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UBC Library Digitization Centre Special Projects

Journal of a voyage to the Pacific and American shores Weynton, Susannah


Manuscript (handwritten) journal of Susannah (Hack) Weynton during her voyage on board the Hudson's Bay Company supply ship Cowlitz (captained by her husband Alexander John Weynton), travelling from London to the Pacific Northwest via Cape Horn and Hawaii, and back to London again. The account dates from August 4, 1849 to March 22, 1851. It contains observations on weather encountered, places visited, and people met, including members of British Columbia's First Nations communities and Governor James Douglas and his family, and contains headings (written vertically) in the margins to guide the reader to specific sections of the account. The account ends before the ship reaches port in England (April 26, 1851) as the writer gives birth on board the ship. The account is followed by the partial journal of Susannah's sister Clarissa Hack, during a voyage on board the ship Mary Ann, travelling from London to Sydney, Australia, in the company of Susannah, Captain Weynton and their child. Clarissa's journal pages date from March 8, 1852 to June 21, 1852, whereas the ship arrived in Sydney on July 9, 1852. Also included in the volume is a handwritten prayer, unsigned but presumably transcribed by one of the two sisters.

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