0.0.4 • Published 3 years ago
@phaqui/autosaver v0.0.4
Watch your text inputs and textareas, and trigger a function on inactivity, or after a period of longer, continous activity.
npm i -D @phaqui/autosaver
Note: pnpm, yarn etc is untested, but I would assume it would work too.
Documentation and demo
See the (github pages site)https://phaqui.github.io/svelte-autosaver for documentation and demonstration of use.
Basic use
Instantiate the autosaver, specifying the function to call as the 'save_fn'.
import autosaver from "@phaqui/autosaver";
let text = "";
const { autosave, dirty, last_saved } = autosaver({ save_fn: save });
async function save() {
// autosaver triggered a save due to inactivty or periodically
console.log("save now");
// save to local/sessionstorage, use indexeddb, call some api, or whatever
<p>Dirty? {$dirty}</p>
<p>Last saved: {$last_saved}</p>
<input type="text" bind:value={text} use:autosave>