Accelerator Technologies and Science: Progress and Outlook
Pre-published on:
March 18, 2022
Published on:
May 24, 2022
For over half a century, high-energy particle accelerators play a key role and shape modern nuclear and particle physics, they are also the instruments at the forefront of research for material science and biology. The physics needs continuously push us to invent novel ways to increase energy and improve the performance of accelerators, reduce their cost and make them more power-efficient. Here we briefly overview the most notable accelerator facilities which recently became operational and are now employed for research in nuclear physics, basic energy sciences, neutrinos, high energy particle frontier. We also present upcoming and planned future facilities and outline their main goals, challenges, and required R&D. Focus will be given to the core accelerator technologies such as magnets, RF acceleration, and targets as we as leading beam physics developments such as beam cooling, colliding beams and plasma acceleration.
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