English: en:Mare Anguis is in the middle of the picture. It is located on the near side of the moon (the side facing the Earth), and is about 150 miles in diameter. Located within the Crisium basin, Mare Anguis is a part of the Nectarian System, meaning that it was formed during the Nectarian time period (according to Wilhelms, 1987 (Plate 9A) - Upper Imbrian epoch). Like most maria, the surface of Mare Anguis is dark, indicating that it has been filled with volcanic basalt. The crater at the left center is Eimmart, at the northwestern tip of Mare Anguis. The dark patch in the lower left corner is the northeastern edge of Mare Crisium.
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Materiały z Kosmicznego Teleskopu Hubble'a mogą być objęte prawami autorskimi jeśli nie pochodzą bezpośrednio ze Space Telescope Science Institute[1].
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{{Information |Description={{en|en:Mare Anguis is seen in the middle of the picture below. It is located on the near side of the moon (the side facing the Earth), and is about 150 miles in diameter. Located within the Crisium basin, Mare Anguis is a