amx-setup v0.0.5
A simple command line tool and Node.js module to setup AMX Netlinx touch panels and processors.
A connection is made to the device over telnet and commands are sent to configure the device.
$ npm install amx-setup
- Set network configuration
- Set device number
- Set master connection (for touch panels)
- Reboots the device after update
Example Usage CLI
connect to a device and change it's ip address
$ amx-setup --host --ip
Example Usage Node.js
connect to a device and change it's ip address
const setupAMX = require('amx-setup')
const device = new setupAMX({
host: '',
ip: ''
host: '',
name: '',
type: 's',
ip: '',
sub: '',
gate: '',
username: 'administrator',
password: 'password',
device: '',
pin: '1988',
master: '',
mode: 'u',
system: '0',
masterPass: '',
masterUser: '',
masterPort: ''
CLI API Reference
arguements available with CLI usage:
The device to connect to
IP address to set
new host name for the device
's' for static or 'd' for dhcp
subnet mask
telent username
telent password
device ID for touch panels
pin password for touch panels
master connection ip address for touch panels
master connection mode. 'u' for url
system number for master connection from touch panel
password for master from touch panel
username for master from touch panel
port to connect to from touch panel to master
Known Issues
- After updating a touch panel the connection can timeout due to it automatically rebooting on network configuration change.
- Add support for more AMX devices
- Filter console logs to be readable
Devices Tested
Currently only NX processors and G4 touch panels have been tested so there might be a difference with other touch panels or older processors.