D. CANTIN, M. PICHE, and G. A. HECKMAN, "Phase-locking of CO2 laser arrays using diffractional coupling," in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, D. Pinnow and P. Moulton, eds., Vol. 7 of OSA Technical Digest (Optica Publishing Group, 1988), paper TUM1.
Unstable resonators can be used to produce single-transverse-mode beams from large-aperture lasers. However, their inherent losses limit their usefulness to laser media with a high gain. Phase locking of laser arrays is an alternative approach to efficiently extract the laser energy from a gain medium of large volume. It has been demonstrated1 with semiconductor lasers through evanescent wave coupling or Y-junctions; more recently, phase locking of CO2 laser arrays was achieved2 by using a hollow-bore ridge waveguide geometry.
© 1988 Optical Society of America
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