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1.3.2 • Published 3 months ago

fomo-sdk-solana v1.3.2

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Fomo Token Trading Class


A Solana blockchain utility for token trading, creation, and interaction with a custom bonding curve mechanism.

Table of Contents


Install the required dependencies:

npm install @solana/web3.js @coral-xyz/anchor



const connection = new Connection(clusterApiUrl("devnet"), "confirmed");
const cluster = "devnet"; // or 'mainnet-beta'
const authority = Keypair.generate(); // Optional

const fomo = new Fomo(connection, cluster, authority);

Buying Tokens

const versionedTx = await fomo.buyToken(
  wallet.publicKey, // Buyer's wallet
  tokenMint, // Token mint address
  amount, // Amount to spend
  slippage, // Slippage tolerance
  priorityFee, // Network priority fee
  "sol" // Purchase currency

const { blockhash } = await this.connection.getLatestBlockhash()
versionedTx.message.recentBlockhash = blockhash

const serializedTransaction = versionedTx.serialize()
const serializedTransactionBase64 = Buffer.from(serializedTransaction).toString('base64')

const deserializedTx = VersionedTransaction.deserialize(Buffer.from(serializedTransactionBase64, 'base64'))

const signedTx = await walletInstance.signTransaction(deserializedTx)
const txHash = await fomo.sendTransaction(connection, signedTx)

Selling Tokens

const versionedTx = await fomo.sellToken(
  wallet.publicKey, // Seller's wallet
  tokenMint, // Token mint address
  amount, // Amount to sell
  slippage, // Slippage tolerance
  priorityFee, // Network priority fee
  "token" // Sell currency type

const { blockhash } = await this.connection.getLatestBlockhash()
versionedTx.message.recentBlockhash = blockhash

const serializedTransaction = versionedTx.serialize()
const serializedTransactionBase64 = Buffer.from(serializedTransaction).toString('base64')

const deserializedTx = VersionedTransaction.deserialize(Buffer.from(serializedTransactionBase64, 'base64'))

const signedTx = await walletInstance.signTransaction(deserializedTx)
const txHash = await fomo.sendTransaction(connection, signedTx)

Creating a Token

const priorityFee = 0.001
const requiredLiquidity = 27
const initialBuy = 0
const keypairBytes = Uint8Array.from([...])
const mintKeypairSecret = Keypair.fromSecretKey(keypairBytes)

const { transaction: versionedTx } = await fomo.createToken(
  wallet.publicKey, // Creator's wallet
  "TokenName", // Token name
  "Symbol", // Token symbol
  "https://metadata.uri", // Metadata URI
  priorityFee, // Network priority fee
  bs58.encode(mintKeypairSecret.secretKey), // Mint keypair secret
  requiredLiquidity, // Optional liquidity requirement | Default: 85
  initialBuy, // Optional | Default: 0

const { blockhash } = await this.connection.getLatestBlockhash()
versionedTx.message.recentBlockhash = blockhash

const serializedTransaction = versionedTx.serialize()
const serializedTransactionBase64 = Buffer.from(serializedTransaction).toString('base64')

const deserializedTx = VersionedTransaction.deserialize(Buffer.from(serializedTransactionBase64, 'base64'))

const signedTx = await walletInstance.signTransaction(deserializedTx)
const txHash = await fomo.sendTransaction(connection, signedTx)

Trade on Raydium

const priorityFee = 0.001
const slippage = 0.5
const amountToTrade = 1_000_000

const versionedTx = await
  wallet.publicKey, // Creator's wallet
  priorityFee, // Network priority fee
  amountToTrade, //Amount of X token to trade
  new PublicKey("from"), //From token address
  new PublicKey("to"), //To token address
  slippage, //slippage tolerance

const serializedTransaction = versionedTx.serialize()
const serializedTransactionBase64 = Buffer.from(serializedTransaction).toString('base64')

const deserializedTx = VersionedTransaction.deserialize(Buffer.from(serializedTransactionBase64, 'base64'))

const signedTx = await walletInstance.signTransaction(deserializedTx)
const txHash = await fomo.sendTransaction(connection, signedTx)

Calculate Price

const { virtualSolReserve, virtualTokenReserve, realSolReserve, realTokenReserve } = await fomo.getBondingCurve(new PublicKey("Token Address"))

const price = fomo.calculatePrice(virtualSolReserve, virtualTokenReserve, realSolReserve, realTokenReserve)


buyToken()Purchase tokenswallet, tokenMint, amount, slippage, priorityFee, purchaseCurrency
sellToken()Sell tokenswallet, tokenMint, amount, slippage, priorityFee, sellCurrency
createToken()Launch new tokenwallet, name, symbol, uri, priorityFee, mintKeypair, requiredLiquidity, initialBuy
getGlobalData()Retrieve global contract data-
getBondingCurve()Get bonding curve detailstokenMint
calculatePrice()Getting a pricevirtualSolReserve, virtualTokenReserve, realSolReserve, realTokenReserve
trade()Trade token on Raydiumwallet, priorityFee, amountToTrade, fromTokenMint, toTokenMint, slippage


  • Supports devnet and mainnet clusters
  • Configurable priority fees
  • Slippage control
  • Multiple purchase/sell currencies


  • @solana/web3.js
  • @coral-xyz/anchor
  • Solana Token Metadata Program

Error Handling

try {
  const transaction = await fomo.buyToken(...);
  // Send and confirm transaction
} catch (error) {
  console.error('Transaction failed:', error);


  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Distributed under the Your License. See LICENSE for more information.


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