Charged Lepton Flavor Violation (LFV) is a very clean probe of New Physics since it is forbidden in the Standard Model (SM). The observation of neutrino oscillation implies nonzero LFV rates, which however are highly suppressed by the smallness of neutrino masses. This makes LFV an appealing target of experimental searches, as its observation would unambiguously point to New Physics. In this proceedings, we will discuss the constraints on LFV effective operators that can be derived from LHC data on dilepton production. We will show that semileptonic operators can be constrained by existing searches of $pp\to\ell_i\ell_j$ (with $i\neq j$) at high-$p_T$. We will explore the complementarity of these constraints with the ones obtained from low-energy observables, by showing, in particular, that LHC data provides the best constraints for several quark-flavor conserving effective coefficients, as well as for the ones that are relevant for charm physics. }