0.1.3 • Published 8 years ago
xm-cli v0.1.3
xm rebuild CLI for dva .
Getting Started
Install, create and start.
# Install
$ npm install -g git://git.coding.net/canisminor1990/xm-cli.git
# Create app
$ xm new myapp
# Start app
$ cd myapp
$ yarn start
xm-cli have 3 commands: new
, init
and generate
(alias g
xm new options
Create app with new directory.
Usage Examples
$ xm new myapp
$ xm new myapp --demo
$ xm new myapp --no-install
-- Disable yarn install after files created
xm init options
Create app in current directory. It's options is the same as xm new
xm generate (short-cut alias: "g")
Generate route, model and component.
Usage Examples
$ xm g route Example # alias: xm g r
$ xm g model Example # alias: xm g m
$ xm g component Example # alias: xm g c
$ xm g layout Example # alias: xm g l
Generated File Tree
├── src # Source directory
├── assets # Store images, icons, ...
├── components # UI components
├── Example # Components Name
├── index.js #
└── index.css #
└── index.js # Components pack
├── layouts # Layout components
├── Example # Layout Name
├── index.js #
└── index.css #
└── index.js # Layout Pack
├── router # Router components
├── router # Router Name
├── index.js #
└── index.css #
├── router.js # Router configuration
├── index.js # Enry file
├── index.css #
├── index.html #
├── models # Dva models
├── services # Used for communicate with server
└── utils # Utils
└── request.js # A util wrapped dva/fetch
├── .editorconfig #
├── .eslintrc # Eslint config
├── .stylelintrc # Stylelint config
├── .gitignore #
├── .roadhogrc.js # Roadhog config
└── package.json #
xm-cli use roadhog for build and server, view roadhog#Configuration (中文版) for details.
xm-cli 对比 dva-cli 增加了几个概念:
dva-cli 中实现了添加一个路由 routerComponents
可以自动注册到 router.js
由此延伸在 xm-cli 中:
$ xm g c Test # 生成一个Test组件
- 这个组件会自动注册到
中 - 然后调用只需要
import { Test,Button,Header,... } from '../components'
$ xm g l Test # 生成一个Test布局
# 这个布局也会自动注册到 `layouts/index.js` 中
- Layout 为 Component 和 RouterComponent 的中间层
- Layout 由多个页面常用 Component 组成, 相当于一个页面布局模板,
虽然此概念可以被 Component , RouterComponent 任一实现, 但单独抽离出来感觉逻辑比较清晰(待验证)
$ gulp # 可实现: 实时自动Lint, 修正和键值排序
- 生成页面时候会自动生成该页面唯一的父级Class
- 如组件 Test 中会生成
- 在父级Class中的改动不会影响全局样式
- 放弃修改源码的方案,因为发现阿里组件库更新速度非常快
- 而且阿里的组件库基于less和xmui现有组件库不合
- 因此选择保留源码, 二次封装