Habib Hamam obtained the B.Eng. and M.Sc. degrees in information processing from the Technical University of Munich, Germany 1988 and 1992, and the PhD degree in Physics and applications in telecommunications from Université de Rennes I conjointly with France Telecom Graduate School, France 1995. He also obtained a postdoctoral diploma, “Accreditation to Supervise Research in Signal Processing and Telecommunications”, from Université de Rennes I in 2004. He was a Canada Research Chair holder in “Optics in Information and Communication Technologies”, the most prestigious research position in Canada – which he held for a decade (2006-2016). The title is awarded by the Head of the Government of Canada after a selection by an international scientific jury in the related field. He is currently a full Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering at Université de Moncton. He is OSA senior member, IEEE senior member and a registered professional engineer in New-Brunswick. He obtained several pedagogical and scientific awards. He is among others editor in chief and founder of CIT-Review, academic editor in Applied Sciences and associate editor of the IEEE Canadian Review. He also served as Guest editor in several journals. His research interests are in optical telecommunications, Wireless Communications, diffraction, fiber components, RFID, information processing, IoT, data protection, COVID-19, and Deep learning.