1.0.2 • Published 7 years ago
gulp-jsxfier v1.0.2
Gulp Plugin to convert your html files to jsx node file or in React.createElement Format.See Below.
e.g: Input File index.html:
<div> Hello World !</div>
Will output index.jsx:
module.exports = function(props){
return (
<div> Hello World !</div>
Usage Example:
const gulp = require('gulp');
const jsxfier = require('gulp-jsxfier');
gulp.task('default', function() {
return gulp.src('index.html')
extension:"js", //Output file extension. Optional. Defaults to 'jsx'
replaceClass: true // Optional.convert class(not understood by react) attribute to className which is supported by React. defaults to false.
createElementOutput:true//Optional. Defaults to false. See below for output when this flag is true.
In case of createElementOutput Flag there are some important chnages to keep in Mind. InputHTML must contain a single line comment in Which you can provide variable name followed by e.g: "/!--@HelloWorld--/" . No numbers. So:
Input Html becomes:
<div class="dummy">{props.name}</div>
Output will be:
'use strict';
const HelloWorld = function(props){
return React.createElement(
{ className: "dummy" },