4sg v1.2.2
Super Simple Static Site Generator
It's probably not super simple, but who has time to come up with a good name… right.
What & Why?
I kept writing the same Gulpfile over and over with only slight variation depending on the project. Copying it, modifying it and then installing every dependency manually each time became tiring so I thought: I'll just make a package with everything I would want, combined with a little CLI to easily run it. And that's what this is. It's basically just a bunch of predefined Gulp tasks with configuration options for stuff like minifying and sourcemaps, while also allowing it to be extensible so I don't have to explicitly add in anything new each time.
- Predictable but specifically limited CLI that primarily serves as a "quick start".
- Can be configured through any of the default Cosmiconfig locations, example config.
- JS API offers extensibility and customizability, individual build functions return Streams like Gulp does so you can chain it with anything extra you'd like.
- Compile HTML, CSS, JS, SASS/SCSS and TypeScript by just specifying input and output paths.
- Can clean up HTML using htmlclean and output SASS/SCSS sourcemaps using sourcemaps.
- Can launch a local development server using BrowserSync and automatically watch and reload your source files.
- … Anything missing you'd like to see?
Examples can be found in the examples directory.
Licensed under AGPL-3.0-or-later