0.0.3 • Published 2 years ago
@hizzlewp/setting v0.0.3
State management package.
npm install @hizzlewp/store
import { initStore, useRecords } from '@hizzlewp/store';
// Init a store for a specific namespace and collection.
// Do this once in your app.
initStore( 'noptin', 'subscribers' );
// In your component, use the useRecords hook to get the records.
export ListRecords = ( {per_page} ) => {
const { data, total, summary, isResolving, hasResolutionFailed, getResolutionError } = useRecords( 'noptin', 'subscribers', { per_page } );
// Check if the records are still loading.
if ( isResolving() ) {
return <div>Loading...</div>;
// Check if the records failed to load.
if ( hasResolutionFailed() ) {
return <div>Error: { getResolutionError() }</div>;
// Render the records.
return (
{ data.map( ( record ) => <li key={ record.id }>{ record.email }</li> ) }
<p>Total: { total }</p>
<p>Summary: { summary }</p>
2 years ago