Campus Partners

Thank you! 

The NSO team would like to say thank you for your unwavering commitment to making New Student Orientation a success! Amidst the busy summers and winters, our students forge meaningful connections, revel in enjoyable experiences, get acquainted with the many resources UNM has to offer, and provide many great compliments about their time at NSO. New Student Orientation is a large, university-wide initiative and it wouldn’t be possible without the countless contributions of hundreds of dedicated individuals who help prepare for, assist during the sessions, and support students as they transition to the University of New Mexico. NSO is truly a community event and it is only made possible by your invaluable partnership! Thank you!



Have questions? Our Virtual Office has all your answers!
Campus Partner Quick Guides 



Orientation Dates

Know when our students will be joining us on campus!


Current NSO Dates
Future (proposed) Dates

Start planning for future orientations. These dates are subject to change!


Future NSO Dates
First-Year Schedule

Review what information our incoming First-Year students receive during NSO!


First-Year Schedule
Transfer Schedule

Review what information our incoming Transfer students receive during NSO!


Transfer Schedule
Reservation Data Portal

Run a report to get up to the minute details about this incoming class! 


NSO Reservation Portal
Change Form

Let other campus partners know when a student changes their major or shares they are no longer attending UNM!


NSO Change Form
Discover Fair Sign-up

Reserve a table for your department during NSO's tabling event!


Sign-up for Discover Fair
Promotional Material for SWAG BAg

We can add your Program or Department  Information to our participants (First-Year, Transfer, Families/Supporters) swag bags!


Provide us Material
Feedback and/or Immediate Response

If there is something that needs our attention ASAP - please let us know!


Provide us Feedback
Meet the NSO Leaders

Get to know UNM's Leaders of the Pack!


Orientation Leaders


NSO Communication Plan

Communication Plan