1220489 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 A7 B7 五、發明説明() 5-1發明領域: 本發明係有關於電腦設備之切換系統,特別是有關於 一種應用於電腦周邊設備之通用序列匯流排(Universal S e r i a 1 B u s,U S B)切換系统。 5-2發明背景: 由於資訊技術的快速發展’使得電腦及其周邊產品的 應用相當普及,例如键盤、顯示卡及滑鼠等周邊裝置,並 且藉由多台個人電腦的網路連結形成了電腦網路系統。為 了有效地使每台個人電腦能夠順利地運作,操作者通常必 須利用滑鼠及鍵盤對每台個人電腦進行操作,藉由螢幕畫 面的指示操作,而將每台個人電腦的最新狀況顯示在螢幕 上’以使操作者可以即時掌握每台個人電腦的狀況。 傳統上,每台個人電腦設有一組鍵盤、顯示卡及滑 鼠,雖然為了節省周邊設備的成本,這些個人電腦通常共 用一組顯示螢幕、键盤以及滑鼠,以進行遠端的控制通 訊。然而傳統的螢幕-键盤-滑鼠切換器(Keyboard-Video-Mouse, KVM)在進 行切換 操作時 ,控 制訊號 會有不 連續的 情形’亦即鍵盤、滑鼠及螢幕的控制訊號容易中斷,以致 於使用者典法正常操作鍵盤/滑鼠。甚至,在切換至不同的 個人電腦的過程中,經常發生系統當機的情況,嚴重影響 生產線的作業。 此外傳統的切換器(KVM)利用通用序列匯流排(USB) 之介面進行切換操作,無論個人電腦是否已安裝U S B驅動 2 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210X297公釐) ;..............^.........、町.........^ (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 1220489 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 A7 B7 五、發明説明() 程式,這些個人電腦都必須花費一段時間來搜尋u S B驅動 程式,才可以配合一組共用的鍵盤、顯示卡或滑鼠進行切 換操作。 因此有必要提出一新式的電腦周邊設備切換裝置來 解決個人電腦之間的切換操作所產生的問題,以及切換不 同的個人電腦時,鍵盤及滑鼠發生控制訊號中斷的問題。 5-3發明目的及概述: 鑑於上述發明背景所述,傳統切換裝置無法在電腦開 機之後輕易地利用鍵盤或滑鼠進行不同電腦之間的切換 動作,而且在個人電腦未安裝鍵盤/滑鼠的情況下,個人電 腦便無法正常開機。因此本發明主要目的為利用電腦周邊 設備切換裝置,以藉由模擬訊號使每台電腦可同步地執行 開機的程序。 本發明之另一目的為利用電腦周邊設備切換裝置,在 電腦完成開機程序之後,繼續藉由模擬訊號來快速切換至 其他的電腦。 根據上述目的,本發明提出一種具有通用序列匯流排 之電腦周邊設備切換裝置。切換系統用於切換連接於多個 電腦之周邊設備,例如USB周邊設備,此切換系統包含中 央處理器、螢幕顯示調整裝置、影像畫面控制裝置、第一 周邊介面控制器以及第二周邊介面控制器。 中央處理器作為多台電腦與周邊設備之間訊號傳輸 的控制中心。勞幕顯示調整裝置(On-Screen Display,OSD) 3 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210X297公釐) ...............^.........、玎…......^ (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 1220489 五、發明説明() 連結至中央處理器,用以嘲敕 口周正螢幕顯示的位置,並可利用 螢幕顯示調整裝置(〇 S d )對所古· ^ )對所有的電腦進行命名,並顯示 於螢幕上,以便於操控及營 _ ^ 久&理。更可藉由圖形化介面,使 ί于母台電腦之間的串接速時7 接運,,泉可以清楚地在螢幕上顯示出 來。而影像畫面控制裝置連处$ |遇、,·°至中央處理器,用以控制螢 幕顯示之影像畫面訊號,佶 ϋ使件影像畫面控制裝置可由所有 的訊號中擷取出欲顯示的佥面, 里面以過濾一般的輸入指令的 訊號,並正確地顯示出影像畫面。 第一周邊介面控制器,係連 丈〜主中央處理器,用以控 制每台電腦及其他的周邊裝蒼存 抑 迓表置例如個人電腦及USB掃描 器或U S B印表機。此外,可辦六々 ^ T )曰加多個連接於第一周邊介面 控制器之集線埠,以連接更多的π ° USB周邊裝置。第二周邊 介面控制益’連結至中央^虛揮哭 甲夬處理态,用以控制多個工作站之 訊號傳輸。 具體而言,本發明之切換系統包含勞幕顯示(〇sd)裝 置’以及用於畫面切換之面板按&。在建立控制連線時, 可顯示操作中的電腦以及非操作中電腦之狀態,以便於進 行網路作業之管理。此外,可利用 ' 」们用面板按鈕或熱鍵(Hot- key),快速地切換至不同台的電腦,以達到簡易操作、高 穩定性的效果。 而且第二周邊介面控制器可掃瞒其後端的周邊裝 置’並且記綠該周邊裝置之狀態資訊,以作為中央處理器 參考用。而中央處理器用於傳送來自前端或後端的鍵盤或 滑鼠訊號。而第一周邊介面控制器用於控制連接於切換裝 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210X297公釐) ...............^.........、玎.......^ ·- (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 1220489 A7 B7 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 五、發明說明( 置上(^個後端埠。因此,切換系統可使每台連接的電腦 一直保持在可切換的狀態。 本發明具有USB電腦周邊設備之另一切換系統實施 例中與上述 < 切換系統約略相同,其主要差異在於第一周 邊介面控制器增加一集線器,此集線器可以㈣多個周邊 裝置以及其他的集線器。 更重要的是’本發明可利用多個模擬程式來操控位於 切換裝置岫响埠及後端埠之USB鍵盤、usb滑鼠及 集、’泉态,忒模梃程式係儲存於一記憶體中。具體而言,本 發月之U S B切換系統利用模擬程式來模擬使用者界面裝 置(Human lnterface Devices,HID)。此種模擬方式使得 usB 切換系統可藉由電腦之USB崞進行溝通,而主集線器模擬 程式使USB切換系統可與USB裝置(USB鍵盤及USB滑 氣)以及USB集線器。換言之’ uSB模擬程式使得uSB切 換系統類似於電腦,而在同一時間内,u s B切換系統可與 U S B周邊設備或是具有^ S b之個人電腦進行溝通。 進行本發明之具有USB電腦周邊設備切換系統的操 作時。本發明利用切換系統掃瞄後端的連接埠或周邊裝 置 並且依照使用者介面裝置(ΗID)協定,以取得每台電 腦的型號及目前狀態。 具體來說,本發明的USB切換系統之操作方法包各 下列步驟:(1)首先進行參數的初始設定程序。(2)接著掃 瞒第一集線器,並儲存第一集線器内的狀態訊息。(3)然後 判斷第一集線器的後端是否具有連接埠裝置,例如usb 5 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210 x 297公釐) V I--------tr---------線 (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 1220489 A7 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 五、發明說明( 裝置。(4)隨後掃瞄第一集線器後端 、 儲存連接埠裝置的狀態訊息。(5 連接皐裝置,並 . 断弟一集線器後端之速 矣埠裝置是否為另一集線器,亦即笔— 弟一集線器。(6)甚笛一 集線器後端的連接埠具有第二集緩哭 一 〇D,刈掃瞄此第二集線 口口。(7)隨後擷取第二集線器後端的 ώ 7逑接埠裝置又狀態訊 息,接著判斷第二集線器後瑞之連接蜂裝置是否為刪 裝置。(9)最後掃瞒第二集線器後端的連接埠裝置,並儲存 連接埠裝置的狀態訊息。 在上述第(3)步驟中,若第一集線器的後端沒有連接其 他的連接埠裝置,則進行輪詢裝置的步驟,而輪詢的步驟 將在後文中詳述。另外,在上述第(5)步驟中,若第一集線 為後端所連接的並非是第二集線器,則依據儲存的狀態訊 息,進行周邊裝置的掃瞄步驟。而在上述第(8)步驟中,若 第二集線器後端之連接埠裝置並非U S Β裝置,則依據儲 存的狀態訊息,進行周邊裝置的掃瞄程序。 明確而言’依據所儲存的狀態訊息,進行周邊裝置的 掃瞄程序時,必須先判斷第二集線器是否具有連接埠裝 置,若沒有連接埠裝置,則進行輪詢裝置的步驟。接著判 斷第二集線器後端的連接埠裝置是否為使用者界面(HID) 裝置。若非使用者界面(ΗID)裝置,則產生錯誤訊息,並 且重新掃瞄所有的周邊裝置,以重新設定主控制記憶體。 最後掃瞄使用者界面裝置,並產生記錄報告。 在輪詢裝置的步驟中,先對指示裝置進行輪詢。接著 輪詢集線器。然後檢查集線器後端的連接埠是否有變換的 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210 X 297公釐) ,---------------------訂·-------- (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 1220489 A7 B7 五、發明説明() (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 動作’例如接通連接埠或是中斷連接埠。若是有變換的動 作,則重新設定主控制記憶體。最後輪詢切換系統,並繼 續重複執行輪詢裝置的步驟。 本發明之電腦周邊切換裝置在個人電腦未安裝滑鼠 或鍵盤的情況下,可藉由模擬訊號使每台個人電腦,同時 或逐一地執行開機的程序。並且在完成開機程序之後,操 作者利用電腦周邊切換裝置,以藉由模擬訊號順利地切換 至不同的電腦系統,解決鍵盤/滑鼠在切換過程中控制訊號 中斷的問題。 ^^圖__式簡單說明: 第1圖緣示依據本發明具有USB電腦周邊設備之切換系統 示意圖’其中包括兩級具有集線埠的鍵盤,以及兩 個位於連接埠的U S B裝置; 第2圖繪示依據本發明具有USB電腦周邊設備之切換系統 示意圖’其中包括兩個USB集線器以及兩個連接 埠’以連接更多的鍵盤及滑鼠等輸入裝置; 第3圖續'示依據本發明第1圖具有USB電腦周邊設備之一 切換系統實施例之方塊圖; 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 第4圖緣示依據本發明第2圖具有USB電腦周邊設備之另 一切換系統實施例之方塊圖;以及 第5圖繪示依據本發明第3圖及第4圖具有USB電腦周邊 設備切換系統之操作流程圖。 7 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210X297公釐) 1220489 A 7 B7 五、發明説明() 5-5 圖號對 昭 說 明 : 100 切換 裝 置 102a, 102b 周 邊 裝 置 104 USB 周 邊 設 備 106 顯示 器 108 電腦 200 切換 裝 置 202 USB 集 線 器 204 USB 周 邊 設 備 206 顯示 器 208 電腦 210 輸入 裝 置 300 切換 系 統 302 中央 處 理 器 304 螢幕 顯 示 調 整 裝 置 306 影像 畫 面 控 制 裝 置 308 第一 周 邊 介 面 控 制器 3 1 0 第二 周 邊 介 面 控 制器 3 12 螢幕 3 14 電腦 3 16 集線 埠 3 18 USB 周 邊 裝 置 320 第一 工 作 站 322 USB 集 線 器 324 USB 集 線 器 326 USB 裝 置 328 USB 裝 置 330 集線 器 332 周邊 裝 置 334 其他 的 集 線 器 (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 5-6發明詳細說明: 本發明詳述一種應用於電腦周邊設備之通用序列匯 流排(USB)切換系統,藉由切換系統所產生的模擬訊號, 使多台電腦同步地執行開機(Boot)的程序。並且在完成開 機程序之後,切換系統繼續利用模擬訊號進行電腦之間的 切換動作。本發明之應用於電腦周邊設備的USB切換系統 適用於USB1.1、USB2.0或是最新版本的USB規格。 8 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210X 297公釐) 1220489 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 A7 B7 五、發明説明() 首先請參閱第1圖,其繪示本發明具有USB電腦周 邊設備之切換系統示意圖,其中包括兩級具有集線埠的鍵 盤’以及兩個位於連接埠的USB裝置。此切換系統包含 USB切換裝置100、USB鍵盤/滑鼠1〇2a,1〇2b、USB周邊 設備104、顯示器106以及多台電腦1〇8。其中USB鍵盤/ 滑鼠102連接於USB切換裝置1〇〇的控制埠,而1〇2&係 為具有集線埠之周邊裝置’例如u S B鍵盤,1 〇 2 b為單純 的周邊裝置,例如USB鍵盤及USB滑鼠。USB周邊設備 1 0 4連接於切換裝置1 〇 〇的連接埠,而顯示器丨〇 6及每台 電腦1 0 8連接於切換裝置1 〇 〇的輸出/輸入(I /〇)埠。 一般而s,切換系統可供一個或多個使用者共用一組 鍵盤、顯示裝置以及滑鼠,或是分別使用多組鍵盤、顯示 裝置以及滑鼠來同時存取每台電腦,以由其中一台電腦切 換至其他的電腦。而且切換系統亦可作為U S B周邊設備 104之切換裝置,以共用連結於電腦的USB輸出/輸入裝 置’例如U S B印表機及其他的周邊設備等。因此本發明之 切換系統可以節省鍵盤、顯示裝置及滑鼠等硬體設備的成 本’並且減少周邊硬體設備的數量,以節省放置的空間, 更可利用同步或非同步的方式來切換至共用的電腦或是 特定的電腦。 接著參閱第2圖,其繪示本發明具有USB電腦周邊 設備之切換系統示意圖’其中包括兩個U S B集線器2 0 2 以及兩個連接淳。此切換系統包含USB切換裝置200、多 個USB集線器202、USB周邊設備204、顯示器206以及 9 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210X297公釐) ...............^...............·# (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 1220489 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 A7 B7 五、發明說明() 二=電腦208。其中每個USB集線器2〇2連接於usb切 奐裝置2 0 0之控制槔,以連接更多的鍵盤及滑鼠等輸入裝 - 同樣地’ U s B周邊設備2 0 4連接於切換裝置2 〇 〇 的連接埠,而顯示器2〇6及每台電腦2〇8連接於切換裝置 20〇的輸出/輸入(1/〇)埠。 USB切換系统可使多個USB鍵盤及USB滑鼠,在同 一時間愈一 A m Λ .1220489 Printed by A7 B7, Consumer Cooperative of Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 5. Description of the Invention (5-1) Field of the Invention: The present invention relates to a switching system for computer equipment, and in particular, to a general serial confluence applied to computer peripheral equipment. (Universal Serial 1 B us, USB) switching system. 5-2 Background of the Invention: Due to the rapid development of information technology, the application of computers and its peripheral products is quite popular, such as peripheral devices such as keyboards, graphics cards and mice, and is formed by the network connection of multiple personal computers Computer network system. In order to effectively run each personal computer effectively, the operator usually must use a mouse and a keyboard to operate each personal computer, and use the instructions on the screen to display the latest status of each personal computer on the screen On 'so that the operator can immediately grasp the status of each personal computer. Traditionally, each personal computer has a set of keyboard, graphics card and mouse. Although to save the cost of peripheral equipment, these personal computers usually use a set of display screen, keyboard and mouse for remote control communication. However, the traditional screen-keyboard-mouse switch (KVM) has discontinuous control signals during switching operations. That is, the control signals of the keyboard, mouse, and screen are easily interrupted. So that the user can operate the keyboard / mouse normally. Even during the process of switching to a different personal computer, the system often crashed, which seriously affected the operation of the production line. In addition, the traditional switcher (KVM) uses the universal serial bus (USB) interface for switching operations, regardless of whether a personal computer has a USB driver installed. 2 This paper size applies to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm); ............. ^ ......... 、 machi ......... ^ (Please read the notes on the back before filling this page) 1220489 Economy A7 B7 printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Ministry of Intellectual Property Bureau V. Invention Description () program, these personal computers must take a while to search for the u SB driver before they can switch with a set of shared keyboards, graphics cards or mice operating. Therefore, it is necessary to propose a new type of computer peripheral device switching device to solve the problems caused by the switching operation between personal computers, and the problem of interruption of the control signal of the keyboard and mouse when switching between different personal computers. 5-3 Purpose and Summary of the Invention: In view of the above background of the invention, the conventional switching device cannot easily switch between different computers using a keyboard or mouse after the computer is turned on, and the keyboard / mouse is not installed on the personal computer. In this case, the personal computer cannot be turned on normally. Therefore, the main purpose of the present invention is to use a computer peripheral device to switch devices, so that each computer can synchronously execute a boot process by using an analog signal. Another object of the present invention is to use a computer peripheral device to switch devices. After the computer completes the boot process, it continues to quickly switch to other computers by using analog signals. According to the above object, the present invention provides a computer peripheral device switching device with a universal serial bus. The switching system is used to switch peripheral devices connected to multiple computers, such as USB peripheral devices. The switching system includes a central processing unit, a screen display adjustment device, an image screen control device, a first peripheral interface controller, and a second peripheral interface controller. . The central processing unit acts as a control center for signal transmission between multiple computers and peripheral equipment. On-Screen Display (OSD) 3 This paper size applies to China National Standard (CNS) A4 (210X297 mm) ............... ^ ... ..., 玎 ......... ^ (Please read the notes on the back before filling out this page) Printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 1220489 V. Description of Invention () Link to Central Processing Device, which is used to mock the position of Zhou Zhengzheng's screen display, and you can use the screen display adjustment device (〇S d) to name all computers and display them on the screen for easy operation and management. ^ Long & Reason. Moreover, through the graphical interface, the serial connection between the parent computer and the computer can be carried out at a high speed, and the fountain can be clearly displayed on the screen. The image picture control device is connected to the central processing unit to control the image picture signal displayed on the screen, so that the image picture control device can extract the face to be displayed from all the signals. It filters the signal of general input commands and displays the image screen correctly. The first peripheral interface controller is connected to the main CPU to control each computer and other peripheral devices such as a personal computer and a USB scanner or a USB printer. In addition, you can do more than ^ T) add a number of hub ports connected to the first peripheral interface controller to connect more π ° USB peripheral devices. The second peripheral interface control benefit is connected to the central processing unit, which is used to control the signal transmission of multiple workstations. Specifically, the switching system of the present invention includes a labor display (0sd) device 'and a panel button & for screen switching. When the control connection is established, the status of the operating computer and non-operating computer can be displayed to facilitate the management of network operations. In addition, you can use panel buttons or hot-keys to quickly switch to different computers to achieve simple operation and high stability. In addition, the second peripheral interface controller can conceal its peripheral devices at the rear end and record the status information of the peripheral devices for reference of the central processing unit. The CPU is used to transmit keyboard or mouse signals from the front or back. The first peripheral interface controller is used to control the size of the paper connected to the switch. The Chinese national standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm) is used ............... ^ .... ....., 玎 ....... ^ ·-(Please read the notes on the back before filling out this page) 1220489 A7 B7 Printed by the Consumers' Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (^ Back-end ports. Therefore, the switching system can keep each connected computer in a switchable state. In another embodiment of the switching system with a USB computer peripheral device of the present invention, it is approximately the same as the above < switching system, The main difference is that a hub is added to the first peripheral interface controller, and this hub can accommodate multiple peripheral devices and other hubs. What is more important is that the present invention can use multiple analog programs to control the switch device's sound port and the rear The port's USB keyboard, USB mouse and set, and the 'spring state' program are stored in a memory. Specifically, this month's USB switching system uses simulation programs to simulate user interface devices (Human lnterface Devices (HID). This simulation method enables the usB switching system to communicate through the USB port of the computer, and the main hub simulation program enables the USB switching system to communicate with USB devices (USB keyboard and USB air compressor) and USB hubs. In other words, the 'uSB simulation program enables uSB switching The system is similar to a computer, and at the same time, the us B switching system can communicate with a USB peripheral device or a personal computer with ^ S b. When performing the operation of the USB computer peripheral device switching system of the present invention. The present invention utilizes The switching system scans the back-end ports or peripheral devices and obtains the model and current status of each computer according to the user interface device (ΗID) agreement. Specifically, the operating method package of the USB switching system of the present invention includes the following steps: : (1) First perform the initial parameter setting procedure. (2) Then conceal the first hub and store the status information in the first hub. (3) Then determine whether the back end of the first hub has a port device, such as usb 5 This paper size applies to China National Standard (CNS) A4 (210 x 297 mm) V I -------- tr --------- (Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page) 1220489 A7 Printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs 5. Description of the invention (device. (4) Then scan the back of the first hub, the storage port device Status message. (5 Connects to the device, and whether the speed port device at the back of the Broken Hub is another hub, that is, the pen-Bridge hub. (6) The port at the back of the Fidi Hub has a second Set slowly crying 10D, scan the mouth of this second episode. (7) Then capture the status information of the free 7 逑 port device at the back of the second hub, and then determine whether the connected bee device of the second hub is a deleted device. (9) Finally conceal the port device at the back of the second hub, and store the status information of the port device. In the above step (3), if the rear end of the first hub is not connected to another port device, a step of polling the device is performed, and the polling step will be described in detail later. In addition, in the above step (5), if the first hub is connected to the back end instead of the second hub, the scanning steps of the peripheral devices are performed according to the stored status information. In step (8) above, if the port device at the back end of the second hub is not a USB device, the peripheral device is scanned according to the stored status information. To be specific, according to the stored status information, when scanning the peripheral device, it must first determine whether the second hub has a port device. If there is no port device, perform the step of polling the device. It is then determined whether the port device at the back of the second hub is a user interface (HID) device. If it is not a user interface (ΗID) device, an error message is generated and all peripheral devices are rescanned to reset the main control memory. Finally, the user interface device is scanned and a log report is generated. In the step of polling the device, the pointing device is polled first. Then poll the hub. Then check if the port on the back of the hub is changed. The paper size is applicable to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210 X 297 mm). --Order · -------- (Please read the notes on the back before filling this page) 1220489 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention () (Please read the notes on the back before filling this page) Action 'For example Connect or disconnect the port. If there is a change, reset the main control memory. Finally, the switching system is polled, and the steps of the polling device are continuously repeated. In the case of the computer peripheral switching device of the present invention, when a mouse or a keyboard is not installed on the personal computer, each personal computer can execute the boot process simultaneously or one by one by using an analog signal. And after finishing the boot process, the operator uses the peripheral switch device of the computer to smoothly switch to different computer systems by analog signals to solve the problem of interruption of the control signal of the keyboard / mouse during the switching process. ^^ Figure __ simple description: Figure 1 shows a schematic diagram of a switching system with a USB computer peripheral device according to the present invention, which includes a two-stage keyboard with a hub port and two USB devices located on the port; Figure 2 A schematic diagram of a switching system with a USB computer peripheral device according to the present invention is shown, 'including two USB hubs and two ports' to connect more input devices such as a keyboard and a mouse; FIG. 3 continued to FIG. FIG. 1 is a block diagram of an embodiment of a switching system with a USB computer peripheral device; printed by the Consumer Cooperative of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs; FIG. 4 shows an example of another switching system with a USB computer peripheral device according to FIG. And FIG. 5 shows an operation flowchart of a USB computer peripheral device switching system according to FIGS. 3 and 4 of the present invention. 7 This paper size applies to China National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm) 1220489 A 7 B7 V. Description of the invention (5-5) Figure No. shows: 100 switching device 102a, 102b peripheral device 104 USB peripheral device 106 Display 108 Computer 200 Switching Device 202 USB Hub 204 USB Peripheral Device 206 Display 208 Computer 210 Input Device 300 Switching System 302 Central Processing Unit 304 Screen Display Adjustment Device 306 Image Screen Control Device 308 First Peripheral Interface Controller 3 1 0 Second Peripheral Interface Controller 3 12 Screen 3 14 Computer 3 16 Hub 3 18 USB Peripheral Device 320 First Workstation 322 USB Hub 324 USB Hub 326 USB Device 328 USB Device 330 Hub 332 Peripheral Device 334 Other Hubs (Please read the notes on the back first Please fill in this page for more details) 5-6 Printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs Description: DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION A general sequence applied busbars (USB) of the computer peripheral equipment switching system, the switching system by analog signals generated by the computer to perform a plurality of power (the Boot) synchronization procedures. And after the startup process is completed, the switching system continues to use the analog signal to switch between computers. The USB switching system of the present invention applied to computer peripherals is suitable for USB 1.1, USB 2.0 or the latest version of the USB specification. 8 This paper size applies the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X 297 mm) 1220489 Printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs A7 B7 V. Description of the invention () First please refer to Figure 1, which shows the invention Schematic diagram of a switching system with USB computer peripherals, including two levels of keyboards with a hub port and two USB devices located at the ports. The switching system includes a USB switching device 100, a USB keyboard / mouse 102a, 102b, a USB peripheral device 104, a display 106, and a plurality of computers 108. The USB keyboard / mouse 102 is connected to the control port of the USB switching device 100, and 10 & is a peripheral device with a hub port, such as a u SB keyboard, and 102 b is a simple peripheral device, such as USB Keyboard and USB mouse. The USB peripheral device 104 is connected to the port of the switching device 100, and the display 6 and each computer 108 are connected to the output / input (I / 〇) port of the switching device 100. Generally speaking, the switching system allows one or more users to share a set of keyboard, display device and mouse, or use multiple sets of keyboard, display device and mouse to access each computer at the same time. From one computer to another. Moreover, the switching system can also be used as a switching device for the USB peripheral device 104 to share a USB output / input device connected to a computer 'such as a USB printer and other peripheral devices. Therefore, the switching system of the present invention can save the cost of hardware devices such as a keyboard, a display device, and a mouse, and reduce the number of peripheral hardware devices, so as to save the space for placement, and it can use synchronous or asynchronous methods to switch to sharing. Computer or specific computer. Next, refer to FIG. 2, which shows a schematic diagram of a switching system with a USB computer peripheral device according to the present invention, which includes two USB hubs 2 0 2 and two connection ports. This switching system includes a USB switching device 200, multiple USB hubs 202, USB peripherals 204, a display 206, and 9 This paper size applies to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297 mm) ......... ...... ^ ............... # (Please read the notes on the back before filling out this page) 1220489 Printed by the Consumer Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs A7 B7 V. Description of the invention () Two = computer 208. Each of the USB hubs 202 is connected to the control device of the USB cutting device 2000, so as to connect more input devices such as a keyboard and a mouse-likewise, the USB peripheral device 2 0 4 is connected to the switching device 2 〇〇 port, while the display 206 and each computer 208 are connected to the output / input (1/0) port of the switching device 20. The USB switching system enables multiple USB keyboards and USB mice to be more A m Λ at the same time.
σ /、用黾腦進行通訊,以使操作者可利用USB 切換系統所提供的多個USB周邊設備通道,以連接至各種σ /, use the brain to communicate so that the operator can use the multiple USB peripheral device channels provided by the USB switching system to connect to various
USB周邊設備204,例如USB集線器、USB印表機、USB 掃描备、U S B相機以及其他的U S B裝置。 參閱第3圖’其繪示本發明第1圖具有USB電腦周 邊汉備之切換系統實施例之方塊圖。切換系統3 〇〇可使USB peripheral devices 204, such as a USB hub, a USB printer, a USB scanner, a USB camera, and other USB devices. Refer to FIG. 3 ', which is a block diagram of an embodiment of a switching system with a USB computer peripheral in the first figure of the present invention. Switching system 3 〇〇 enables
每。%腦利用連接於切換系統3 0 0之周邊設備,例如U S B 周邊裝置’此切換系統包含中央處理器3 02、螢幕顯示調 正裝置3 0 4、影像畫面控制裝置3 〇 6、第一周邊介面控制 益〕〇8以及第二周邊介面控制器31〇。 中央處理器3 02作為多台電腦與周邊設備之間訊號傳 輸的技制中心。螢幕顯示調整裝置(OSD)連結至中央處理 态’用以碉整螢幕顯示的位置,並可利用螢幕顯示調整裝 置(〇SD)對所有的電腦3 14進行命名,並顯示於螢幕3 12 上’以便於操控及管理。更可藉由圖形化介面,使得每台 電腦J 1 4之間的串接連線可以清楚地在螢幕3 1 2上顯示出 來。而影像畫面控制裝置306連結至中央處理器302,用 以控制螢幕顯示之影像畫面訊號,使得影像畫面控制裝置 10 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210x297公釐) ...............^.........、玎.........f - (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 1220489 經濟部智惡財產局員工消費合作社印製 A7 B7 五、發明説明() 3 0 6可由所有的訊號中擷取出欲顯示的畫面,以過濾一般 的輸入指令的訊號,並正確地顯示出影像畫面。 第一周邊介面控制器3 08,係連結至中央處理器3 02, 用以控制每台電腦3 1 4及其他的周邊裝置,例如個人電腦 及U S B掃描器或U S B印表機。此外,可增加多個連接於 第一周邊介面控制器3 0 8之集線埠3 1 6,以連接更多的U S B 周邊裝置3 1 8,例如USB印表機、USB掃描器、USB相機 以及其他的U S B裝置。第二周邊介面控制器3 1 0,連結至 中央處理器3 02,用以控制多個工作站320之訊號傳輸。 本發明較佳實施例中,第一工作站320包含兩個USB 集線器322,324,用以連接USB裝置326,328,例如USB 鍵盤及U S B滑鼠,以輸入控制訊號。第二工作站(未標示) 包含三個 U S B集線器,第三工作站(未標示)亦包含三個 U S B集線器,第一工作站、第二工作站及第三工作站可視 情況作安裝或變更。第四工作站(未標示)可存取其中一台 電腦,並且在同一時間存取第一工作站、第二工作站及第 三工作站。 具體而言,本發明之切換系統包含螢幕顯示(OSD)裝 置3 04,以及用於畫面切換之面板按鈕,例如LED顯按鍵 燈。在建立控制連線時,可顯示操作中的電腦以及非操作 中電腦之狀態,以便於進行網路作業之管理。此外,可利 用面板按紐或熱鍵(Hot-key),快速地切換至不同台的電 月甾,以達到簡易操作、高穩定性的效果。 而且第二周邊介面控制器3 1 0可掃瞄其後端的周邊裝 11 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210X 297公釐) ...............^.........、玎.........^ (請先閱讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 1220489 五 經濟部智毯財產局員工消費合作社印製 A7 •__ B7_______ 發明説明() 置,並且記錄該周邊裝置之狀態資訊,以作為中央處理器 302參考用。而中央處理器3〇2用於傳送來自前端或後端 的鍵盤或滑鼠訊號。而第一周邊介面控制器3〇8用於控制 連接於切換裝置上之多個後端埠。因此,切換系統3〇〇可 使每台連接的電腦3 1 4 —直保持在可切換的狀態。 而本發明適用於個人電腦(PC)、伺服器(Serve〇以及 麥金塔(Macintosh)電腦,並且可應用於Win9x、Unux以 及Unix等作業系統或其他應用軟體。 參閱第4圖,其繪示本發明第2圖具有USB電腦周 邊設備之另一切換系統實施例之方塊圖。此實施例與第3 圖之約略相同,其主要差異在於第一周邊介面控制器3〇8 柘加一集線益J J 〇 ,此集線器3 3 〇可以串接多個周邊裝置 J J 2以及其他的集線器3 3 4。而集線器可為主動式、被動 式或疋智慧型之集線器。被動型集線器主要用於連接線 路。主動式集線器可以作為中繼訊號之用,以增強訊號的 強度,4網路上的資料傳輸更加穩定。至於智慧型集線器 則具備有封包交換、路徑選擇等功能,而且具備有路由器 的功能。 更重要的是,本發明可利用多個模擬程式來操控位於 切換裝置岫瑞埠及後端埠之U s B鍵盤、u S B滑鼠及U S B 集線器,該模擬程式係儲存於一記憶體(未標示)中。具體 而3,本發明之USB切換系統利用模擬程式來模擬使用者 界面裝置(HID)。此種模擬方式使得USB切換系統可藉由 電腦〈USB埠進行溝通,而主集線器模擬程式使USB切 12 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210X297公楚) ...............Μ.........、耵.........^ (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 1220489 A7 B7 — 五、發明説明( 換系統可與USB裝置(USB鍵盤及USB滑鼠)以及, 線器。換言之,USB模擬程式使得USB切換系絲、, '' Ά類似於each. % Brain uses peripheral devices connected to the switching system 300, such as a USB peripheral device. 'This switching system includes a central processing unit 302, a screen display adjustment device 304, an image screen control device 306, and a first peripheral interface. Control benefits] 08 and the second peripheral interface controller 31. The central processing unit 302 serves as a technical center for signal transmission between multiple computers and peripheral equipment. The on-screen display adjustment device (OSD) is connected to the central processing state 'to adjust the position of the screen display, and all the computers 3 14 can be named using the on-screen adjustment device (〇SD) and displayed on the screen 3 12' To facilitate manipulation and management. Furthermore, the graphical interface can make the serial connection between each computer J 1 4 clearly displayed on the screen 3 1 2. The image screen control device 306 is connected to the central processing unit 302, and is used to control the image screen signal displayed on the screen, so that the image screen control device 10 paper size applies to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210x297 mm) ... ........... ^ ........., 玎 ......... f-(Please read the notes on the back before filling this page) 1220489 Ministry of Economic Affairs Printed by the Consumer and Cooperative Association of Intellectual Property Office A7 B7 V. Description of invention () 3 0 6 The screen to be displayed can be extracted from all the signals to filter the signals of general input instructions and display the image screen correctly. The first peripheral interface controller 3 08 is connected to the central processing unit 3 02 and is used to control each computer 3 1 4 and other peripheral devices, such as a personal computer and a USB scanner or a USB printer. In addition, multiple hub ports 3 1 6 connected to the first peripheral interface controller 3 0 8 can be added to connect more USB peripheral devices 3 1 8 such as USB printers, USB scanners, USB cameras and other USB device. The second peripheral interface controller 3 1 0 is connected to the central processing unit 3 02 and is used to control the signal transmission of multiple workstations 320. In a preferred embodiment of the present invention, the first workstation 320 includes two USB hubs 322, 324 for connecting USB devices 326, 328, such as a USB keyboard and a USB mouse, to input control signals. The second workstation (not labeled) contains three USB hubs, and the third workstation (not labeled) also contains three USB hubs. The first workstation, the second workstation, and the third workstation can be installed or changed according to circumstances. The fourth workstation (not shown) can access one of the computers, and access the first workstation, the second workstation, and the third workstation at the same time. Specifically, the switching system of the present invention includes an on-screen display (OSD) device 304, and a panel button for screen switching, such as an LED display key lamp. When the control connection is established, the status of the operating computer and the non-operating computer can be displayed to facilitate the management of network operations. In addition, you can use the panel buttons or hot-keys to quickly switch to different stations, in order to achieve simple operation and high stability. In addition, the second peripheral interface controller 3 1 0 can scan the peripheral equipment on the rear end 11 This paper size applies to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X 297 mm) ............. .. ^ ........., 玎 ......... ^ (Please read the precautions on the back before filling out this page) 1220489 Printed by the Employees ’Cooperatives of the Intellectual Property Office of the Five Ministry of Economic Affairs A7 • __ B7_______ Description of the invention () and record the status information of the peripheral device for reference by the central processing unit 302. The CPU 302 is used to transmit keyboard or mouse signals from the front or back. The first peripheral interface controller 308 is used to control multiple back-end ports connected to the switching device. Therefore, the switching system 300 can keep each connected computer 3 1 4 in a switchable state. The present invention is applicable to personal computer (PC), server (Serve0, and Macintosh) computers, and can be applied to operating systems such as Win9x, Unux, and Unix, or other application software. Refer to FIG. 4, which shows a drawing Figure 2 of the present invention is a block diagram of another embodiment of a switching system with a USB computer peripheral device. This embodiment is roughly the same as Figure 3, the main difference is that the first peripheral interface controller 3008 plus a set of line benefits JJ 〇, this hub 3 3 〇 can be connected to multiple peripheral devices JJ 2 and other hubs 3 3 4. The hub can be active, passive or intelligent hub. Passive hub is mainly used to connect lines. Active The type of hub can be used as a relay signal to enhance the strength of the signal, and the data transmission on the network is more stable. As for the intelligent hub, it has functions such as packet switching and path selection, and it also has the function of a router. More important Yes, the present invention can use multiple simulation programs to control the USB keyboard, USB mouse, and USB hub located at the switch port and the rear port of the switching device. The simulation program is stored in a memory (not labeled). Specifically, 3, the USB switching system of the present invention uses a simulation program to simulate a user interface device (HID). This simulation method enables the USB switching system to The computer communicates with the USB port, and the main hub simulation program enables the USB to cut 12 paper sizes to the Chinese National Standard (CNS) A4 specification (210X297) ............. M. ........, 耵 ............ ^ (Please read the notes on the back before filling out this page) 1220489 A7 B7 — V. Description of the invention (the system can be changed with the USB device (USB Keyboard and USB mouse) and cable. In other words, the USB emulation program makes the USB switch wire, '' Ά is similar to
電腦’而在同一時間内,U S B切換系統可與u S B 周邊設 備或是具有U S B之個人電腦進行溝通。 參閱第5圖,其續示本發明第3圖及第4闻 _之具有 U S B電腦周邊設備切換系統的操作流程圖。本發明利士 換系統掃瞄後端的連接埠或周邊裝置,並 士 m…、使用者介 面裝置(HID)協定,以取得每台電腦的型號及目亇 ^ 則狀態。 較佳貝施例中’係利用中斷(I n t e『『U p ()執 Μ乃式擷取键 盈/滑鼠的訊號,以獲得連接於集線器後端蜂 態。 早K置之狀 具體來說,本發明的USB切換系統之操作方、去勹八 下列步驟.(1)首先進行參數的初始設定。 ^ (2)接著掃 瞄第一集線器,並儲存第一集線器内的狀態訊息。㈠)然後 判斷第一集線器的後端是否具有連接槔裝置,例如usb 裝置。(4)隨後掃瞒第一集線器後端之其他連接埠裝置,並 儲存連接埠裝置的狀態訊息。(5)判斷第一集線器後端之連 接埠裝置是否為另一集線器,亦即第二集線器。(6)若第一 集線器後端的連接埠具有第二集線器,則掃目苗此第二集線 器。(7)隨後擴取第二集線器後端的連接埠裝置之狀態訊 心(8)接者判斷第二集線器後端之連接埠裝置是石為口“ 裝置。⑺最後掃瞒第二集線器後端的連接痒裝例如 USB裝置,並儲存連接埠裝置的狀態訊息。 在上述第(3)步驟中,若第一集線器的後端沒有連接其 ...........- .........、耵.........^ (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 經 濟 部 智 慧 財 產 局 員 X 消 費 合 社 印 製 13 本紙張尺度適用中_家標準(CNS)A4規格(2_297 五、發明說明() (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 也的連接埠裝置,則進行輪詢裝置的步驟500,而輪詢的 步驟將在後文中詳述。另夕卜,在上述第(5)步驟中,若第一 2線器後端所連接的並非是第二集線器,則依據儲存的狀 怨訊息,進行周邊裝置的掃瞄步驟502。而在上述第(8)步 驟中,若第二集線器後端之連接埠裝置並非usB裝置, J依據儲存的狀怨訊息’進行周邊裝置的掃瞄程序5 〇 2。 具體而言,在依據所儲存的狀態訊息,進行周邊裝置 的掃瞄程序時,必須先判斷第二集線器是否具有連接埠裝 *右7又有連接埠裝置,則進行輪詢裝置的步驟。接著判 斷第一集線為後端的連接埠裝置是否為使用者界面(HID: 裝置。若非使用者界面(HID)裝置,則產生錯誤訊息,並 ^重新掃目苗所有的周邊裝置,以重新設定主控制記憶體。 最後掃猫使用者界面裝置,並產生記錄報告。 在輪詢裝置的步驟中,先對指示裝置進行輪詢,例如 LED顯不裝置。接著輪詢集線器。然後檢查集線器後端的 連接埠是否有變換的動作,例如接通連接埠或是中斷連接 埠。若是有變換的動作,則重新設定主控制記憶體。最後 輪詢切換系統’並繼續重複執行輪詢裝置的步驟5〇4。 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 矣T上所述’本發明揭露具有通用序列匯流排之電腦肩 邊設備切換裝置,藉由切換裝置所產生的模擬訊號,以使 ^台電腦同步地執行開機的程序。即使在有一台電腦未安 裝滑鼠或鍵盤的情形下,切換系統仍可利用此模擬訊號使 該電腦順利開機。而且在完成開機程序之後,繼續以模擬 訊號進行不同電腦之間的切換動作。 14 本纸張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210χ 297公變) 1220489 A7 B7 五、發明説明() 本發明已用較佳實施例說明如上,僅用於幫助瞭解本 發明之實施,非用以限定本發明之精神,而熟悉此領域技 藝者於領悟本發明之精神後,在不脫離本發明之精神範圍 内,當可作些許更動潤飾及等同之變化替換,其專利保護 範圍當視後附之申請專利範圍及其等同領域而定。 ...............¥.......、玎.........^ (請先閲讀背面之注意事項再填寫本頁) 經濟部智慧財產局員工消費合作社印製 15 本紙張尺度適用中國國家標準(CNS)A4規格(210X297公釐)Computer 'and at the same time, the U S B switching system can communicate with the peripherals of the U S B or a personal computer with the U S B. Refer to FIG. 5, which is a flowchart of the operation of the system with a USB peripheral device switching system according to FIGS. 3 and 4 of the present invention. The Riccisys system scans the ports or peripheral devices at the back end, and uses m ..., user interface device (HID) protocols to obtain the model and status of each computer. In the preferred embodiment, the interruption is used to capture the signal of the key / mouse to obtain the bee state connected to the back end of the hub. Say, the operator of the USB switching system of the present invention, go to the following eight steps. (1) First perform the initial setting of the parameters. ^ (2) Then scan the first hub and store the status information in the first hub. ㈠ ) Then determine whether the back end of the first hub has a connection device, such as a USB device. (4) Then conceal other port devices at the back of the first hub, and store the status information of the port devices. (5) Determine whether the connected port device at the back of the first hub is another hub, that is, the second hub. (6) If the port on the back of the first hub has a second hub, scan the second hub. (7) The status of the port device at the back of the second hub is then expanded. (8) The receiver judges that the port device at the back of the second hub is a "Shiweikou" device. ⑺ Finally conceal the connection at the back of the second hub. It is installed with a USB device, for example, and stores the status information of the port device. In the step (3) above, if the back end of the first hub is not connected to it ...........-... ....., 耵 ......... ^ (Please read the notes on the back before filling out this page) Printed by Member of Intellectual Property Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs X Consumer Cooperative 13 This paper is applicable in China (CNS) A4 specifications (2_297 V. Description of the invention () (Please read the precautions on the back before filling this page) For port devices, perform step 500 of polling the device, and the polling steps will be described later. In addition, in step (5) above, if the second hub is not connected to the second hub in the back end of the first and second lines, the peripheral device is scanned in step 502 according to the stored complaint message. In step (8) above, if the port device at the back of the second hub is not a usB device, Scanning of peripheral devices based on the stored complaint message 5 02. Specifically, when scanning the peripheral devices based on the stored status information, it must first determine whether the second hub has a port * There is a port device on the right 7, then the polling device step is performed. Next, determine whether the port device whose first hub is the back end is a user interface (HID: device. If it is not a user interface (HID) device, an error occurs Message, and ^ rescan all peripheral devices of Mumiao to reset the main control memory. Finally scan the cat user interface device and generate a record report. In the step of polling the device, first poll the pointing device, For example, LED display device. Then poll the hub. Then check if the port on the back of the hub has a change action, such as connecting the port or interrupting the port. If there is a change action, reset the main control memory. Finally Polling Switching System 'and continue to repeat step 504 of the polling device. Printed by T The present invention discloses a computer shoulder device switching device with a universal serial bus. The analog signal generated by the switching device enables the ^ computers to execute the booting process synchronously. Even if a mouse is not installed on one computer In the case of keyboard or keyboard, the switching system can still use this analog signal to make the computer boot smoothly. And after finishing the booting process, continue to switch between different computers with analog signals. 14 This paper standard applies Chinese national standard ( CNS) A4 specification (210χ 297 public variant) 1220489 A7 B7 V. Description of the invention () The invention has been described above with preferred embodiments, and is only used to help understand the implementation of the invention, not to limit the spirit of the invention, and After knowing the spirit of the present invention, those skilled in this field can make some modifications and equivalent changes without departing from the spirit of the present invention. The scope of patent protection shall be the attached patent scope and its equivalent. Field-specific. ............... ¥ ......., 玎 ......... ^ (Please read the notes on the back before filling this page) Ministry of Economy Printed by the Intellectual Property Bureau's Consumer Cooperatives 15 This paper size applies to China National Standard (CNS) A4 (210X297 mm)