quaesitor v1.1.0
QUAESITOR locates Latin scientific names in Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Latin, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, and Swedish text (approximately 96% of biodiversity titles). It uses a combination of pattern matching (regular expressions), a Bloom filter, and a trio of complementary ensembled neural networks. A live version of the web interface is hosted at the New York Botanical Garden.
npm install quaesitor --save
use (node)
import { Quaesitor } from 'quaesitor';
const q = new Quaesitor();
await q.loadClassifiers();
const html = false;
console.log(await q.extractSpecies('Text with one or more Latin Scientific names, such as Cupressus sempervirens L., embedded within it.', html));
use (web)
Use the quaesitor.service in your own Angular project, see an implementation example in quaesitor.component.
If you use this software, please cite: Little, D.P. 2020. Recognition of Latin scientific names using artificial neural networks. Applications in Plant Sciences 8(7): e11378.