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Contact Information


Email is the most reliable way of contacting the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy project about an issue, since we can respond at any time of the day or night without disturbing you, no matter what part of the world you live in.

Email Address:

The above email address for the Encyclopedia project is monitored on University business days only. The Encyclopedia project endeavors to respond to email messages within 1–3 University business days.


Feel free to send us ordinary mail for matters which do not require a reply, or for matters which aren't urgent. Please include an email address, if reply by email is an option, since reply by email will save energy, paper, and other resources.

You can write to the Encyclopedia project at the following postal address:

Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy
c/o Metaphysics Research Lab
Cordura Hall/Room 202
Stanford University
210 Panama Street
Stanford, CA 94305-4115