Contributes to SWIG
Contributes to NetworkManager
Contributes to GNOME
and 39 other projectsContributes to Linux NTFS file system support
Contributes to Linux Kernel
Contributes to KVM
and 69 other projectsContributes to Linux Kernel as Robert Foss
Contributes to Mesa as Robert Foss
Contributes to coreboot
and 9 other projectsContributes to PHP as auroraeosrose
Contributes to APC
Contributes to PHP-GTK as Elizabeth M Smith
and 12 other projectsContributes to Linux Kernel
Contributes to Evolution as Sankarasivasubramanian Pasupathilingam
Contributes to iogrind
and 3 other projectsContributes to QEMU
Contributes to Linux Kernel
Contributes to Fuse - the Free Unix (ZX) Spectrum Emulator
and 1 other projectsContributes to Linux Kernel as Carlos Garcia
Contributes to Flask
Contributes to pycodestyle
and 5 other projectsContributes to Linux Kernel as Nicolas Graziano
Contributes to Other Maemo Weather
Contributes to KVM
and 2 other projectsContributes to Linux Kernel
Contributes to Munin
Contributes to KVM
and 1 other projects