laku v0.1.3
laku (lazy kubectl)
laku is a zero dependency node.js based interactive wrapper of (very few) kubectl commands. Its main goal is to shorten the verbosity of frequently used kubectl commands and to avoid mundane copy pasting.
Installing the package globally gives you access to laku command line keyword.npm install laku -g
select context
Without laku:
1. kubectl config get-contexts
1. kubectl config use-context <CONTEXT_NAME>
With laku:laku c
It will prompt an interactive selection from available contexts.
show currently selected context
laku cs
show all contexts
laku csa
is just a less verbose alias to kubectl config get-contexts
port forward
get pods
laku gp
is an interactive wrapper of kubectl get pods --namespace <NAMESPACE_NAME> --contexts <CONTEXT_NAME>
laku was made as a hobby project. It works on win10 with node.js 14.17.1 and kubectl 1.20.0. It should most likely work on other operating systems and with newer node.js versions. It depends on parsing of kubectl command outputs, when format of those outputs changes then it will not work anymore.