
42 Pins
Plantar Fasciitis - KT Tape
Plantar Fasciitis - KT Tape
Causes of outer knee pain may include IT Band Syndrome, overuse, overtraining, poor training form, or training on hills or stairs. KT Tape relieves knee pain and promotes the healing process
Calf & Achilles
Kinesiology tape can treat injuries to the calf and achilles tendon
Back of Knee Pain - KT Tape
Calf & Achilles
The Achilles tendon is the largest tendon in the body. It connects the calf muscles to the heel and is active during almost all activities including walking, jumping, and swimming. This dense tendon can withstand large forces, but can become inflamed and painful during periods of overuse. Pain results from inflammation (tendonitis) from overuse or trauma or a degenerating tendon (tendinosis). KT Tape helps treat this condition by increasing circulation and support
Golfer’s elbow is a common overuse injury of the inside portion of the elbow. Causes of golfer’s elbow may include overuse or gripping objects too tightly for long periods of time. KT Tape can relieve pain by reducing pressure, relaxing muscles, and increasing circulation.