Design: Grafiser Creative
Location: Turkey
Project Type: Produced
Product Launch Location: Turkey
Packaging Contents: Rice
Packaging Substrate / Materials: Plastic
Printing Process: Flexography
Rice is a food rich in starch and provides energy with the amount of calories it contains. Containing vitamins B1, B2, C and E, rice also contains minerals that have a serious impact on health such as sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc. If it is separated from the rice shells, it loses its nutritional value.
For this reason, wholemeal rice should be preferred to be more beneficial. There are also types of rice that grows in watery places and marshes. Rice varieties grown in our country are spelled rice, yellow paddy, white paddy, corn, amber, blackberry, red paddy, November white and Japanese rice. Rice is used in the production of many dishes, especially rice.
What’s Unique?
Turkey rice is delicious, and the product is packaged with an elegant design complements the unique flavor, is sold in many stores in Turkey.