Graduated in Medicine and General Surgery from University of Santiago de Compostela, Master in Knowledge Engineering from Polytechnic University of Madrid, PhD in Medicine from Complutense University of Madrid and PhD in Computer Engineering from Polytechnic University of Madrid. Since 1999, he is Full Professor in the area of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at the University of A Coruña. He is currently Director of the Department of Computer Science and Information Technology at the University of A Coruña.
In his facet of research he is the author of more than 90 articles in specialized international journals of great impact JCR, with more than 4700 citations by other authors; and more than 100 publications between books, book chapters, scientific international conferences. In addition, he has been Director of more than 20 doctoral theses and principal investigator of more than 50 research projects financed in local and international public and competitive calls; and 30 contracts with companies. Author of 28 patents, two in operation. Member of multiple scientific committees of international journals in Computer Biomedicine and Artificial Intelligence. Evaluator of 7 research international . Received important recognitions and awards: “Galician of the Year”, in 2015; Honorary Member of the Professional College of Computer Engineering of Galicia, in 2016; and National Prize Computer and Health by the Spanish Society of Health Informatics, in 2015.
Artificial Intelligence Bioinformatics Computational Biology Computational Science Molecular Biology Statistics