* print sig, with name if present, padded to four lines *)
            match !name with
              | None | Some "" ->
                    (fun line ->
                       output_string channel line;
                       output_string channel "\n")
              | Some name ->
                  output_string channel name;
                  for i = 4 downto Array.length sig' do
                    output_string channel "\n";
                    (fun line ->
                       output_string channel line;
                       output_string channel "\n")
          close_out channel;

          (* Without a microsleep, the reading process doesn't finish
             before the writer tries to open it again, which since the
             reader exists, succeeds. They end up with multiple
             signatures. Sleep a tiny bit between opens to give readers
             a chance to finish reading and close our pipe so we can
             block when opening it the next time. *)

          ignore ( [] [] [] 0.2)  (* sleep 1/5 second *)
    | _ ->
        exit 0

(* @@PLEAC@@_17.0 *)
open Unix

(* Convert human readable form to 32 bit value *)
let packed_ip = inet_addr_of_string "" in

let host = gethostbyname "" in
let packed_ip = host.h_addr_list.(0) in

(* Convert 32 bit value to ip adress *)
let ip_address = string_of_inet_addr (packed_ip) in

(* Create socket object *)
let sock = socket PF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0 in

(* Get socketname *)
let saddr = getsockname sock ;;

(* @@PLEAC@@_17.1 *)

(* For real applications you should the SMTP module in Ocamlnet. *)
open Unix

let sock_send sock str =
            let len = String.length str in
    send sock str 0 len []

let sock_recv sock maxlen =
    let str = String.create maxlen in
    let recvlen = recv sock str 0 maxlen [] in
    String.sub str 0 recvlen

let client_sock = socket PF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0 in
let hentry = gethostbyname "coltrane" in
connect client_sock (ADDR_INET (hentry.h_addr_list.(0), 25)) ; (* SMTP *)

sock_recv client_sock 1024 ;

sock_send client_sock "mail from: <pleac@localhost>\n" ;
sock_recv client_sock 1024 ;

sock_send client_sock "rcpt to: <erikd@localhost>\n" ;
sock_recv client_sock 1024;

sock_send client_sock "data\n" ;
sock_recv client_sock 1024 ;

sock_send client_sock "From: Ocaml whiz\nSubject: Ocaml rulez!\n\nYES!\n.\n" ;
sock_recv client_sock 1024 ;

close client_sock ;;

(* @@PLEAC@@_17.2 *)

(* Writing a TCP Server *)
(* Run this and then telnet <machinename> 1027 *)

#load "unix.cma" ;;
open Unix ;;

let server_sock = socket PF_INET SOCK_STREAM 0 in

(* so we can restart our server quickly *)
setsockopt server_sock SO_REUSEADDR true ;

(* build up my socket address *)
let address = (gethostbyname(gethostname())).h_addr_list.(0) in
bind server_sock (ADDR_INET (address, 1029)) ;

(* Listen on the socket. Max of 10 incoming connections. *)
listen server_sock 10 ;

(* accept and process connections *)
while true do
        let (client_sock, client_addr) = accept server_sock in
        let str = "Hello\n" in
        let len = String.length str in
        let x = send client_sock str 0 len [] in
        shutdown client_sock SHUTDOWN_ALL
        done ;;

(* @@PLEAC@@_17.3 *)
#load "unix.cma";;

let () =
  let server_in = Unix.in_channel_of_descr server in
  let server_out = Unix.out_channel_of_descr server in
  output_string server_out "What is your name?\n";
  flush server_out;
  let response = input_line server_in in
  print_endline response


let () =
      (Unix.send server data_to_send 0 (String.length data_to_send) flags)
  with Unix.Unix_error (e, _, _) ->
    Printf.eprintf "Can't send: %s\n%!"
      (Unix.error_message e);
    exit 1

let data_read =
  let data_read = String.create maxlen in
  let data_length =
      Unix.recv server data_read 0 maxlen flags
    with Unix.Unix_error (e, _, _) ->
      Printf.eprintf "Can't receive: %s\n%!"
        (Unix.error_message e);
      exit 1 in
  String.sub data_read 0 data_length


let () =
  let read_from, _, _ = [from_server; to_client] [] [] timeout in
    (fun socket ->
       (* read the pending data from socket *)


(* Requires OCaml 3.11 or newer. *)
let () =
  try Unix.setsockopt server Unix.TCP_NODELAY true
  with Unix.Unix_error (e, _, _) ->
    Printf.eprintf "Couldn't disable Nagle's algorithm: %s\n%!"
      (Unix.error_message e)


(* Requires OCaml 3.11 or newer. *)
let () =
  try Unix.setsockopt server Unix.TCP_NODELAY false
  with Unix.Unix_error (e, _, _) ->
    Printf.eprintf "Couldn't enable Nagle's algorithm: %s\n%!"
      (Unix.error_message e)

(* @@PLEAC@@_17.4 *)
#load "unix.cma";;

(* Create a UDP socket. *)
let socket =
  Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_DGRAM
    (Unix.getprotobyname "udp").Unix.p_proto


(* Send a UDP message. *)
let ipaddr = (Unix.gethostbyname hostname).Unix.h_addr_list.(0)
let portaddr = Unix.ADDR_INET (ipaddr, portno)
let len = Unix.sendto socket msg 0 (String.length msg) [] portaddr


(* Receive a UDP message. *)
let msg = String.create maxlen
let len, portaddr = Unix.recvfrom socket msg 0 maxlen []


(* clockdrift - compare another system's clock with this one *)
#load "unix.cma";;

let secs_of_70_years = 2_208_988_800L

let msgbox =
  Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_DGRAM
    (Unix.getprotobyname "udp").Unix.p_proto

let him =
  Unix.ADDR_INET ((Unix.gethostbyname
                     (if Array.length Sys.argv > 1
                      then Sys.argv.(1)
                      else "127.1")).Unix.h_addr_list.(0),
                  (Unix.getservbyname "time" "udp").Unix.s_port)

let () = ignore (Unix.sendto msgbox "" 0 0 [] him)

let ptime = String.create 4

let host =
  match Unix.recvfrom msgbox ptime 0 4 [] with
    | _, Unix.ADDR_INET (addr, port) ->
        (Unix.gethostbyaddr addr).Unix.h_name
    | _ -> assert false

let delta =
       (Int64.of_string (Printf.sprintf "0x%02x%02x%02x%02x"
                           (int_of_char ptime.[0])
                           (int_of_char ptime.[1])
                           (int_of_char ptime.[2])
                           (int_of_char ptime.[3])))
    -. (Unix.time ())

let () =
  Printf.printf "Clock on %s is %d seconds ahead of this one.\n"
    host (int_of_float delta)

(* @@PLEAC@@_17.5 *)
#load "unix.cma";;
let () =
      Unix.bind socket (Unix.ADDR_INET (Unix.inet_addr_any, server_port));
    with Unix.Unix_error (e, _, _) ->
      Printf.eprintf "Couldn't be a udp server on port %d: %s\n"
        server_port (Unix.error_message e);
      exit 1
  let him = String.create max_to_read in
  while true do
    ignore (Unix.recvfrom socket him 0 max_to_read []);
    (* do something *)


(* udpqotd - UDP message server *)
#load "unix.cma";;

let maxlen = 1024
let portno = 5151

let sock =
  Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_DGRAM
    (Unix.getprotobyname "udp").Unix.p_proto

let () =
  Unix.bind sock (Unix.ADDR_INET (Unix.inet_addr_any, portno));
  Printf.printf "Awaiting UDP messages on port %d\n%!" portno

let oldmsg = ref "This is the starting message."

let () =
  let newmsg = String.create maxlen in
  while true do
    let newmsg, hishost, sockaddr =
      match Unix.recvfrom sock newmsg 0 maxlen [] with
        | len, (Unix.ADDR_INET (addr, port) as sockaddr) ->
            String.sub newmsg 0 len,
            (Unix.gethostbyaddr addr).Unix.h_name,
        | _ -> assert false in
    Printf.printf "Client %s said ``%s''\n%!" hishost newmsg;
      (Unix.sendto sock !oldmsg 0 (String.length !oldmsg) [] sockaddr);
    oldmsg := Printf.sprintf "[%s] %s" hishost newmsg


(* udpmsg - send a message to the udpqotd server *)
#load "unix.cma";;

let maxlen  = 1024
let portno  = 5151
let timeout = 5

let server_host, msg =
  match Array.to_list Sys.argv with
    | _ :: head :: tail -> head, String.concat " " tail
    | _ ->
        Printf.eprintf "Usage: %s server_host msg ...\n" Sys.argv.(0);
        exit 1

let sock =
  Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_DGRAM
    (Unix.getprotobyname "udp").Unix.p_proto

let sockaddr =
  let addr = (Unix.gethostbyname server_host).Unix.h_addr_list.(0) in
  Unix.ADDR_INET (addr, portno)

let handle_alarm signal =
  Printf.eprintf "recv from %s timed out after %d seconds.\n"
    server_host timeout;
  exit 1

let () =
  ignore (Unix.sendto sock msg 0 (String.length msg) [] sockaddr);
  Sys.set_signal Sys.sigalrm (Sys.Signal_handle handle_alarm);
  ignore (Unix.alarm timeout);
  let msg = String.create maxlen in
  let msg, hishost =
    match Unix.recvfrom sock msg 0 maxlen [] with
      | len, Unix.ADDR_INET (addr, port) ->
          String.sub msg 0 len,
          (Unix.gethostbyaddr addr).Unix.h_name
      | _ -> assert false in
  ignore (Unix.alarm 0);
  Printf.printf "Server %s responded ``%s''\n" hishost msg

(* @@PLEAC@@_17.6 *)
#load "unix.cma";;

(* Create a Unix domain socket server - you can also use SOCK_STREAM. *)
let server = Unix.socket Unix.PF_UNIX Unix.SOCK_DGRAM 0
let () = try Unix.unlink "/tmp/mysock" with Unix.Unix_error _ -> ()
let () = Unix.bind server (Unix.ADDR_UNIX "/tmp/mysock")

(* Create a Unix domain socket client - you can also use SOCK_STREAM. *)
let client = Unix.socket Unix.PF_UNIX Unix.SOCK_DGRAM 0
let () = Unix.connect client (Unix.ADDR_UNIX "/tmp/mysock")

(* @@PLEAC@@_17.7 *)
#load "unix.cma";;

(* Get the remote IP address. *)
let () =
  let other_end = Unix.getpeername socket in
  let name_info = Unix.getnameinfo other_end [Unix.NI_NUMERICHOST] in
  let ip_address = name_info.Unix.ni_hostname in
  (* ... *)


(* Attempt to determine the remote host name, with forward and reverse
   DNS lookups to detect spoofing. *)
let () =
  let other_end = Unix.getpeername socket in
  let name_info = Unix.getnameinfo other_end [Unix.NI_NUMERICHOST] in
  let actual_ip = name_info.Unix.ni_hostname in
  let claimed_hostname =
    (Unix.gethostbyaddr (Unix.inet_addr_of_string actual_ip))
      .Unix.h_name in
  let name_lookup = Unix.gethostbyname claimed_hostname in
  let resolved_ips =
    Array.to_list (
                     name_lookup.Unix.h_addr_list) in
  (* ... *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_17.8 *)

** Finding Your Own Name and Address.
** The Unix module to the rescue again.

#load "unix.cma" ;;
open Unix ;;

let hostname = gethostname () in
Printf.printf "hostname : %s\n" hostname ;;


** Unfortunately there is no easy way of retreiving the
** uname without using Unix.open_process_in.


let hentry = gethostbyname hostname in
let address = hentry.h_addr_list.(0) in
Printf.printf "address : %s\n" (string_of_inet_addr address) ;;

let hentry = gethostbyaddr address in
Printf.printf "hostname : %s\n" hentry.h_name ;;

(* @@PLEAC@@_17.9 *)

(* Closing a Socket After Forking *)

shutdown sock SHUTDOWN_RECEIVE ;    (* I/we have stopped reading data *)
shutdown sock SHUTDOWN_SEND ;       (* I/we have stopped writing data *)
shutdown sock SHUTDOWN_ALL ;;       (* I/we have stopped using this socket *)

(* Using the sock_send and sock_recv functions from above. *)

sock_send sock "my request\n" ;    (* send some data *)
shutdown sock SHUTDOWN_SEND ;      (* send eof; no more writing *)
let answer = sock_recv sock 4096 ;; (* but you can still read *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_17.10 *)
(* biclient - bidirectional forking client *)
#load "unix.cma";;

let host, port =
  match Array.to_list Sys.argv with
    | [_; host; port] -> host, int_of_string port
    | _ -> Printf.eprintf "usage: %s host port\n" Sys.argv.(0); exit 1

let sockaddr =
  let addr = (Unix.gethostbyname host).Unix.h_addr_list.(0) in
  Unix.ADDR_INET (addr, port)

let () =
  let socket = Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in
  Unix.connect socket sockaddr;
  Printf.eprintf "[Connected to %s:%d]\n%!" host port;

  (* split the program into two processes, identical twins *)
  match Unix.fork () with
    | 0 ->
        (* child copies standard input to the socket *)
        let output = Unix.out_channel_of_descr socket in
        while true do
          let line = input_line stdin in
          output_string output line;
          output_string output "\n";
          flush output
    | kidpid ->
        (* parent copies the socket to standard output *)
        let input = Unix.in_channel_of_descr socket in
          while true do
            let line = input_line input in
            output_string stdout line;
            output_string stdout "\n";
            flush stdout
        with End_of_file ->
          Unix.kill kidpid Sys.sigterm

let () = exit 0

(* @@PLEAC@@_17.11 *)
(* set up the socket SERVER, bind and listen ... *)
#load "unix.cma";;

let rec reaper signal =
  try while true do ignore (Unix.waitpid [Unix.WNOHANG] (-1)) done
  with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ECHILD, _, _) -> ();
  Sys.set_signal Sys.sigchld (Sys.Signal_handle reaper)

let () =
  Sys.set_signal Sys.sigchld (Sys.Signal_handle reaper)

let () =
  while true do
      let (client, addr) = Unix.accept server in
      let pid = Unix.fork () in
      if pid = 0 then                   (* parent *)
          Unix.close server;            (* no use to child *)
          (* ... do something *)
          exit 0                        (* child leaves *)
          Unix.close client             (* no use to parent *)
    with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EINTR, _, _) -> ()

(* @@PLEAC@@_17.12 *)
(* preforker - server who forks first *)
#load "unix.cma";;

(* global variables *)
let prefork = 5
let max_clients_per_child = 5
module PidSet = Set.Make(struct type t = int let compare = compare end)
let children = ref PidSet.empty

(* takes care of dead children *)
let rec reaper _ =
  Sys.set_signal Sys.sigchld (Sys.Signal_handle reaper);
  match Unix.wait ()
  with (pid, _) -> children := PidSet.remove pid !children

(* signal handler for SIGINT *)
let rec huntsman _ =
  (* we're going to kill our children *)
  Sys.set_signal Sys.sigchld Sys.Signal_ignore;
    (fun pid ->
       try Unix.kill Sys.sigint pid with Unix.Unix_error _ -> ())
  (* clean up with dignity *)
  exit 0

let make_new_child server =
  (* block signal for fork *)
  let sigset = [Sys.sigint] in
  ignore (Unix.sigprocmask Unix.SIG_BLOCK sigset);

  match Unix.fork () with
    | 0 ->
        (* Child can *not* return from this subroutine. *)
        (* make SIGINT kill us as it did before *)
        Sys.set_signal Sys.sigint Sys.Signal_default;

        (* unblock signals *)
        ignore (Unix.sigprocmask Unix.SIG_UNBLOCK sigset);

        (* handle connections until we've reached max_clients_per_child *)
        for i = 1 to max_clients_per_child do
          let (client, _) = Unix.accept server in
          (* do something with the connection *)

        (* tidy up gracefully and finish *)

        (* this exit is VERY important, otherwise the child will become
           a producer of more and more children, forking yourself into
           process death. *)
        exit 0
    | pid ->
        (* Parent records the child's birth and returns. *)
        ignore (Unix.sigprocmask Unix.SIG_UNBLOCK sigset);
        children := PidSet.add pid !children

let () =
  (* establish SERVER socket, bind and listen. *)
  let server = Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in
  Unix.setsockopt server Unix.SO_REUSEADDR true;
  Unix.bind server (Unix.ADDR_INET (Unix.inet_addr_any, 6969));
  Unix.listen server 10;

  (* Fork off our children. *)
  for i = 1 to prefork do
    make_new_child server

  (* Install signal handlers. *)
  Sys.set_signal Sys.sigchld (Sys.Signal_handle reaper);
  Sys.set_signal Sys.sigint (Sys.Signal_handle huntsman);

  (* And maintain the population. *)
  while true do
    (* wait for a signal (i.e., child's death) *)
    Unix.pause ();
    for i = (PidSet.cardinal !children) to (prefork - 1) do
      (* top up the child pool *)
      make_new_child server

(* @@PLEAC@@_17.13 *)
(* nonforker - server who multiplexes without forking *)
#load "unix.cma";;

let port = 1685                         (* change this at will *)

(* Listen to port. *)
let server = Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0
let () =
  Unix.setsockopt server Unix.SO_REUSEADDR true;
  Unix.bind server (Unix.ADDR_INET (Unix.inet_addr_any, port));
  Unix.listen server 10;
  Unix.set_nonblock server

module FDSet =
  Set.Make(struct type t = Unix.file_descr let compare = compare end)
let clients = ref (FDSet.singleton server)

(* begin with empty buffers *)
let inbuffer = Hashtbl.create 0
let outbuffer = Hashtbl.create 0
let ready = Hashtbl.create 0

let buffer_size = 8192
let buffer = String.make buffer_size '\000'

(* handle deals with all pending requests for client *)
let handle client requests =
  (* requests are in ready[client] *)
  (* send output to outbuffer[client] *)
    (fun request ->
       (* request is the text of the request *)
       let data = Printf.sprintf "You said: %s\n" request in
       (* put text of reply into outbuffer[client] *)
       Hashtbl.replace outbuffer client
         (try Hashtbl.find outbuffer client ^ data
          with Not_found -> data))

(* Main loop: check reads/accepts, check writes, check ready to process *)
let () =
  while true do
    (* check for new information on the connections we have *)

    let (can_read, _, _) = (FDSet.elements !clients) [] [] 1.0 in
      (fun client ->
         if client = server
             (* accept a new connection *)
             let (client, addr) = Unix.accept server in
             clients := FDSet.add client !clients;
             Unix.set_nonblock client
             (* read data *)
             let chars_read =
                 Some ( client buffer 0 buffer_size)
               with Unix.Unix_error (error, _, _) ->
                 prerr_endline (Unix.error_message error);
                 None in

             match chars_read with
               | None | Some 0 ->
                   (* This would be the end of file, so close the client *)
                   Hashtbl.remove inbuffer client;
                   Hashtbl.remove outbuffer client;
                   Hashtbl.remove ready client;
                   clients := FDSet.remove client !clients;
                   Unix.close client

               | Some chars_read ->
                   let data = String.sub buffer 0 chars_read in
                   Hashtbl.replace inbuffer client
                     (try Hashtbl.find inbuffer client ^ data
                      with Not_found -> data);

                   (* test whether the data in the buffer or the data we *)
                   (* just read means there is a complete request waiting *)
                   (* to be fulfilled.  If there is, set ready[client] *)
                   (* to the requests waiting to be fulfilled. *)
                     while true do
                       let data = Hashtbl.find inbuffer client in
                       let index = String.index data '\n' in
                       Hashtbl.replace inbuffer client
                         (String.sub data
                            (index + 1)
                            (String.length data - index - 1));
                       Hashtbl.replace ready client
                         ((try Hashtbl.find ready client
                           with Not_found -> [])
                          @ [String.sub data 0 index])
                   with Not_found -> ()

    (* Any complete requests to process? *)
    Hashtbl.iter handle ready;
    Hashtbl.clear ready;

    (* Buffers to flush? *)
    let (_, can_write, _) = [] (FDSet.elements !clients) [] 1.0 in
    (* Skip client if we have nothing to say *)
    let can_write =
      List.filter (Hashtbl.mem outbuffer) can_write in
      (fun client ->
         let data = Hashtbl.find outbuffer client in
         let chars_written =
             Some (Unix.single_write client data 0 (String.length data))
             | Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EAGAIN, _, _)
             | Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EWOULDBLOCK, _, _) ->
                 prerr_endline "I was told I could write, but I can't.";
                 Some 0
             | Unix.Unix_error (error, _, _) ->
                 prerr_endline (Unix.error_message error);
                 None in

         match chars_written with
           | Some chars_written ->
               if chars_written = String.length data
               then Hashtbl.remove outbuffer client
               else Hashtbl.replace outbuffer client
                 (String.sub data chars_written
                    (String.length data - chars_written))
           | None ->
               (* Couldn't write all the data, and it wasn't because *)
               (* it would have blocked.  Shutdown and move on. *)
               Hashtbl.remove inbuffer client;
               Hashtbl.remove outbuffer client;
               Hashtbl.remove ready client;
               clients := FDSet.remove client !clients;
               Unix.close client)

    let (_, _, has_exception) = [] [] (FDSet.elements !clients) 0.0 in
      (fun client ->
         (* Deal with out-of-band data here, if you want to. *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_17.14 *)
#load "unix.cma";;

let server =
  Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM
    (Unix.getprotobyname "tcp").Unix.p_proto

let () =
  Unix.setsockopt server Unix.SO_REUSEADDR true;
  Unix.bind server (Unix.ADDR_INET (Unix.inet_addr_any, server_port));
  Unix.listen server 10;

  (* accept loop *)
  while true do
    let client, sockaddr = Unix.accept server in
    match Unix.getsockname client with
      | Unix.ADDR_INET (addr, port) ->
          print_endline (Unix.string_of_inet_addr addr)
      | _ -> assert false


#load "unix.cma";;

let port = 4269                 (* port to bind to *)
let host = ""  (* virtual host to listen on *)

let server =
  Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM
    (Unix.getprotobyname "tcp").Unix.p_proto

let () =
  let addr = (Unix.gethostbyname host).Unix.h_addr_list.(0) in
  Unix.bind server (Unix.ADDR_INET (addr, port));
  Unix.listen server 10;
  while true do
    let client, sockaddr = Unix.accept server in
    (* ... *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_17.15 *)
#load "unix.cma";;

let () =
  (* for the paranoid *)
  (* Unix.handle_unix_error Unix.chroot "/var/daemon"; *)

  (* fork and let parent exit *)
  let pid = Unix.fork () in
  if pid > 0 then exit 0;
  (* create a new session and abandon the controlling process *)
  ignore (Unix.setsid ())

(* flag indicating it is time to exit *)
let time_to_die = ref false

(* trap fatal signals *)
let () =
  let signal_handler _ = time_to_die := true in
    (fun signal ->
       Sys.set_signal signal (Sys.Signal_handle signal_handler))
    [Sys.sigint; Sys.sigterm; Sys.sighup]
  (* trap or ignore Sys.sigpipe *)

(* server loop *)
let () =
  while not !time_to_die do
    (* ... *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_17.16 *)
#load "unix.cma";;

let self = "/usr/bin/ocaml"
let args = self :: Array.to_list Sys.argv

let phoenix _ =
  (* close all your connections, kill your children, and *)
  (* generally prepare to be reincarnated with dignity. *)
    ignore (Unix.sigprocmask Unix.SIG_UNBLOCK [Sys.sighup]);
    Unix.execv self (Array.of_list args)
  with Unix.Unix_error (e, _, _) ->
    Printf.eprintf "Couldn't restart: %s\n%!"
      (Unix.error_message e)

let () =
  Sys.set_signal Sys.sighup (Sys.Signal_handle phoenix)


(* This recipe uses the Ocaml-Syck YAML parser available at: *)

#directory "+yaml";;
#load "yaml.cma";;
#load "unix.cma";;

let yaml_parser = YamlParser.make ()

let config_file = "/usr/local/etc/myprog/server_conf.yaml"
let config = ref (YamlNode.SCALAR ("", ""))

let read_config _ =
  let in_channel = open_in config_file in
  let lines = ref [] in
    while true do
      let line = input_line in_channel in
      lines := line :: !lines
  with End_of_file ->
    close_in in_channel;
    config :=
      YamlParser.parse_string yaml_parser
        (String.concat "\n" (List.rev !lines))

let () =
  read_config ();
  Sys.set_signal Sys.sighup (Sys.Signal_handle read_config)

(* @@PLEAC@@_17.17 *)
Oct  4 11:01:16 pedro sniffer: Connection from to


echo stream tcp nowait nobody /usr/bin/ocaml ocaml /path/to/


(* backsniff - log attempts to connect to particular ports *)
#load "unix.cma";;

(* This recipe uses syslog-ocaml, which is available at: *)
#directory "+syslog";;
#load "syslog.cma";;

(* identify my port and address *)
let sockname =
  try Unix.getsockname Unix.stdin
  with Unix.Unix_error (e, _, _) ->
    Printf.eprintf "Couldn't identify myself: %s\n%!"
      (Unix.error_message e);
    exit 1
let iaddr, port =
  match sockname with
    | Unix.ADDR_INET (iaddr, port) -> iaddr, port
    | _ -> assert false
let my_address = Unix.string_of_inet_addr iaddr

(* get a name for the service *)
let service =
  try (Unix.getservbyport port "tcp").Unix.s_name
  with Not_found -> string_of_int port

(* now identify remote address *)
let sockname =
  try Unix.getpeername Unix.stdin
  with Unix.Unix_error (e, _, _) ->
    Printf.eprintf "Couldn't identify other end: %s\n%!"
      (Unix.error_message e);
    exit 1
let iaddr, port =
  match sockname with
    | Unix.ADDR_INET (iaddr, port) -> iaddr, port
    | _ -> assert false
let ex_address = Unix.string_of_inet_addr iaddr

(* and log the information *)
let () =
  let log = Syslog.openlog ~flags:[] ~facility:`LOG_DAEMON "sniffer" in
  Syslog.syslog log `LOG_NOTICE
    (Printf.sprintf "Connection from %s to %s:%s\n"
       ex_address my_address service);
  Syslog.closelog log;
  exit 0

(* @@PLEAC@@_17.18 *)
(* fwdport -- act as proxy forwarder for dedicated services *)

#load "str.cma";;
#load "unix.cma";;

let children = Hashtbl.create 0    (* hash of outstanding child processes *)
let remote = ref ""                (* whom we connect to on the outside *)
let local = ref ""                 (* where we listen to on the inside *)
let service = ref ""               (* our service name or port number *)
let proxy_server = ref Unix.stdin  (* the socket we accept() from *)

(* process command line switches *)
let check_args () =
      "-r",       Arg.Set_string remote,  "Remote host";
      "-remote",  Arg.Set_string remote,  "Remote host";
      "-l",       Arg.Set_string local,   "Local interface";
      "-local",   Arg.Set_string local,   "Local interface";
      "-s",       Arg.Set_string service, "Service";
      "-service", Arg.Set_string service, "Service";
    (fun s ->
       raise (Arg.Bad (Printf.sprintf "unexpected argument `%s'" s)))
    (Printf.sprintf "usage: %s [ -remote host ] [ -local interface ] [ -service service ]" Sys.argv.(0));
  if !remote = ""
  then (prerr_endline "Need remote"; exit 1);
  if !local = "" && !service = ""
  then (prerr_endline "Need local or service"; exit 1);
  if !local = ""
  then local := "localhost"

let parse_host host =
  match Str.split (Str.regexp ":") host with
    | [] -> "", ""
    | host :: [] -> host, ""
    | host :: service :: _ -> host, service

let resolve_host host =
  try (Unix.gethostbyname host).Unix.h_addr_list.(0)
  with Not_found ->
    Printf.eprintf "Host not found: %s\n" host;
    exit 1

let resolve_service service =
  try int_of_string service
  with Failure _ ->
    try (Unix.getservbyname service "tcp").Unix.s_port
    with Not_found ->
      Printf.eprintf "Service not found: %s\n" service;
      exit 1

(* begin our server *)
let start_proxy () =
    let proto = (Unix.getprotobyname "tcp").Unix.p_proto in
    let addr, port =
      match parse_host (!local ^ ":" ^ !service) with
        | host, service ->
            (resolve_host host,
             resolve_service service) in
    proxy_server := Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM proto;
    Unix.setsockopt !proxy_server Unix.SO_REUSEADDR true;
    Unix.bind !proxy_server (Unix.ADDR_INET (addr, port));
    Unix.listen !proxy_server 128;
    Printf.printf "[Proxy server on %s initialized.]\n%!"
      (if !local <> "" then !local else !service)
  with Unix.Unix_error (e, _, _) ->
    Printf.eprintf "Can't create proxy server: %s\n%!"
      (Unix.error_message e);
    exit 1

(* helper function to produce a nice string in the form HOST:PORT *)
let peerinfo sock =
  match Unix.getpeername sock with
    | Unix.ADDR_INET (addr, port) ->
        let hostinfo = Unix.gethostbyaddr addr in
        Printf.sprintf "%s:%d" hostinfo.Unix.h_name port
    | _ -> assert false

(* somebody just died.  keep harvesting the dead until  *)
(* we run out of them.  check how long they ran. *)
let rec reaper signal =
    let result =
      try Some (Unix.waitpid [Unix.WNOHANG] (-1))
      with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ECHILD, _, _) -> None in
    match result with
      | Some (child, status) when Hashtbl.mem children child ->
          let start = Hashtbl.find children child in
          let runtime = Unix.time () -. start in
          Printf.printf "Child %d ran %dm%fs\n%!"
            (int_of_float (runtime /. 60.))
            (mod_float runtime 60.);
          Hashtbl.remove children child;
          reaper signal
      | Some (child, status) ->
          Printf.printf "Bizarre kid %d exited with %s\n%!"
            (match status with
               | Unix.WEXITED code ->
                   "code " ^ string_of_int code
               | Unix.WSTOPPED signal
               | Unix.WSIGNALED signal ->
                   "signal " ^ string_of_int signal);
          reaper signal
      | None -> ()
  (* If I had to choose between System V and 4.2, I'd resign. *)
  (* --Peter Honeyman *)
  Sys.set_signal Sys.sigchld (Sys.Signal_handle reaper)

let service_clients () =
  (* harvest the moribund *)
  Sys.set_signal Sys.sigchld (Sys.Signal_handle reaper);

  (* an accepted connection here means someone inside wants out *)
  while true do
        let local_client = fst (Unix.accept !proxy_server) in
        let lc_info = peerinfo local_client in
        Printf.printf "[Connect from %s]\n%!" lc_info;

        let proto = (Unix.getprotobyname "tcp").Unix.p_proto in
        let addr, port =
          match parse_host (!remote ^ ":" ^ !service) with
            | host, service ->
                (resolve_host host,
                 resolve_service service) in
        Printf.printf "[Connecting to %s...%!" !remote;
        let remote_server = Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM proto in
        Unix.connect remote_server (Unix.ADDR_INET (addr, port));
        Printf.printf "done]\n%!";

        let local_in = Unix.in_channel_of_descr local_client in
        let local_out = Unix.out_channel_of_descr local_client in
        let remote_in = Unix.in_channel_of_descr remote_server in
        let remote_out = Unix.out_channel_of_descr remote_server in

        match Unix.fork () with
          | 0 ->
              (* at this point, we are the forked child process dedicated *)
              (* to the incoming client.  but we want a twin to make i/o *)
              (* easier. *)

              Unix.close !proxy_server;  (* no use to slave *)

              (* now each twin sits around and ferries lines of data. *)
              (* see how simple the algorithm is when you can have *)
              (* multiple threads of control? *)

              (match Unix.fork () with
                 | 0 ->
                     (* this is the fork's child, the master's grandchild *)
                          while true do
                            let line = input_line local_in in
                            Printf.fprintf remote_out "%s\n%!" line
                      with End_of_file ->
                        (* kill my twin cause we're done *)
                        Unix.kill (Unix.getppid ()) Sys.sigterm)
                 | kidpid ->
                     (* this is the fork's parent, the master's child *)
                          while true do
                            let line = input_line remote_in in
                            Printf.fprintf local_out "%s\n%!" line
                      with End_of_file ->
                        (* kill my twin cause we're done *)
                        Unix.kill kidpid Sys.sigterm));

              exit 0  (* whoever's still alive bites it *)

          | kidpid ->
              (* remember his start time *)
              Hashtbl.replace children kidpid (Unix.time ());
              Unix.close remote_server;  (* no use to master *)
              Unix.close local_client;   (* likewise *)
    with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.EINTR, "accept", _) -> ()

let () =
  check_args ();                (* processing switches *)
  start_proxy ();               (* launch our own server *)
  service_clients ();           (* wait for incoming *)
  prerr_endline "NOT REACHED";  (* you can't get here from there *)
  exit 1

(* @@PLEAC@@_18.1 *)
#load "unix.cma";;

let () =
    let addresses = Unix.gethostbyname name in
    let addresses = Unix.string_of_inet_addr addresses.Unix.h_addr_list in
    (* addresses is an array of IP addresses *)
    Array.iter print_endline addresses
  with Not_found ->
    Printf.printf "Can't resolve %s\n" name


let () =
    let host = Unix.gethostbyaddr (Unix.inet_addr_of_string address) in
    let name = host.Unix.h_name in
    (* name is the hostname ("") *)
    print_endline name
  with Not_found ->
    Printf.printf "Can't resolve %s\n" address


let () =
    let host = Unix.gethostbyaddr (Unix.inet_addr_of_string address) in
    let name = host.Unix.h_name in
      let addresses = Unix.gethostbyname name in
      let addresses = Unix.string_of_inet_addr addresses.Unix.h_addr_list in
      Array.iter print_endline addresses;
      let found = List.mem address (Array.to_list addresses) in
      print_endline (if found then "found" else "not found")
    with Not_found ->
      Printf.printf "Can't look up %s\n" name
  with Not_found ->
    Printf.printf "Can't look up %s\n" address


(* mxhost - find mx exchangers for a host *)

(* Though there is an experimental new DNS resolver for OCaml called
   Netdns, it does not yet support resolving MX records. For now, we'll
   use Net::DNS through perl4caml until a better solution is available.
#directory "+perl";;
#load "perl4caml.cma";;
let _ = Perl.eval "use Net::DNS"

let host = Sys.argv.(1)
let res = Perl.call_class_method "Net::DNS::Resolver" "new" []
let mx = Perl.call_array ~fn:"mx" [res; Perl.sv_of_string host]
let () =
  if mx = [] then
    Printf.eprintf "Can't find MX records for %s (%s)\n"
      host (Perl.string_of_sv (Perl.call_method res "errorstring" []))

let () =
    (fun record ->
       let preference = Perl.call_method record "preference" [] in
       let exchange = Perl.call_method record "exchange" [] in
       Printf.printf "%s %s\n"
         (Perl.string_of_sv preference)
         (Perl.string_of_sv exchange))


(* hostaddrs - canonize name and show addresses *)
#load "unix.cma";;
let name = Sys.argv.(1)
let hent = Unix.gethostbyname name
let () =
  Printf.printf "%s => %s\n"
    hent.Unix.h_name    (* in case different *)
    (String.concat " "

(* @@PLEAC@@_18.2 *)
(* The Netclient package from Ocamlnet provides an event-driven
   FTP client. This client does not currently support uploading.

   Ocamlnet is available here:

   This recipe assumes it has been installed with findlib. *)

#use "topfind";;
#require "netclient";;

(* Create an FTP client instance. *)
let ftp = new Ftp_client.ftp_client ()

(* Build and execute a chain of FTP methods. *)
let () =
  ftp#add (new Ftp_client.connect_method ~host:"" ());
  ftp#add (new Ftp_client.login_method
             ~get_password:(fun () -> "")
             ~get_account:(fun () -> "anonymous") ());
  ftp#add (new Ftp_client.walk_method (`Dir "/pub"));
  let ch = new Netchannels.output_channel (open_out "output.txt") in
  ftp#add (new Ftp_client.get_method
             ~file:(`Verbatim "index.txt")
             ~store:(fun _ -> `File_structure ch) ());
  ftp#run ()


(* If an error occurs, it will be exposed by the "state" property. *)
let () =
  match ftp#state with
    | `Error (Ftp_client.FTP_error (Unix.Unix_error (e, _, _))) ->
        Printf.eprintf "Error: %s\n%!"
          (Unix.error_message e)
    | _ -> ()


(* To determine the current working directory, send invoke the `PWD
   command and inspect the result in a callback. *)
let () =
  ftp#add (new Ftp_client.invoke_method
             ~process_result:(fun state (code, message) ->
                                  "I'm in the directory %s\n%!"
                                  message) ())


(* Use mkdir_method and rmdir_method to make and remove directories from
   the remote server. Use the optional ~onerror argument to specify an
   error handler. *)
let () =
    ~onerror:(fun e ->
                Printf.eprintf "Can't create /ocaml: %s\n%!"
                  (Printexc.to_string e))
    (new Ftp_client.mkdir_method (`Verbatim "/pub/ocaml"))


(* Use a list_method to get a list of files in a remote directory. *)
let () =
  let buffer = Buffer.create 256 in
  let ch = new Netchannels.output_buffer buffer in
    ~onsuccess:(fun () -> print_endline (Buffer.contents buffer))
    ~onerror:(fun e ->
                Printf.eprintf "Can't get a list of files in /pub: %s\n%!"
                  (Printexc.to_string e))
    (new Ftp_client.list_method
       ~dir:(`Verbatim "/pub")
       ~store:(fun _ -> `File_structure ch) ())


(* Use `QUIT followed by ftp#abort to close the connection and exit
   the event loop. *)
let () =
  ftp#add (new Ftp_client.invoke_method
             ~process_result:(fun _ _ -> ftp#abort ()) ())

(* @@PLEAC@@_18.3 *)
(* Use Netsendmail, part of the Netstring package that comes with
   Ocamlnet, to send mail through a command-line mailer program. *)

#use "topfind";;
#require "netstring";;

let () =
    ~mailer:"/usr/sbin/sendmail"  (* defaults to "/usr/lib/sendmail" *)
       ~from_addr:(from_name, from_address)
       ~to_addrs:[(to_name, to_address)]


(* You can also open a pipe directly to sendmail. *)

#load "unix.cma";;

let () =
  let sendmail =
    Unix.open_process_out "/usr/lib/sendmail -oi -t -odq" in
  output_string sendmail "\
From: User Originating Mail <me@host>
To: Final Destination <you@otherhost>
Subject: A relevant subject line

Body of the message goes here, in as many lines as you like.
  ignore (Unix.close_process_out sendmail)

(* @@PLEAC@@_18.4 *)
(* There is no NNTP library available for OCaml. With a little
   preparation, we can easily use the one that comes with Perl
   using perl4caml ( *)

#directory "+perl";;
#load "perl4caml.cma";;

module NNTP = struct
  open Perl
  let _ = eval "use Net::NNTP"

  (* Returned by "list" method so that newsgroups stay sorted. *)
  module GroupMap = Map.Make(String)

  (* Wrapper for Net::NNTP class. *)
  class nntp host =
    let nntp =
      call_class_method "Net::NNTP" "new" [sv_of_string host] in

    (* Raise a Failure exception if we couldn't connect. *)
    let () =
      if sv_is_undef nntp
      then failwith (string_of_sv (eval "$!")) in

    (* Helper function to transform nullable string arrays to OCaml. *)
    let maybe_string_list sv =
      if sv_is_undef sv
      then raise Not_found
      else string_of_sv (list_of_av (deref_array sv)) in

  object (self)
    val nntp = nntp

    method group name =
      match call_method_array nntp "group" [sv_of_string name] with
        | [narticles; first; last; name] ->
            (int_of_sv narticles, int_of_sv first,
             int_of_sv last, string_of_sv name)
        | _ -> raise Not_found

    method head msgid =
      maybe_string_list (call_method nntp "head" [sv_of_int msgid])

    method body msgid =
      maybe_string_list (call_method nntp "body" [sv_of_int msgid])

    method article msgid =
      maybe_string_list (call_method nntp "article" [sv_of_int msgid])

    method postok () =
      bool_of_sv (call_method nntp "postok" [])

    method post lines =
      let lines = sv_of_string lines in
      if (sv_is_undef (call_method nntp "post" lines))
      then failwith (string_of_sv (eval "$!"))

    method list () =
      let hv = deref_hash (call_method nntp "list" []) in
      let map = ref GroupMap.empty in
        (fun (name, info) ->
           map :=
               (match list_of_av (deref_array info) with
                  | [last; first; flags] ->
                      (int_of_sv last, int_of_sv first,
                       string_of_sv flags)
                  | _ -> assert false)
        (assoc_of_hv hv);

    method quit () =
      ignore (call_method nntp "quit" [])


(* Connect to an NNTP server by creating an "nntp" object. *)
let server =
  try new NNTP.nntp ""
  with Failure s ->
    Printf.eprintf "Can't connect to news server: %s\n" s;
    exit 1


(* Select a newsgroup and retrieve its stats. *)
let (narticles, first, last, name) =
  try server#group "misc.test"
  with Not_found ->
    Printf.eprintf "Can't select misc.test\n";
    exit 1


(* Get the headers from the last article. *)
let headers =
  try server#head last
  with Not_found ->
    Printf.eprintf "Can't get headers from article %d in %s\n"
      last name;
    exit 1


(* Get the body from the last article. *)
let body =
  try server#head last
  with Not_found ->
    Printf.eprintf "Can't get body from article %d in %s\n"
      last name;
    exit 1


(* Get the headers and body from the last article. *)
let article =
  try server#head last
  with Not_found ->
    Printf.eprintf "Can't get article from article %d in %s\n"
      last name;
    exit 1


(* Determine if posting is allowed with this server. *)
let () =
  if not (server#postok ())
  then Printf.eprintf "Server didn't tell me I could post.\n"


(* Post a message. *)
let () =
    try server#post lines
    with Failure s ->
      Printf.eprintf "Can't post: %s\n" s;
      exit 1


(* Get the complete list of newsgroups. *)
let () =
  let groupmap = server#list () in
    (fun group (last, first, flags) ->
       if flags = "y"
       then (* I can post to [group] *) ())

(* @@PLEAC@@_18.5 *)
(* Use Netpop, which is part of Ocamlnet. *)
#use "topfind";;
#require "pop";;

(* To create a Netpop client, you need to look up the server address
   and build a network connection first. Netpop uses wrappers called
   Netchannels to abstract the input and output channels. *)
let inet_addr =
  (Unix.gethostbyname mail_server).Unix.h_addr_list.(0)
let addr = Unix.ADDR_INET (inet_addr, Netpop.tcp_port)
let ic, oc = Unix.open_connection addr
let pop =
  new Netpop.client
    (new Netchannels.input_channel ic)
    (new Netchannels.output_channel oc)
let () =
  pop#user username;
  pop#pass password

(* Messages are retreived as a hashtable from message IDs to tuples,
   each tuple containing the message size in bytes and a string of
   server-specific extension data. *)
let messages = pop#list ()
let () =
    (fun msgid (size, ext) ->
       let message = pop#retr msgid in
       (* message is a Netchannels.in_obj_channel *)
       pop#dele msgid)


(* Use pop#apop instead of pop#user/pop#pass to avoid sending passwords
   in plaintext across the network. *)
let () = pop#apop username password


(* Get a message by number and print it to the console. *)
let () =
  Printf.printf "Retrieving %d : %!" msgnum;
    let message = pop#retr msgnum in
    print_newline ();
      (Netchannels.string_of_in_obj_channel message)
  with Netpop.Err_status e ->
    Printf.printf "failed (%s)\n%!" e


(* Gracefully tear down the connection. *)
let () =
  pop#quit ();
  Unix.shutdown_connection ic;
  close_out oc

(* @@PLEAC@@_18.6 *)
(* To simulate a Telnet client with OCaml, you can use the
   Telnet_client module from Ocamlnet's "netclient" package.

   This module is written in an asynchronous style, so you
   will need to create event handlers to process the Telnet
   events that occur: data, end of file, timeout, and the
   sending and receiving of options (also known as "do",
   "don't", "will", and "won't". *)

#use "topfind";;
#require "netclient";;

open Telnet_client

(* This class wraps the Telnet session for convenience in
   defining event handlers and chaining them together. *)
class session ~host ~port ~username ~password ~prompt ~timeout =
object (self)
  (* Telnet_client.telnet_session instance to wrap. *)
  val telnet = new telnet_session

  (* Initial on-data handler, which will be redefined later. *)
  val mutable process = fun _ -> ()

  (* Initialize the Telnet session. *)
    telnet#set_connection (Telnet_connect (host, port));
    telnet#set_options {connection_timeout=timeout;
    telnet#set_callback self#on_input;
    telnet#set_exception_handler self#on_exception;
    telnet#attach ();
    process <- self#start

  (* Build an input callback that checks for a regular
     expression match in the input and calls a callback
     function if the match is positive. *)
  method waitfor pat cb =
    let rex = Pcre.regexp pat in
    fun data -> if Pcre.pmatch ~rex data then cb data

  (* Enqueue a line of data and flush the output queue. *)
  method write data =
    Queue.add (Telnet_data data) telnet#output_queue;
    Queue.add (Telnet_data "\n") telnet#output_queue;
    telnet#update ()

  (* Handle first input: wait for a login prompt and then
     invoke self#send_username to send the username. *)
  method start =
    self#waitfor "ogin:" self#send_username

  (* Send the username and wait for the password prompt. *)
  method send_username data =
    self#write username;
    process <- self#waitfor "assword:" self#send_password

  (* Send the password and wait to see if we succeeded. *)
  method send_password data =
    self#write password;
    process <- self#verify_login

  (* Determine if the login was a success or a failure.
     Abort with an exception on failure; call self#logged_in
     on success. *)
  method verify_login data =
    if Pcre.pmatch ~pat:"incorrect" data
    then failwith "Login failed"
    else if Pcre.pmatch ~pat:"^\\s*$" data
    then () (* ignore blank lines *)
    else self#logged_in data

  (* Logged in successfully. Wait for a prompt if necessary
     and call self#run_ls to send the first command. *)
  method logged_in data =
    process <- self#waitfor prompt self#run_ls;
    self#waitfor prompt self#run_ls data

  (* Do a directory listing and wait for results. *)
  method run_ls data =
    self#write "/bin/ls -1";
    process <- self#gather_files

  (* This variable will buffer the results of the "ls" command. *)
  val mutable files = ""

  (* Buffer the filenames printed out from the "ls" command and
     print them out once we get a prompt. *)
  method gather_files data =
    if Pcre.pmatch ~pat:prompt data
        files <- Pcre.replace ~pat:"^/bin/ls -1\\s*" files;
          "Files: %s\n%!"
          (String.concat ", "
             (Pcre.split ~pat:"\\s+" files));
        self#run_top data
    else files <- files ^ data

  (* Run another command until we get a prompt and then call
     self#close to close the connection. *)
  method run_top data =
    self#write "top -n1 -b";
    process <- self#waitfor prompt self#close

  (* Close the connection by sending an EOF. *)
  method close data =
    Queue.add Telnet_eof telnet#output_queue

  (* When we receive an EOF, exit the program. *)
  method on_eof () =
    prerr_endline "EOF";
    exit 0

  (* If a timeout event is received, exit with an error code. *)
  method on_timeout () =
    prerr_endline "Timeout";
    exit 1

  (* Print any thrown exceptions to standard error. *)
  method on_exception exn =
    prerr_endline (Printexc.to_string exn)

  (* This is the main error handler, which dispatches on
     Telnet_client events. *)
  method on_input got_synch =
    while not (Queue.is_empty telnet#input_queue) do
      let tc = Queue.take telnet#input_queue in
      match tc with
        | Telnet_data data -> process data
            | Telnet_eof -> self#on_eof ()
            | Telnet_timeout -> self#on_timeout ()
        | Telnet_will _
        | Telnet_wont _
        | Telnet_do _
        | Telnet_dont _ ->
            (* The telnet_session handles these events.
               Calling this method is necessary. *)
            telnet#process_option_command tc
            | _ -> ()

  (* Run the Telnet session by calling the "run" method on
     the underling telnet_session instance. *)
  method run = telnet#run

(* Create an instance of our custom session class. *)
let session =
  new session
    ~prompt:"\\$ $"

(* Start the session. *)
let () = session#run ()

(* @@PLEAC@@_18.7 *)
(* ping - send and receive ICMP echo packets *)

(* There do not appear to be any libraries available for pinging
   servers from OCaml, ICMP or otherwise. In this recipe, we will
   make a diversion from the Perl recipe, which simply determines
   if a host is up, and instead write a lookalike for the "ping"
   shell command. We might as well, if we're going to all the
   trouble of building ICMP packets directly. *)

(* Import Unix and enable threads using findlib for convenience. *)
#use "topfind";;
#require "unix";;

(* The Packet module defines a data type and operations for building,
   parsing, and checking the integrity of ICMP packets. *)
module Packet = struct
  exception Invalid_length of int
  exception Invalid_checksum of int * int

  (* type' and code define the ICMP message type. An echo message
     has type'=8, code=0, and an echo reply has type'=0, code=0.
     The id is a unique identifier for the current process to help
     distinguish between replies for other processes. seq is the
     sequence number, which is usually incremented with each message.
     data is the message body whose contents depend on the type of
     message. *)
  type t = { type' : int;
             code : int;
             id : int;
             seq : int;
             data : string }

  (* Define a convenience function for constructing packets. *)
  let make ?(type'=8) ?(code=0) ~id ~seq data =
    {type'=type'; code=code; id=id; seq=seq; data=data}

  (* Calculate a checksum for a message by adding its contents, two
     bytes at a time, folding the high order bits into the low order
     bits, and taking the logical complement. The result will be an
     int with 16-bit precision. *)
  let checksum s =
    let num_bytes = String.length s in
    let num_shorts = num_bytes / 2 in
    let rec sum_shorts i sum =
      if i < num_shorts then
        let short = Int32.of_int (int_of_char s.[i * 2] lsl 8
                                  + int_of_char s.[i * 2 + 1]) in
        sum_shorts (i + 1) (Int32.add sum short)
      else sum in
    let sum = sum_shorts 0 0l in
    let sum =
      if num_bytes mod 2 = 1 then
        Int32.add sum
          (Int32.of_int (int_of_char s.[num_bytes - 1] lsl 8))
      else sum in
    let sum =
        (Int32.shift_right sum 16)
        (Int32.logand sum 0xffffl) in
         (Int32.lognot (Int32.add (Int32.shift_right sum 16) sum))

  (* Convert a packet to a string that can be sent over a socket. *)
  let to_string {type'=type'; code=code; id=id; seq=seq; data=data} =
    let b = Buffer.create 20 in
    Buffer.add_char b (char_of_int type');
    Buffer.add_char b (char_of_int code);
    Buffer.add_char b '\000';  (* checksum hi *)
    Buffer.add_char b '\000';  (* checksum lo *)
    Buffer.add_char b (char_of_int (id lsr 8 land 0xff));
    Buffer.add_char b (char_of_int (id land 0xff));
    Buffer.add_char b (char_of_int (seq lsr 8 land 0xff));
    Buffer.add_char b (char_of_int (seq land 0xff));
    Buffer.add_string b data;
    let packet = Buffer.contents b in
    let sum = checksum packet in
    packet.[2] <- char_of_int (sum lsr 8 land 0xff);
    packet.[3] <- char_of_int (sum land 0xff);

  (* Parse a string into a packet structure. If the string is less than
     8 bytes long, an Invalid_length exception will be raised. If the
     checksum does not match the contents, an Invalid_checksum
     exception will be raised. *)
  let of_string s =
    if String.length s < 8 then raise (Invalid_length (String.length s));
    let s' = String.copy s in
    s'.[2] <- '\000';
    s'.[3] <- '\000';
    let sum = int_of_char s.[2] lsl 8 + int_of_char s.[3] in
    let sum' = checksum s' in
    if sum <> sum' then raise (Invalid_checksum (sum, sum'));
    {type'=int_of_char s.[0];
     code=int_of_char s.[1];
     id=int_of_char s.[4] lsl 8 + int_of_char s.[5];
     seq=int_of_char s.[6] lsl 8 + int_of_char s.[7];
     data=String.sub s 8 (String.length s - 8)}

(* Define a data structure for the message body of our echo requests. *)
type payload = { timestamp : float; data : string }

(* Send a single ICMP echo request to the given socket and address. *)
let ping socket sockaddr id seq =
  let payload =
    Marshal.to_string {timestamp=Unix.gettimeofday ();
                       data="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456"} [] in
  let message = Packet.to_string (Packet.make ~id ~seq payload) in
    (Unix.sendto socket message 0 (String.length message) [] sockaddr)

(* Loop forever waiting for echo replies, printing them to the
   console along with their hostname, IP, and round-trip time. *)
let pong socket id =
  let buffer = String.make 256 '\000' in
  while true do
    let length, sockaddr =
      Unix.recvfrom socket buffer 0 (String.length buffer) [] in
    let response =
      Packet.of_string (String.sub buffer 20 (length - 20)) in
    match sockaddr, response with
      | Unix.ADDR_INET (addr, port),
        {Packet.type'=0; code=0; id=id'; seq=seq; data=data}
          when id = id' ->
          let host_entry = Unix.gethostbyaddr addr in
          let payload = Marshal.from_string data 0 in
            "%d bytes from %s (%s): icmp_seq=%d time=%.3f ms\n%!"
            (String.length data)
            (Unix.string_of_inet_addr addr)
            ((Unix.gettimeofday () -. payload.timestamp) *. 1000.)
      | _ -> ()

(* Read hostname from command line. *)
let host =
  if Array.length Sys.argv <> 2
  then (Printf.eprintf "Usage: %s host\n" Sys.argv.(0); exit 1)
  else Sys.argv.(1)

(* Use DNS to find the IP address and canonical name. *)
let name, addr =
    let h = Unix.gethostbyname host in
    h.Unix.h_name, h.Unix.h_addr_list.(0)
  with Not_found ->
    Printf.eprintf "%s: unknown host %s\n" Sys.argv.(0) host;
    exit 2

(* Make sure we are running as root, since this is required to
   open a socket with SOCK_RAW and send ICMP packets. *)
let () =
  if Unix.getuid () <> 0
  then (Printf.eprintf "%s: icmp ping requires root privilege\n"
        exit 3)

(* Start the ping loop. *)
let () =
  Printf.printf "PING %s (%s)\n" name (Unix.string_of_inet_addr addr);

  (* Build a socket and destination address. *)
  let proto = (Unix.getprotobyname "icmp").Unix.p_proto in
  let socket = Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_RAW proto in
  let sockaddr = Unix.ADDR_INET (addr, 0) in

  (* Use the PID as the ID for packets, and create a counter for
     the sequence number. *)
  let id = Unix.getpid () in
  let seq = ref 0 in

  (* Start a background thread to print the echo replies. *)
  ignore (Thread.create (pong socket) id);

  (* Loop forever sending echo requests and sleeping. *)
  while true do
    incr seq;
    ping socket sockaddr id !seq;
    Unix.sleep 1

(* @@PLEAC@@_18.8 *)
(* WHOIS servers depend on the TLD, and their output formats are
   informal, inconsistent, and completely different from server
   to server. This makes a general solution very large and ad-hoc.
   The Net::Whois package, on which the original Perl recipe was
   based, no longer works since WHOIS servers started redirecting
   to other servers for most of the information.

   Since no libraries are available for this task, we will do a
   WHOIS lookup manually using sockets. This example shows how to
   perform a WHOIS lookup for the "" domain, and
   probably will not work without modification for domains under
   any other TLD. *)

#load "unix.cma";;
#load "str.cma";;

let domain_name = ""
let whois_server = ""
let service = Unix.getservbyname "whois" "tcp"

let ltrim =
  let re = Str.regexp "^[ \r\n\t\x00\x0B]*" in
  Str.global_replace re ""

let () =
  (* Connect to the parent server to find the redirect. *)

  let host = Unix.gethostbyname whois_server in
  let socket_in, socket_out =
      (Unix.ADDR_INET (host.Unix.h_addr_list.(0),
                       service.Unix.s_port)) in

  output_string socket_out domain_name;
  output_string socket_out "\n";
  flush socket_out;

  let whois_redirect_regexp = Str.regexp "Whois Server: \\(.*\\)" in
  let whois_redirect = ref "" in

      while true do
        let line = ltrim (input_line socket_in) in
        if Str.string_match whois_redirect_regexp line 0
        then whois_redirect := Str.matched_group 1 line
    with End_of_file ->
      Unix.shutdown_connection socket_in

  if !whois_redirect = ""
  then failwith "Couldn't find WHOIS redirect";

  (* Connect to the real server and get the WHOIS data. *)

  let host = Unix.gethostbyname !whois_redirect in
  let socket_in, socket_out =
      (Unix.ADDR_INET (host.Unix.h_addr_list.(0),
                       service.Unix.s_port)) in

  output_string socket_out domain_name;
  output_string socket_out "\n";
  flush socket_out;

  let domain_name_regexp = Str.regexp "Domain name: \\(.*\\)" in
  let domain_name = ref "" in

  let registrant_regexp = Str.regexp "Registrant:" in
  let registrant_name = ref "" in
  let registrant_address = ref [] in
  let registrant_country = ref "" in

  let contact_regexp = Str.regexp "\\(.*\\) Contact:" in
  let contacts = ref [] in

      while true do
        let line = ltrim (input_line socket_in) in
        if Str.string_match domain_name_regexp line 0
        then domain_name := Str.matched_group 1 line
        else if Str.string_match registrant_regexp line 0
            (* Read registrant data. *)
            registrant_name := ltrim (input_line socket_in);
            let finished = ref false in
            while not !finished do
              let line = ltrim (input_line socket_in) in
              if String.length line > 2
              then registrant_address := !registrant_address @ [line]
              else if String.length line = 2
              then registrant_country := line
              else finished := true
        else if Str.string_match contact_regexp line 0
            (* Read contact data. *)
            let contact_type = Str.matched_group 1 line in
            let contact_info = ref [] in
            for i = 1 to 6 do
              let line = ltrim (input_line socket_in) in
              contact_info := !contact_info @ [line]
            contacts := (contact_type, !contact_info) :: !contacts
    with End_of_file ->
      Unix.shutdown_connection socket_in

  (* Display the results. *)

  Printf.printf "The domain is called %s\n" !domain_name;
  Printf.printf "Mail for %s should be sent to:\n" !registrant_name;
  List.iter (Printf.printf "\t%s\n") !registrant_address;
  Printf.printf "\t%s\n" !registrant_country;

  if !contacts = []
  then Printf.printf "No contact information.\n"
      Printf.printf "Contacts:\n";
        (fun (contact_type, contact_info) ->
           Printf.printf "  %s\n" contact_type;
           List.iter (Printf.printf "    %s\n") contact_info)

(* @@PLEAC@@_18.9 *)
(* expn -- convince smtp to divulge an alias expansion *)

#use "topfind";;                        (* Findlib *)
#require "str";;                        (* Stdlib *)
#require "unix";;                       (* Stdlib *)
#require "perl";;                       (* Perl4caml *)
#require "smtp";;                       (* Ocamlnet *)
let _ = Perl.eval "use Net::DNS"        (* Net::DNS *)

let selfname = Unix.gethostname ()

let () =
  if Array.length Sys.argv < 2
  then (Printf.eprintf "usage: %s address@host ...\n" Sys.argv.(0);
        exit 1)

let () =
    (fun combo ->
       let name, host =
         match Str.bounded_split (Str.regexp "@") combo 2 with
           | [] -> "", ""
           | [name] -> name, "localhost"
           | [name; host] -> name, host
           | _ -> assert false in
       let hosts =
         Perl.call_array ~fn:"mx" [Perl.sv_of_string host] in
       let hosts = (fun mx -> Perl.call_method mx "exchange" []) hosts in
       let hosts =
         if hosts = [] then [Perl.sv_of_string host] else hosts in
         (fun host ->
            let host = Perl.string_of_sv host in
            Printf.printf "Expanding %s at %s (%s): %!"
              name host combo;
            let inet_addr =
              (Unix.gethostbyname host).Unix.h_addr_list.(0) in
            let addr = Unix.ADDR_INET (inet_addr, Netsmtp.tcp_port) in
              let ic, oc = Unix.open_connection addr in
              let smtp =
                new Netsmtp.client
                  (new Netchannels.input_channel ic)
                  (new Netchannels.output_channel oc) in
              ignore (smtp#helo ~host:selfname ());
                (match smtp#expn name with
                   | None -> "None"
                   | Some results -> String.concat ", " results);
              smtp#quit ();
              Unix.shutdown_connection ic;
              close_out oc
            with Unix.Unix_error (Unix.ECONNREFUSED, _, _) ->
              Printf.eprintf "cannot connect to %s\n" host)
    ( (Array.to_list Sys.argv))

(* @@PLEAC@@_19.0 *)
(* If you've never seen a URL before, here are a few examples. *)

(* The URL for a form submission using the GET method will contain a
   query string (the sequence of characters after the '?') with named
   parameters of the form: key1=value1&key2=value2&... *)

(* The URL for a form submission using POST will not usually contain
   a query string, so it will appear cleaner. *)

(* GET requests are assumed to be "idempotent", meaning they can be
   requested many times without any different effect than if they were
   only requested once. This has the practical difference of making
   GET requests easy to cache, and POST requests nearly impossible
   (since there is no guarantee that a POST is non-destructive). It
   is considered best practice to use POST, not GET, for side-effecting
   operations such as deleting or modifying a record. *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_19.1 *)
#!/usr/bin/env ocaml
(* hiweb - load CGI module to decode information given by web server *)

#use "topfind";;                        (* Findlib *)
#require "netcgi2";;                    (* Ocamlnet *)

(* Create an HTML escaping function for the UTF-8 encoding. *)
let escape_html = Netencoding.Html.encode ~in_enc:`Enc_utf8 ()

(* Construct the beginning of an (X)HTML document. *)
let start_html title =
  Printf.sprintf "\
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"\">
<html xmlns=\"\">
        <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" />

" (escape_html title)

(* Construct the end of an (X)HTML document. *)
let end_html = "


(* Construct a few common elements. *)
let p contents =
  Printf.sprintf "<p>%s</p>" (String.concat "" contents)
let tt contents =
  Printf.sprintf "<tt>%s</tt>" (String.concat "" contents)

(* Process a page request. *)
let process (cgi : Netcgi.cgi) =
  (* Get a parameter from a form. *)
  let value = cgi#argument_value "PARAM_NAME" in

  (* Output a document. *)
  let out = cgi#out_channel#output_string in
  out (start_html "Howdy there!");
  out (p ["You typed: "; tt [escape_html value]]);
  out end_html;

  (* Flush the output buffer. *)
  cgi#out_channel#commit_work ()

(* Initialize and run the Netcgi process. *)
let () =
  let config = Netcgi.default_config in
  let buffered _ ch = new Netchannels.buffered_trans_channel ch in ~config ~output_type:(`Transactional buffered) process


(* Set the output mime-type and expiration time. *)
cgi#set_header ~content_type:"text/html" ~cache:(`Max_age 3600) ()


(* Read multiple form fields, one containing multiple values. *)
let who = cgi#argument_value "Name" in
let phone = cgi#argument_value "Number" in
let picks =
    (fun arg -> arg#value)
    (cgi#multiple_argument "Choices") in
(* ... *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_19.2 *)
(* The default Netcgi configuration sends all exceptions to the browser
   in nicely formatted error pages. This is helpful during development
   but may be inappropriate for production. The exception pages can be
   disabled by setting the "default_exn_handler" configuration field: *)
let config = {Netcgi.default_config with

(* Most web servers send standard error to the error log, which is
   typically /var/log/apache2/error.log for a default Apache 2
   configuration. You can define a "warn" function to include the
   script name in warning messages: *)
let warn = Printf.eprintf "%s: %s\n" (Filename.basename Sys.argv.(0))
let () =
  warn "This goes to the error log."

(* You can also use Printf.kprintf to define a fancier warning function
   that supports Printf formatting. *)
let warn =
    (Printf.eprintf "%s: %s\n" (Filename.basename Sys.argv.(0)))
let () =
  warn "So does %s." "this"

(* @@PLEAC@@_19.3 *)
#!/usr/bin/env ocaml
(* webwhoami - show web users id *)

#use "topfind";;
#require "netcgi2";;
#require "unix";;

let process (cgi : Netcgi.cgi) =
  cgi#set_header ~content_type:"text/plain" ();
    (Printf.sprintf "Running as %s\n"
       (Unix.getpwuid (Unix.geteuid ())).Unix.pw_name);
  cgi#out_channel#commit_work ()

let () =
  let config = Netcgi.default_config in
  let buffered _ ch = new Netchannels.buffered_trans_channel ch in ~config ~output_type:(`Transactional buffered) process


(* By using instead of Netcgi_run, you can enable a
   command-line testing mechanism. *)

let () =
  let config = Netcgi.default_config in
  let buffered _ ch = new Netchannels.buffered_trans_channel ch in
  let output_type = `Transactional buffered in
  if Unix.isatty Unix.stdin
  then ~config ~output_type process
  else ~config ~output_type process

(* Now, you can run the CGI script from the command line to test for
   compilation and runtime errors. *)
$ ./webwhoami -help
ocaml [options] name1=value1 ... nameN=valueN
  -get               Set the method to GET (the default)
  -head              Set the method to HEAD
  -post              Set the method to POST
  -put file          Set the method to PUT with the file as argument
  -delete            Set the method to DELETE
  -mimetype type     Set the MIME type for the next file argument(s) (default: text/plain)
  -filename path     Set the filename property for the next file argument(s)
  -filearg name=file Specify a file argument whose contents are in the file
  -user name         Set REMOTE_USER to this name
  -prop name=value   Set the environment property
  -header name=value Set the request header field
  -o file            Set the output file (default: stdout)
  -help              Display this list of options
  --help             Display this list of options

(* @@PLEAC@@_19.4 *)
(* There is no feature in OCaml resembling Perl's "taint mode". *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_19.5 *)
(* Ocamlnet provides an Apache 2 module called netcgi_apache that allows
   Netcgi scripts to run inside the Apache process. To load the module,
   put something like the following in your Apache configuration file: *)

LoadModule netcgi_module /usr/lib/apache2/modules/
NetcgiLoad pcre/pcre.cma
NetcgiLoad netsys/netsys.cma
NetcgiLoad netstring/netstring.cma
NetcgiLoad str.cma
NetcgiLoad netcgi2/netcgi.cma
NetcgiLoad netcgi_apache/netcgi_apache.cma

(* Extra libraries can be added with additional "NetcgiLoad" directives.
   The following will enable netcgi_apache for *.cma files: *)

NetcgiHandler Netcgi_apache.bytecode
AddHandler ocaml-bytecode .cma

(* Or, if you prefer, you can enable netcgi_apache for a directory: *)

<Location /caml-bin>
  SetHandler ocaml-bytecode
  NetcgiHandler Netcgi_apache.bytecode
  Options ExecCGI
  Allow from all

(* Each script contains code similar to other Netcgi examples but uses to run the process. *)

let process (cgi : Netcgi_apache.cgi) =
  cgi#set_header ~content_type:"text/html" ();
  (* ... *)
  cgi#out_channel#commit_work ()

let () =
  let config = Netcgi.default_config in
  let buffered _ ch = new Netchannels.buffered_trans_channel ch in
  let output_type = `Transactional buffered in ~config ~output_type process

(* Scripts need to be compiled into bytecode libraries before Apache can
   execute them. If you have findlib installed, you can compile them as
   follows: *)

ocamlfind ocamlc -package netcgi_apache -c
ocamlfind ocamlc -a -o myscript.cma myscript.cmo

(* Here is a Makefile to automate the build process. *)

RESULTS = myscript.cma another.cma
PACKS = netcgi_apache,anotherlib

%.cmo :
        ocamlfind ocamlc -package $(PACKS) -c $<

%.cma : %.cmo
        ocamlfind ocamlc -a -o $@ $<

all: $(RESULTS)

        rm -f *.cma *.cmi *.cmo $(RESULTS)

(* @@PLEAC@@_19.6 *)
(* UNSAFE *)
let status =
    (command ^ " " ^ input ^ " " ^ String.concat " " files)

(* safer *)
let pid =
  Unix.create_process command (Array.of_list ([command; input] @ files))
    Unix.stdin Unix.stdout Unix.stderr
let _, status = Unix.waitpid [] pid

(* @@PLEAC@@_19.7 *)
open Printf

(* Define some HTML helper functions. *)
let ol contents = sprintf "<ol>%s</ol>" (String.concat "" contents)
let ul contents = sprintf "<ul>%s</ul>" (String.concat "" contents)
let li ?(typ="") content =
  if typ = ""
  then sprintf "<li>%s</li>" content
  else sprintf "<li type=\"%s\">%s</li>" typ content
let tr contents = sprintf "<tr>%s</tr>" (String.concat "" contents)
let th content = sprintf "<th>%s</th>" content
let td content = sprintf "<td>%s</td>" content

(* Main CGI process. *)
let process (cgi : Netcgi.cgi) =

  (* Define a print function for convenience. *)
  let print s =
    cgi#out_channel#output_string s;
    cgi#out_channel#output_string "\n" in

  (* Print a numbered list. *)
  print (ol ( li ["red"; "blue"; "green"]));

  (* Print a bulleted list. *)
  let names = ["Larry"; "Moe"; "Curly"] in
  print (ul ( (li ~typ:"disc") names));

  (* The "li" function gets applied to a single item. *)
  print (li "alpha");

  (* If there are multiple items, use *)
  print (String.concat " " ( li ["alpha"; "omega"]));

  (* Build a table of states and their cities. *)
  let ( => ) k v = (k, v) in
  let state_cities =
      "Wisconsin"  => [ "Superior"; "Lake Geneva"; "Madison" ];
      "Colorado"   => [ "Denver"; "Fort Collins"; "Boulder" ];
      "Texas"      => [ "Plano"; "Austin"; "Fort Stockton" ];
      "California" => [ "Sebastopol"; "Santa Rosa"; "Berkeley" ];
    ] in

  (* Print the table in sorted order. *)
  print "<TABLE> <CAPTION>Cities I Have Known</CAPTION>";
  print (tr ( th ["State"; "Cities"]));
    (fun (state, cities) ->
       print (tr (th state :: td (List.sort compare cities))))
    (List.sort compare state_cities);
  print "</TABLE>";

  (* Flush the output buffer. *)
  cgi#out_channel#commit_work ()


(* salcheck - check for salaries *)

(* Requires ocaml-mysql, available here:

   For netcgi_apache, the following configuration directive is needed:
   NetcgiLoad mysql/mysql.cma *)

open Printf

let escape_html = Netencoding.Html.encode ~in_enc:`Enc_utf8 ()

let start_html title =
  sprintf "\
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"\">
<html xmlns=\"\">
        <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" />

" (escape_html title)

let end_html = "


let start_form ?(action="") ?(method'="get") () =
  sprintf "<form action=\"%s\" method=\"%s\">"
    (escape_html action) (escape_html method')
let end_form = "</form>"

let p contents = sprintf "<p>%s</p>" (String.concat "" contents)
let h1 contents = sprintf "<h1>%s</h1>" (String.concat "" contents)

let textfield ?(name="") ?(value="") () =
  sprintf "<input type=\"text\" name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\" />"
    (escape_html name) (escape_html value)

let submit ?(name="") ?(value="") () =
  sprintf "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\" />"
    (escape_html name) (escape_html value)

let tr contents = sprintf "<tr>%s</tr>" (String.concat "" contents)
let td content = sprintf "<td>%s</td>" content

let process (cgi : Netcgi.cgi) =
  let limit = cgi#argument_value "LIMIT" in

  cgi#set_header ~content_type:"text/html" ();

  let print s =
    cgi#out_channel#output_string s;
    cgi#out_channel#output_string "\n" in

  print (start_html "Salary Query");
  print (h1 ["Search"]);
  print (start_form ());
  print (p ["Enter minimum salary ";
            textfield ~name:"LIMIT" ~value:limit ()]);
  print (submit ~value:"Submit" ());
  print end_form;

  if limit <> "" then
      let db =
          ~port:3306 () in
      let sql =
        sprintf "
            SELECT name, salary
            FROM   employees
            WHERE  salary > %s
        " (Mysql.ml2float (float_of_string limit)) in
      let result = Mysql.exec db sql in
      print (h1 ["Results"]);
      print "<table border=\"1\">";
      print (String.concat "\n"
               ( result
                  (fun values ->
                     tr [td (escape_html
                                  Mysql.str2ml values.(0)));
                         td (sprintf "%.2f"
                                  Mysql.float2ml values.(1)))])));
      print "</table>";
      Mysql.disconnect db;

  print end_html;
  cgi#out_channel#commit_work ()

let () =
  let buffered _ ch = new Netchannels.buffered_trans_channel ch in
    ~output_type:(`Transactional buffered)
    (fun cgi -> process (cgi :> Netcgi.cgi))

(* @@PLEAC@@_19.8 *)
let process (cgi : Netcgi.cgi) =
  let url = "" in
  cgi#set_redirection_header url;
  (* By default, the above will send a 302 Found. To instead send
     a 301 Moved Permanently, use the following command. *)
  cgi#set_header ~status:`Moved_permanently ()


(* oreobounce - set a cookie and redirect the browser *)

let process (cgi : Netcgi.cgi) =
  let oreo =
      ~max_age:(60 * 60 * 24 * 30 * 3)  (* 3 months *)
      "filling" "vanilla crème" in
  let whither = "" in
  cgi#set_redirection_header ~set_cookies:[oreo] whither

let () =
  let buffered _ ch = new Netchannels.buffered_trans_channel ch in
    ~output_type:(`Transactional buffered)
    (fun cgi -> process (cgi :> Netcgi.cgi))

HTTP/1.1 302 Found
Date: Thu, 06 Nov 2008 04:39:53 GMT
Server: Apache/2.2.9 (Debian) Netcgi_apache/2.2.9 PHP/5.2.6-5 with Suhosin-Patch
Set-Cookie: filling=vanilla%20cr%E8me;Version=1;Domain=.sourceforge.nt;Max-Age=7776000;Expires=Wed, 04 Feb 2009 04:39:55 +0000
Status: 302
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Content-Type: text/html


(* os_snipe - redirect to a Jargon File entry about current OS *)

let process (cgi : Netcgi.cgi) =
  let dir = "" in
  let page =
    match cgi#environment#user_agent with
      | s when Str.string_match
            (Str.regexp ".*Mac") s 0 ->
      | s when Str.string_match
            (Str.regexp ".*Win\\(dows \\)?NT") s 0 ->
      | s when Str.string_match
            (Str.regexp ".*\\(Win\\|MSIE\\|WebTV\\)") s 0 ->
      | s when Str.string_match
            (Str.regexp ".*Linux") s 0 ->
      | s when Str.string_match
            (Str.regexp ".*HP-UX") s 0 ->
      | s when Str.string_match
            (Str.regexp ".*SunOS") s 0 ->
      | _ ->
          "a/AppendixB.html" in
  cgi#set_redirection_header (dir ^ "/" ^ page)

let () =
  let buffered _ ch = new Netchannels.buffered_trans_channel ch in
    ~output_type:(`Transactional buffered)
    (fun cgi -> process (cgi :> Netcgi.cgi))


let process (cgi : Netcgi.cgi) =
  cgi#environment#set_status `No_content

HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
Date: Thu, 06 Nov 2008 05:25:46 GMT
Server: Apache/2.2.9 (Debian) Netcgi_apache/2.2.9 PHP/5.2.6-5 with Suhosin-Patch
Status: 204
Content-Type: text/html

(* @@PLEAC@@_19.9 *)
(* dummyhttpd - start an HTTP daemon and print what the client sends *)

#load "unix.cma";;

let host = "localhost"
let port = 8989

let () =
  Printf.printf "Please contact me at: http://%s:%d/\n%!" host port;
  let addr = (Unix.gethostbyname host).Unix.h_addr_list.(0) in
  let server = Unix.socket Unix.PF_INET Unix.SOCK_STREAM 0 in
  Unix.setsockopt server Unix.SO_REUSEADDR true;
  Unix.bind server (Unix.ADDR_INET (addr, port));
  Unix.listen server 10;
  while true do
      let client, sockaddr = Unix.accept server in
      let in_channel = Unix.in_channel_of_descr client in
        while true do
          let line = input_line in_channel in
          print_endline line
      with End_of_file ->
        print_endline "EOF";
        close_in in_channel

(* @@PLEAC@@_19.10 *)
(* Read a cookie: *)
Netcgi_common.Cookie.value (cgi#environment#cookie "preference name")

(* Make a cookie: *)
let cookie =
    ~max_age:(60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 2)  (* 2 years *)
    "preference name"                  (* name *)
    "whatever you'd like"              (* value*)

(* Write a cookie: *)
cgi#set_header ~set_cookies:[cookie] ()


#!/usr/bin/env ocaml
(* ic_cookies - sample CGI script that uses a cookie *)

#use "topfind";;
#require "netcgi2";;

open Printf

let escape_html = Netencoding.Html.encode ~in_enc:`Enc_utf8 ()

let start_html title =
  sprintf "\
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"\">
<html xmlns=\"\">
        <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" />
" (escape_html title)

let end_html = "

let h1 contents = sprintf "<h1>%s</h1>" (String.concat "" contents)
let hr = "<hr />"
let p contents = sprintf "<p>%s</p>" (String.concat "" contents)

let start_form ?(action="") ?(method'="get") () =
  sprintf "<form action=\"%s\" method=\"%s\">"
    (escape_html action) (escape_html method')
let end_form = "</form>"

let textfield ?(name="") ?(value="") () =
  sprintf "<input type=\"text\" name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\" />"
    (escape_html name) (escape_html value)

let process (cgi : Netcgi.cgi) =
  let cookname = "favorite ice cream" in
  let favorite = cgi#argument_value "flavor" in
  let tasty =
    try Netcgi_common.Cookie.value (cgi#environment#cookie cookname)
    with Not_found -> "mint" in
  let print s =
    cgi#out_channel#output_string s;
    cgi#out_channel#output_string "\n" in

  cgi#set_header ~content_type:"text/html" ();
  if favorite = ""
      print (start_html "Ice Cookies");
      print (h1 ["Hello Ice Cream"]);
      print hr;
      print (start_form ~method':"post" ());
      print (p ["Please select a flavor: ";
                textfield ~name:"flavor" ~value:tasty ()]);
      print end_form;
      print hr;
      print end_html;
      let cookie =
          ~max_age:(60 * 60 * 24 * 365 * 2)  (* 2 years *)
          cookname favorite in
      cgi#set_header ~set_cookies:[cookie] ();
      print (start_html "Ice Cookies, #2");
      print (h1 ["Hello Ice Cream"]);
      print (p ["You chose as your favorite flavor `";
                escape_html favorite; "'."]);
      print end_html;
  cgi#out_channel#commit_work ()

let () =
  let config = Netcgi.default_config in
  let buffered _ ch = new Netchannels.buffered_trans_channel ch in
  let output_type = `Transactional buffered in
  if Unix.isatty Unix.stdin
  then ~config ~output_type process
  else ~config ~output_type process

(* @@PLEAC@@_19.11 *)
#!/usr/bin/env ocaml
(* who.cgi - run who(1) on a user and format the results nicely *)

#use "topfind";;
#require "netcgi2";;
#require "str";;

open Printf

let escape_html = Netencoding.Html.encode ~in_enc:`Enc_utf8 ()

let start_html title =
  sprintf "\
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"\">
<html xmlns=\"\">
        <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" />
" (escape_html title)

let end_html = "

let h1 contents = sprintf "<h1>%s</h1>" (String.concat "" contents)
let p contents = sprintf "<p>%s</p>" (String.concat "" contents)
let pre contents = sprintf "<pre>%s</pre>" (String.concat "" contents)

let start_form ?(action="") ?(method'="get") () =
  sprintf "<form action=\"%s\" method=\"%s\">"
    (escape_html action) (escape_html method')
let end_form = "</form>"

let textfield ?(name="") ?(value="") () =
  sprintf "<input type=\"text\" name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\" />"
    (escape_html name) (escape_html value)

let submit ?(name="") ?(value="") () =
  sprintf "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\" />"
    (escape_html name) (escape_html value)

let process (cgi : Netcgi.cgi) =
  let print s =
    cgi#out_channel#output_string s;
    cgi#out_channel#output_string "\n" in

  let name = cgi#argument_value "WHO" in

  (* print search form *)
  cgi#set_header ~content_type:"text/html" ();
  print (start_html "Query Users");
  print (h1 ["Search"]);
  print (start_form ~method':"post" ());
  print (p ["Which user? ";
            textfield ~name:"WHO" ~value:name ()]);
  print (submit ~value:"Query" ());
  print end_form;

  (* print results of the query if we have someone to look for *)
  if name <> "" then
      print (h1 ["Results"]);
      let regexp = Str.regexp name in
      let proc = Unix.open_process_in "who" in
      let found = ref false in
      let html = Buffer.create 0 in
        (* call who and build up text of response *)
          while true do
            let line = input_line proc in
            (* only lines matching [name] *)
            if Str.string_match regexp line 0 then
                Buffer.add_string html (escape_html line ^ "\n");
                found := true;
        with End_of_file ->
          close_in proc;
          (* nice message if we didn't find anyone by that name *)
          if not !found
          then Buffer.add_string html
            (escape_html name ^ " is not logged in");
      print (pre [Buffer.contents html]);

  print end_html

let () =
  let config = Netcgi.default_config in
  let buffered _ ch = new Netchannels.buffered_trans_channel ch in
  let output_type = `Transactional buffered in
  if Unix.isatty Unix.stdin
  then ~config ~output_type process
  else ~config ~output_type process

(* @@PLEAC@@_19.12 *)
#!/usr/bin/env ocaml

#use "topfind";;
#require "netcgi2";;

open Printf

let ( => ) k v = (k, v)

let escape_html = Netencoding.Html.encode ~in_enc:`Enc_utf8 ()

let start_html title =
  sprintf "\
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"\">
<html xmlns=\"\">
        <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" />
" (escape_html title)

let end_html = "

let h1 contents = sprintf "<h1>%s</h1>" (String.concat "" contents)
let p contents = sprintf "<p>%s</p>" (String.concat "" contents)
let pre contents = sprintf "<pre>%s</pre>" (String.concat "" contents)

let start_form ?(action="") ?(method'="get") () =
  sprintf "<form action=\"%s\" method=\"%s\">"
    (escape_html action) (escape_html method')
let end_form = "</form>"

let hidden ?(name="") ?(value="") () =
  sprintf "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\" />"
    (escape_html name) (escape_html value)

let submit ?(name="") ?(value="") () =
  sprintf "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\" />"
    (escape_html name) (escape_html value)

let popup_menu ?(name="") ?(value="") values =
  let options =
      (fun (value', label) ->
         sprintf "<option %s value=\"%s\">%s</option>"
           (if value = value' then "selected=\"selected\"" else "")
           (escape_html value')
           (escape_html label))
      values in
  sprintf "<select name=\"%s\">\n%s\n</select>"
    (escape_html name) (String.concat "\n" options)

let standard_header () = h1 ["Program Title"]
let standard_footer () = "<hr />"

let to_page value = submit ~name:".State" ~value ()

(* when we get a .State that doesn't exist *)
let no_such_page (cgi : Netcgi.cgi) print = ()

let front_page (cgi : Netcgi.cgi) print active = ()
let sweater (cgi : Netcgi.cgi) print active = ()
let checkout (cgi : Netcgi.cgi) print active = ()
let credit_card (cgi : Netcgi.cgi) print active = ()
let order (cgi : Netcgi.cgi) print active = ()

let t_shirt (cgi : Netcgi.cgi) print active =
  let size = cgi#argument_value "size" in
  let color = cgi#argument_value "color" in
  if active then
      print (p ["You want to buy a t-shirt?"]);
      print (p ["Size: ";
                popup_menu ~name:"size" ~value:size
                  ["XL" => "X-Large";
                   "L"  => "Large";
                   "M"  => "Medium";
                   "S"  => "Small";
                   "XS" => "X-Small"]]);
      print (p ["Color: ";
                popup_menu ~name:"color" ~value:color
                  ["Black" => "Black"; "White" => "White"]]);
      print (p [to_page "Shoes"; to_page "Checkout"]);
      print (hidden ~name:"size" ~value:size ());
      print (hidden ~name:"color" ~value:color ());

let states =
    "Default"  => front_page;
    "Shirt"    => t_shirt;
    "Sweater"  => sweater;
    "Checkout" => checkout;
    "Card"     => credit_card;
    "Order"    => order;
    "Cancel"   => front_page;

let process (cgi : Netcgi.cgi) =
  let page = cgi#argument_value ~default:"Default" ".State" in
  cgi#set_header ~content_type:"text/html" ();
  let print s =
    cgi#out_channel#output_string s;
    cgi#out_channel#output_string "\n" in
  print (start_html "Program Title");
  print (standard_header ());
  print (start_form ());
  if List.mem_assoc page states
  then List.iter (fun (state, sub) ->
                    sub cgi print (page = state)) states
  else no_such_page cgi print;
  print (standard_footer ());
  print end_form;
  print end_html;
  cgi#out_channel#commit_work ()

let () =
  let config = Netcgi.default_config in
  let buffered _ ch = new Netchannels.buffered_trans_channel ch in
  let output_type = `Transactional buffered in
  if Unix.isatty Unix.stdin
  then ~config ~output_type process
  else ~config ~output_type process

(* @@PLEAC@@_19.13 *)
#!/usr/bin/env ocaml

#use "topfind";;
#require "netcgi2";;

let escape   = Netencoding.Url.encode ~plus:false
let unescape = Netencoding.Url.decode ~plus:false

let save_arguments (ch : Netchannels.out_obj_channel) args =
    (fun arg ->
       ch#output_string (escape arg#name);
       ch#output_char '=';
       ch#output_string (escape arg#value);
       ch#output_char '\n')
  ch#output_string "=\n"

let process (cgi : Netcgi.cgi) =
  (* first open and exclusively lock the file *)
  let ch = open_out_gen [Open_append; Open_creat] 0o666 "/tmp/formlog" in
  Unix.lockf (Unix.descr_of_out_channel ch) Unix.F_LOCK 0;

  (* locally set some additional arguments *)
  let arguments =
        Netcgi.Argument.simple "_timestamp"
          (string_of_float (Unix.time ()));
        Netcgi.Argument.simple "_environs"
          (String.concat "\n" (Array.to_list (Unix.environment ())));
      cgi#arguments in

  (* wrap output in a Netchannel and save *)
  let ch = new Netchannels.output_channel ch in
  save_arguments ch arguments;
  ch#close_out ();

  (* send in an email *)
  let body = Buffer.create 256 in
  let ch = new Netchannels.output_buffer body in
  save_arguments ch arguments;
       ~from_addr:("your cgi script", Sys.argv.(0))
       ~to_addrs:[("hisname", "")]
       ~subject:"mailed form submission"
       (Buffer.contents body))

let () =
  let config = Netcgi.default_config in
  let buffered _ ch = new Netchannels.buffered_trans_channel ch in
  let output_type = `Transactional buffered in
  if Unix.isatty Unix.stdin
  then ~config ~output_type process
  else ~config ~output_type process



#use "topfind";;
#require "str";;
#require "unix";;
#require "netstring";;

let escape   = Netencoding.Url.encode ~plus:false
let unescape = Netencoding.Url.decode ~plus:false

let parse_env data =
  let result = Hashtbl.create 16 in
    (fun line ->
         let index = String.index line '=' in
         Hashtbl.add result
           (String.sub line 0 index)
           (String.sub line (index + 1) (String.length line - index - 1))
       with Not_found -> ())
    (Str.split (Str.regexp "\n") data);

let ends_with suffix s =
  try Str.last_chars s (String.length suffix) = suffix
  with Invalid_argument _ -> false

let () =
  let forms = open_in "/tmp/formlog" in
  let args = Hashtbl.create 8 in
  let count = ref 0 in
  Unix.lockf (Unix.descr_of_in_channel forms) Unix.F_RLOCK 0;
    while true do
      let line = input_line forms in
      if line = "=" then
          let his_env = parse_env (Hashtbl.find args "_environs") in
          let host =
            try Hashtbl.find his_env "REMOTE_HOST"
            with Not_found -> "" in
          if host <> "" && not (ends_with "" host)
          then (count :=
                  (!count +
                     (try Hashtbl.find args "items requested"
                      with Not_found -> "0")));
          Hashtbl.clear args
          let index = String.index line '=' in
          Hashtbl.add args
            (unescape (String.sub line 0 index))
                  (index + 1)
                  (String.length line - index - 1)))
  with End_of_file ->
    close_in forms;
    Printf.printf "Total orders: %d\n" !count

(* @@PLEAC@@_19.14 *)
#!/usr/bin/env ocaml
(* chemiserie - simple CGI shopping for shirts and sweaters *)

#use "topfind";;
#require "netcgi2";;

open Printf

let ( => ) k v = (k, v)

let escape_html = Netencoding.Html.encode ~in_enc:`Enc_utf8 ()

let start_html title =
  sprintf "\
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN\" \"\">
<html xmlns=\"\">
        <meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" content=\"text/html; charset=UTF-8\" />
" (escape_html title)

let end_html = "

let h1 contents = sprintf "<h1>%s</h1>" (String.concat "" contents)
let h2 contents = sprintf "<h2>%s</h2>" (String.concat "" contents)
let p contents = sprintf "<p>%s</p>" (String.concat "" contents)
let pre contents = sprintf "<pre>%s</pre>" (String.concat "" contents)

let start_form ?(action="") ?(method'="get") () =
  sprintf "<form action=\"%s\" method=\"%s\">"
    (escape_html action) (escape_html method')
let end_form = "</form>"

let hidden ?(name="") ?(value="") () =
  sprintf "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\" />"
    (escape_html name) (escape_html value)

let submit ?(name="") ?(value="") () =
  sprintf "<input type=\"submit\" name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\" />"
    (escape_html name) (escape_html value)

let textfield ?(name="") ?(value="") () =
  sprintf "<input type=\"text\" name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\" />"
    (escape_html name) (escape_html value)

let popup_menu ?(name="") ?(value="") values =
  let options =
      (fun (value', label) ->
         sprintf "<option %s value=\"%s\">%s</option>"
           (if value = value' then "selected=\"selected\"" else "")
           (escape_html value')
           (escape_html label))
      values in
  sprintf "<select name=\"%s\">\n%s\n</select>"
    (escape_html name) (String.concat "\n" options)

let defaults label =
  sprintf "<input type=\"button\" value=\"%s\" "%s\" />"
    (escape_html label) "javascript:location.href='?'"

let to_page value = submit ~name:".State" ~value ()

 * header, footer, menu functions

let standard_header print =
  print (start_html "Shirts");
  print (start_form ())

let standard_footer print =
  print end_form;
  print end_html

let shop_menu print =
  print (p [defaults "Empty My Shopping Cart";
            to_page "Shirt";
            to_page "Sweater";
            to_page "Checkout"])

 * subroutines for each screen

(* The default page. *)
let front_page cgi print active =
  if active then
      print (h1 ["Hi!"]);
      print "Welcome to our Shirt Shop!  Please make your selection ";
      print "from the menu below.";
      shop_menu print;

(* Page to order a shirt from. *)
let shirt (cgi : Netcgi.cgi) print active =
  let sizes = ["XL" => "X-Large";
               "L"  => "Large";
               "M"  => "Medium";
               "S"  => "Small";
               "XS" => "X-Small"] in
  let colors = ["Black" => "Black"; "White" => "White"] in

  let size, color, count =
    cgi#argument_value "shirt_size",
    cgi#argument_value "shirt_color",
    cgi#argument_value "shirt_count" in

  (* sanity check *)
  let size =
    if List.mem_assoc size sizes
    then size
    else fst (List.hd sizes) in
  let color =
    if List.mem_assoc color colors
    then color
    else fst (List.hd colors) in

  if active then
      print (h1 ["T-Shirt"]);
      print (p ["What a shirt!  This baby is decked out with all the ";
                "options. It comes with full luxury interior, cotton ";
                "trim, and a collar to make your eyes water! ";
                "Unit price: $33.00"]);
      print (h2 ["Options"]);
      print (p ["How Many? ";
                  ~value:count ()]);
      print (p ["Size? ";
                popup_menu ~name:"shirt_size" ~value:size sizes]);
      print (p ["Color? ";
                popup_menu ~name:"shirt_color" ~value:color colors]);
      shop_menu print;
      if size <> ""
      then print (hidden ~name:"shirt_size" ~value:size ());
      if color <> ""
      then print (hidden ~name:"shirt_color" ~value:color ());
      if count <> ""
      then print (hidden ~name:"shirt_count" ~value:count ());

(* Page to order a sweater from. *)
let sweater (cgi : Netcgi.cgi) print active =
  let sizes = ["XL" => "X-Large";
               "L"  => "Large";
               "M"  => "Medium"] in
  let colors = ["Chartreuse" => "Chartreuse";
                "Puce" => "Puce";
                "Lavender" => "Lavender"] in

  let size, color, count =
    cgi#argument_value "sweater_size",
    cgi#argument_value "sweater_color",
    cgi#argument_value "sweater_count" in

  (* sanity check *)
  let size =
    if List.mem_assoc size sizes
    then size
    else fst (List.hd sizes) in
  let color =
    if List.mem_assoc color colors
    then color
    else fst (List.hd colors) in

  if active then
      print (h1 ["Sweater"]);
      print (p ["Nothing implies preppy elegance more than this fine ";
                "sweater.  Made by peasant workers from black market ";
                "silk, it slides onto your lean form and cries out ";
                "``Take me, for I am a god!''.  Unit price: $49.99."]);
      print (h2 ["Options"]);
      print (p ["How Many? ";
                  ~value:count ()]);
      print (p ["Size? ";
                popup_menu ~name:"sweater_size" ~value:size sizes]);
      print (p ["Color? ";
                popup_menu ~name:"sweater_color" ~value:color colors]);
      shop_menu print;
      if size <> ""
      then print (hidden ~name:"sweater_size" ~value:size ());
      if color <> ""
      then print (hidden ~name:"sweater_color" ~value:color ());
      if count <> ""
      then print (hidden ~name:"sweater_count" ~value:count ());

let calculate_price (cgi : Netcgi.cgi) =
  let shirts =
    try int_of_string (cgi#argument_value "shirt_count")
    with Failure _ -> 0 in
  let sweaters =
    try int_of_string (cgi#argument_value "shirt_count")
    with Failure _ -> 0 in
  sprintf "$%.2f" (float shirts *. 33.0 +. float sweaters *. 49.99)

(* Returns HTML for the current order ("You have ordered ...") *)
let order_text (cgi : Netcgi.cgi) =
  let shirt_count = cgi#argument_value "shirt_count" in
  let shirt_size = cgi#argument_value "shirt_size" in
  let shirt_color = cgi#argument_value "shirt_color" in

  let sweater_count = cgi#argument_value "sweater_count" in
  let sweater_size = cgi#argument_value "sweater_size" in
  let sweater_color = cgi#argument_value "sweater_color" in

  let html = Buffer.create 0 in

  if not (List.mem shirt_count [""; "0"]) then
    Buffer.add_string html
      (p ["You have ordered "; escape_html shirt_count;
          " shirts of size "; escape_html shirt_size;
          " and color "; escape_html shirt_color; "."]);

  if not (List.mem sweater_count [""; "0"]) then
    Buffer.add_string html
      (p ["You have ordered "; escape_html sweater_count;
          " sweaters of size "; escape_html sweater_size;
          " and color "; escape_html sweater_color; "."]);

  let html = Buffer.contents html in
  match html with
    | "" -> p ["Nothing!"]
    | html -> html ^ p ["For a total cost of "; calculate_price cgi]

(* Page to display current order for confirmation. *)
let checkout (cgi : Netcgi.cgi) print active =
  if active then
      print (h1 ["Order Confirmation"]);
      print (p ["You ordered the following:"]);
      print (order_text cgi);
      print (p ["Is this right?  Select 'Card' to pay for the items ";
                "or 'Shirt' or 'Sweater' to continue shopping."]);
      print (p [to_page "Card";
                to_page "Shirt";
                to_page "Sweater"]);

(* Page to gather credit-card information. *)
let credit_card (cgi : Netcgi.cgi) print active =
  let widgets = ["Name"; "Address1"; "Address2"; "City"; "Zip"; "State";
                 "Phone"; "Card"; "Expiry"] in
  if active then
      print (pre [p ["Name:          ";
                       ~value:(cgi#argument_value "Name") ()];
                  p ["Address:       ";
                       ~value:(cgi#argument_value "Address1") ()];
                  p ["               ";
                       ~value:(cgi#argument_value "Address2") ()];
                  p ["City:          ";
                       ~value:(cgi#argument_value "City") ()];
                  p ["Zip:           ";
                       ~value:(cgi#argument_value "Zip") ()];
                  p ["State:         ";
                       ~value:(cgi#argument_value "State") ()];
                  p ["Phone:         ";
                       ~value:(cgi#argument_value "Phone") ()];
                  p ["Credit Card *: ";
                       ~value:(cgi#argument_value "Card") ()];
                  p ["Expiry:        ";
                       ~value:(cgi#argument_value "Expiry") ()]]);

      print (p ["Click on 'Order' to order the items. ";
                "Click on 'Cancel' to return shopping."]);

      print (p [to_page "Order"; to_page "Cancel"]);
        (fun widget ->
           print (hidden
                    ~value:(cgi#argument_value widget) ()))

(* Page to complete an order. *)
let order cgi print active =
  if active then
      (* you'd check credit card values here *)
      print (h1 ["Ordered!"]);
      print (p ["You have ordered the following toppings:"]);
      print (order_text cgi);

      print (p [defaults "Begin Again"]);

(* state table mapping pages to functions *)
type page = Netcgi.cgi -> (string -> unit) -> bool -> unit
let (states : (string * page) list) =
    "Default"  => front_page;
    "Shirt"    => shirt;
    "Sweater"  => sweater;
    "Checkout" => checkout;
    "Card"     => credit_card;
    "Order"    => order;
    "Cancel"   => front_page;

let no_such_page (cgi : Netcgi.cgi) print current_screen =
  print ("No screen for " ^ current_screen)

let process (cgi : Netcgi.cgi) =
  let current_screen = cgi#argument_value ~default:"Default" ".State" in

  let print s =
    cgi#out_channel#output_string s;
    cgi#out_channel#output_string "\n" in

  (* Generate the current page. *)
  cgi#set_header ~content_type:"text/html" ();
  standard_header print;
  if List.mem_assoc current_screen states
  then List.iter (fun (state, sub) ->
                    sub cgi print (current_screen = state)) states
  else no_such_page cgi print current_screen;
  standard_footer print;
  cgi#out_channel#commit_work ()

let () =
  let config = Netcgi.default_config in
  let buffered _ ch = new Netchannels.buffered_trans_channel ch in
  let output_type = `Transactional buffered in
  if Unix.isatty Unix.stdin
  then ~config ~output_type process
  else ~config ~output_type process

(* @@PLEAC@@_20.0 *)
(* Libraries for HTTP clients and servers are listed at The Caml Hump: *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_20.1 *)
(* If you just want to read a URL as a string, Ocamlnet's "Convenience"
   interface to Http_client is as easy as it gets. For the more powerful
   general interface to Http_client, see the next example. *)
#use "topfind";;
#require "netclient";;
open Http_client.Convenience
let content = http_get url


(* titlebytes - find the title and size of documents  *)

#use "topfind";;
#require "str";;
#require "netclient";;

let raw_url = Sys.argv.(1)
let url = Neturl.parse_url raw_url
let () =
  Printf.printf "%s =>\n\t%!" (Neturl.string_of_url url);
  let call = new Http_client.get (Neturl.string_of_url url) in
  call#set_req_header "User-Agent" "Schmozilla/v9.14 Platinum";
  call#set_req_header "Referer" "http://wizard.yellowbrick.oz";
  let pipeline = new Http_client.pipeline in
  pipeline#add call;
  pipeline#run ();
  match call#status with
    | `Successful ->
        let content = call#get_resp_body () in
        let bytes = String.length content in
        let count = ref 0 in
        String.iter (function '\n' -> incr count | _ -> ()) content;
        let regexp =
          Str.regexp_case_fold ".*<title>\\([^<]*\\)</title>.*" in
        let title =
          try (ignore (Str.search_forward regexp content 0);
               Str.matched_group 1 content)
          with Not_found -> "(untitled)" in
        let title =
            (Str.regexp "\\(^[\n\r\t ]+\\)\\|\\([\n\r\t ]+$\\)") ""
            title in
        Printf.printf "%s (%d lines, %d bytes)\n" title !count bytes
    | `Client_error ->
        Printf.eprintf "Client error: %d %s\n"
    | `Http_protocol_error e ->
        Printf.eprintf "HTTP protocol error: %s\n"
          (Printexc.to_string e)
    | `Redirection ->
        Printf.eprintf "Redirection\n"
    | `Server_error ->
        Printf.eprintf "Server error\n"
    | `Unserved ->
        assert false

(* @@PLEAC@@_20.2 *)
#use "topfind";;
#require "netclient";;
open Http_client.Convenience

(* Submit a form using GET. *)
let url = ""
let content = http_get url

(* Submit a form using POST. Since we need to follow a redirect here,
   we can't use the "Convenience" methods. *)
let url = ""
let params = ["module", "DB_File"; "readme", "1"]
let () =
  let call = new url params in
  call#set_redirect_mode Http_client.Redirect;
  let pipeline = new Http_client.pipeline in
  pipeline#add call;
  pipeline#run ()
let content = call#response_body#value

(* GET parameters can be URL encoded with Netencoding.Url.encode. *)
let arg = "\"this isn't <EASY> & <FUN>\""
Netencoding.Url.encode arg
(* - : string = "%22this+isn%27t+%3CEASY%3E+%26+%3CFUN%3E%22" *)
Netencoding.Url.encode ~plus:false arg
(* - : string = "%22this%20isn%27t%20%3CEASY%3E%20%26%20%3CFUN%3E%22" *)

(* To use a proxy, either set the "http_proxy" environment variable and
   call "set_proxy_from_environment" on the pipeline (done automatically
   for the "Convenience" methods) or set the proxy host and port using
   the "set_proxy" method: *)
let () = pipeline#set_proxy "localhost" 3128

(* @@PLEAC@@_20.3 *)
(* The Nethtml library, part of Ocamlnet, can parse arbitrary HTML from
   files and web pages. *)

#use "topfind";;
#require "netstring";;

open Nethtml

(* Define a function to walk through all the elements in a document and
   accumulate the results of a user-supplied function for each element.
   This is known as a "fold" in functional programming. *)
let rec fold_elements f accu = function
  | Element (_, _, children) as element ->
      let accu =
          (fun child accu ->
             fold_elements f accu child)
          accu in
      f accu element
  | other -> accu

(* Define a type for links so we can tell anchors and images apart. *)
type link = A of string | IMG of string

(* Using fold_elements, define a function that collects the URLs from
   all the "a" and "img" tags. *)
let find_links elements =
          (fun accu element ->
             match element with
               | Element ("a", attribs, _) ->
                   (try A (List.assoc "href" attribs) :: accu
                    with Not_found -> accu)
               | Element ("img", attribs, _) ->
                   (try IMG (List.assoc "src" attribs) :: accu
                    with Not_found -> accu)
               | _ -> accu)

(* Parse an HTML file. *)
let elements = parse (new Netchannels.input_channel (open_in filename))

(* Print the links we found. *)
let () =
       | A href -> Printf.printf "ANCHOR: %s\n" href
       | IMG src -> Printf.printf "IMAGE: %s\n" src)
    (find_links elements)


(* xurl - extract unique, sorted list of links from URL *)

#use "topfind";;
#require "netclient";;

open Http_client.Convenience
open Nethtml

let rec fold_elements f accu = function
  | Element (_, _, children) as element ->
      let accu =
          (fun child accu ->
             fold_elements f accu child)
          accu in
      f accu element
  | other -> accu

type link = A of string | IMG of string

let find_links elements =
          (fun accu element ->
             match element with
               | Element ("a", attribs, _) ->
                   (try A (List.assoc "href" attribs) :: accu
                    with Not_found -> accu)
               | Element ("img", attribs, _) ->
                   (try IMG (List.assoc "src" attribs) :: accu
                    with Not_found -> accu)
               | _ -> accu)

let base_url = Sys.argv.(1)
let elements = parse (new Netchannels.input_string (http_get base_url))
let url_syntax = Hashtbl.find Neturl.common_url_syntax "http"
let url_syntax =
  {url_syntax with
     Neturl.url_enable_fragment = Neturl.Url_part_allowed}
let url_syntax = Neturl.partial_url_syntax url_syntax

module StringSet = Set.Make(String)

let () =
  StringSet.iter print_endline
       (fun accu s ->
                    (Neturl.url_of_string url_syntax base_url)
                    (Neturl.url_of_string url_syntax s)))
          with Neturl.Malformed_URL ->
            Printf.eprintf "Malformed URL: %s\n%!" s;
             | A href -> href
             | IMG src -> src)
          (find_links elements)))

(* @@PLEAC@@_20.4 *)
(* text2html - trivial html encoding of normal text *)

#use "topfind";;
#require "str";;
#require "netstring";;

let line_stream_of_channel channel =
    (fun _ -> try Some (input_line channel) with End_of_file -> None)

let paragraph_stream_of_channel channel =
  let lines = line_stream_of_channel channel in
  let rec next para_lines i =
    match Stream.peek lines, para_lines with
      | None, [] -> None
      | Some "", [] -> Stream.junk lines; next para_lines i
      | Some "", _
      | None, _ -> Some (String.concat "\n" (List.rev para_lines))
      | Some line, _ -> Stream.junk lines; next (line :: para_lines) i in
  Stream.from (next [])

let chop s =
  if s = "" then s else String.sub s 0 (String.length s - 1);;

let substitutions =
    (* embedded URL (good) or guessed URL (bad) *)
    Str.regexp "\\(<URL:[^>]+>\\)\\|\\(http:[^ \n\r\t]+\\)",
    (fun s ->
       let s =
         if s.[0] = '<'
         then String.sub s 5 (String.length s - 6)
         else s in
       [Nethtml.Element ("a", ["href", s], [Nethtml.Data s])]);

    (* this is *bold* here *)
    Str.regexp "\\*[^*]+\\*",
    (fun s -> [Nethtml.Element ("strong", [], [Nethtml.Data s])]);

    (* this is _italics_ here *)
    Str.regexp "_[^ _]+_",
    (fun s -> [Nethtml.Element ("em", [], [Nethtml.Data s])]);

let substitute regexp func data =
          | Str.Text s -> [Nethtml.Data s]
          | Str.Delim s -> func s)
       (Str.full_split regexp data))

let rec map_data f list =
          | Nethtml.Data data -> f data
          | Nethtml.Element (name, attrs, children) ->
              [Nethtml.Element (name, attrs, map_data f children)])

let text2html text =
  (* Create the initial HTML tree. *)
  let html = [Nethtml.Data text] in

  (* Split text into lines. *)
  let html =
            | Nethtml.Data data ->
                  (fun line -> Nethtml.Data (line ^ "\n"))
                  ("" :: Str.split (Str.regexp "\n") data)
            | Nethtml.Element _ as e -> [e])
         html) in

  (* Perform inline substitutions. *)
  let html =
      (fun (regexp, func) ->
         map_data (substitute regexp func))
      html in

  (* Add line breaks to quoted text. *)
  let html =
            | Nethtml.Data line when line.[0] = '>' ->
                [Nethtml.Data (chop line);
                 Nethtml.Element ("br", [], []);
                 Nethtml.Data "\n"]
            | Nethtml.Data line -> [Nethtml.Data line]
            | Nethtml.Element _ as e -> [e])
         html) in

  (* Return the finished document. *)

let buffer = Buffer.create 0
let channel = new Netchannels.output_buffer buffer
let write html = Nethtml.write channel (Nethtml.encode html)
let paragraphs = paragraph_stream_of_channel stdin

(* Main loop *)
let () =
  let first = ref true in
    (fun para ->
       if !first then first := false
       else write [Nethtml.Data "\n\n"];
       (* Paragraphs beginning with whitespace are wrapped in <pre> *)
       let tag, body =
         if String.length para > 0 && String.contains " \t" para.[0]
         then "pre", [Nethtml.Data "\n";
                      Nethtml.Data para;  (* indented verbatim *)
                      Nethtml.Data "\n"]
         else "p", text2html para in      (* add paragraph tag *)
       write [Nethtml.Element (tag, [], body)])
  print_endline (Buffer.contents buffer)


(* To format mail headers as a table, add the following just before
   the main loop. *)
let () =
  let colon_delim = Str.regexp "[ \t]*:[ \t]*" in
  let continuation = Str.regexp "\n[ \t]+" in
    let headers = paragraphs in
    let headers = Str.global_replace continuation " " headers in
    let lines = Str.split (Str.regexp "\n") headers in
    let rows =
           (fun line ->
              (* parse heading *)
              let key, value =
                match Str.bounded_split_delim colon_delim line 2 with
                  | [key; value] -> key, value
                  | _ -> "", line in
                 ("tr", [],
                     ("th", ["align", "left"], [Nethtml.Data key]);
                     ("td", [], [Nethtml.Data value])]);
               Nethtml.Data "\n"])
           lines) in
    write [Nethtml.Element ("table", [], Nethtml.encode rows);
           Nethtml.Element ("hr", [], []);
           Nethtml.Data "\n\n"]
  with Stream.Failure -> ()

(* @@PLEAC@@_20.5 *)
#load "unix.cma";;

let slurp_channel channel =
  let buffer_size = 4096 in
  let buffer = Buffer.create buffer_size in
  let string = String.create buffer_size in
  let chars_read = ref 1 in
  while !chars_read <> 0 do
    chars_read := input channel string 0 buffer_size;
    Buffer.add_substring buffer string 0 !chars_read
  Buffer.contents buffer

let () =
  let process = Unix.open_process_in ("lynx -dump " ^ filename) in
  let ascii = slurp_channel process in
  ignore (Unix.close_process_in process);
  (* ... *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_20.6 *)
(* Nethtml can be used to safely isolate and extract the text elements
   from an HTML document. *)
#use "topfind";;
#require "netstring";;

(* Load the HTML document. *)
let channel = new Netchannels.input_channel (open_in filename)
let html = Nethtml.parse channel
let () = channel#close_in ()

(* Convert the document to plain text. *)
let plain_text =
  let text = ref [] in
  let rec loop html =
         | Nethtml.Data s -> text := s :: !text
         | Nethtml.Element (_, _, children) -> loop children)
      html in
  loop (Nethtml.decode html);
  String.concat "" (List.rev !text)


(* htitle - get html title from URL *)

#use "topfind";;
#require "str";;
#require "netclient";;

open Http_client.Convenience

let ltrim = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "^[ \r\n\t\x00\x0B]*") ""
let rtrim = Str.global_replace (Str.regexp "[ \r\n\t\x00\x0B]*$") ""
let trim s = rtrim (ltrim s)

let find_title html =
  let title = ref "" in
  let rec loop = function
    | Nethtml.Element ("title", _, Nethtml.Data data :: _) ->
        title := trim data; raise Exit
    | Nethtml.Element (_, _, children) -> List.iter loop children
    | _ -> () in
  (try List.iter loop html with Exit -> ());

let urls =
  if Array.length Sys.argv > 1
  then (Array.to_list Sys.argv)
  else (Printf.eprintf "usage: %s url ...\n" Sys.argv.(0); exit 1)

let () =
    (fun url ->
       print_string (url ^ ": ");
         let res = http_get url in
         let ch = new Netchannels.input_string res in
         let html = Nethtml.parse ch in
         print_endline (find_title html)
         | Http_client.Http_error (status, _) ->
             Printf.printf "%d %s\n" status
                  (Nethttp.http_status_of_int status))
         | Failure s -> print_endline s)

(* @@PLEAC@@_20.7 *)
(* churl - check urls *)

#use "topfind";;
#require "netclient";;

open Http_client.Convenience
open Nethtml

let rec fold_elements f accu = function
  | Element (_, _, children) as element ->
      let accu =
          (fun child accu ->
             fold_elements f accu child)
          accu in
      f accu element
  | other -> accu

type link = A of string | IMG of string

let find_links elements =
          (fun accu element ->
             match element with
               | Element ("a", attribs, _) ->
                   (try A (List.assoc "href" attribs) :: accu
                    with Not_found -> accu)
               | Element ("img", attribs, _) ->
                   (try IMG (List.assoc "src" attribs) :: accu
                    with Not_found -> accu)
               | _ -> accu)

let check_url url =
  Printf.printf "  %s: %s\n%!" url
    (match (http_head_message url)#status with
       | `Successful -> "OK"
       | _ -> "BAD")

let () =
  if Array.length Sys.argv <> 2
  then (Printf.eprintf "usage: %s <start_url>\n" Sys.argv.(0); exit 1)

let base_url = Sys.argv.(1)
let elements = parse (new Netchannels.input_string (http_get base_url))
let url_syntax = Hashtbl.find Neturl.common_url_syntax "http"
let url_syntax =
  {url_syntax with
     Neturl.url_enable_fragment = Neturl.Url_part_allowed}
let url_syntax = Neturl.partial_url_syntax url_syntax

module StringSet = Set.Make(String)

let () =
  print_endline (base_url ^ ":");
  StringSet.iter check_url
       (fun accu s ->
                    (Neturl.url_of_string url_syntax base_url)
                    (Neturl.url_of_string url_syntax s)))
          with Neturl.Malformed_URL ->
            Printf.eprintf "Malformed URL: %s\n%!" s;
             | A href -> href
             | IMG src -> src)
          (find_links elements)))

(* @@PLEAC@@_20.8 *)
(* surl - sort URLs by their last modification date *)

#use "topfind";;
#require "netclient";;

open Http_client.Convenience

let dates = ref []

let () =
    while true do
      let url = input_line stdin in
      let call = http_head_message url in
      let date =
        try Some (Netdate.parse
                    (call#response_header#field "Last-Modified"))
        with Not_found -> None in
      dates := (date, url) :: !dates
  with End_of_file -> ()

let () =
    (fun (date, url) ->
       Printf.printf "%-25s %s\n"
         (match date with
            | Some date -> Netdate.format "%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y" date
            | None -> "<NONE SPECIFIED>")
    (List.rev (List.sort compare !dates))

(* @@PLEAC@@_20.9 *)
(* Template replacement using regular expressions from the Str module. *)
#load "str.cma";;

let slurp_channel channel =
  let buffer_size = 4096 in
  let buffer = Buffer.create buffer_size in
  let string = String.create buffer_size in
  let chars_read = ref 1 in
  while !chars_read <> 0 do
    chars_read := input channel string 0 buffer_size;
    Buffer.add_substring buffer string 0 !chars_read
  Buffer.contents buffer

let slurp_file filename =
  let channel = open_in_bin filename in
  let result =
    try slurp_channel channel
    with e -> close_in channel; raise e in
  close_in channel;

let template_regexp = Str.regexp "%%\\([^%]+\\)%%"

let template filename fillings =
  let text = slurp_file filename in
  let eval s =
    try Hashtbl.find fillings s
    with Not_found -> "" in
  let replace _ =
    eval (Str.matched_group 1 text) in
  Str.global_substitute template_regexp replace text


(* Alternative implementation: a hand-written stream parser. This version
   avoids loading the whole template into memory, so it is efficient for
   large files. *)

let template filename fillings =
  let f = open_in filename in
    let buffer = Buffer.create (in_channel_length f) in
    let text = Stream.of_channel f in
    let eval s =
      try Hashtbl.find fillings s
      with Not_found -> "" in
    let rec search () =
      match Stream.peek text with
        | None -> ()
        | Some '%' ->
            Stream.junk text;
            (match Stream.peek text with
               | None ->
                   Buffer.add_char buffer '%';
                   search ()
               | Some '%' ->
                   Stream.junk text;
                   replace ""
               | Some c ->
                   Stream.junk text;
                   Buffer.add_char buffer '%';
                   Buffer.add_char buffer c;
                   search ())
        | Some c ->
            Stream.junk text;
            Buffer.add_char buffer c;
            search ()
    and replace acc =
      match Stream.peek text with
        | None ->
            Buffer.add_string buffer "%%";
            Buffer.add_string buffer acc
        | Some '%' ->
            Stream.junk text;
            (match Stream.peek text with
               | None ->
                   Buffer.add_string buffer "%%";
                   Buffer.add_string buffer acc;
                   Buffer.add_char buffer '%'
               | Some '%' ->
                   Stream.junk text;
                   Buffer.add_string buffer (eval acc);
                   search ()
               | Some c ->
                   Stream.junk text;
                   replace (acc ^ "%" ^ (String.make 1 c)))
        | Some c ->
            Stream.junk text;
            replace (acc ^ (String.make 1 c)) in
    search ();
    close_in f;
    Buffer.contents buffer
  with e ->
    close_in f;
    raise e


(* simple.template contains the following:

<!-- simple.template for internal template() function -->
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Report for %%username%%</TITLE></HEAD>
<BODY><H1>Report for %%username%%</H1>
%%username%% logged in %%count%% times, for a total of %%total%% minutes.


let () =
  let fields = Hashtbl.create 3 in
  Hashtbl.replace fields "username" whats_his_name;
  Hashtbl.replace fields "count" (string_of_int login_count);
  Hashtbl.replace fields "total" (string_of_int minute_used);
  print_endline (template "simple.template" fields)

(* Output:

<!-- simple.template for internal template() function -->
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Report for ramen</TITLE></HEAD>
<BODY><H1>Report for ramen</H1>
ramen logged in 42 times, for a total of 123 minutes.



(* userrep - report duration of user logins using SQL database *)

let process (cgi : Netcgi.cgi) =
  cgi#set_header ~content_type:"text/html" ();
    match cgi#argument_value "username" with
      | "" ->
          cgi#out_channel#output_string "No username"
      | user ->
          let db =
              ~database:"connections" () in
          let sql = Printf.sprintf "
            SELECT COUNT(duration),SUM(duration)
            FROM logins WHERE username='%s'
          " (Mysql.escape user) in
          let result = Mysql.exec db sql in
          let default d = function Some x -> x | None -> d in
          let (count, total) =
            match Mysql.fetch result with
              | None -> ("0", "0")
              | Some row ->
                  (default "0" row.(0),
                   default "0" row.(1)) in
          (* template defined in the solution above *)
          let tpl = template "report.tpl" in
          let vars = Hashtbl.create 3 in
          Hashtbl.replace vars "username" user;
          Hashtbl.replace vars "count" count;
          Hashtbl.replace vars "total" total;
          cgi#out_channel#output_string (tpl vars)
  cgi#out_channel#commit_work ()

let () =
  let config = Netcgi.default_config in
  let buffered _ ch = new Netchannels.buffered_trans_channel ch in ~config ~output_type:(`Transactional buffered) process

(* @@PLEAC@@_20.10 *)
#use "topfind";;
#require "unix";;
#require "netclient";;

let mirror url file =
  let call = new Http_client.get url in
      let mtime = (Unix.stat file).Unix.st_mtime in
      let date = Netdate.mk_mail_date mtime in
      call#set_req_header "If-Modified-Since" date
    with Unix.Unix_error _ -> ()
  call#set_response_body_storage (`File (fun () -> file));
  let pipeline = new Http_client.pipeline in
  pipeline#add call;
  pipeline#run ();
  if call#response_status = `Ok
  then (let date =
            (call#response_header#field "Last-Modified") in
        Unix.utimes file 0.0 (Netdate.since_epoch date));

(* @@PLEAC@@_20.11 *)
#load "str.cma";;

(* Parse "robots.txt" content from a stream of lines and return a
   list of user agents and a multi-valued hash table containing the
   rules for each user agent. *)
let parse_robots =
  let module S = Set.Make(struct
                            type t = string
                            let compare = compare
                          end) in

  (* Precompile regular expressions. *)
  let comments = Str.regexp "#.*" in
  let leading_white = Str.regexp "^[ \t]+" in
  let trailing_white = Str.regexp "[ \t\r]+$" in
  let colon_delim = Str.regexp "[ \t]*:[ \t]*" in

  fun stream ->
    let user_agent = ref "*" in
    let user_agents = ref (S.singleton "*") in
    let rules = Hashtbl.create 0 in

      (fun s ->
         let s = Str.replace_first comments "" s in
         let s = Str.replace_first leading_white "" s in
         let s = Str.replace_first trailing_white "" s in
         if String.length s > 0 then
           match Str.bounded_split_delim colon_delim s 2 with
             | ["User-agent"; value] ->
                 (* Found a new User-agent. *)
                 user_agent := value;
                 user_agents := S.add value !user_agents
             | ["Sitemap"; value] ->
                 (* Sitemaps are always global. *)
                 Hashtbl.add rules "*" ("Sitemap", value)
             | [key; value] ->
                 (* Found a rule for the current User-agent. *)
                 Hashtbl.add rules !user_agent (key, value)
             | _ -> failwith s)
    S.elements !user_agents, rules

(* Produce a stream of lines from an input channel. *)
let line_stream_of_channel channel =
    (fun _ -> try Some (input_line channel) with End_of_file -> None)

(* Produce a stream of lines from a string in memory. *)
let line_stream_of_string string =
  Stream.of_list (Str.split (Str.regexp "\n") string)


(* Use Ocamlnet to retrieve a "robots.txt" file and print its rules. *)

#use "topfind";;
#require "netclient";;
open Http_client.Convenience

let agents, rules =
       (http_get ""))

let () =
    (fun agent ->
       Printf.printf "User-agent: %s\n" agent;
         (fun (key, value) ->
            Printf.printf "\t%s: %s\n" key value)
         (Hashtbl.find_all rules agent))

(* @@PLEAC@@_20.12 *)
(* Use the Weblogs library by Richard Jones:

   You will also need the HostIP library: *)

let log = Weblogs.import_file "/var/log/apache2/access.log"

let () =
    (fun {Weblogs.src_ip=client;
          (* Many more fields are available.
             See Weblogs API documentation for details. *)
         } ->
       (* ... *)

(* @@PLEAC@@_20.13 *)
(* sumwww - summarize web server log activity *)

#use "topfind";;
#require "weblogs";;

open Weblogs

let file =
  if Array.length Sys.argv = 2
  then Sys.argv.(1)
  else (Printf.eprintf "usage: %s <logfile>\n" Sys.argv.(0);
        exit 1)

let format_date = CalendarLib.Printer.CalendarPrinter.sprint "%d/%b/%Y"

let incr_hash hash key by =
  Hashtbl.replace hash key
    (try Hashtbl.find hash key + by
     with Not_found -> by)

let count_hash hash =
  let count = ref 0 in
  Hashtbl.iter (fun _ _ -> incr count) hash;

let add_hash dest src =
  Hashtbl.iter (incr_hash dest) src

let lastdate = ref ""

let count = ref 0
let posts = ref 0
let homes = ref 0
let bytesum = ref 0l
let hosts = ref (Hashtbl.create 0)
let whats = ref (Hashtbl.create 0)

let sumcount = ref 0
let allposts = ref 0
let allhomes = ref 0
let bytesumsum = ref 0l
let allhosts = ref (Hashtbl.create 0)
let allwhats = ref (Hashtbl.create 0)

(* display the tallies of hosts and URLs *)
let write_report () =
  Printf.printf "%s %7d %8d %8d %7d %7d %14ld\n%!"
    !lastdate (count_hash !hosts) !count (count_hash !whats)
    !posts !homes !bytesum;

  (* add to summary data *)
  sumcount := !sumcount + !count;
  bytesumsum := Int32.add !bytesumsum !bytesum;
  allposts := !allposts + !posts;
  allhomes := !allhomes + !homes;

  (* reset daily data *)
  count := 0;
  posts := 0;
  homes := 0;
  bytesum := 0l;
  add_hash !allhosts !hosts;
  add_hash !allwhats !whats;
  Hashtbl.clear !hosts;
  Hashtbl.clear !whats

(* read log file and tally hits from the host and to the URL *)
let daily_logs () =
  let log = import_file file in
    "    Date     Hosts  Accesses  Unidocs   POST    Home       Bytes";
    "----------- ------- -------- -------- ------- ------- --------------";
    (fun row ->
       let date = format_date row.t in
       let host = row.src_ip in
       let what = row.url in
       let post = row.http_method = POST in
       let home = what = "/" in
       let bytes = match row.size with Some n -> n | None -> 0 in
       if !lastdate = "" then lastdate := date;
       if !lastdate <> date then write_report ();
       lastdate := date;
       incr count;
       if post then incr posts;
       if home then incr homes;
       incr_hash !hosts host 1;
       incr_hash !whats what 1;
       bytesum := Int32.add !bytesum (Int32.of_int bytes))
  if !count > 0 then write_report ()

let summary () =
  lastdate := "Grand Total";
  count := !sumcount;
  bytesum := !bytesumsum;
  hosts := !allhosts;
  posts := !allposts;
  whats := !allwhats;
  homes := !allhomes;
  write_report ()

let () =
  daily_logs ();
  summary ();
  exit 0


(* aprept - report on Apache logs *)

#use "topfind";;
#require "weblogs";;

open Weblogs

let file =
  if Array.length Sys.argv = 2
  then Sys.argv.(1)
  else (Printf.eprintf "usage: %s <logfile>\n" Sys.argv.(0);
        exit 1)

let log = import_file file
let conn = HostIP.connection ()

let incr_hash hash key by =
  Hashtbl.replace hash key
    (try Hashtbl.find hash key + by
     with Not_found -> by)

let report_countries () =
  let total = ref 0 in
  let countries = Hashtbl.create 0 in
    (fun row ->
       let country =
         match HostIP.get_country_name conn row.src_ip with
           | Some country -> country
           | None -> "UNKNOWN" in
       incr_hash countries country 1;
       incr total)
  let country_records = ref [] in
    (fun country count ->
       country_records := (count, country) :: !country_records)
  print_endline "Domain                  Records";
  print_endline "===============================";
    (fun (count, country) ->
       Printf.printf "%18s %5d %5.2f%%\n%!"
         country count (float count *. 100. /. float !total))
    (List.rev (List.sort compare !country_records))

let report_files () =
  let total = ref 0 in
  let totalbytes = ref 0l in
  let bytes = Hashtbl.create 0 in
  let records = Hashtbl.create 0 in
    (fun row ->
       let file = row.url in
       let size = match row.size with Some n -> n | None -> 0 in
       incr_hash bytes file size;
       incr_hash records file 1;
       totalbytes := Int32.add !totalbytes (Int32.of_int size);
       incr total)
  let file_records = ref [] in
    (fun file size ->
       let count = Hashtbl.find records file in
       file_records := (file, size, count) :: !file_records)
    "File                               Bytes          Records";
    (fun (file, size, count) ->
       Printf.printf "%-22s %10d %5.2f%% %9d %5.2f%%\n%!"
         file size
         (float size *. 100. /. Int32.to_float !totalbytes)
         (float count *. 100. /. float !total))
    (List.sort compare !file_records)

let () =
  report_countries ();
  print_newline ();
  report_files ()

(* @@PLEAC@@_20.14 *)
(* htmlsub - make substitutions in normal text of HTML files *)

#use "topfind";;
#require "str";;
#require "netstring";;

let usage () =
  Printf.eprintf "Usage: %s <from> <to> <file>...\n" Sys.argv.(0);
  exit 1

let from, to', files =
  match (Array.to_list Sys.argv) with
    | from :: to' :: files -> from, to', files
    | _ -> usage ()

let rec map_data f = function
  | Nethtml.Data data -> Nethtml.Data (f data)
  | Nethtml.Element (name, attribs, children) ->
      Nethtml.Element (name, attribs, (map_data f) children)

let regexp = Str.regexp_string from
let buffer = Buffer.create 0
let out_channel = new Netchannels.output_buffer buffer
let write html = Nethtml.write out_channel (Nethtml.encode html)

let () =
    (fun file ->
       let in_channel = new Netchannels.input_channel (open_in file) in
       let html = Nethtml.decode (Nethtml.parse in_channel) in
       in_channel#close_in ();
       write ( (map_data (Str.global_replace regexp to')) html))
  print_endline (Buffer.contents buffer)

(* @@PLEAC@@_20.15 *)
(* hrefsub - make substitutions in <A HREF="..."> fields of HTML files *)

#use "topfind";;
#require "str";;
#require "netstring";;

let usage () =
  Printf.eprintf "Usage: %s <from> <to> <file>...\n" Sys.argv.(0);
  exit 1

let from, to', files =
  match (Array.to_list Sys.argv) with
    | from :: to' :: files -> from, to', files
    | _ -> usage ()

let rec map_attr tag attr f = function
  | Nethtml.Data _ as d -> d
  | Nethtml.Element (name, attribs, children)
      when tag = name && List.mem_assoc attr attribs ->
      let value = List.assoc attr attribs in
      Nethtml.Element (name,
                       (attr, f value)
                       :: List.remove_assoc attr attribs,
              (map_attr tag attr f) children)
  | Nethtml.Element (name, attribs, children) ->
      Nethtml.Element (name,
              (map_attr tag attr f) children)

let regexp = Str.regexp_string from
let buffer = Buffer.create 0
let out_channel = new Netchannels.output_buffer buffer
let write html = Nethtml.write out_channel (Nethtml.encode html)

let () =
    (fun file ->
       let in_channel = new Netchannels.input_channel (open_in file) in
       let html = Nethtml.decode (Nethtml.parse in_channel) in
       in_channel#close_in ();
       write ( (map_attr "a" "href"
                          (Str.global_replace regexp to')) html))
  print_endline (Buffer.contents buffer)