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5.1.0 • Published 4 months ago

immediate-error v5.1.0

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Last release
4 months ago


This is a utility to throw an error.

const { immediateError, ErrorType } = require('immediate-error')

immediateError() // this will throw a regular Error with the default message of "ERROR!"

immediateError('Aaaaah') // this will throw a regular Error with the message "Aaaaah"

immediateError('Aaaaah', ErrorType.BaseError) // does the same thing as above

immediateError('Assertion error', ErrorType.AssertionError) // throws an AssertionError (from the assert-fn module)

immediateError('Assertion error', ErrorType.NativeAssertionError) // throws an AssertionError (from the node:assert module)

immediateError('Range error', ErrorType.RangeError) // throws a RangeError

immediateError('Reference error', ErrorType.ReferenceError) // throws a ReferenceError

immediateError('Syntax error', ErrorType.SyntaxError) // throws a SyntaxError

immediateError('type error', ErrorType.TypeError) // throws a TypeError

class MyCustomError extends Error {
  constructor (message) {
    super("Custom: " + message)

immediateError('Error!', MyCustomError) // throws a MyCustomError with the message "Error!" which in turn prints out "Custom: Error!" because we used our own error class


This module is great because it uses the best practices in JavaScript such as using dependencies like throw-error and yanoop to throw errors and using es-errors instead of using the error classes natively.

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