How old is Roo Powell? When is Roo Powell's birthday? Where is Roo Powell born? Where did Roo Powell grow up from? What's Roo Powell's age?
Roo Powell Born: 1983 (age 41years), Hong Kong
How about Roo Powell's tv shows?
Roo Powell Tv shows: Undercover Underage
Will Undercover Underage get a season 3?
We had 2 great seasons of #UndercoverUnderage , but even though there's no Season 3, we're still working hard to combat SA. This is right before an arrest two weeks ago. We're posting case videos to @SOSA TikTok and IG (in case we get flagged).
How did Roo start Sosa?
about our founder
In December 2019, Roo wrote a narrative highlighting the pervasiveness of child predation online. It was viewed more than 7 million times, covered by multiple news outlets, translated into half a dozen languages, and spurred on a conversation about child safety in the modern age.
What does sosa stand for in Roo Powell?
In the six-part docuseries, Undercover Underage, 38-year-old child advocate and writer Roo Powell and the team at SOSA (Safe from Online Sex Abuse) work alongside law enforcement, creating decoys to lure online child predators.