mixed media photography

19 Pins
curated contemporary art /// i’m jealous of jose romussi
jose romussi. Like & Repin. Noelito Flow. Noel Panda http://www.instagram.com/noelitoflow
Experimental photography and illustration work
https://www.instagram.com/adolfofelixm/ https://www.facebook.com/RubenEncinasJ/?fref=ts Experimental photography and illustration work by Adolfo Félix, Rubén Encinasvia Behance
m a s q u e r a d e
Masquerade by Caroline Grohs, via Behance
Stitching Photographs: Various Approaches
raining / umbrella - Stitching Photographs: embroidery + photography by Diane Meyer
Hattie Stewart This is a perfect Inspiration for the GCSE question on Disguises