Green Party on Health Care
Party Platform
Thousands die each year when excluding from adequate care
- The Green Party supports single-payer universal health care and preventive care for all. We believe that health care is a right, not a privilege.
- Our current health care system lets tens of thousands of people die each year by
excluding them from adequate care, while its exorbitant costs are crippling our economy. The United States is the only industrialized nation in the world without a national health care system.
Under a universal, comprehensive, national single-payer health care system, the administrative waste of private insurance corporations would be redirected to patient care. In addition, people would gain the peace of mind in knowing that they have
health care they need. No longer would people have to worry about the prospect of financial ruin if they become seriously ill, are laid off their jobs, or are injured in an accident.
Source: Green Party Platform adopted by National Committee Jul. 2014
, Jul 31, 2014
ObamaCare focuses on just selling more insurance
Obama's comments about ObamaCare lacked substance and were primarily focused on selling his law, and more insurance, to the public. He avoided discussing the root causes of our ongoing healthcare crisis.The bottom line of Obama's comments on the
health law was that more people have health insurance and insurance companies can't deny people based on pre-existing conditions. He urged everyone to make their friends and family buy insurance.
What he didn't say is that people with health insurance
in the US still can't afford the care they need and face bankruptcy if they have a serious health problem. And although insurance companies cannot deny policies to people with pre-existing conditions, they have a number of ways to avoid paying for
people's care.
The `health law perpetuates a health system that treats health care as a commodity so that people only receive the amount of health care they can afford rather than treating it as a public good, as does every other industrialized nation.
Source: Green Party response to 2014 State of the Union
, Jan 30, 2014
Mental healthcare for prisoners and homeless
A mental health care system [should] safeguard human dignity, respects individual autonomy, and protects informed consent:- Release incarcerated prisoners with diagnosed mental disorders to secure mental health treatment centers.
Ensure psychological and medical care and rehabilitation services for mentally ill prisoners.
- Prevent homelessness before it occurs by addressing its structural causes, through raising the income floor under the working poor, creating living-wage
jobs, providing job training and education that will enable low-wage workers to obtain living-wage jobs, preserving and expanding affordable housing, providing affordable health care, ensuring sufficient mental health care and substance abuse services,
availability of healthy food and providing effective, holistic assistance that connects vulnerable individuals with sources of income and essential services.
Source: Green Party Platform adopted, July 12-15 2012 in Baltimore
, Jul 15, 2012
Universal Single-Payer Health Care for everyone in the US
The Green Party’s principle aim is the introduction of Universal Single-Payer Health Care for everyone living in the United States.
While in pursuit of that public obligation, we support expanded preventive health care by public health care clinics and support for both traditional medical/surgical care and alternative medicine.
Source: 2008 Green Party Platform from 2008 Chicago Convention
, Jul 13, 2008
Fund “Manhattan Project” for a cure for AIDS
The Green Party calls for:- Increased funding for AIDS education and patient care.
- Improved technology, facilities, laboratories, researchers, staff and personnel to cure AIDS/HIV. A “Manhattan Project” for a cure is required.
Protecting the confidentiality of all people diagnosed with AIDS/HIV or tested for HIV.
- More careful and timely approval of effective AIDS drugs by the FDA.
- No mandatory screening for AIDS/HIV; anonymous screening must be available.
Lifting the ban prohibiting HIV positive people from entering the U.S. as visitors or as immigrants.
- Prevention awareness and access to condoms to prevent the spread of AIDS. We condemn HIV-related discrimination.
Providing housing for homeless and poor people with AIDS/HIV.
- Providing treatment for homeless people with AIDS/HIV.
- Support for needle exchange programs and for programs to help drug addicts.
Source: Green Party Platform adopted at 2004 National Convention
, Jun 30, 2004
Health care is a human right
Fundamental reform of our nation’s health care system is necessary to provide affordable, quality and accessible health care for all Americans. Currently, we are the only industrialized country without a national health care system. Unfortunately,
we have a private insurance system that insures only the healthiest people, systematically denying coverage to individuals with “pre-existing” conditions and routinely terminating coverage to those who become ill.The Green Party considers health care
a human right, and therefore supports a single-payer national insurance program for the United States. This program would be publicly financed at the national level, administered locally, and privately delivered, i.e.,
private physicians, hospitals, and other health care providers would remain private and competitive, and consumers given full choice of provider.
Source: Green Party Platform, at 2000 National Convention
, Jun 25, 2000
Nationalize health care & ensure universal coverage
[The national health care system should] cover all standard medical procedures, treatment, diagnosis, etc. as well as drug treatment, dental care, medication, chronic and terminal illness, and abortion. The program must include equal coverage for
treatment of mental illness. All Americans must be covered under this plan, regardless of employment, income, housing, age, or prior medical condition.The Green Party believes, based on comparison with other nations that have enacted similar
programs, that such a program would be more economical and would save money in many areas. In order to enact this program, we must dismantle the current managed care system.
The current system’s high costs and widely recognized failures
demand that bold, not incremental steps, be taken. The Green Party states with a clear voice its strong support for UNIVERSAL HEALTH CARE. We endorse NATIONAL HEALTH INSURANCE and UNIVERSAL ACCESS without concern for work status or health history.
Source: Green Party Platform, at 2000 National Convention
, Jun 25, 2000
- Click here for definitions & background information for the Health Care.
- Click here for VoteMatch responses for the Green Party.
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Page last updated: Feb 24, 2022