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Lombardi HouseBride Bouquets WhiteWhite Rose Bridal BouquetWhite Rose Wedding BouquetBoutonniere IdeasElegant Wedding BouquetsWhite Flower BouquetWhite Rose BouquetWhite Roses WeddingA Chic White Wedding at Eagles Nest Golf ClubKristen met Eric when she began a new job at the Bayview Golf & Country Club where Eric was already employed the summer before she began university. As it turned out, Eric was already attending the university, and the two had lived on the same street almost their whole lives despite never meeting until that summer. They formed a friendship over carpooling to work, but It was love at first sight for Eric. When they both found themselves single two years later, they decided to go on a real…1.4k
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Light Colored Wedding BouquetRomantic Garden Wedding BouquetReal Bridal BouquetPink Flower Bridal BouquetStunning Bridal BouquetFlowers For A May WeddingFebruary Flowers WeddingApril Wedding Bouquet IdeasFall Pink Wedding BouquetOur 60+ Favorite Wedding Bouquets With Roses | Matched HeartsCelebrate love and romance with these 63 stunning wedding bouquets featuring roses. From classic red to soft pastel hues, these ... Read Article4.4k
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