0.0.1 • Published 5 years ago
vin-search v0.0.1
VIN Search
React SubApp for VIN Search & Results.
Built from SubApp React Boilerplate.
- :wrench: Build Tools
- :cop: ESLint
- :bug: Testing
- :link: API Mocking
- :globe_with_meridians: Translations Managment (Sitecore compliant)
Core Dependencies:
- Provides Webpack & Jest configurations.
- Provides Translation Management utility.
1. Install Dependencies
npm install
2. Start the app
npm run start
The app will run on http://localhost:9000.
Publishing to NPM
Rename Jenkinsfile.example
to Jenkinsfile
- The initial version of the package before adding
should be0.0.0
. - Don't forget to add an
file, to limit what is included in the published package.
More documentation available in this package's WIKI
5 years ago