0.0.1 • Published 7 years ago
jsdocr-webpack-plugin v0.0.1
One small plugin for webpack
to build jsdoc
, and provide a server which is based on express
to serve generated jsdoc files. All of paths based on the place where you start the webpack.
npm install jsdoc -g
npm install jsdocr-webpack-plugin -D
// In your webpack config files, add these options to `plugins`, all of below are default options.
plugins: [
// ...
new JsdocrWebpackPlugin({
hook: 'done', // The hook of webpack when build jsdoc.
serve: true, // Shall we start a server?
address: '', // The host will be binded to serve files.
port: 4545, // Port to serve generated jsdoc files.
conf: helpers.root('jsdoc.conf.json'), // Jsdoc config json file's path.
destDir: helpers.root('jsdocs'), // Generated jsdoc files' directory.
readme: helpers.root('readme.md'), // Readme for jsdoc, which can be setted in the `jsdoc.conf.json`.
favicon: helpers.root('favicon.png'), // Favicon's path.
jsdocDebug: false, // Display jsdoc detail info in your terminal?
serverDebug: false // Display server detail info in your terminal?
// ...
Change Logs
First version.
7 years ago