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2.1.1 • Published 5 months ago

oro-sentry v2.1.1

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5 months ago

Oro Sentry


OSentry class is a wrapper for @sentry/node that allows you to use Sentry and send custom events.


npm install oro-sentry


// cjs
const { OSentry } = require( 'oro-sentry' );

// mjs, ts
import OSentry from 'oro-sentry';

const osentry = new OSentry( {
  projectname: 'testing',
  projectserver: 'ubuntu32',
  environment: 'DEVELOPMENT',
  sentryDsn: 'https://...'
  //or dsn: 'https://...'


const response = osentry.sendResponse( { status: false, error: { msg: 'example', trackError: 777 } } );
// or
const response = osentry.sendResponse( Ofn.setResponseKO( 'example', { trackError: 777 } ) );

console.log( response );
//  {
//    status: true,
//    event: {
//      event_id: 'e11c1d4012a146c2b1384945a21d462c',
//      message: 'example',
//      captureContext: {
//        level: 'error',
//        tags: { projectname: 'testing', projectserver: 'ubuntu32' },
//        extra: { trackError: 777 }
//      }
//    }
//  }


const response = osentry.sendResponse( { status: true, msg: 'example 2', level: 'debug' } );
// or
const response = osentry.sendResponse( Ofn.setResponseOK( 'example 2', { level: OSentry.LEVEL.DEBUG } ) );

console.log( response );
//  {
//    status: true,
//    event: {
//      event_id: 'e11c1d4012a146c2b1384945a21d462c',
//      message: 'example 2',
//      captureContext: {
//        level: 'debug',
//        tags: { projectname: 'testing', projectserver: 'ubuntu32' }
//      }
//    }
//  }


new OSentry()

new OSentry( config?: OSentryConfig );

interface OSentryConfig {
  dsn?: string;
  sentryDsn?: string;     // same as 'dsn'
  environment?: string;   // def: 'UNDEFINED'
  projectname?: string;   // optional tag
  projectserver?: string; // optional tag
  defaultTags?: string[]; // def: DEFAULT_TAGS
  autoInit?: boolean;     // def: true
  options?: OSentryConfigOptions;  // from '@sentry/node/types'

interface OSentryConfigOptions extends NodeOptions {
  // { NodeOptions } from '@sentry/node/types'
  normalizeDepth: number;

const DEFAULT_TAGS = [ 'projectname', 'projectserver', 'lang', 'database', 'action', 'task' ];

When create new OSentry it can be passed all config and it inits automatically.

By default, options is prepared to show in extra objects a normalizeDepth to 10.

On the other hand, defaulTags is a keys array, so when OSentry.sendResponse( responseObject ), these keys are moved from 'extra' to 'tags'.

Note: environment tag can be only declared here.

static .getClient()

OSentry.getClient(): SentryClient

If yu want to use the lib Sentry, you can get it easily.

Note: You can get it from the class (static) or the object (method).

const sentry = OSentry.getClient();


const osentry = new OSentry( config );
const sentry = osentry.getClient();


init( options?: OSentryConfigOptions ): OSentryInitResponse;

interface OSentryConfigOptions extends NodeOptions {
  // { NodeOptions } from '@sentry/node/types'
  normalizeDepth: number;

type OSentryInitResponse =
  | SResponseOKBasic
  | SResponseKOObject<OSentryInitError>

interface SResponseOKBasic {
  status: true;

interface SResponseKOObject {
  status: false;
  error: {
    msg: string;
    sentry?: Error;

interface OSentryInitError {
  msg: string;
  sentry?: Error;

You can avoid to init OSentry by default to init later (with custom options).

const osentry = new OSentry({ ...config, autoInit: false });

const responseInit = osentry.init(options);
// -> { status: true }


osentry.getOptions(): OSentryConfigOptions;

interface OSentryConfigOptions extends NodeOptions {
  // { NodeOptions } from '@sentry/node/types'
  normalizeDepth: number;

Once OSentry is initiated, you can check options object.

const osentry = new OSentry(config);

const options = osentry.getOptions();
// -> {
//   dsn: 'https://...',
//   tracesSampleRate: 0.5,
//   environment: 'DEVELOPMENT',
//   integrations: [ ExtraErrorData { name: 'ExtraErrorData', ... } ],
//   normalizeDepth: 11,
//   defaultIntegrations: [ ... ],
//   autoSessionTracking: false,
//   instrumenter: 'sentry'
// }


sendResponse<T extends Record<string, any>>(
  response?: OSentryResponse<T>,
  inConsole?: boolean
): OSentrySendResponse;

type OSentryResponse<T extends Record<string, any>> =
  | SResponseOKObject<OSentryResponseDefaultParams & T>
  | SResponseKOObject<OSentryResponseDefaultParams & T>;

interface OSentryResponseDefaultParams {
  msg?: string;
  message?: string;
  level?: SeverityLevel;
  user?: Partial<ScopeContext['user']>;
  tags?: ScopeContext['tags'];
  projectserver?: string;
  projectname?: string;

type OSentrySendResponse =
  | SResponseOKObject<OSentrySendObject>
  | SResponseKOSimple

interface SResponseOKObject {
  status: true;
  event: {
    id: string;
    message: string;
    captureContext: Partial<ScopeContext>;

interface SResponseKOSimple {
  status: false;
  error: {
    msg: string;

interface OSentrySendObject {
  event: {
    id: string;
    message: string;
    captureContext: Partial<ScopeContext>;

The response object is oriented to be generated by Ofn.setResponseKO or Ofn.setResponseKO, but it's not necessary.

On the other hand, there are main keys that it's recommended to use wisely.

const response = {
  // if there is no 'level' key, LEVEL is setted by default to 'info' when is true, and 'error' when is false
  status: true | false,
  // if 'error' is an object, it flattens out
  error: { ... },
  // to declare it, better use static OSentry.LEVEL.{ LOG | DEBUG | INFO | WARNING | ERROR | FATAL }
  level: 'debug' | 'info' | 'warning' | 'error' | 'fatal',
  // it's the title message of sentry, to avoid be removed from 'extra' use the key 'message'
  msg: '',
  // the whole 'user' key is shown in 'extra', and for 'Sentry user' is only required the sub-keys { id, username, email } )
  user: { id: '', username: '', email: '', ... },
  // tags are ket-value extracted from 'extra' to use as 'Sentry Tags'
  tags: { key: 'value', ... },

  // Pay attention of defaultTags, because that keys are going to be extracted from 'extra' to 'tags'.
  // By default, 'defaultTags' are:
  lang: '',
  database: '',
  action: '',
  task: '',
  projectname   : '', // if not declared, take it from 'OSentry config'
  projectserver : '', // if not declared, take it from 'OSentry config'

  // more not-main keys are saved as 'extra'
  myCustomKey: 'myCustomValue',
  myCustomKeyObj: { ... }, // default depth: 10

This method allows you to send a managed error to Sentry

try {
  // Something that breaks
} catch (err) {
  const msg = err.toString().split('\r\n')[0].replace('\n', ' ');
  osentry.sendResponse(Ofn.setResponseKO(`Custom Error: ${msg}`, { tracking: dataForTracking }));

Finally, if you want to do both: send an error to Sentry and console.log it, set as true the second param.

osentry.sendResponse(response, true);


  message: string,
  captureContext?: Partial<ScopeContext>
): OSentrySendResponse;

// { ScopeContext } from '@sentry/types';

type OSentrySendResponse =
  | SResponseOKObject<OSentrySendObject>
  | SResponseKOSimple;

interface SResponseOKObject {
  status: true;
  event: {
    id: string;
    message: string;
    captureContext: Partial<ScopeContext>;

interface SResponseKOSimple {
  status: false;
  error: {
    msg: string;

interface OSentrySendObject {
  event: {
    id: string;
    message: string;
    captureContext: Partial<ScopeContext>;

The method sendResponse prepares everything to send the Sentry ScopeContext and use the method captureMessage correctly.

So this method is public to be allowed to be used if another custom ScopeContext is required.

Other properties

When object osentry is created, there are other public properties to be accessed.

osentry.defaultTags: string[];
osentry.projectname?: string;
osentry.projectserver?: string;

readonly osentry.status: boolean;  // to ensure osentry is initiated
readonly osentry.environment: string;

On the other hand, there is a static property called LEVEL to set level correctly.

OSentry.LEVEL: OSentryLevels;

interface OSentryLevels {
  LOG: 'log';
  INFO: 'info';
  DEBUG: 'debug';
  WARNING: 'warning';
  ERROR: 'error';
  FATAL: 'fatal';