Plant Life Cycle

32 Pins
Plant Videos for Students
Collection of 12 Plant Videos for Kids that would be a perfect complement to a plant unit. Includes a brief description and suggested grade levels for each video.
Plant Week!
Plant week would be great. I like how this site has lesson plan ideas and the plant experiment idea. I would use all of the ideas on here.
Plant Videos for Students
Collection of 12 Plant Videos for Kids that would be a perfect complement to a plant unit. Includes a brief description and suggested grade levels for each video.
Tops and Bottoms Lesson Plans
Tops and Bottoms Lesson Plans! Here are some great book activities for kindergarten and first grade. Fun ideas to use with our favorite Janet Stevens book. Reading, responding to literature, retelling, center and craft ideas too! Perfect for Spring! #DIYArtsandCrafts
Gardening with Kids: Garden in a Glove
The Full Circle Gardener: Gardening with Kids: Garden in a Glove This would be cool for Daisy Flower Garden Journey.
Seed Germination for Kids - How Wee Learn
This is the easiest way to sprout seeds with kids - with some great tips too. This science experiment is great for demonstrating seeds germination and observing roots and sprouts. A great way to get kids excited about nature learning and the garden!
[Time-Lapse] Mung Bean Germination
Time-lapse video showing seed germination - great way for students to make observations about parts of a seed and plant life cycles.
Interactive seed journals. Great way to mix science and reading together! Other great ideas for a Seed/plants unit
Teaching Resources & Lesson Plans | Teachers Pay Teachers
These anchor charts are part of my Life Cycle of Plants: 20 Activities & Foldable Flower Project Book with mini-labs, comprehension skills, writing activities, anchor charts, graphic organizers, seed observation journals, plant vocabulary word wall cards, a culminating flower foldable project book!
The Needs of a Plant (song for kids about 5 things plants need to live)
The Needs of a Plant (song for kids about 5 things plants need to live)