1.0.0 • Published 3 years ago
super-duper-eureka v1.0.0
super-duper-eureka 🥳🥳
Again w/ Github's Suggestion. This Repo Has A Module That Sanitizes All English Into The Standard Title Case. Just Like This!
why though?
this module sanitizes strings in any order and converts it to the standard title case(meaning the first letter of each word is made capital)
You Understood Right? 👀
setup and installation
using npm:
npm i super-duper-eureka
require in the project:
// commonjs module
const titleCase = require("super-duper-eureka");
import titleCase from "super-duper-eureka";
console.log(titleCase("you know javaScript!"));
//You Know Javascript!
console.log(titleCase("wHat ThE fOrK?"));
//What The Fork?
let sanitizeString = titleCase("aRe yOu fOr ReAL?");
//Are You For Real?
return type
3 years ago