Upcycled Dishes RepurposedRepurposed Store DisplaysRepurpose Old DishesRepurpose Old China DishesChina Repurposed IdeasRepurpose Vintage GlasswarePainting Thrift Store FindsCrafts With China DishesGlass Dish Decor IdeasThrift Store Dishes Repurpose IdeasThrift store dishes repurpose ideas are so numerous it's easy to find one you can do yourself.469
Vintage Recycled DecorMetal Repurposed IdeasDiy Salvaged Junk ProjectsDiy Yard Art From Junk RepurposingUpcycled Junk RepurposedRepurposed Household ItemsAntique Washing Machine RepurposeFarm Repurpose IdeasTrash Into Treasure DiyTrash to Treasure: Repurposed Vintage Junk MakeoversEnjoy these thrifty trash to treasure repurposed and upcycled vintage junk makeovers. From curbside to pretty home decor; see what you can do with salvaged finds.1.8k
Refurbished Home DecorNew Uses For Old ThingsRe-scape Inspired RecyclingOld Negatives IdeasFound Items ArtRepurposed Junk Upcycling Diy IdeasDiy Repurposed Items UpcyclingDishwasher Space RepurposeCloset Repurpose Ideas11 Genius Repurpose Ideas For Old JunkRepurpose things you normally donate or trash.171
Thrift Store IdeasRepurposed Home DecorThrift Store MakeoverThrift Store DiyUpcycle DiyThrift Store DecorUpcycling FurnitureThrift Store ShoppingUpcycled ProjectsUpcycling Ideas From Thrift Store FindsWondering how to breathe new life into your thrift store finds? Dive into this treasure trove of the 100 BEST upcycling ideas from the past year! Discover the hottest trends in sustainable DIY as we unveil the ultimate guide to transforming your secondhand treasures into stylish pieces of home decor. ♻️ #Upcycling #ThriftStoreFinds #DIYInspiration313
Reuse Old ClothesRecycle Old ClothesDiy Recycled ProjectsDiy SyScrap Fabric CraftsScrap Fabric ProjectsUpcycle Clothes DiyInspire Me Home DecorUpcycling Ideas28 Ways to Reuse Old ClothesUpcycling clothes is a great way to dcorate on a budget. Check out these easy and cheap home decor ideas you can make by reusing and repurposing old clothes. Learn what to do with stained or torn clothes with these DIY home decor crafts.3.3k
Drawers Repurposed DiyUpcycle DrawersDrawers RepurposedOld Dresser DrawersDrawer IdeasDecor MakeoverOld DrawersDiy DrawersRustic Storage13 Awesome DIY Repurposed Drawer IdeasHow to reuse old thrift store drawers. Creative upcycled drawer ideas to add more storage and decorate on a budget. #diy #drawer #upcycle #repurposed3.2k
Crafts Using TribeadsDecorating With ButtonsCrafts With Thread SpoolsSpool Craft IdeasPlastic Spools RepurposedSewing Needle Storage IdeasThread Cone Storage IdeasPlastic Thread Spool CraftsCotton Reel Craft IdeasWhat to do with empty plastic thread spools — Sum of their Stories Craft BlogLots of ideas to use empty plastic thread spools or cotton reels, craft projects, recycling and repurposing ideas183
Old BookshelvesOld BookcaseBookcase DiyInspire Me Home DecorFurniture RehabDiy Furniture RenovationBookshelves DiyFurniture RefinishingFurniture RenovationInspired by West Elm: Deep Buttoned OttomanWhen I saw a gorgeous ottoman from West Elm, I knew that I had to have one! A great way to DIY is to turn something unused and unloved into an item that you che…260
Uses For Old Glass Light ShadesUpcycle Glass Light GlobesOld Light Fixtures Repurpose GardenUpcycle Old Light FixturesNew Uses For Old ThingsRepurposed Lamp Shades Upcycling IdeasLamp Shade Crafts Projects IdeasDiy Vintage Light FixturesGlass Lampshade RepurposeUpcycle Projects with Light FixturesThrift stores like Habitat ReStore are STOCKED with light fixtures. Thankfully, these ideas will show you just how versatile they can be!940
Repurposed Goodwill FindsEnamel Pans RepurposedRepainted Thrift Store FigurinesVintage Repurposed Items UpcyclingThrift Store RepurposingUpcycled Thrift Store FindsTrash To Treasure Ideas Thrift Store FindsGoodwill Upcycle DecorThrift RepurposeRepurposed Santa MugUsing affordable finds from Dollar General, this DIY project captures the charm of retro holiday decor. A simple and budget-friendly craft perfect for adding a nostalgic touch to seasonal decor!70