@capiter-tech/portal-schematics v1.0.1
This package contains a collection of angular schematics developed for the internal Capiter portal.
@capiter-tech/portal-schematics extends the official @schematics/angular by default. so that you can call the schematics available in this collection the same way you call the official angular schematics, check the usage section for more info.
Install portal-schematics
npm i --save-dev @capiter-tech/portal-schematics
Aliases (Optional)
set @capiter-tech/portal-schematics as the default collection. Update your project's
:"cli": { "defaultCollection": "@capiter-tech/portal-schematics" }
provide default options, in the same way they are supplied for @angular/schematics:
"schematics": { "@schematics/angular:component": { "style": "scss" }, "@portal-schematics:component": { "style": "scss" } },
if you followed step 2 in installation section then you can start using the schematics available in this collection the same way you use the offical Angular schematics
ng g <schematic-name> <inputs>
ng g listing-with-filter vendor-returns
if you didn't follow step 2 then you need to call the schematic this way
ng g @capiter-tech/portal-schematics:<schematic-name> <inputs>
ng g @capiter-tech/portal-schematics:listing-with-filter vendor-returns
Listing with filter
this schematic creates a listing component and a child filter component inside the module this schematic is executed in or by passing the path of the module you would like to create those components in.
key | description |
name | name of the feature or the listing view you are building |
CD into the module then call ng g with the schematic name
cd src/app/components/picking ng g listing-with-filter products
or call it using the alias
cd src/app/components/picking ng g lf products